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Showing posts with label Chaim Weiss killed in 1986. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chaim Weiss killed in 1986. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Chaim Weiss murder update!

Image result for chaim weiss murder

I have been blogging about this for years, and in fact have his story on my sidebar for over 8 years....
I have gotten a lot of comments ...but no leads ....
but here is a fresh prospective on the case, and perhaps someone out there who knows something will come forward .....
According to our holy tradition, the soul cannot rest until the perpetrator of this vicious crime gets caught!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1986 Murder of Jewish Child, Chaim Weiss, still unsolved. Coverup?

Before the internet and before Leiby Kletzky there was a MURDER in 1986. The largest cover-up perpetrated by frum jews in the 20th century. The murderer is still free. WHY? 

Chaim Weiss, 15, was found dead in his dormitory room at the Mesivta Yeshiva of Long Beach early on the morning of Nov. 1, 1986. The youth had been stabbed repeatedly by someone who evidently was well acquainted with the dormitory and its routine. At first, there was speculation that the murder might have been an act of anti-Semitic violence because of harassment of the Orthodox Jewish boys who attended the yeshiva. However, the investigation soon revealed that Chaim Weiss's murderer was knowledgeable about religious customs. A window had been left open slightly in the victim's room, which, according to Orthodoxy, enables the spirit of the dead to depart. Beyond that, a lighted mourning candle was placed on Chaim's desk. The victim's father, Anton Weiss of Staten Island, eventually grew disenchanted with how the Nassau police were handling the case. He said he felt that the police had been ''outsmarted,'' and he requested the naming of a special prosecutor. That was never done. ''There was very little to find in the way of leads,'' Lieutenant Nolan said. ''We were dealing with a group that holds very different mores. But eventually, we were able to interview everyone in the school, as well as all past and present employees. ''We couldn't even find out why Chaim was killed. To this day, we can't positively state whether it was from inside or outside of the school.''
For a more extensive discussion on the murder .... read the following thread:
Read especially the poster:"CCMMZE" who must have been a classmate of Chaim.