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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Leah Eisdorfer killed, infant rescued in Toms River crash

Leah Eisdorfer was killed and her infant hospitalized after a crash on New Hampshire Avenue.
About 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, police and medical units responded to the crash near North Maple Avenue. Police determined a 2015 Honda van was heading south, driven by a 28-year-old Toms River woman, according to a statement.
For "an unknown reason," her van crossed the center yellow line and left the road. The van careened over the curb, into several trees, and came to rest on its side in a water retention basin.
The mother was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the statement.  Rescue workers crawled inside the overturned car to remove her infant, who was secured in a car seat. The child is being treated at a hospital and is expected to recover.

Satmar Rebbe says Israel to blame for murder of Jews

Harav R' aron TeitelBUM bashing his fellow Jews!
Jews, unfortunately have been massacred and murdered for thousands of years, and the majority of the Jews murdered all occurred before we had a State and an army.

But this disgusting ingrate, who is being protected by the IDF on his visit to the Zionist State babbles like a drunk ape that Jews being murdered is the fault of the Zionists...and the fault of the settlers!

Haven't we heard this before from the Nazis and the Arab murderers? 

Just yesterday  Pew polled Israelis that said that the Settlers are actually protecting the mainland ... by being a buffer!

This lunatic goes and antagonizes  the goyim in Monroe by annexing hundreds of acres near Kiryas Yoel, and he chastises Israel!

Read the following from Arutz Sheva.
As Satmar Rebbe Aharon Teitelbum visits followers in Israel, the Hasidic leader offered his views on the ongoing wave of Arab terror attacks inside Israel that have claimed dozens of lives and left hundreds wounded.

Satmar, known as one of the most staunchly anti-Zionist Hasidic sects, refuses to recognize the State of Israel and calls on members living in Israel not to vote in national elections, even for haredi parties.

While noting his sympathies for victims of terror attacks, Teitelbum pointed the finger of blame at Israel, condemning settlers for bring “hatred and suffering” onto Jews worldwide.
“Heaven help us,” 

Teitelbum told followers, “we need a lot of [divine] protection in the Land of Israel every single day. The Jewish people all over the world suffer when tragedy strikes in Israel. The Jewish people prays for the peace of Jerusalem and for the people of the Children of Israel. It hurts us terribly when there are victims [of terror].”

“With that said”, he continued, “let’s speak clearly against antagonizing the world, and against all those settlers, who bring so much hatred and suffering onto the Jewish people not only here, but all over the world.”

Teitelbum also blasted the Israeli army, and Israel’s haredi political parties.

“The [religious] leaders in the Land of Israel need to reveal their positions about going to the army and what it means to go to the army. Thank God, Haredi Judaism, which doesn’t participate in elections, has no share in any of this.”

Peace Now head blasts frum victim that killed terrorist in self-defense! Satmar Blame the Victims

Yariv Oppenheimer the Satmarer
Amongst the Jews we have frum Jews that hate Israel, and we have non-frum Jews that hate Israel.......

Both of these groups have a very sick and demented view of what Judaism is..

For example, 
The Satmars worship their Rebbe, and hate the land that Hashem gifted us, and constantly pray for the demise of Israel, G-D forbid! 

They follow basically their own Quran called "Al Hagilah V'al Hatmirah" that calls every single Jew and Gedoilei Hador that don't subscribe to the demented SHIT'ah a bunch of "apikorsim" and "Meenim"...

This is something that the founder of the Romanian Sect, R' Yoel Teitelbaum embedded into his naive chassidim..planted hate against other Jews as a matter of policy 
and then told them an outrageous lie,
 that the RBS"O doesn't want Jews to make Aliyah but  they must wait for Moshiach!

He made this all up and ranted and raved about this in his Shaolosh Seuda Toirelech every single Shabbos!

The fact That Ezra and Nechemia and later Gedoilie Yisroel made extreme, efforts to move to Israel means nothing to these uneducated peasants.

The Ramban, Reb Yehuda Hachasid actually made Aliyah and didn't wait for Moshiach!

The Baal Shem Tov and the Gra made tremendous efforts to  make Aliyah ... they didn't succeed but their followers did, ..... and they didn't wait for Moshiach!
The cemetary in Teveria is full of the Talmediei Baal Shem. Har Hazeisim if full of Talmedia Hag'ra....proving that one doesn't wait for Moshiach to make Aliyah!

The Belzer, the Gerer,Briskers all made Aliyah ..and ignored  the Satmar fabricated idea that Jews have to wait for Moshiach to move to Israel.
The brainwashed Rumanians don't want to get confused with the facts!

Just two weeks ago the Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe basically mocked the Frum anti-Zionists by bringing them 5 million dollars for their Mosdos!
The mosdos were terribly disappointed with this laughable amount when they all know how generous  the Zionists are and gave just this year 258 million to Mosdos!

The Roshei Yeshivos of the anti-Zionist mosdos were humiliated  because they had to  lower themselves and bend down  to kiss his hand as if he was the Pope in Rome....and then got a pittance..
The Satmars also photographed the Roshei yeshiva kissing his hand...

The Chazon Ish Mosad in Bnei Brak that doesn't G-D forbid take money from the medinah is on the verge of bankruptcy and R' Chaim Kanievsky had to go begging R' Aron Teitelbaum (the wrong brother) for some of the funds.

Similarly we have the extreme leftists who are on the same page with the Satmar SHIT"ah  ....
and because of this sick belief, they don't even want Jews to kill Arabs murderers in self defense!

Yariv Oppenheimer, leader of the Peace Now organization, and a self hating Jew, condemned terror victim Yonatan Azarihab, who was wounded in a stabbing attack on Tuesday, for killing his assailant in the course of the attack.

The sick Oppenheimer took to Twitter on Wednesday, blasting what he termed the “execution” of terrorists who were killed while carrying out violent attacks on Tuesday in Jaffa and Petach Tikva.

Crazy Oppenheimer’s comment referenced the attacks which left Taylor Force, an American tourist and US Army veteran dead and 10 others woundedin Jaffa, and the attack in Petach Tikva which left Azarihab, a haredi resident, seriously injured.

Azarihab was stabbed in the neck, but managed to remove the knifefrom his own body and use it to kill his attacker.
“This is how it goes from neutralizing terrorists to execution without trial”, 

Sick Oppenheimer wrote about the incidents.
He blasted the media for ignoring what he describes as extra-judicial executions, saying “In the present atmosphere, no one in the media dares to report and deal with the issue.”

Oppenheimer's comments on Twitter Twitter s

Frum Jew pulls a knife out of his own neck and uses it to kill Palestinian who had stabbed him

Yoanatan Ezriyahav

A Frum Jew, a tzdeka collector,Yonatan Ezriyahav, 39, pulled a blood-stained knife out of his own neck and used it to kill a Palestinian man who had stabbed him as the five-month Israel-Palestine conflict showed no signs of abating.

Yonatan Ezriyahav, was stabbed multiple times in a 'frenzied attack' in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv.  

The Palestinian attacker had followed the Jewish man, who was collecting money for charity, into a wine shop. 
At one point, the victim managed to break away and fled the store, while the shop owner hit the attacker and tried to subdue him. 

The Frum Jew then returned to the wine shop, pulled the knife out of his own neck, and stabbed his attacker. He died a few minutes later. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New York Jews’ interest in aliya this year ‘highest ever’

A record number of 1,300 people registered to attend this year’s Nefesh B’Nefesh New York City aliya fair this Sunday, according to NBN Executive Vice President Zev Gershinsky.

“We ended 2015 with nearly 3,800 olim,” he told The Jerusalem Post at the event. “We are aiming to pass our 4,000 people goal this year and the registration for this event indicates we are on the right track. It was the highest ever and we see great interest in moving this year.”

Press "Read MORE"

Monday, March 7, 2016

Satmar Monroe Rebbe Will Not Bring Dollars to Mosdos who do not take money from Zionists

Reb Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe decided against bringing money to Yeshivas and Kollilim that do not take money from the Zionist Government.

He made a cheshbon, that any money that he would bring would be equivalent to  a drop of water placed in the Atlantic Ocean compared to what the Zionists  government gives to Yeshivos and Kollilim.

The Rebbe must have read the report in  Haaretz that says that the Coalition deal gave Yeshivos over 1 billion shekels... which is about $258 million US dollars.....
And that is for only one year! And that is after all the budget cuts!

The Rebbe knows that the biggest Baalei Tzedaka  to Torah causes in Jewish History is the Zionist government, and he laughed his head off when he heard that his brother, R' Zalman Leib, the Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe, brought a measly 5, million dollars and then skimmed off some, to fund his private airplane ride to Belgium!

Rabbanut prohibits wedding of a mixed marriage but BADATZ says it's ok

The Israel Yediut Achronot newspaper reports that a young man from a Dati background wanted to marry his fiancee a girl from the USA. 

When he approached the Rabbanut they informed him that they cannot issue him a permit to marry since they first have to investigate her background to see if she is in fact a Jew.

So he walked over to the holy BADATZ office, thinking that it is really a lost cause, since they would probably be more "machmir" and tell him to take a long walk on a short plank, but Lo and Behold they issued him the permit within minutes!

The BADATZ keeps screaming that the Rabbanut is "tumei" and you cannot eat any food or rely on them about anything Jewish!

But I keep saying on this blog that the Rabbanut is far more reliable then any of the Chareidie Organizations ! 

שנים ספרו לו שלבד"ץ חשובה רק ההלכה, וכל מעשיהם לשם שמים.
תחקיר ידיעות אחרונות מגלה את ההפך

מסתבר שבעוד העסקנים החרדים בכנסת נלחמים נגד כל מי שלא חושב כמוהם - להם מותר!
אין שום בעיה ל"חתן" גוי ויהודיה או יהודי וגויה דרך הבד"ץ, והכל לשם שמים.

מוזמנים לקרוא בעצמכם

א' התחתן לפני חודשים אחדים. הוא ממשפחה דתית, אבל אשתו עולה חדשה מארה"ב. "כשהגענו להירשם לנישואים ברבנות, אמרו לנו שנצטרך להוכיח את יהדותה", הוא מספר. "ביקשו תעודת נישואים, ואישור של רב שהם מכירים מארה"ב. חבר הציע לי 'להירשם אצל החרדים'. הגענו לשם, ותוך חמש דקות קיבלנו אישור נישואים, בלי חקירות ובלי הצקות".

לא מעט סיפורים כאלה הגיעו אלינו בחודשים האחרונים. בתחילה פקפקנו: דווקא הבד"ץ מחתנים את מי שרק רוצה? אבל מתברר שהתיאור של א' מדויק לחלוטין, והמציאות קיצונית אף יותר. יחד עם בחור ישיבה שהתנדב "להתחתן איתי" (תיאורטית בלבד), עברנו את כל המסלול בבד"ץ העדה החרדית בירושלים - אחד משלושה גופים שמורשים לחתן בישראל (לצד שני בתי דין חרדיים נוספים).

המילה "מסלול" עלולה להטעות בהקשר הזה: התקשרנו, הגענו, הגשנו מסמכים לא ממש תקינים, קיבלנו כתובה - וכל שנותר לנו הוא להודיע טלפונית שאנחנו נשואים. "אנחנו כבר נרשום אתכם במשרד הדתות ומשרד הפנים", התחייב רשם הנישואים, כפי שניתן לראות כאן, בהליך שתועד במצלמה נסתרת.

בשנים האחרונות הכריזה הרבנות מלחמה על ארגון "צהר", שביקש לחתן זוגות על פי כל כללי היהדות, דרך רבניו האורתודוכסים, כמובן. כשנעשה ניסיון לפתוח את אזורי הרישום ("חוק צהר"), ולאפשר לכל זוג להתחתן אצל כל רב עיר, לבחירתו - פתחה הרבנות במתקפה על החוק, תוך שהיא מזהירה מ"מערב פרוע" של רישומי נישואים לא מבוקרים, והרס יהדותה של המדינה.

על הרפורמים והקונסרבטיבים המבקשים לחתן בישראל אין מה לדבר. הם פסולים. נישואים אזרחיים, כידוע, אסורים על פי חוק, ועל נישואים פרטיים שאינם מוכרים קבע המחוקק עד שנתיים מאסר. כל שנותר לזוגות שאינם מעוניינים או יכולים לעבור את המסלול שמציעה הרבנות, הוא להוציא סכומים גבוהים על חתונה אזרחית בחו"ל, ואז לחזור להירשם במשרד המשפטים.

בפועל, מתברר מתחקיר שערכנו כי דווקא בבתי הדין הפרטיים של "העדה החרדית" ושל חסידות בעלז, אפשר להינשא באופן פתוח הרבה יותר מאשר מציעים גם הליברלים שברבני "צהר"

Monroe Satmar Rebbe Permits Smartphones!

R' Aron Teitelbaum, the one whose Rebbitzin speaks Ivrit with her Zionist sisters, will arrive in the Zionist State on Tuesday. 
He will spend Shabbos in Zionist held territory in  Meron ... 

There are Kol Koras all over Meron addressing the Monroe Satmar Chassidim that "it is prohibited to take out the smartphones during the visit in Meron"
In other words it's ok to own a smartphone but one is prohibited according the Kol Koras from taking it out on the "Gravesite of the holy Raban Shimon ben Yochai"

The Rebbe realized that his chassidim don't give two hoots about his initial  prohibition  to  own  a smartphone, and they all have one....and so he now permits a smartphone all over Monroe but not in Meron!

It must be, since he is aware that his chassidim use the smartphone on Shabbos  he doesn't want them filming him eating on Shabbos  ...

Friday, March 4, 2016

Mendy (Shmuel) Israel Arrested for Child Sexual Abuse

Boro Park resident Mendy Israel was arrested yesterday, March 2nd, on numerous charges related to sexual abuse, including two counts of Course Sex Conduct against a child in the first degree.
Under New York State law, a person is guilty of Course of Sexual Conduct against a child in the first degree when, over a period of time not less than three months in duration, he or she, being eighteen years or more, engages in two or more acts of sexual conduct which includes at least one act of sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct, anal sexual conduct, or aggravated sexual contact, with a child less than thirteen (13) years old.
The arrest comes after JCW received multiple reports of child sexual abuse by Mr. Israel.

If you or anyone you know was abused by Mendy Israel, please contact the Brooklyn sex crimes unit at: 718-230-4418. If you are a victim and you would like support, contact JCW at 718-841-7056 or info@jewishcommunitywatch.org

Rav Chaim Kanievsky schnorring from Satmar for Mosad Chazon Ish

I guess the Litvaks couldn't care less if the Mosdos that the Chazon Ish established go down the drain! 
Or it could be that no litvak works in Bnei Brak and so "bein berirah" they put their heads between their knees and went begging to R' Aron Teitelbaum for a couple shekels!

The problem is that R' Chaim went to the wrong brother.... it's R' Zalman Leib that distributes money to the Mosdos that refuse to take money from the Zionists!
The Schnor letter is addressed to R' Aron, who must be laughing his head off!
Also R' Chaim doesn't explicitly ask for money .... he is asking for "Mayim Chayim"
I'm not kidding! 
So R' Aron will probably deliver a truckload of Mayim Chaim soda, when he arrives in the Zionist State next week to visit Zionist Meron!

My advice to R' Chaim Kanievsky? 
Take the money from the Zionists like all Mosdos Ha'Torah, do! 
If you are going to rely on the anti-Zionist Hungarians ... you'll be schnorring every month...and they will hold you over a barrel!
By the way, Reb Chaim, the money doesn't come from Satmar it comes from all the US Programs ...

Shmuel Tress arrested for granting a zoning change in a property he had a financial interest

I guess Monsey doesn't have enough swindlers, we had to import one from Lakewood!
Shmuel Tress that really lives in Lakewood, commutes to Monsey so that he can be a Councilman in Ramapo . .... 
eyeeeee, you ask,  doesn't one have to reside in Ramapo to be a Councilman in Ramapo, well, you idiot, don't you know that, that doesn't apply to frum people .... that law is for goyim only!
So here is a guy that lives in Lakewood but because he doesn't want Monsey children to have where to play, he decided to join the Zoning Board of Appeals where he could vote that where a little shack once stood,  he now had the power to change the zoning to allow the greedy developers to build 40 units, cover all the grass with asphalt and make some money too....
Then his plan was, that once the entire Monsey was covered with asphalt he would go back to destroy Lakewood rural settings as well! And that's why he is glancing at his watch ..... he needs to catch the next bus to Lakewood!

Prosecutors say a councilman in a suburban New York town is accused of voting for zoning variances on a property he held a financial stake in.
Ramapo Councilman Samuel Tress found himself under arrest today, facing a felony charge of first-degree offering a false instrument and a misdemeanor count of official misconduct.
According to the Rockland District Attorney’s Office, the charges against Tress stem from his vote in support of a zoning change for a housing development in which he had a financial stake.
As a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Tress had previously signed an affidavit attesting he would not profit in any way from his post. “With full knowledge and awareness, I affirm that I do not have, I have not engaged in and I will not engage in any activity that would provide a personal or pecuniary gain to myself, my spouse, or my dependents from the activity (activities) in which I now give (or am about to give) my services to the Town of Ramapo or any affiliated or associated board, commission or agency thereof,” Tress wrote.
But prosecutors say that on May 4, 2015, Tress voted to grant eight variances for a single-family house located at 142 Blauvelt Road in which he and his wife have an economic interest. Tress has denied the allegations that he had profited from the variance approval to a Journal News reporter (http://lohud.us/1TbYIiN).

“The documentation will clearly show I didn’t gain financially,” Tress said. “The votes I made had no impact on any financial gain. I’ve seen the information and my attorney and I are awaiting to get all the documentation.”
The Councilman served as a zoning board member for many years before being elected to the Ramapo Town Board in November, defeating incumbent Councilman Daniel Friedman in the September primary.
Tress is no stranger to controversy. Earlier reports in The Journal News revealed prior to his election that he was in fact a resident of Lakewood, New Jersey and also had a federal mail-fraud conviction.
Initially, Tress said he rented a Monsey apartment, but later clarified, “I’m not denying that I live in New Jersey, but I am most of the week in Monsey.”
The investigation leading to Tress’ arrest was carried out by the Public Corruption Task Force, which includes the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the FBI, and the Rockland District Attorney’s Office.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Grodno Yeshivah Bochrim stone frum IDF Soldier in Ashdod, just like Arabs

Soldier walks through haredi neighborhood

In 2010, these Grodno Yeshivah Leidegeirs threw stones on Ponovitz Rabbonim, but since the Grodno Roshei Yeshivah kept their mouths shut, looked on with glee, the boys took that as a "yes" for violence against anyone, and yesterday these "Torah Scholars" threw rocks at a frum IDF Soldier and his son!

Who can forget when during the last Gaza war, these Yeshiva cowards, packed up, closed the Yeshiva and ran back home!

Yes they have big brimmed hats,pleated pants, rosy cheeks and fancy glasses but don't get fooled, deep down they are just a bunch of violent  uncivilized animals just like their Arab cousins!

Soldiers are often the target of stone-throwing attacks by Arabs in Judea and Samaria.

This week, however, one soldier found himself under assault by stone-throwers in an unlikely place - the middle of Ashdod.

On Monday, a haredi man serving in the Israeli Air Force was confronted by angry yeshiva students outside of the Grodno Yeshiva in Ashdod.

The soldier, who spoke to Channel 2 on condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals from extremists within the haredi community, said he is used to taunting and verbal attacks, but was unprepared for what happened on Monday.

“This isn’t the first time they’ve harassed me or threatened me, but this time they crossed the line,” he said.

The incident occurred while the soldier was walking with his young son near the Grodno Yeshiva, when he was accosted by several haredi men who began shouting at him.

The situation quickly turned violent, however, when some of the men began lobbing stones at the soldier. The soldier was hit, and quickly called police, while he attempted to hold back the attackers with a can of mace.

Police extracted the soldier and his son. 

The soldier has filed a formal complaint and police have opened an investigation.
This is not the first incident of violence directed towards soldiers in Ashdod. In February, rioters attacked military police and later clashed with police.

Hashem helping the Zionists collapse the Gaza Tunnels .... Arabs now fear the tunnels that they themselves built!.

Satmar thinks that it's not Hashem or Israel that's behind the collapses but ...... get this .... it's the Sitra Achrah!

According to the Holy Rabbi of Satmar, R' Yoel, Hashem performs no miracles for the Zionists but uses the "devil" that he calls the Sitra Achrah and the Sitra Achrah does all the miracles but does so in a way that  confuses the Jews all over the world into thinking that it's actually G-D that is helping the Jews ... Chas Ve' sholem!

The Rebbe during the 6 day war in June of 1967 said in his Shalosh Seudeh toirelech that the reason that the Zionists were able to overcome the tremendous odds against the murderous Arab armies, was not because  G-D was performing miracles and helping them overcome the enemy ..... nooooooooooooooo!
It was the "Sitra Achrah" because according to his reasoning, Hashem would never perform a miracle for a Zionist! Instead he wants the Jews to be confused and think it's Hashem that's doing the miracles but in reality it is the Satan himself ..
Then in a rant he screamed that the Zionist's are saying it's not G-D that is doing the miracles, but claiming that it's the strength of the IDF "Koichee Ve'Otzem Yadi"  ...
but aren't they agreeing with Satmar ..???
The Zionists are in total agreement with the Satmar Rebbe!
Both are saying that G-D didn't help ....

Don't feel stupid, if you don't follow this demented understanding, no one can possibly follow this reasoning unless you come from the Carpathian Mountains in MarMerosh!

Hamas operatives are afraid to enter underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip, fearing that they will collapse, The Jerusalem Post has learned from Palestinian sources.
In addition, some of the operatives digging the tunnels believe that Israel was involved in at least some of the recent tunnel collapses that claimed the lives of several Hamas men. 
The most recent collapse occurred on Thursday afternoon when a tunnel collapsed in Khan Younis, killing one Hamas operative. The collapse marked the sixth such tunnel collapse in recent months - the highest number of collapses to have occurred since summer 2014’s Operation Protective Edge.
Official reports, both in Israel and Gaza, describe collapses caused by recent storms and heavy rains. However, among Hamas and others, there are many who believe that Israel is responsible.
Hamas operatives have seen Israeli activities near the Gaza border fence against tunnels and fear that they are connected to the tunnel collapses. Some of the activists have even spoken of the methods which Israel is supposedly using to cause the tunnels to collapse.
One Hamas operative claimed that Israel is using liquid explosives to cause the collapses, while another operative expressed fears of Israel’s ability to cause localized earthquakes which could also collapse the tunnels.
Hamas has mentioned the IDF’s Yahalom elite Combat Engineering Corps unit which has special anti-tunnel measures, and the Oketz canine unit which sends trained dogs into the tunnels.
Senior Hamas officials have paid condolence calls to those killed in the tunnel collapses, but have refused to give the bereaved families further information on the incidents. 
According to the mother of one of the tunnel victims, Hamas would only say that the collapse was caused by the weather, but failed to elaborate and maintained secrecy.
The leadership of Hamas apparently cannot prevent the collapse of the tunnels and recently, Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh claimed that Israeli technology has been discovered underground.

Jet911 A Miracle in the Sky

"Takana Rabbonim" attend Ostentatious Wedding in Brooklyn

Those who sign those takanas that state that weddings must follow guidelines set by the holy Rabbis and must have only one man bands and fake flowers, don't apply those standards to themselves!

The Rabbonim signed that they would not attend or officiate at any wedding that don't follow the "tekana" guidlines!

But those "guidelines" only apply to the Joe Shmos' ....

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Eida Hachareide sells Treif Chickens!

So we knew all that forever, that the heimishe hashgacha business with their "chumrois" is a bunch of fraudulent poppycock!

The only hashgachas that are reliable is the OU in the States and the Rabbanut in Israel ... that's it! There I said it!

But the chareidim managed to convince the sheep that only the "Heimishe hashgachos" are reliable!

The facts are that all scandals  in the Kosher Hashgacha market happen only with the "heimishe" hashgachos!
Just a couple of years ago we had a huge scandal in Monsey where the Baal Ha"machsahar gave a hashgacha for treif chickens, the mashgiach never checked the produce! And the Heimishe grocery fed tarfus to the entire Monsey community for years!

Food can be treif, as long as the "chumrois" are instituted!

Now see that one of their own ... R' Moshe Brandsdorfer writes in a letter just this Monday  that Aida Chareida chickens are chazir treif, and he writes that he  is not at all surprised!   "cock il doodle die"

בכיר ב"העדה החרדית": העופות שבכשרות שלנו - לא כשרים

הסערה בעקבות שינוי אופן הזריקות לעופות בבד"צ העדה החרדית נמשכת. "כיכר השבת" חושף את מכתבו של הרב משה ברנסדופר, בנו של פוסק הכשרות של העדה שקובע: מדובר בטריפות (חדשות)

כיכר השבת מביא את מכתבו המלא של הרב ברנדסדופר:
"הנני בזה בהמשך לשיחתנו אתמול בלילה בבית מדרשינו 'היכל הוראה', בשעה שאחד האברכים הביא לנו עשרה עופות, מעופות האלו שאנו דנים בה כעת ע״ד מה שנמצא אצלם דלקת במקום צומת הגידין [הנקרא בשפת הווטרינרים, 'צלקת' או 'נימוס הרקמות' או 'בשר מת'] היות ששינו לאחרונה אופן הזריקה במקום השוק, ועל שישה עופות הודה מע"כ בפניי שהוראת אאמו"ר מרן בעל הקנה בשם זצוק"ל שעופות אלו בוודאי טריפה".
"ואם היה קורה לפעמים עוף עם שאלה כזו במשחטה שע"י עדתינו, היו משליכין עופות אלו לטריפות עקב הוראתו הנ״ל [ואמרת לי שכן ששמעת הן מהגאון רבי נחום יברוב שליט״א והן מהבודקים בעדתינו]. והוספת, שאמנם לדעתך אין להטריפם בוודאי אלא שיש עדיין לדון בזה".
"והגם שלא היה לי בזה שום חידוש, כי ידוע לי מכבד הוראתו הנ"ל בעת שלוויתי אותו הרבה שנים בשחיטה שהייתה תחת פיקוחו והשגחתו של אאמו״ר זצוק״ל, ותקופה ארוכה הייתי שם הרב הממונה, והוראתו הברורה היתה שכל ריעותא וחשש ריעותא יש להסירו תיכף מהליין ולהשליכו למקום המיועד לטריפות".
"ע"כ כל עניין המשא ומתן בזה, אין כאן שום נידון לוויכוח, כי היה שגור בפי אאמו"ר לומר על כל ענין הנ״ל, שאנו בני ישראל כפופים לפסקי רבינו רבן של ישראל מאור עינינו הרמ״א שדבריו מפורשים בשו״ע יו״ד סימן נ״ו סעיף ט, וז״ל: ואנו אין בקיאין בבדיקת צומת הגידין של עוף משום דקשה לבדוק, ובקל הוא נטרף ולכן בכל מקום דאיכא מכה במקום צומת הגידין אפילו אינו רק נפוח ונצרר הדם מאחר שהיה צריך בדיקה ואין אנו בקיאין בעוף הוא טריפה. עכ״ל".
"וכן בתשובות אאמו״ר (קנה בשם ח״א סימנים מ״ז - מ״ט) כתב שם שכיון שכן, אין לנו עוד מה לדון בזה, אחר שרבינו הרמ״א סגר בפנינו הדרך, כי כל חשש כל דהוא בצומת הגידין הוי טריפה [והטעם לכך, דהיות שיש שם ט״ז גידין, ואנו רואים רק י״א גידין, ואם כן כיון שנעשה ריעותא כל דהוא, אפשר שאחד מהה׳ גידין האחרים שאין העין רואה ניזוקו], ואם רבינו הרמ״א לא היה לקבוע שלא נעשה ריעותא באחד מהט״ז גידין, מי יבוא אחר המלך לומר שהוא כן בקי בזה".
"ע"כ הנני בזה בנידון דנן, אין לנו אלא תורת משה וזאת התורה לא תהא מוחלפת, ומי הוא זה אשר יכול להרים יד בתורת משה - הרמ״א ז״ל, ויה״ר שלא תצא מכשול מתחת ידי אכי״ר, וע״ז באעה״ח בידידות נאמנה משה בראנדסדארפער" נחתם המכתב. 

If Hillary gets elected!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Chareidie Fanatic that Organized Anti-Draft Protests .. Switches Sides Becomes IDF Advocate!

R' Yisrael Asher Heller saw the light, quit the crazy fanatical Chareidie groups that  incite violence against religious IDF soldiers, and became an advocate for Frum IDF soldiers! ...

May the RBSH"O bless him and his entire family ....

And now the typical Chareidie modus operanda is to besmirch his name, saying that he was never good!

New York Times Grants Nobel Prize to Arab Murderer

For several years, the New York Times has written about the Israeli – Palestinian Arab conflict from a Palestinian point of view. The biases included portraying Israelis as aggressors and Palestinians as victims. It softened the image of Palestinian fighters by not calling on Hamas as a terrorist organization, even while it is so designated by many countries including the United States.
Press "read more" right below

Monday, February 29, 2016

Rare Footage of Kever of Esther and Mordechai in Persia

A video has cropped up just in time for the celebration of Purim. The video shows the rarely seen tombs of the great Esther and Mordechai.
The grave-site is located in modern-day Hamadan, Iran. As Iran is not a very safe place for any tourist, let alone Jews to travel in, not many are able to make the pilgrimage to the holy tomb.
In Iran, the gravesite of Esther Hamalka and Mordechai is considered the holiest Jewish site in the country. 
Iran is the last country that is part of the once great Persian empire. At the time the story of Purim occurred, the king Achashverosh ruled the large kingdom. The story of Purim takes place in Shushan, which is in the modern-day city of Shush in Iran.
Not all historians believe that this grave-site is the grave-site of Esther and Mordechai. 
Some place the graveside at the Galilean archaeological site of Kfar Bar’am, close to the kibbutz of the same name, Bar’am, along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. This is according to another tradition first recorded during the Middle Ages that places the graves of Esther and Mordechai there.
There’s no doubt that no matter, that this is a ancient and holy site to visit.