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Showing posts with label samuel tress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samuel tress. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2016

Shmuel Tress arrested for granting a zoning change in a property he had a financial interest

I guess Monsey doesn't have enough swindlers, we had to import one from Lakewood!
Shmuel Tress that really lives in Lakewood, commutes to Monsey so that he can be a Councilman in Ramapo . .... 
eyeeeee, you ask,  doesn't one have to reside in Ramapo to be a Councilman in Ramapo, well, you idiot, don't you know that, that doesn't apply to frum people .... that law is for goyim only!
So here is a guy that lives in Lakewood but because he doesn't want Monsey children to have where to play, he decided to join the Zoning Board of Appeals where he could vote that where a little shack once stood,  he now had the power to change the zoning to allow the greedy developers to build 40 units, cover all the grass with asphalt and make some money too....
Then his plan was, that once the entire Monsey was covered with asphalt he would go back to destroy Lakewood rural settings as well! And that's why he is glancing at his watch ..... he needs to catch the next bus to Lakewood!

Prosecutors say a councilman in a suburban New York town is accused of voting for zoning variances on a property he held a financial stake in.
Ramapo Councilman Samuel Tress found himself under arrest today, facing a felony charge of first-degree offering a false instrument and a misdemeanor count of official misconduct.
According to the Rockland District Attorney’s Office, the charges against Tress stem from his vote in support of a zoning change for a housing development in which he had a financial stake.
As a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Tress had previously signed an affidavit attesting he would not profit in any way from his post. “With full knowledge and awareness, I affirm that I do not have, I have not engaged in and I will not engage in any activity that would provide a personal or pecuniary gain to myself, my spouse, or my dependents from the activity (activities) in which I now give (or am about to give) my services to the Town of Ramapo or any affiliated or associated board, commission or agency thereof,” Tress wrote.
But prosecutors say that on May 4, 2015, Tress voted to grant eight variances for a single-family house located at 142 Blauvelt Road in which he and his wife have an economic interest. Tress has denied the allegations that he had profited from the variance approval to a Journal News reporter (http://lohud.us/1TbYIiN).

“The documentation will clearly show I didn’t gain financially,” Tress said. “The votes I made had no impact on any financial gain. I’ve seen the information and my attorney and I are awaiting to get all the documentation.”
The Councilman served as a zoning board member for many years before being elected to the Ramapo Town Board in November, defeating incumbent Councilman Daniel Friedman in the September primary.
Tress is no stranger to controversy. Earlier reports in The Journal News revealed prior to his election that he was in fact a resident of Lakewood, New Jersey and also had a federal mail-fraud conviction.
Initially, Tress said he rented a Monsey apartment, but later clarified, “I’m not denying that I live in New Jersey, but I am most of the week in Monsey.”
The investigation leading to Tress’ arrest was carried out by the Public Corruption Task Force, which includes the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the FBI, and the Rockland District Attorney’s Office.