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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Frum Monsey Born Rabbi, on the reality show "Church Rescue"

Rabbi Eliyahu Fink

This "Media Hungry" Frum Rabbi, born and bred in Monsey is now a Rabbi in an orthodox shul on the Beach in Venice California.... This frum Rabbi is constantly on Facebook espousing his leftist liberal views and decided to grab more attention by taking money to fix up his tiny shul from Christan consultants. He begged the producers of the  reality show "Church Rescue"  to accept him on the show.

Here read his convoluted poor excuse: 

On Monday, December 23, the final episodes of a series called Church Rescuewill air on NatGeoTV. One of the episodes is called “Shalom Improvement.” It tells the story of three Christian consultants who lend a hand to my shul, the Pacific Jewish Center | The Shul on the Beach on the Venice Beach boardwalk, and help me become a better rabbi. The three men call themselves the Church Hoppers and they’ve never been to a synagogue before they met me. What’s an Orthodox Jewish rabbi doing on a show called Church Rescue with a bunch of Christian Church Hoppers? Good question.
Two strong motivating factors guided the decision to appear on Church Rescue. The first echoes the words of the Sages of the Mishnah 2000 years ago: “Who is wise? One who learns from all people.”
The Church Hoppers are experts in running ministries and churches. Sure, we call our house of worship a shul not a church, but the idea is the same. It is a communal gathering of individuals united by common beliefs to pray and grow spiritually together. The wisdom and experience the Church Hoppers brought to our shul was extremely valuable. A fresh set of eyes, unbiased by the usual synagogue expectations can always be helpful. When those eyes are attached to an expert in building a vibrant house of worship, the benefits are even greater.
Throughout the filming experience, I was impressed by my new friends. I dubbed them the Shteible Hoppers and feel fortunate to have made three friends for life. I thank Doc, Rev Kev, and Gladamere for their advice, friendship, and their help. Learning from experts about one’s craft is always a good ideas. Each of my new friends taught me something about myself and about running a shul. They also gave us a little boost with some of their creativity and ingenuity. They made something amazing happen for us at the close of the week they spent with us. You’ll have to watch the show to see what I am talking about. It was incredible. That is one reason the Church Hoppers were invited to our shul.
I think the second reason is even more important. Too often, Orthodox Judaism is portrayed negatively in the media. My friend, Allison Josephs works very hard to show another side of Orthodox Judaism at Jew in the City. Her mission is to show the world an Orthodox Judaism that is engaged with the world and making a positive difference in society. It’s a valiant effort and one that is sorely needed.
Church Rescue presented an opportunity for me to help this effort and show a side of Orthodox Judaism that is rarely seen by the outside world.
At Pacific Jewish Center | The Shul on the Beach, we practice and preach a passionate and compassionate version of Orthodox Judaism. We are inclusive. We are cool. We are fun. I want people to know and see how we serve God on Venice Beach.
My personal and professional mission is to provide positive religious experiences to the maximum number of people possible. Showing the world what we do and how we do it on NatGeoTV was an obvious way to present our message to more people. We want everyone to know about our brand of our religion. The Pacific Jewish Center experience is broad enough for just about anyone to find inspiration. It’s the new wave of Orthodox Judaism.
Church Rescue gave us the opportunity to put Orthodox Judaism in the living rooms of people we would otherwise have no way of reaching. We want people to see religion in a positive light. We would love it if other synagogues followed our lead, all the way from the edge, maybe even the fringe, of civilization in Venice Beach and broaden the spectrum of who participates in their services and communities.
Judaism has always tried to live up to lofty ideals and be a “light unto the nations.” Pacific Jewish Center is a bright lighthouse on the west coast. We are a strong beacon of light in the night. We cast our light as far as the darkness will take us.Church Rescue takes our light further than we could have done on our own. But now, the rest is up to us.
Watch (or DVR) Church Rescue on NatGeoTV, Monday December 23, 2 PM or 5 PM (check your TV provider’s listings).

Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, J.D., is the rabbi at the  Pacific Jewish Center | The Shul on the Beach in Venice, CA. Connect with Rabbi Fink throughFacebook and Twitter: @efink. He blogs atfinkorswim.com.

Zionist Police arrest Satmar guy after he runs over 18 year old Yeshiva student, and then flees the scene of the accident! "Chaptzem!

as reported by YJN
A senior employee of the ODA organization, which is located in the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, was detained and questioned by police after being involved in a hit and run incident in Jerusalem, Israel, according to a report in
Behadrei Haredim.

Moses Kestenbaum was detained after hitting a yeshiva student on Malkhei Yisrael Street in Jerusalem, and fleeing from the scene.

The incident occurred on Sunday night. The 18-year-old victim suffered injuries.

Paramedics of Ichud Hatzalah and Magen David Adom, who arrived at the scene, provided primary medical care to the victim, and he was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital.

The driver, who fled from the scene, was later caught in the Kiryat Belz neighborhood by a traffic police officer.

The driver was returned to the scene of the incident, where he was questioned.

Jerusalem Police said that the driver is a Haredi tourist from New York. A sourcefamiliar with the incident identified the suspect as Moses Kestenbaum of the ODA.

Hospital officials said that the victim is in stable condition

NY Police disgusted with Satmar Protest in Manhattan Tomorrow!

Reb Aaron Teitelbaum hates only one person more than his own brother, that's the Zionist! 
So in his crazed fanatical hate against his fellow Jews in Israel, he planned a mass protest against his brothers and sisters in Manhattan on one of the worst traffic days; the hell with the police.

One of the greatest complaints against the State of Israel that the Romanian Satmars have, is that they violate the precept of  "hisga’arus be’umos " which basically means that there is a prohibition for Jews not to antagonize the nations. Satmar violates this prohibition all the time especially in Monroe , and now with this useless protest. Last week, his brother Reb Zalman, the "Chuchum fin the ma' nishtana'" at least had the sense to protest indoors.

High-ranking NYPD officials have discreetly voiced their disgust at the Satmar of Kiryas Yoel (Aroni) faction, ahead of their planned protest, against the IDF Draft of Yeshiva students, scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) in Manhattan.
YWN spoke separately with three top NYPD brass, each of whom was unaware that we had spoken with the others. All three stated that they were furious at Satmar’s decision to hold a protest in Manhattan, a day before X-Mas. “This is the busiest two weeks in NYC, and the last thing we needed was a few thousand Satmars in the streets”, one stated.
Another official told YWN “don’t think for a second that next time permits need to be pulled by Satmar, we won’t remember this”.
YWN asked them if they had voiced their opposition to the Satmar leadership. “Oh they know”, one of the three told YWN. “They know what this week is. Where is their sensitivity? That’s all they care about is that the NYPD should be sensitive to their needs, which we respect. But how about being sensitive to our needs as well. This is a two way street.”

Monday, December 23, 2013

Neshama Carlbach, the "Gospel Singer" joins the dying Reform Movement!

Shlomo Carlbach Z"L, is turning in his grave, his daughter who loves singing with Black Gospel Singers has declared publicly that she is joining Reform Judaism. According to the recent Pew report, the Reform Movement has an 80% assimilation rate. 
If not for her last name, she would be a "nobody!"

I have a theory, she was loosing her audience, only a bunch of Shvartzeh Gospel people were listening, and the frum wouldn't listen because of "kol b'isha ervah" so she figured that if she would come out of the closet (she was never religious) and associate officially with the anti-Torah movement, they would invite her to their dying membership, so they would listen to her music....
It is all about the "rent." 

This is what she will encounter when she joins that dying movement:
1) a near-total, abysmal ignorance of written & oral Torah & an unwillingness to commit to the serious text study needed to remedy that ignorance; 

2) an insensitivity to not only the letter but also the spirit of such basic Jewish tenets as Shabbat & Kashrut; 

3) outright hostility to the State of Israel & indifference to her plight as a bastion of decency surrounded by hostile neighbors. So if you can stomach all that, Neshama (or find a temple where these things are not prevalent), good luck to you & may your personal journey lead to happiness & fulfillment for you & your family!

First she sang in Gospel Choirs ...

Then she took the Hativka's words that welcome all Jews and changed it to welcome and include Arabs!

This is her convoluted sick announcement! 

I grew up Jewish. Simply Jewish.
My late father, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, raised us in an observant Orthodox household. Our lives were filled with beautiful ritual and we celebrated the wonder of a familial spiritual connection.
That said, we also danced along the fine line of progressive Judaism. My father’s Torah was an expression of the beauty of Judaism. He taught the world to love and cherish Shabbat – even on a Tuesday – and to love Jewish rituals in an open hearted, expansively spiritual way that often set him apart and alienated him from many established religious groups.
My father’s true goal was to raise Jewish life above the rote performance of ritual acts. He wanted the light and redemptive message of the Torah to make all of humanity deeper – more empathetic, loving and capable of kindness. He often said that effecting global healing was the reason we were in the world to begin with.
Though it sometimes got him in trouble with the Orthodox establishment, my father was an active member and lover of all interfaith experiences. He attended many different houses of worship, sang with people of all colors, faiths and backgrounds, and attended conferences where he spoke about finding true unity for all of God’s children.
Significantly, he encouraged women to learn and read Torah. At his synagogue he created the space for women to physically dance with the the Torah and stand all the way up, next to the ark on holidays.
For this passion and commitment, my father’s life was complicated. Within the Orthodox world he was a visionary who stood alone and was too often lonely.
As the daughter of this great man, I bear witness to the intolerance, cruelty and ostracism he suffered for daring to step outside the “daled amot” (personal space) of observant Jewish life. As his child, I suffered alongside him when he tried to give me a platform to sing, the outcry from my Orthodox brothers and sisters invariably drowning out my voice and suffocating my love for Jewish tradition.
Strengthened by my father’s love and vision, I persisted. It was not easy being taunted and called names, hearing angry voices and seeing the enraged faces of those who believed – genuinely believed – that what I called prayer was an affront to God. Looking back, I believe that the ugliness I saw was not motivated by a desire to hurt me personally but by a deep misunderstanding of the message of our Torah and what it means to be a Jew in the modern world.

Looking back, I feel sadness and sorrow for this narrow vision, this narrow place, an Egypt of the mind – mitzrayim. I know, as my father knew, that the redemption of the world will come from the opposite impulse: expansive love and inclusivity. Isn’t that what klal Yisrael (the whole of the Jewish community) is about?

I have just experienced klal Yisrael in an amazing way, having returned from a most remarkable event – the biennial convention of the Union for Reform Judaism, the URJ. 5,000 people strong, it is one of the most spirited and important events in the Jewish world, and the largest spirituality-oriented gathering of Jews in North America.

Before I arrived at the convention center in San Diego, I felt honored and excited at the opportunity to be able to offer my music and heart to those with whom I don’t often have the chance to connect – my Reform brothers and sisters. The Conservative Jewish world has been a warm and loving home away from home for me (and I had the dazzling experience of joining “The Conversation of the Century” by headlining at the centennial of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism this past October in Baltimore). Many of the Conservative Jews I know share practices and beliefs close to the open-minded Orthodoxy I experienced as a child. But Reform synagogues have always been “the shuls I didn’t attend.”

That world was far away from mine – or so I thought.
Boarding the plane for the West Coast, I did not know what to expect; I certainly had no inkling of the personal transformation that awaited me. So, it is with an overflowing heart and soul that I must report, as I did on the stage on Saturday night, that my soul made an aliyah (coming up) at the URJ’s biennial.
Simply put, I had no idea how extraordinary Reform Judaism was. The tikkun olam mandate is so strongly bound up with the movement, and in the most joyous of ways. I was overwhelmed by the music, by the davening (prayer) and yes, my Orthodox friends, by the ever-present light of Torah. To give you an idea of the stellar caliber of Reform Judaism, here is a link to a keynote address given by Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the URJ president.
In his passionate talk, Rabbi Jacobs spoke about the commitment to a path of progressive change, to inclusivity, social justice, nurturing the next generation, egalitarian values and spiritual relationship to all that the Torah stands for. Standing among 4,999 other delegates, I almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I found myself moved to tears, inspired and grateful. And when Rabbi David Ellenson, the outgoing head of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion spoke on Shabbat morning, his warmth and scholarship opened my eyes as well as my heart.
Having felt like a refugee from Orthodoxy for the past couple of decades, I feel like I found a new family with values I can get behind. And so, at my show on Saturday night, I told the audience I was making aliyah to the Reform movement. I know that statement made a great sound byte, but I meant every word. To be clear, when one makes aliyah, they take all parts of themselves with them. I have not abandoned anything that is intrinsic to me; I’ve simply expanded myself and been elevated. I’ve been blessed.
In San Diego, I touched something brand new and yet deeply familiar. It reminded me of my father’s teachings. It gave me a feeling of homecoming.
And perhaps that is the best that we can aspire to: a homecoming. Let us return again and again to the land of our souls. Let us transcend our differences and discover that we are one people, regardless of our label, movement or denomination. Let us make aliyah every day to who we are, to what we are, to where we are born and reborn again.!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Obama pardons drug dealers and thieves but won't pardon Pollard!

US President Barack Obama granted clemency to 21 criminals over the weekend, as part of the pardons and commutations traditionally approved ahead of the Christmas holiday. Obama pardoned 13 criminals and commuted the sentences of eight.
Most of the convicts on the list were drug dealers and thieves, some of whom would have received lesser sentences if convicted of the same crimes today.
Despite a recent request from his close ally and former cabinet member Bill Richardson, Obama did not include Israel agent Jonathan Pollard on his holiday clemency list. Pollard is in his 29th year of a life sentence.
Richardson called on the president to commute the convicted spy’s life sentence in a letter on Tuesday.
The president tried unsuccessfully to appoint Richardson as his commerce secretary after he dropped out of the 2008 presidential race and endorsed Obama rather than his rival candidate, Hillary Clinton. Richardson was energy secretary in Bill Clinton’s cabinet, so his endorsement of Obama gave him a big boost that helped him get elected.
Richardson also served as ambassador to the United Nations and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times. He maintains a close relationship with Obama.
“I am aware commutations are being considered at this time,” Richardson wrote, referring to presidential clemency directives traditionally issued before Christmas. “Please add Jonathan Pollard to the list of those to be released.”
In the letter, Richardson noted that nearly all those with first-hand knowledge of Pollard’s case now support allowing him to leave prison.
He recalled discussions on Pollard in Bill Clinton’s cabinet 15 years ago.
“In my view, there is no longer a need for a discussion today,” Richardson wrote.
“Virtually everyone who was in a high position of government – and dealt with the ramifications of what Pollard did at the time – now support his release.”
Richardson pointed out that many of these major decision makers have issued public calls for Pollard’s release, including former secretary of state George Shultz, former national security adviser Robert McFarlane, and William Webster, the head of the FBI at the time of Pollard’s arrest and the only man in history to head both the FBI and the CIA.
In his letter, Richardson blamed then-secretary of defense Caspar Weinberger for Pollard receiving a life sentence despite a plea bargain in which the government committed to not seek a life sentence.
Pollard has already spent 28 years of the life sentence in a federal prison for passing classified information to an ally.
No one else in the history of the United States has ever received a life sentence for this offense, whose median time served is two to four years.

Content is provided courtesy of the Jerusalem Post

4 Blacks who murdered Jew in mall arrested, media will not write that they were Black

The media refuses to report that the four savages that gunned down an innocent Jew were black! If 4 whites were to have murdered a black, every single news outlet would have reported to color of the perpetrators ... If you didn't see their photos you would never have known that they were black!

This is the way the AP and other news outlets reported this vicious crime:
Four men have been arrested on charges of murder, conspiracy and other counts in the carjacking death of a man shot in front of his wife outside an upscale mall in northern New Jersey last weekend, authorities said Saturday.
The suspects were identified at a news conference as 29-year-old Hanif Thompson, of Irvington, and 31-year-old Karif Ford, 32-year-old Basim Henry and 33-year-old Kevin Roberts, all of Newark.
They are accused in the Dec. 15 carjacking and killing of Dustin Friedland outside The Mall at Short Hills. The 30-year-old lawyer from Hoboken was shot in the head in the mall parking garage after being confronted by two carjackers, authorities said. The assailants drove off in his silver Range Rover, which was found the next morning in Newark, about 10 miles from Short Hills.
The four face charges of murder, felony murder, carjacking, conspiracy, possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose. They were arrested between late Friday and early Saturday. Three of them were taken into custody at their residences in New Jersey, and Henry was arrested by an FBI task force at a hotel in Easton, Pa.
The suspects are being held on $2 million bail each but have not yet been formally arraigned. It wasn’t immediately clear if they had attorneys, and their home phone numbers weren’t listed.
Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray attributes the swift arrest to “good old-fashioned police work” and leads from the public.
“The sheer senselessness of this case outraged people from Millburn to Newark,” Murray said, referring to towns in Essex County, whose borders encompass crime-plagued Newark to the east as well as Millburn, Short Hills and other affluent suburbs to the west.
Murray said the crime appeared to have been motivated by the particular type of vehicle the suspects had been looking for.
The carjacking occurred just as Friedland and his wife, Jamie Schare Friedland, were ending a shopping trip. Mourners at Friedland’s funeral Wednesday said he had just opened the door of the SUV for his wife when he was shot. His wife was unharmed.
Friedland had a law degree from Syracuse University and was project manager at his family’s heating and air conditioning and heating company.
“We are very grateful to the Essex County Police and all of the local authorities for pursuing this so vigorously,” Jamie Schare Friedland said in a statement issued Saturday afternoon.
Investigators believe the four suspects arrived at the mall in a Chevrolet Suburban. Two left together in the Suburban, and two left in the Friedlands’ SUV, Murray said. Authorities did not disclose the relationship between the suspects. No weapon was recovered, Murray said.
U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman, who attended Saturday’s news conference with local, state and federal authorities, said a multiagency task force set up three years ago to combat “an epidemic of carjacking” in Essex County had helped lead to arrests in the case.
There were 416 carjackings last year in Essex County, a 44 percent increase from 2010.
Nearly 300 carjackings were reported through July 31 of this year, according to the county prosecutor’s office.
More than $40,000 was offered for information leading to the arrest of the killers in this case.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Scientists now say that "Techiyas HaMeisim" (revival of death) can actually happen!

Scientists are stretching the boundaries of understanding what happens as the body dies - and learning more about ways to perhaps interrupt the process, which takes longer than we might suppose.
Death is the final outcome for 100 percent of patients. 
But there's growing evidence that revival is possible for at least some patients whose hearts and lungs have stopped working for many minutes, even hours. And brain death - when the brain irreversibly ceases function -- is also proving less open and shut.
For decades, doctors have recorded cases where people immersed in very cold water have been revived after hours have gone by. Normally, brain cells start dying within a few minutes after the heart stops pumping oxygen.
Many studies have found that hypothermia protects the brain by decreasing its need for oxygen and staving off cell death. Body cooling has become common for many patients after cardiac arrest.
However, cooling more a few degrees below normal temperature can also cause cell damage.
Cardiologists are still tinkering to find the best approach. Two recent studies presented at the American Heart Association's scientific meeting in Dallas in November tried to see whether early cooling by paramedics after they get a heart restarted is helpful (it didn't seem affect survival or brain damage) or whether cooling to 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit or 96.8 degrees during the first day in the hospital brings better results (again, not much difference).
Then there's the issue of how long to perform CPR. One 2012 study found the median duration in hospitals was 20 minutes for patients that didn't survive; 12 minutes for those who did. The AHA recommends bystanders keep performing CPR until emergency medical services arrive.
A Japanese study presented at the AHA meeting, based on six years of data on cardiac arrest survival across Japan, concluded it is worthwhile to continue CPR for 38 minutes or longer and still have a chance to avoid major brain damage.
Defining brain death is becoming more complex as researchers find signs of activity in both human and animal subjects whose brain waves at first show they've "flat-lined" to the point that there is no brain function. While some doctors use the EEG as a final check for signs of life in the brain, most rely on a series of reflex and respiration tests given over several hours to determine brain death.
Scientists at the University of Montreal reported in September on the case of one Romanian patient who was in an extreme deep coma after treatment with a powerful anti-epileptic drug. Although the electroencephalogram (EEG) showed no activity in the man's cortex (the master processor of the brain), there was activity in the hippocampus, the region responsible for memory and learning.
The Montreal team, which reported their findings in the journal PLOS One, recreated the same coma state in 26 cats, and observed the same type of oscillations being generated in the hippocampus of each one.
Although the clinical determination of brain death in a hospital relies on more than a flat EEG, the Montreal study is one of many that suggest the criteria may need to be changed. 
And it points to the possibility that greater use of medically-induced deep coma to help brain-injured people recover may be possible.
Just how conscious the brain remains after cardiac arrest is frequently debated and researched. Various studies of cardiac arrest survivors shows many experience profound mental or emotional change. 
About 20 percent of survivors say they heard or saw something while they were clinically dead.
During the AHA meeting, Dr. Sam Parnia, head of intensive care at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York, reported early results of a 25-hospital study of how frequently cardiac arrest survivors see or hear things while their hearts are stopped. Of 152 survivors interviewed, 37 percent said they had recollections from the unconscious period. Only two recalled actually seeing events and one described any events that could be verified. None saw images mounted in the treatment room as part of the experiment.
Still, there's evidence that dying brains can remain active
In August, researchers at the University of Michigan reported on brain studies of rats dying from induced cardiac arrest and suffocation. 
They found that within the first 30 seconds after death, all the rats displayed a surge of brain activity. The rodents' brains showed consciousness that exceeded levels normally found in the animals when they're awake.

Duck Dynasty has more integrity than the "Gedolim" of Boro-Park and Williamsburg

What?????? Are you reading the headline correctly? Yes! Unfortunately Yes!!
Harav Phil Robertson Admor MeKatchke

Phil Robertson the Patriarch of the cable show Duck Dynasty that has 11.8 million viewers, said in an interview with GQ magazine that Homosexual conduct is sinful! 
I will not quote what he actually said; he was pretty blunt.

The remarks ignited a firestorm!

"Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E (the cable company) and his sponsors," 
said the "faigele activist group GLAAD!

But Phil will not be a roasted duck for long; his supporters are quacking back!
A new Facebook page, 
"Boycott A&E until Phil Robertson is put back on Duck Dynasty," earned more than 740,000 likes, thats more people than signed up for Obamacare!

So what does Duck Dynasty have anything to do with our "gedolim?"
Well, our "gedolim" endorsed candidates in their prospective districts that promote a Gay Lifestyle!!! 
While Phil Robertson, the goy, is not afraid to say it like it is, our "gedolim" are only interested in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that these anti-family candidates will bring in!

There are Rabbonim here in the USA that said that Hurricane Sandy came about because of the internet!

There are Rabbonim in Israel that say that the latest crippling snowstorm came about because the Government wants to draft the "leidigiers" (the do-nothings) into the army (chas ve'sholom")!

But I humbly declare to my million loyal viewers that Hurricane Sandy and the Israel Snowstorm came about because our "gedoilm" are a bunch of hypocrites!

On one hand they rant and scream against the internet, and against the draft, on the other hand they endorse anti-family candidates and protect people that molest and rape our children!

Can we have real Gedolim, Rabbonim that speak to G-D so that we and our children have someone to emulate?
I believe that the regular "Joe Shmo" that wakes up early in the morning to run and Chap a Daf Yoimy, works all day,listens to Torah Tapes on his way to work, then comes homes and runs to another shiur, ..... are now our Gedolim!
The "Balla  Batim" are now the Gedolim!
Let's ask them what they think about this conundrum!  

Enough said, Good Shabbos!
Important note: The above article is not exclusive and not copywrited , you can copy it, you can delete it.. you can quote it at the shabbos table to your gullible wife, or you can say nothing!
Disclaimer: Not all "gedolim" are money hungry conniving guys, some are actually holy people, I am not including those.

Satmar thrilled that EL AL will remove the "Tefilas Haderech" from sound system during flight

Well, Satmar flies with Lufthansa, the German airline that represents a country that murdered 6 million Jews. Satmar will fly Turkish Airlines (Jew lovers?) and Delta that refuses to allow Jews to fly on their airline when they fly to Saudi Arabia. Lufthansa and the other airlines would never even think of playing the "Tefilas haderech" prayer on their sound system, but it seems that the Zionist airline El AL was  playing the prayer until they were asked to stop it. 

Satmar must now be happy that EL AL will now be like the rest of the "goyishe" airlines that they travel with.


Israeli airline El Al recently received complaints from passengers for playing Tefilat Haderech – a Jewish prayer recited before taking a journey – on the sound system during flights instead of regular background music.
Ynetnews.com reports (http://bit.ly/1frYNYO) that the prayer was played both as the passengers entered the plane and at the start of take-off.
A company employee stated, “About two years ago they hung a sign with Tefilat Haderech at the entrance to the plane. Passengers ignored it because one hardly notices it. But now we have been receiving complaints both from the air crews and from passengers. The company has quite a few non-Jewish workers, and it’s definitely unpleasant.”
The prayer was initiated by the company’s rabbi, Yohanan Hayout. El Al management summoned the rabbi and the worker who added the prayer to the sound system and both were reprimanded.
El Al made the following statement:  “Tefilat Haderech is not part of the regular broadcasts on the company’s flights, andit will be removed by the weekend.”I

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jewish man murdered by Black Thugs in Jersey mall buried

The family and friends of Dustin J. Friedland clung to him just a second longer, holding onto his casket as it slid into the hearse, embracing each other in endless tearful hugs as the body of a once-promising life moved from one journey to the next at his funeral procession.

The Beth Am Shalom temple was filled to capacity with mourners grieving the loss of Friedland, a 30-year-old Toms River native who was shot to death Sunday night during a carjacking at the Mall at Short Hills.
During the emotional service, Friedland’s wife, Jamie, told mourners that she could not have asked for a better and more loving husband, according to an account by Associated Press.

When the couple had a prewedding meeting with the rabbi who would marry them, the rabbi told them that once wed, they would become “one person,” she said. Her husband took that view to heart, often reminding her that “we are one person” and that he would always be by her side.

“He wasn’t here (with us) long enough, but he did so much while he was,” she said while fighting tears and tightly gripping the lectern. “I was lucky to be with him for his forever.”

The mourners heard Friedland’s wife, his younger siblings and others recall him as man of integrity, a person whose ethics and values were never muddled. They joked about his warmth, his fondness for food, family and friends and his chivalry, the AP reported.

Meanwhile, a reward for the capture of the people responsible for his death has grown to more than $40,000.
Friedland lived with his wife in Hoboken. He was raised in Toms River, where he was a star athlete and academic achiever at Toms River High School North. He went on to become an attorney and worked for his family’s company in Neptune.

The services at the Route 70 temple started at 11 a.m. and lasted for almost two hours before proceeding to the Toms River Jewish Cemetery on Whitty Road. The funeral procession stretched for miles, with police escorts provided by Toms River and Lakewood police departments.
Parking for the Temple Beth Am Shalom spanned for almost a quarter mile down roads into the Lakewood industrial park.
A parade of mourners walked to the temple, some supporting each other with arms around each other or holding hands, many wiping tears.
There was a heavy police presence to help assure the family’s privacy before the ceremony and while traveling to the burial site in Toms River.
The procession went on for miles down Route 70 toward the Toms River cemetery for a private burial.
Friedland was slain Sunday night at the Mall at Short Hills by a carjacker who struggled with Friedland before shooting him. Friedland had just opened the door for his wife, who was inside the Range Rover when Friedland was approached from behind the vehicle and struggled with the attacker. After multiple shots were fired, and Friedland’s wife got out of the car, two men took off in the sports-utility vehicle, which was abandoned in Newark a short time later.
The murder has sparked an outpouring of donations to support the capture and arrest of the assailants. The Taubman Company, which owns the Mall as Short Hills, has offered a $20,000 reward and Crime Stoppers of the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office also offered $20,000. The Morris County Crimestoppers also has pledged $1,000, and the donations continue to grow.
Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura announced that the Crimestoppers reward offer, which started at $10,000, has been increased to up to $20,000 due to contributions from private anonymous sources.
Persons with information about the crime are urged to contact the Essex County Prosecutor’s Homicide/Major Crimes Task Force at 877-847-7432. All calls to law enforcement will be kept confidential.