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Monday, December 19, 2011

Chareidim distribute booklet on Breast Cancer without having written the word "Breast" in the entire booklet!

They are now becoming more frum than Shlomo Hamelech that mentions the word "breast" numerous times in Shir Hashirim, and frumer than the Tanaim that mention the word "Breast" in the Mishna. The breast is mentioned countless times in the Gemarrah and in the Rishonim and Achronim. The Frummies that have taken over Israel are not going to mention "Breast" in a booklet designed for Ladies to make them aware of the terrible disease, Breast Cancer! Get it? I don't!

"Just what is going on here? Who could possibly view the term “breast cancer” as sexually arousing? What self-respecting medical team, seeking to produce an easy-to-understand booklet to promote early detection of breast cancer, can write phrases like: “The cancer in the organ under discussion” so as to avoid using the word “breast”? And as for graphics, just how helpful are photographs of someone pouring a green liquid from a test tube into a brown bottle or graphics of flowers in terms of showing women how to check their breasts for lumps? This creeping haredization of everyday life is dangerous, in this particular case literally.

When potentially fatal diseases cannot be discussed honestly and openly in a health-promotion booklet sent to all a health fund’s members due to a misguided puritanism, a tipping point has been reached. The sane, secular majority has to make a stand, just as it has done over the issue of women soldiers singing in IDF ceremonies, to ensure that we don’t descend into the fundamentalist depths like Iran."
Read the following from the Jerusalem Post:

Securing Israel as a Western, democratic country is coming under increasing attack from haredim and extremist settlers.
Even I thought Hillary Clinton was overstepping the mark earlier this month when the US secretary of state said the treatment of women in Israel was reminiscent of the situation in Iran. That was until my health fund, Kupat Holim Meuhedet, sent a booklet round to my house.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Israel. Around 4,000 Israeli women (and 50 men) are diagnosed with this cancer every year and 900 die of the disease. According to estimates, one in every eight Israeli women is at risk of developing breast cancer at some stage of her life. This high rate is attributed to the “Jewish gene”: three mutations in the BRACA1 and BRACA2 genes, relatively common among Ashkenazi women, which raise the likelihood of breast cancer by 60 to 80 percent.

Early detection of the cancer increases the chance of recovery to 90% and so health funds like Meuhedet have an interest in running health-promotion campaigns among their members to inform them of the risks of breast cancer and alert them to early signs of the disease’s appearance.

Obviously, such a booklet needs to be written in the clearest language possible, while photographs and other visual aids to describe warning signs such as lumps or a rash on the breast also have an important part to play in imparting such vital information clearly and in the most accessible manner possible.

BUT APPARENTLY not if you’re Meuhedet, the third-largest health fund in the country. Instead, this health fund, wary of upsetting some of its members (it has a large percentage of religious and haredi members) sent out a booklet in the post titled “The Special Women’s Cancer: The Importance of Awareness of Early Detection.”

Throughout its 12 pages, the phrase “breast cancer” never appears, only the coy euphemism “special woman’s cancer,” which isn’t even medically accurate given the (admittedly small) number of men who succumb to the disease.
If it wasn’t so tragic, the irony of a booklet that aims to promote awareness of breast cancer but is afraid to use the actual word “breast” would be funny. But with 900 women a year dying of the disease, this is no time for false modesty.

Just what is going on here? Who could possibly view the term “breast cancer” as sexually arousing? What self-respecting medical team, seeking to produce an easy-to-understand booklet to promote early detection of breast cancer, can write phrases like: “The cancer in the organ under discussion” so as to avoid using the word “breast”? And as for graphics, just how helpful are photographs of someone pouring a green liquid from a test tube into a brown bottle or graphics of flowers in terms of showing women how to check their breasts for lumps? This creeping haredization of everyday life is dangerous, in this particular case literally.

When potentially fatal diseases cannot be discussed honestly and openly in a health-promotion booklet sent to all a health fund’s members due to a misguided puritanism, a tipping point has been reached. The sane, secular majority has to make a stand, just as it has done over the issue of women soldiers singing in IDF ceremonies, to ensure that we don’t descend into the fundamentalist depths like Iran.

AND IT’S not just the influence of haredi norms on everyday life that needs urgent attention by all those who want Israel to remain a Western, democratic country. For too long, the country has turned a blind eye to the state of anarchy in the West Bank, where extremist settlers ride roughshod over the law and commit appalling crimes with no fear of retribution.

The chilling comparison between the IDF’s killing of Mustafa Tamimi, who
threw stones at an army jeep during a demonstration in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh, and the failure of the army to even arrest the settler hooligans who threw concrete blocks at senior IDF officers, or who ransacked the Ephraim Brigade headquarters, highlights the kid-gloves treatment settler extremists have received over the years by those in power.
In a newspaper article over the weekend, Uri Saguy, a former head of Military Intelligence, had a simple solution to the problem of violent settlers threatening the lives of IDF soldiers: Shoot them.
“The restraint of the brigade commander and his deputy [who came under attack] is worthy of praise,” Saguy wrote. “But if I was in the position of the deputy commander and they were throwing bricks at my head and endangering my life, I would shoot them. You shoot terrorists.”

Sometimes you need a blunt-speaking military man to place matters into perspective. The wild-eyed, extremist settler youths who set mosques alight, uproot Palestinian olive trees, and who have now started to attack IDF soldiers seeking to enforce the law are indeed terrorists, and needed to be hunted down as such.

Anne Frank Protector, Mrs. Miep Gies dies at 100

Anne Frank was among eight people hidden by Miep Gies and others during WWII.
Miep Gies, who ensured the diary of Anne Frank did not fall into the hands of Nazis after the teen's arrest, has died. She was 100.
Gies was among a team of Dutch citizens who hid the Frank family of four and four others in a secret annex in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during World War II, according to her official Web site, which announced her death Monday. She worked as a secretary for Anne Frank's father, Otto, in the front side of the same Prinsengracht building. The family stayed in the secret room from July 1942 until August 4, 1944, when they were arrested by Gestapo and Dutch police after being betrayed by an informant. Two of Gies' team were arrested that day, but she and her friend, Bep Voskuijl, were left behind -- and found 14-year-old Anne's papers. "And there Bep and I saw Anne's diary papers lying on the floor. I said, 'Pick them up!' Bep stood there staring, frozen. I said, 'Pick them up! Pick them up!' We were afraid, but we did out best to collect all the papers," 

Gies said in a 1998 interview with The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam."Then we went downstairs. And there we stood, Bep and I. I asked, 'What now, Bep?' She answered, 'You're the oldest. You hold on to them. So I did." The girl had chronicled two years of the emotions and fears that gripped her during hiding, as well as candid thoughts on her family, her feelings for friend-in-hiding Peter van Pels, and dreams of being a professional writer. Mixed into the entries were the names of the Dutch helpers, who risked their lives to keep the family's secret. "I didn't read Anne's diary papers. ... It's a good thing I didn't because if I had read them I would have had to burn them," she said in the 1998 interview. "Some of the information in them was dangerous." The diary was sheltered in Gies' desk drawer and later turned over to Otto Frank when he returned after the war as the only surviving resident of the annex. Anne died at northern Germany's Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Her father published her diary, titled "The Secret Annex," in 1947. Despite the legendary hardship she endured during the German occupation, Gies never embraced the label of a hero. "More than 20,000 Dutch people helped to hide Jews and others in need of hiding during those years. I willingly did what I could to help. My husband did as well. It was not enough," she says in the prologue of her memoirs, "Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family.""There is nothing special about me. I have never wanted special attention. I was only willing to do what was asked of me and what seemed necessary at the time." Gies' husband, Jan, whom she married in 1941, died in 1993. The couple had a son together.

Jewish Lady joins Christians to boycott Israeli produce

We don't have enough  enemies we need some of our own Jews to help Chistians hate us!!!
Crazy Greenblatt Lady protesting, notice her palestinian scarf
Arts, faith and justice charity, Greenbelt Festivals, is calling on its supporters to boycott produce from the Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Greenbelt’s call for a boycott of settlement goods comes at the culmination of its three-year ‘Just Peace’ campaign – which highlighted the issues of injustice suffered by those living under the Israeli occupation.

Around 20,000 people attend the annual Greenbelt festival, held over the August bank holiday weekend.

Whilst the festival has been shunned by conservative evangelicals over the years - following its welcome for figures including human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell and gay Bishop Gene Robinson - many other more open evangelicals attend each year.

Evangelical and other Christian organisations have also entered into collaboration with the festival including Church Mission Society (CMS) SPCK, USPG, YMCA, ICC, Christian Aid and The Church Times.
At this year's festival, comedian and campaigner Mark Thomas was among the contributors with his new show Extreme Rambling, in which he tells the story of a walk he decided to go on, along the length of the separation wall between Israel and Palestine.

Festival director, Paul Northup, said: “Greenbelt calls for a boycott of produce from the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. And, while this settlement boycott statement marks the formal end of our three-year Just Peace campaign, we will continue in the struggle for a just peace in
the region. ”

The call for a boycott arises from concerns expressed by many within Greenbelt's own festival-going constituency, as well as several of Greenbelt’s partners, and other agencies working in the region. A major partner, the Methodist Church, have already made a call for the boycott of settlement goods. Another, Christian Aid, meanwhile, while not calling for a boycott, is calling on the government to impose a UK ban on the import of settlement
goods, due to the illegality of the Israeli settlements under international law."

Northup continued: “In the 1980s, Greenbelt joined people all over the world in championing the boycott of goods from South Africa as a form of protest against the unjust apartheid regime there. The truth and reconciliation that finally came to that country gives us hope now. Greenbelt is committed to standing with global civil society in joining with these new forms of boycott, in the hope that their combined actions may play a part in influencing the Israeli government and leading to a just settlement for all peoples in the region.”

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New York Times Reporter Thomas Friedman bashes Israel again! Update!!

The self-hating Jewish reporter for the New York Times, Thomas Friedman, uses baiting language such as  "apartheid" and "ethnic-cleansing" when talkin about Israel. In a column in today's edition of the New York Post, Michael Goodwin points out that in the last 20 opinion pieces published by The Times about Israel, 19 were negative.
Here is the must reading article: Scroll to bottom and read the update: Israel's US Ambassaodor Michael Oren  slams Friedman for perpetuating Anti-Semitism

A Jewish friend who leans right offers a shorthand way to understand how Americans see Israel. Liberals, he says, love Jews and hate Israel, while conservatives reverse the pattern.
It’s a crude calculation, but The New York Times is proving his point about liberals. The nonstop screeds against the Jewish state on its opinion pages have left the field of politics and entered the realm of prejudice, so much so that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is citing its bias in refusing to write an article for the paper.
Times columnists “constantly distort the positions of our government and ignore the steps it has taken to advance peace,” a top Netanyahu aide writes in rejecting an offer from the paper. “They cavalierly defame our country by suggesting that marginal phenomena condemned by Prime Minister Netanyahu, and virtually every Israeli official, somehow reflect government policy or Israeli society as a whole.”

In the rejection letter, first obtained by the Jerusalem Post, the aide says that of the last 20 opinion pieces published by The Times about Israel, 19 were negative.
The latest example it cites was a column last week by Thomas Friedman. The piece was so scurrilous that it alone justifies the boycott.
In the column, Friedman describes himself as a secular American Jew who cares about Israel. But his disdain makes it clear he doesn’t like the country. Worse, he crosses the line that separates opinion from bigotry.
To dismiss the standing ovations members of Congress from both parties gave Netanyahu last May, Friedman resorts to a slur that recalls a staple of anti-Semites.
Thomas Friedman with Yasser Arafat
“That ovation was bought and paid for by the Israeli lobby,” The Times’ columnist declared.
He offers no support or example, as though the Jews-equal-money connection is so obvious it doesn’t require evidence. Such paranoid assertions are routine in crackpot circles, but the appearance in The Times under Friedman’s byline is shocking and will offer aid and comfort to enemies of Israel.

It is also an attack on America, as if our foreign policy is for sale to the highest bidder. Implicit is the charge that no smart and honest American, Jewish or otherwise, could possibly support the conservative policies of Netanyahu or recognize Israel as a vital ally in the war against terror.
Friedman’s list of everything he detests includes the Republican presidential candidates who support Netanyahu, Israel’s domestic politics and its relations with Palestinians.
He sprinkles in the baiting language of “apartheid” and “ethnic-cleansing” that is standard fare in anti-Israel circles from Turtle Bay to Tehran.
The result is a column that inadvertently showcases how liberals think about Israel and virtually every other aspect of modern life: Anybody who doesn’t agree with them is either stupid or corrupt. Only they have legitimate motives and views.
Not surprisingly, Friedman’s prejudices echo those of President Obama, an occasional golfing partner. Perhaps the golf course is where they share their cockamamie views that Israel, rather than Arab violence and deep hatred of Jews, is the impediment to Mid-East peace.
Friedman, naturally, leaves out the facts that don’t fit this view. He never mentions Hamas, a terror group that continues to fire rockets into Israeli towns and vows to eliminate the Jewish state.
Nor does he mention that many Democrats who also stood for Netanyahu last May are at odds with Obama’s policies, including on Iran. They see the president’s one-sided demand for concessions from Israel as putting a bull’s-eye on the country.
Friedman also could have noted the recent special election in New York to replace the disgraced Anthony Weiner.
Thanks to former Mayor Ed Koch, the race became a referendum on Obama’s treatment of Israel, with the result that many Jews and Catholics who usually vote Democratic switched to elect Republican Bob Turner.
I e-mailed Friedman to see if he had second thoughts about his column. I got no response, which I take to mean he has no defense.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/poison_pens_vs_israel_VxdDhn81SFHBFz5fmQBMrO#ixzz1gv4UxI00

Israel's U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren said New York Times columnist Tom Friedman "strengthened a dangerous myth" when he said Congress was "bought and paid for by the Israel lobby."
"This allegation is profoundly disturbing," Oren told JTA. "The term 'Israel lobby' implies the existence of a Zionist cabal wielding inordinate economic and political power. Unintentionally, perhaps, Friedman has strengthened a dangerous myth."
Friedman's Dec. 13 column outlined concerns he said he shares with other American Jews about Israel's direction.
He listed a number of anti-democratic indicators, but it was an aside in which he warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to take seriously standing ovations he enjoyed during his address to Congress last May, saying the applause "was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby," that sparked outrage.
A number of Congress members decried Friedman's allegation, and Oren said Friedman missed the real admiration Israel has in the body.
"The 29 standing ovations that Prime Minister Netanyahu received from both houses of Congress, and from representatives of both parties, reflected the deep support of the American people for the State of Israel," Oren said. "That commitment is not -- and never has to be -- purchased."
Oren, who called Friedman "an internationally acclaimed columnist who frequently writes about Israel and is often critical of its policies," said the Netanyahu government was "sensitive for the concerns of American Jews" and is "committed to maintaining the strongest possible connection between the Jewish state and the Jewish communities in the U.S. and around the world."

Muslim Husband Chops Off His Wife's Fingers for seeking higher education!

'I've got a surprise for you': Husband blindfolds his wife.... and then chops off her fingers to stop her studying for a degree

A jealous husband is facing life in prison after chopping off his wife's fingers because she began studying for a degree without his permission.
Rafiqul Islam, 30, blindfolded his wife Hawa Akhter, 21, and taped her mouth, telling her he was going to give her a surprise present.
Instead he made her hold out her hand and cut off all five fingers. One of his relatives then threw Ms Akhter's fingers in the dustbin to ensure doctors could not reattach them.
Mr Islam, who is a migrant worker in the United Arab Emirates, had warned his wife there would 'severe consequences' if she did not give up her studies.
'After he came back to Bangladesh, he wanted to have a discussion with me,' Ms Akhter told The Times.
'Suddenly, he blindfolded me and tied my hand. He also taped my mouth saying that he would give me some surprise gifts. But, instead he cut off my fingers.'

Mohammed Saluddin, the Bangladesh police chief said that Mr Islam had confessed after he was arrested in the capital, Dhaka, and will face charges of permanent disfiguration.
Human rights groups are demanding life imprisonment.
'He was enraged. He was jealous because while he only had a grade eight standard education, she was off to college to pursue higher studies,' said Mr Saluddin.
Ms Akhter says she is learning to write with her left hand and is determined to resume her studies. She is now back at her parent's house.
The attack is the latest in a series of acts targeting educated women in the Muslim-majority company.
In June, an unemployed man gouged out the eyes of his wife, an assistant professor at Dhaka University, apparently because he could not stand her pursuing higher studies at a Canadian University.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075435/Husband-chops-wifes-fingers-stop-studying-degree.html#ixzz1gpxT5spb

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chareidim turn over carriage with baby inside to stop Egged bus!

Some 100 haredim in Jerusalem's ultra-orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood blocked a road in order to stop Egged bus line number 1 from passing through the neighborhood Tuesday afternoon.

In addition to standing in the road, the protesters overturned a baby carriage - with a baby in it - in front of the bus.

In a press conference in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem Police Chief Nisso Shaham insisted that police would not stop their activities in the neighborhood, working to stop the separation of women.

Jerusalem Post

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Matisyahu the reggae star, Shaves his beard! "no more Chassidic reggae superstar"

Orthodox Jew rapper Matisyahu took a razor blade to the face this week ... and shaved off his trademark beard ... or so it seems. 

Matisyahu just posted the shorn pics of himself on his Twitter page ... along with the message, "At the break of day I look for you at sunrise ... When the tide comes in I lose my disguise."

NEW YORK (JTA) -- Jewish reggae star Matisyahu shaved his signature beard and issued a statement saying "No more Chassidic reggae superstar."
The artist posted two photos of his beardless face on Twitter and a statement about his decision on his website.
"When I started becoming religious 10 years ago it was a very natural and organic process," he wrote. "I felt that in order to become a good person I needed rules -- lots of them -- or else I would somehow fall apart. I am reclaiming myself."
He signed off, "Get ready for an amazing year filled with music of rebirth. And for those concerned with my naked face, don’t worry…you haven’t seen the last of my facial hair."
Born Matthew Miller, Matisyahu has been the most visibly Jewish artist in the hip-hop world since his debut album "Shake Off the Dust... Arise" was produced by JDub Records in 2004. While he first affiliated with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Matisyahu later distanced himself from the movement and moved on from JDub, which closed its doors this year.

Klausenberger Rebbe's Son dances with his wife in public, holding hands

Rabbi Hertz Frankel re-writes Satmar History in Ami Magazine

Rabbi Hertz Frankel has been writing a weekly series called "The Principal" in Ami magazine, basically describing his experiences as English Principal of Bais Rochel school for girls, a Satmar girl school.
Hertz Frankel
First let me inform my readers that any graduate of Bais Rochel could not pass a fifth grade reading level at any Bais Yaakov School, let alone other subjects. This is not a reflection of the girls, it just speaks volumes of Rabbi Hertz Frankel. Frankel would probably say that this was the intention of the school when it was founded under the direction of the late Satmarer Rebbi Z"L; to that I answer, that he should not masquerade these secular subjects as English and then call himself an "English" Principal.

The series should have been named "My Experiences with the Satmar Rav," because very little in the article describes his experiences being an English Principal; there is very little taught there, that resembles English. The series  is all about the Satmar Rebbi Z"L and is basically a forum and a publicity stunt to  take away any negative views  the readers of Ami magazine  might have about the Rebbi Z"L.  This year the Satmars started a massive campaign to re-write the history of Satmar Rebbe who was a rabid anti-Zionist and couldn't bring himself to ever praise the Zionist, Rudolf Kastner, who was the Shliach from Hashem to save him from the claws of the Nazis. Feldheim put out a book about the Rebbi Z"L and from the book you would have never known that the Rebbi had a history of Machlokas going back to pre-war Szigat, Krula, and Satmar leaving controversy in his wake wherever he went.

Which brings me to this past week's column of Ami Magazine.

Hertz writes,  I will take excerpts of his writings and comment.
( my comments are in red):

"The Jewish street was very sympathetic to Zionism in the '50 and '60s"
 maybe they were sympathetic to the Zionists because those Jews that made aliyah before the war, survived? 

 "and the Rebbe's outspoken opposition to Zionism didn't make him very popular. On the contrary, he was shunned by the Jewish community and denounced at every opportunity. "
I don't have a clue who shunned and denounced him? Frankel chose not to  name anybody! 

"There was, consequently, no person in Jewish history who was so limited in his ability to raise funds as the Satmar Rebbe.
No Jewish group permitted Satmar to make an appeal in their shul." 
A blatant lie. I davened in Chovevei Torah on Eastern Parkway, a shul that had an Israeli Flag, which had tens of Satmar Bochrim collecting every single day. " Everyone gave them money and no-one said boo" The Young Israel of Eastern Parkway had Satmar Bochrim collecting there every single Sunday (a Zionist shul). Satmar had the biggest Schnorrer Campaign, more than any other Heimishe yeshivah.

In "Jewish History?" Why don't you read up on Jewish history....Mr. Principle.

The Rebbe, nevertheless, would have gladly accepted money for his mosdos from other frum Jews. However, they all boycotted him. Most kehillos would permit Bobov, Torah Vodaath, or Chaim Berlin to make an appeal. But not Satmer.
This is a lie..everyone growing up in Crown Heights and Brownsville can never forget hundreds of Satmar boys collecting every single day in all shuls and Shteeblich. I remember when I was a child growing up in Brownsville, Satmer boys were collecting in the Gerrer Shtibal on Howard Ave, Raim Ahuvim on Prospect Place, and in Crown Heights they were collecting every single day in Bobov on Brooklyn Avenue. In fact they were the only ones to do so....only Satmar!!!!!!!!!!!!
And when did Satmar allow appeals for Yeshivah Chaim Berlin, Lakewood or for that matter any other Yeshivah in their shuls??? 

"The frum world, which was at that time quite supportive of Zionism, had no interest in this campaign of the Rebbe, and therefore ostracized him."
They were supportive of Zionism, because they were Holocaust survivors who had their wives, husbands, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, children and grandchildren murdered, and were thrilled that they now had a nation that would be their own, a place of refuge if a Holocaust would ever happen again. Not all Jews were as lucky as the Rebbi to have been saved by a Zionist!
The Satmar Yeshivas were the only Mosdos Hatorah in the entire history of the Jewish people that were based on a political agenda of Anti-Zionisim! All other mosdos like Bobov, Ger, Kloizenberg, Tzelem, Pupa, Lubavitch, Skver,were busy teaching their student's Torah, not infusing their precious little Neshamois with hate against fellow Jews.
 Maybe that's why they were "ostracized."
The Rebbi "ostracized" himself, by not allowing his Chassidim to learn the Daf Hayoimie!
Unbelievable!!!! Do the readers of Ami know that all of Klall Yisroel...and I mean all...Lubavitch, Ger, Kloizenberg, Skver, Belz, Pupa etc , Litvish, YU and Young Israel  ...are all united to learn the Daf, except Satmar?
 ....so who "ostracized" who? (the reason the Daf is banned in Satmar, because it is sponsored by Agudah ...all the Rebbe's decisions were political)

"As a result, everything the Rebbe built had to be funded from within; he was forced to obtain financial backing for his many projects solely from his followers. How these few Holocaust survivors found the means to do that is beyond me"
It's not beyond me.... they took it from government grants .... and guess who helped them get these grants? Yes! You guessed it: Aguda, who Satmar hated with a passion, because they wouldn't denounce Zionism. And the card carrying Aguda member Hertz Frankel knows this better than anyone but didn't mention it in any one of his articles.

The Rebbe refused to take money from a person who was Mechalel Shabbos, or from anyone else who the Rebbe believed had money that was tainted.
The Government Grants were Shomer Shabbos? The summer programs, the lunch programs, the pall grants, were Shomer Shabbos? How about all the money that the mosdos stole from the New York City Board of Education (remember that Mr. Hertz Frankel?)....
that wasn't tainted?

"There has been no leader in the history of Klal Yisrael who has been as abused, maligned, and insulted as the Satmar Rebbe."
Again, Reb Hertz, you obviously are clueless about Jewish History! And the Rebbe was the one abusing, maligning and insulting other Rabbonim. He had no respect for the Bobover Rebbe Z"L, or for that matter the Skverer Rebbe Shlitah,(we won't mention Kloizenberg, Belz and Ger that he loathed) those on the inside know exactly what I mean.(Vehameiven Yovin)

Now let me tell the readers of Ami something that Frankel will never write. We are not all Bais Ruchel Graduates, some of us actually attended schools that teach secular subjects in a Torah setting, and have some knowledge of  recent history.

The reason the Rabbonim and other frum Jews "ostracised" the Rebbi was that the Rebbe never condemned any of his students and Chassidim when his Chassidim were terrorizing Kloizenberger Rebbi Z"L,
(the Kloizenberger Rebbe finally escaped to Union City New Jersey).
Who can forget when his Chassidim beat up the Lubavitcher Chassidim (they would walk in on YomTov from Crown Heights to be samaich  the broken Holocaust survivors) putting many of the Chabadnikis in the Hospital.
He had by in large a bunch of hoodlums that would terrorise anyone that didn't agree with their views on Zionism (except for Gerrer Chassidim. They were terrified to mess with Ger  because they would have broken their bones).
Who can forget when they kidnapped  a bunch of Satmar Chassidim that decided to join Chabad and proceeded to cut their beards and peios (the last time someone did this to a Jew, the guy was a Nazi)?  
Satmar burns the Israeli Flag in public infuriating Holocaust Survivors even Satmar Holocaust Survivors. Satmar is constantly  protesting  the Jewish State, infuriating other Frum Jews  that are of the opinion that the State of israel was a gift from Hashem.
Tell me Rabbi frankel, how many Jews became Frum witnessing an Israeli Flag being burned? How many Jews became Frum witnessing the protests in front of the Israeli Mission?
 Satmar say "Yemach Shemo" (a name reserved for Hitler YM"S) whenever they hear the name Harav Kook Z"L, Satmar say Yemach Shemo when they hear the  Belzer Rebbe Shlita mentioned.
Who can forget the grafitti on the Gowanas Expressway that read "RASHA," "Shaigatz""Yemach Shemo" when the Belzer rebbe visited New York. The Belzer Rebbe is the leader of thousands of Jews, but that doesn't mean anything to these Romanian hooligans.

The reason other Jews "ostracised" the Rebbe, was because instead of trying to be Mekariv Jews he pushed them away with his violent tactics.... his shita was not to be inclusive, his shita was to be exclusive (even of other Chassidus).... his shita did not bring ONE JEW that wasn't frum to Yiddishkeit! Not one!
 The Jews that he was "mekariev" were the Moroccans and Yemenite Jews, and that is a post or even a book in itself.
The Satmars scream that the Zionists kidnapped Yemenites in 1949 and secularized them, but wait till you hear what the Satmars did to them.

The fact is that his shita needs allot of explaining... 
B"H, the State of Israel is  a fact, and there are now more Jews living in The State of Israel then any other place on earth, there are more Jews learning Torah in Yeshivos in the Zionist State than any other place on earth. There are more Jews learning torah in the State of Israel since Matan Torah (no thanks to Satmar).
The State of Israel is flourishing and now is in 4th place as far as longevity is concerned. The country is not in a recession, and is doing economically far better than the USA.

 Yes, it has its problems, but when did Eretz Yisroel ever have peace? Only a few years when Shlomo Hamelech was King... How many leaders of the Jewish people since Dovid Hamelech were frum? Only a handful!
This phenomenon didn't start with the Zionists! The Gemarrah records for posterity that the Kohanim Gedolim during the second Bais Hamikdash wern't frum and some wern't even Kohanim. We don't read about the Tanaim telling their students not to go to the Bais Hamikdash, because the leadership wern't frum! 
And now Mr. Principle let me so bold as to teach you a bit of Jewish History.
 The fact is that 99% of all Jews murdered, were murdered before the State of Israel was even created. In the last 63 years, since the State was created less Jews were murdered than in the entire Jewish History up to Shlomo Hamelech! B"H!
Yes, Israel is in danger of its neighbors, but give me a time in Jewish History when it wasn't? Yes, The State of Israel needs Rachmei Shomyim but so does the entire world. The Satmar Rebbe Z"L was a divisive person, and Frankel knows it but chooses to re-write history....
Now a word about Kosher Products with a "Heimishe" Hashgacha: Hertz Frankel had previously written that Satmar was instrumental in bringing Kosher products to the market... one can debate that, but what is irrefutable.... is that all Kashrut Scandals in the last couple of years were only the products with a Heimeshe Hashgacha not one scandal where the product had as a symbol an  OU.... just a thought!
Rabbi Hertz Frankel, you are a Galizyaner, who panders and sucks up to the Hungarian and Romanian gypsies..... stop doing it, they will never accept you as one of their own, you will always be an outsider.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Satmar Gangsters place posters that say that Elimelech Weiss Z"L who got killed in an accident deserved to die!

Paskeveil Credit: Failed Messiah
Elimelech Weiss Z"L who got killed Friday night  by a car, was a Klausenberger Chasid. The Satmar bastards went ahead and posted a Pashkevel that Weiss got killed because he used the Eiruv on Shabbos. Harav Menashe Klein Z"L and other Gedolim were Mater (permitted) the Eiruv in Williamsburg and Boro-Park.
Elimelech Weiss Z"L
I remember as a young child the Satmar Gangsters thinking they were still in Saint Mary (Satmar) Romania, would send the Kloizenberger Rebbe Z"L shipments of Treif pizza and furniture on Shabbos, and once even put live wires in his mikvah, this was while Reb Yoilesh Z"L was still alive, and he never ever publically condemned these violent attacks. The Kloisenberger Rebbe Z"L who lost a wife and 10 children in the Holocaust, had to escape  Williamsburg and go into exile in Union City, New Jersey, because of the persecution. Reb Yoilish Z"l never said a word against his Chassidim about them torturing his own nephew because the Kloizenberger took money from the "Zionists." (the Satmar Mosdos all take money from the Zionists, but not directly, they set up "dummy" mosdos and funnel all the money back to Satmar)
When the Belzer Rebbe Shlitah came to the USA, he needed Police Protection from these very Satmar gangsters, and this was when the Beirach Moshe Z"L was still alive, and he also never had the guts to  condem these violent attacks on innocent Rebbonim that did not agree with their "shitois."
Just one question to the ones' who put out this poster: How about all those Satmar Chassidim who frequent the disco clubs on Broadway on Friday night, do they also deserve  to die? How about those Satmar Chassidim that live in Monroe that frequent the bars in Nyack on Friday night, while their wives think that they are hanging out at the Tish, do they deserve to die?
All Satmar chessed projects are meaningless if their leaders remain quiet while their Chassidim do their dirty work. The Salvation Army also does chessed.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Andrew Goodman finally arrested in child abuse, 144 count indictment

He looks like a movie star, but many members of Brooklyn’s Jewish community believe he is a monster.
Andrew Goodman, 27, who worked for Jewish social-service agencies, is charged with sexually abusing two Orthodox boys for years in Flatbush — one from age 11 to 15, the other from age 13 to 16.
Andrew Goodman
Goodman filmed sex acts with the youngsters on a Web cam, according to the 144-count indictment, which alleges numerous violations since 2006. He has pleaded not guilty.
The handsome Goodman, who held parties in his home with liquor and child porn, also “threatened the life” of a boy who reported him to authorities, court papers and sources say.

Goodman’s case, which Hynes’ office hasn’t publicized, shows how the community’s response has started to change. Rather than keeping it among the Orthodox, some alleged victims turned to sympathetic religious leaders and outside authorities to help lock up a menace.
“Andrew Goodman is known in our community as a lifelong molester who preys on young boys and ruins their lives,” a Talmudic scholar at Congregation Bais Torah wrote to Brooklyn Judge Martin Murphy, who is hearing the case.
Neighbors were shocked when Goodman, freed on $10,000 bail after his arrest in July 2010, still had boys sneaking into his 15th Street home, where he lives with his parents and sister, in the middle of the night.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/orthodox_sex_abuse_scandal_Vzaqd3TbKtikUv0h6b3clI#ixzz1gEhBhwR1

"Palestinians are an invented people, and their leaders are terrorists" Gingrich

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich says he is being factually accurate when he calls the Palestinians an “invented” people and says they are the creation of anti-Israel propaganda.
Gingrich’s chief rival for the presidential nomination, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, says the former House speaker has made a mistake in the description and has made it more difficult for Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate toward peace.In remarks Saturday night at a candidate debate, Romney said the United States should allow both sides to talk without signaling a preference.
Gingrich responded to the criticism by saying he is speaking as a historian but adds that it’s time for a candidate to stand up and call Palestinian leaders “terrorists.”

Criticism of Islam could soon be a crime in the USA

Attorney General Eric Holder speaking to US Attorney Dwight C. Holton in Oregon:
 "training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for. They will not be tolerated."

Read more: familysecuritymatters.org

Elimilech Weiss killed crossing Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg

Williamsburg, NY - A car driving through the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn struck and killed a pedestrian who was crossing the intersection of Flushing Avenue and Bedford Avenue. The 21-year-old driver of the Mitsubishi sedan remained on the scene.
According to two witnesses, the victim 62-year-old R’ Elimilech Wiess, was heavily bleeding from the impact of the collision.
Hatzolah volunteers transported Weiss about 9:00pm to Bellevue Hospital, where he was r"l pronounced dead.
The NYPD of the 90th Precinct and NYPD Highway are investigating this accident, no charges have been filed.

Friday, December 9, 2011

'I am NOT the victim, I'm the victor': Extraordinary moment furious victim confronts teenage sex attacker in court as he is jailed for 15 years

Heidi Damon waived her right to anonymity to be allowed to be filmed in court unleashing her anger as her attacker Javon Cooper was jailed for 15 years after attempting to kill and rape her.

Heidi Damon
The 40-year-old told Cooper, 18: 'I just want to tell you — and I want you to look at me when I address you — I woke up ecstatic today, happier than ever. You know why? Because I'm alive. I'm alive, alive, alive.
'You have not broken my spirit. You have not changed my belief in God. If anything, you've strengthened both. I am not a victim. I am the victor, the stronger and the winner.'
As Ms Damon spoke, Cooper, dressed in a prison issue orange jumpsuit, shifted uncomfortably and tried to avert his gaze from his victim.
Cooper had pleaded guilty to attempted murder and attempted sexual battery.
He was 16 when he pounced on Ms Damon in a multi-storey car park in Ybor City, Florida, in August 2009

Cooper choked Ms Damon until she blacked out, and stripped her off her trousers and underwear.
Such was the force of the strangling that her eyes turned red and she was covered in bruises.
Ms Damon was out of work for a year and still suffers from chronic headaches. She told the court she is still afraid.
At his sentencing Ms Damon stood a few feet from her attacker as she lashed out at him.
She told him: 'My desire to be all that I can be cannot be broken by you or anyone. I survived.'
She told Cooper that he will always be a boy, that a man could never do what he had done.
She said: 'I will never forgive you because what you have done to me is never forgivable.
'I contribute to my community. You help decay yours.
'My life will never be the same. You know why? It's going to be better than it was before.
'My tears are out of joy,' she told him. 'Because I'll never see you again. Ever.
'Oh and by the way, I do have one more thing,' she said. 'My name is Heidi Elizabeth Damon. I have a name. I have a name that will go on forever. 
'You have a number and the title of the crimes that you've committed. Your name is Sex Offender, Attempted Murderer. Nice to put you away.'
Speaking out: Ms Damon, with her back facing the viewer, reads out her statement to her attacker Javon Cooper, who looked away throughoutMs Damon said she agreed to waive her anonymity as she wanted to speak out for other 'silent victims' of rape.
She said: 'I feel proud because I was able to stand there and get what I wanted out and articulate it without falling apart.
'I'm satisfied with the fact that he's going away. I'm ecstatic that I lived to tell the story, and he was caught and that I potentially saved someone's life that day by being the one that was chosen to be attacked, and I lived through it.'
Cooper was jailed for 15 years and ten years probation.
The judge told him he would have liked to lock him up for life.