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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ZOO-ccoti Park cleared of all animals! Video

The NYPD arrested 70 protesters as they moved in on Zuccotti Park early this morning and began clearing out the thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters who had taken over the space for nearly two months.
More than 1,000 cops marched on the lower Manhattan encampment shortly before 1 a.m. and handed out fliers ordering demonstrators to get out and remove their personal property.
The cops were followed by Sanitation workers, one of whom was overheard saying, “We’re gonna disinfect the hell out of this place.”
The fliers read, “The city has determined that the continued occupation of Zuccotti Park poses an increasing health and fire safety hazard to those camped in the park, the city’s first responders, and to the surrounding community.
“You are required to immediately remove all property, including tents, sleeping bags and tarps.”

That touched off a chaotic scene within the park, as many of the protesters were roused from their slumber and began shouting to others, “Wake up!”
The chaos was continuing this morning, as cops and protesters battled on Pine Street and Broadway at 5 a.m., with police pushing crowds out of the street and on to the sidewalk. Cops charged into the mob after a protester threw an object into a group of police.
At least one police officer was injured; he was seen being taken out of Zuccotti Park on a stretcher, his eyes closed and with several lacerations on his face.
Cops cut U-shaped bike locks off the necks of the last holdouts, who chained themselves together in the center of Zuccotti, witnesses said.
A roving group of several hundred ousted protesters marched north up Centre Street after the cleanup, clashing with police who in at least one case were seen using batons on a group crossing the street in a crosswalk and with a green light. A large crowd of protesters went north and are at Foley Square.
Police arrested at least 70 people in the early morning chaos, physically dragging many from the squalid encampment.
“What do you mean I’m done? What law did I break?” screamed a man as he was arrested and marched out of the park.
“I’m an anarchist, I’m not leaving this park,” said Asa Lowe, who was binding the hands of Amina Malika, 17, and Mesiah Hameed, 16, to a tree in the center of the park.
“I don’t give a f--k what they do,” said Hameed.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/nypd_raiders_roust_rabble_Dp5jSkaFLwGXYElqsxsWjO#ixzz1dmOy7X00

Black Bears roam Monsey, and police don't care! Video

The bear has been seen in the Wesley Hills area of Monsey for weeks now, roaming the streets in the daytime and rummaging through garbage cans, looking for food.

Malki Fisher, who lives in the area, says after a bear tried to break into her kitchen on Thursday, she contacted the Ramapo Police Department, and she says they didn’t do anything to help her. Other neighbors agree, complaining nothing is being done to protect anyone, especially children.

Ramapo police say they are aware of the situation, and are advising everyone to stay away from any bears if they see them and to notify the police.

10 year old kills herself after being bullied in school

The family of a 10-year-old honor student who killed herself last week said the girl had struggled with bullying at both her school and in her community.
Ashlynn Conner, a student at Georgetown Ridge Farm Elementary School in Vermilion County in east central Illinois, told her mother two weeks before her death that she was being bullied, CBS Chicago reports.
Stacy Conner, the girl's mother, told WCIA-TV thatstudents had been teasing her daughter for years.
"They'd call her a slut," she told the station. "Ashlynn's ugly. She's fat."
Though she realized her daughter was being bullied, she said she did not know how to respond. She hopes her coming forward with her daughter's story may help other families going through similar struggles.
"I thought my kids were strong," Connor said. "That my words to them for guidance and advice would have more weight than what these kids were saying. I was wrong."
Last Thursday, Ashlynn reportedly asked her mother if she could be home-schooled, CBS reports. The next day, Ashlynn was found by a sibling in a closet after she had hanged herself.

Israel behind the deadly explosion of Iranian missle base that killed Missle Expert and 16 Soldiers

Finally, the Israelis are beginning to "clean the clocks" of the Iranians...
Smoke rises from an explosion at a Revolutionary Guard ammunition depot outside Tehran, which, according to Iranian officials, killed at least 15 people on Nov. 12, 2011
Read the following from Time Magazine

Israeli newspapers on Sunday were thick with innuendo, the front pages of the three largest dailies dominated by variations on the headline "Mysterious Explosion in Iranian Missile Base." Turn the page, and the mystery is answered with a wink. "Who Is Responsible for Attacks on the Iranian Army?" asks Maariv, and the paper lists without further comment a half-dozen other violent setbacks to Iran's nuclear and military nexus. For Israeli readers, the coy implication is that their own government was behind Saturday's massive blast just outside Tehran. It is an assumption a Western intelligence source insists is correct: the Mossad — the Israeli agency charged with covert operations — did it. "Don't believe the Iranians that it was an accident," the official tells TIME, adding that other sabotage is being planned to impede the Iranian ability to develop and deliver a nuclear weapon. "There are more bullets in the magazine," the official says.
The powerful blast or series of blasts — reports described an initial explosion followed by a much larger one — devastated a missile base in the gritty urban sprawl to the west of the Iranian capital. The base housed Shahab missiles, which, at their longest range, can reach Israel. Last week's report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Iran had experimented with removing the conventional warhead on the Shahab-3 and replacing it with one that would hold a nuclear device. Iran says the explosion was an accident that came while troops were transferring ammunition out of the depot "toward the appropriate site."(See why ties between the U.S. and Iran are under threat.)
The explosion killed at least 17 people, including Major General Hassan Moqqadam, described by Iranian state media as a pioneer in Iranian missile development and the Revolutionary Guard commander in charge of "ensuring self-sufficiency" in armaments, a challenging task in light of international sanctions.
Coming the weekend after the release of the unusually critical IAEA report, which laid out page upon page of evidence that Iran is moving toward a nuclear weapon, the blast naturally sharpened concern over Israel's threat to launch airstrikes on Iran's nuclear facilities. Half the stories on the Tehran Times website on Sunday referenced the possibility of a military strike, most warning of dire repercussions.
But the incident also argued, maybe even augured, against an outright strike. If Israel — perhaps in concert with Washington and other allies — can continue to inflict damage to the Iranian nuclear effort through covert actions, the need diminishes for overt, incendiary moves like air strikes. The Stuxnet computer worm bollixed Iran's centrifuges for months, wreaking havoc on the crucial process of uranium enrichment.
And in Sunday's editions, the Hebrew press coyly listed what Yedioth Ahronoth called "Iran's Mysterious Mishaps." The tallies ran from the November 2007 explosion at a missile base south of Tehran to the October 2010 blast at a Shahab facility in southwestern Iran, to the assassinations of three Iranian scientists working in the nuclear program — two last year and one in July.(See photos of the semiofficial view of Iran.)
At the very least, the list burnishes the mystique of the Mossad, Israel's overseas spy agency. Whatever the case-by-case reality, the popular notion that, through the Mossad, Israel knows everything and can reach anywhere is one of the most valuable assets available to a state whose entire doctrine of defense can be summed up in the word deterrence. But it doesn't mean Israel is the only country with a foreign intelligence operation inside Iran. The most recent IAEA report included intelligence from 10 governments on details of the Iranian nuclear effort. And in previous interviews, Western security sources have indicated that U.S. and other Western intelligence agencies have partnered with Israel on covert operations inside Iran. Sometimes the partner brings specific expertise or access. In other cases, Iranian agents on the ground who might harbor misgivings about Israel are allowed to believe they are working only with another government altogether.
Saturday's blast was so powerful it was felt 25 miles away in Tehran, and so loud that one nearby resident with combat experience thought he had just heard the detonation of an aerial bomb. "Frankly it did not sound like an arms depot from where I was because when one of those goes off, it is multiple explosions over minutes, even hours depending on the size of the facility," the resident says. "All I heard was one big boom. I was sure from the quality of the noise that anyone in its immediate vicinity was dead. Something definitely happened, but I would not trust the [Revolutionary] Guards to be absolutely forthcoming as to what it was."
— With reporting by Aaron J. Klein / Tel Aviv

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2099376,00.html#ixzz1dins763V

Friday, November 11, 2011

Look at the photo and tell us which Yeshivah today would appoint someone with this background as Rosh Yeshivah?

You guessed it! Not one Yeshivisha Yeshivah would ever think of appointing him as Rosh Yeshivah, not even as a Magid Shiur.... They would probably hire him as a Math Teacher... how about doing a shidduch with his family? Huh?
Do you think they would even allow him to 
learn as a student in Lakewood? After all he was on the Baseball team in his school?
Well guess what, the above person in the photo is non other than ..... 
Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ztz"l
 the Rosh Yeshivah of the largest Yeshivah in the World
Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim
Any Questions? Direct them to the mirror.

Frum Monsey Lady in Jail in because she practices Judaism openly! Updated Jan 11, 2012

Valerie Carlton, a Jewish woman who married a non-Jew who became violently abusive, has been kept in solitary in Rockland County Prison as her husband tries to get her extradited to where she will not survive.

Update January 11, 2012

A 42-year-old woman, who says she fled to Monsey after Maryland prosecutors falsely charged her with sexually abusing two girls and then with assaulting a jail officer, was released Tuesday from the Rockland County jail.Valerie Carlton’s release came after state Supreme Court Justice William A. Kelly dismissed the fugitive from justice charge intended to hold her in jail after Maryland filed an extradition warrant for her return. She faces a charge of assaulting a corrections officer there in 2009.
Carlton’s release was mandatory after the 90-day limit expired for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to sign extradition papers, Rockland prosecutor Kevin Dunlap said in court before Kelly. The extradition warrant remains and Carlton could be taken into custody if and when Cuomo signs the papers, Dunlap said.
“My understanding, based on information I am getting from Albany, it will happen,” Dunlap told Kelly, referring to the governor’s eventually signing the extradition papers.
Carlton’s Rockland County lawyer, Phil Murphy, said Cuomo’s office and the governor of Maryland were negotiating Cartlton’s return to Maryland to a jurisdiction other than Harford County.
Carlton and her supporters contend she’s been falsely charged in Maryland because she wanted to raise her 6-year-old daughter as an Orthodox Jew during visitation times, against the wishes of her former husband, a Baptist. She became Orthodox in 2005.
Murphy said Carlton would fight extradition if there was a hearing and if she remained in New York. “She’s happy to be released and we thank the District Attorney’s Office for their professionalism,” Murphy said, after appearing before Kelly with Carlton. She didn’t speak. She was charged with assaulting the jail guard in 2009 while being held on $10 million bail on 28 charges involving sexual abuse of two girls and other crimes. The sex charges were dropped for lack of evidence after Carlton was held for nine months in jail.She was released months later on the assault charge but then left the state and settled in Monsey in 2010. She had been held in the Rockland County jail since her arrest Oct. 11 on the warrant.

Article of Nov 11, 2011
A Jewish mother is weeping, not in Ramah, but in an American jail. . On November 10, 2011, she will learn whether a judge will extradite her from Monsey, New Yorkwhere, according to one of her lawyers, Michael Ettinger, she “faces probable death” in a private for-profit Detention Center in Harford County, Maryland.
This Jewish mother--her name is Valerie (“Serach”) Carlton, was imprisoned for 13 months in that Harford County Detention Center where, unbelievably, she was kept in solitary confinement and tortured in further ways. Why? Because she loves and wanted to protect her young daughter and because she dared to practice her Judaism openly.
Is such a violation of a woman’s civil and religious rights possible in America? Can such a hate crime be legal? Can such a Kafkaesque situation take place in the home of the free and the land of the brave?
Sadly, the answer to all three questions is yes.
Valerie married a man who battered her, abused their young child, and then vowed to destroy her. According to Valerie’s advocates, Russell Carlton turned out to be a vicious psychopath who used his Christian Evangelical and white supremacist brand of Christianity (and his powerful, local connections) to try and “kill the Jew” who dared to return to her Jewish roots, light Sabbath candles, and “practice Judaism” with her daughter.
According to her lawyers and advocates, “both the search warrant and the charging document for the criminalcharges against Ms. Carlton stated that she was an Orthodox Jew who practiced Jewish customs with her daughter whenever they were together.”
As if this is a crime.
Although he was the abuser, he falsely accused her of having sexually abused their daughter. These charges were never substantiated but nevertheless, the allegations got her locked up. The other prisoners were carefully told she had sexually abused children and, because prisoners are notoriously cruel to pedophiles, the sheriff put her in isolation “for her own good.”
This is where the guards tried to “break” her, to get her to admit she was “insane,” and to give up full custody, maybe even parental rights, to her child.
Neither the court nor the sheriff—not even the Governor of the State—chose to intervene to spare Valerie’s suffering, not even when nationally recognized experts strongly recommended that she be freed and reunited with her child. To date, Valerie has not seen her daughter for 2 1/2 years.
Worse: Once the authorities realized they would have to release her, they had a guard beat her up—but the guard falsely claimed that she had attacked him; he brought charges. (A video may be viewed at her website www.valeriecarlton.com which shows what really happened). Her jailors warned her that she would soon be re-arrested.
Valerie fled the area and relocated to Monsey, New York.
But recently, when Valerie’s mother, the maternal grandmother, tried to exercise her visitation rights, Valerie’s husband feared that Valerie might somehow be allowed to see her own daughter. To prevent this, he managed to convince federal marshals to take her from Monsey to New City, in Rockland County, to be held pending a hearing on her extradition back to Maryland.
The charge? She assaulted the guard! Once her ex-husband learned she had been re-arrested, he “immediately consented to the grandmother’s visitation.”
Valerie now faces a potential sentence of up to ten years for a beating she did not commit; in a jail that had no legal right to keep her; where she was literally tortured; and where (get ready for this next shocking bit of news), her “baby son, wrongfully removed from her, ultimately perished  through the County’s malfeasance.”
Yes, they removed her still breast-feeding son from her and put him in state care where he….just died. And they did not allow a rabbi to break the news to her. Not even a psychologist was allowed in to tell her. Her punishers literally tied her down and told her that her son was dead, waiting to see if she would “break.”
Michael Ettinger described her persecutors, including her ex-husband, as “malevolent people who have no problem putting an innocent women in jail in order to destroy her.”
This is a Jewish mother who has known more than a mountain of sorrow, a Jewish mother who faces certain barbaric treatment if she is extradited. Other prisoners have died in the Harford County Detention Center. It is known for its “accidental” taser deaths.
As the author of Mothers on Trial. The Battle for Children and Custody, (now in a new and updated 25th anniversary edition), I have known many similar cases. Yes, inAmerica. However, none are as terrible as this one.
Rabbi Sheftel Meir Neuberger of Baltimore, Maryland, has written a letter on Valerie’s behalf. He confirms that she is a “Baalas Teshuva who has valiantly tried to maintain her adherence to Torah and Mitzvos under very difficult circumstances. She was subjected to very cruel and unusual incarceration…she was abused and physically tortured.
"She moved to the Monsey area….Should she be returned to Harford County her life is clearly in danger. Anyone who can participate in the demonstration on her behalf at the upcoming extradition hearing may be helpful in saving the life of a Bas Yisroel who is being falsely accused and will suffer serious life threatening consequences should she be returned to Harford County.”
Thursday, a demonstration is planned outside the Rockland County courthouse, 1 South Main Street, New City, NY, at 9am.  The hearing is set for 9:30am.
Please pray for her. Send money for her continued defense and legal actions. Be there (or send those you know in Monsey) to be there for Valerie at the courthouse.
Note: The information contained in this article was obtained from one of her lawyers and supporters, Michael Ettinger and from her website.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Charedi Rabbis Only Denounce violence when the Sikrikim get a beating but totally ignore the violence that was perpetrated on the Book Store and Ice Cream Store!

Badatz Rabbis denounce the bloody beating that Avraham Hirschman the Sikrikie got from the Gerrer Chassidim, but don't care when Avraham Hirschman the leader of the Sikrikim perpetrates violence on innocent storekeepers.
From Arutz 7

he rabbis of the Haredi Badatz – the High Court of Justice of the Eida Haredit community – published an unusual and strongly worded denouncement of the internecine violence that has been plaguing the community in recent months.
The violence has been ascribed to Gur (Gerrer) hassidim, some of whom said it was a response to severe provocations by members of a violent group called the sikrikim. The conflict is connected to a turf war over the “Batei Warsaw” neighborhood.
In official posters (“pashkvils”) pasted on the bulletin boards and walls of the Me’ah She’arim neighborhood, the Badatz referred to an incident in which a man named Avraham Hirschman was severely beaten, and to another attack, in which a man named Shalom Roset was beaten inside a synagogue.
“We heard with fear of several incidents of beatings – to the point of pulverization—and damage to Jewish property and capital,” the rabbis wrote. The violent incidents “have reached the point of desecrating synagogues. Woe to the ears that hear this, that such a thing can be done in Israel and no voice be raised in protest.
“Anyone complicit in their acts will not be cleansed of this in the next [world],” they summed up, in a pashkvil signed by the Badatz Head, Rav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss.
Where was Reb Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss when the Book store was destroyed?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Obama hugs Arabs that hate Jews and the US but only shakes hands with Allies

There is no question in my mind that Obama hates America and Israel after watching the fiasco this week in Cannes.

This past week, Obama was fiddling in Cannes, in the south of France, while America burned. He was in Europe insulting allies and hugging Islamic imperialists: He gave a big hug to Turkey's Islamic supremacist Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the G20 summit, while giving everyone else there a mere handshake.

Consider who Obama chose to hug. Turkey, under Erdogan, has abandoned the separation of mosque and state, abandoned Ataturk, abandoned its ties with Israel and increasingly pursues the delusion of a return of the Ottoman Empire.
Those of us who have been paying attention to the actual news have been writing and exposing the re-Islamization of Turkey under the devout Erdogan.

Erdogan is famous for having said: "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers."
And that's not all. In September 2007, Erdogan took specific exception to the term "moderate Islam," saying: "Turkey is not a country where moderate Islam is sovereign. First of all, the 'moderate Islam' concept is wrong.

The word 'Islam' is a simple word – it is only Islam. If you say 'moderate Islam,' then an alternative is created." And after decades of secularism, religious study is now mandatory in Turkish state schools.
Even worse, in that same year, Turkey and Iran formed a military alliance. Yet Obama said this in a speech to the Turkish parliament: "Let me be clear: The United States strongly supports Turkey's bid to become a member of the European Union."

Clearly, Turkey is reverting to its Ottoman imperial supremacist thuggery. Turkey is continuing its jihad against Israel. Last summer's Mavi Marmara jihad flotilla warship launched from Turkey should have resulted in sanctions against the Turkish government. In a right and righteous world, that's what would have happened. Instead, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation-driven U.N. conspired with Turkey to release another libelous report against the Jews to legitimize their Islamic Judeophobia and delegitimize the Jewish state.
flotilla, whose "humanitarian" passengers were chanting a genocidal jihadi war cry.

One of the flotilla event organizers called for "death to Israel," saying that they will fight till their last breath until they take over Jerusalem. Yet Turkey continues to demand that Israel apologize for defending itself against the jihad 

Of course, the one tiny Jewish state should not apologize to Turkey and the other 56 enormous Muslim countries for defending itself. But the world is under the spell of Islamic barbarity, so nothing is a given.

Humiliation and extermination were the mixed bag suffered by the Jews.
The 1,400-year treatment of the Jews under Muslim rule is without peer in brutality, save for the Nazis, who were more advanced and modern and made extermination their ultimate goal – whereas under the Shariah, slavery, exploitation, persecution,
Nor has Turkey ever made reparations or been held accountable in any way for the 1915 Armenian Genocide, which resulted in the Islamic slaughter of over a million Armenian Christians. We must demand the end of Turkey's occupation of Northern Cyprus and demand justice for Armenia and the Kurds.
Increasingly we see that the era of Ataturk was a mere blip on the Islamic historical radar screen. The ummah always returns to jihad. Don't take my word for it, just look at history. And what does Obama do? He hugs the man responsible for that return and for the destruction of secularism in Turkey.
2012 can't come fast enough.

Two Incompetent World leaders, Obama & Sarkozy, badmouth the leader of the only democratic country in the middle east, Netanyahu

They should be embracing him, supporting him, so what do they do? Sarkozy calls Netanyahu a liar, and Obama sneers and says "I have to deal with him every day."
Read this pathetic account of the two leaders discussing the man they should be supporting:
The two clowns Obama & Sarkozy
French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that he could not "stand" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that he thinks the Israeli premier "is a liar."

According to a Monday report in the French website "Arret sur Images," after facing reporters for a G20 press conference on Thursday, the two presidents retired to a private room, to further discuss the matters of the day.

The conversation apparently began with President Obama criticizing Sarkozy for not having warned him that France would be voting in favor of the Palestinian membership bid in UNESCO despite Washington's strong objection to the move.

The conversation then drifted to Netanyahu, at which time Sarkozy declared: "I cannot stand him. He is a liar." According to the report, Obama replied: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"
he communication faux pas went unnoticed for several minutes, during which the conversation between the two heads of state – which quickly reverted to other matters – was all but open to members the press, who were still in possession of headsets provided by the Elysée for the sake of simultaneous translation during the G20 press conference.
The remark was naturally meant to be said in confidence, but the two leaders' microphones were accidently left on, making the would-be private comment 

"did not have a chance to take advantage of this fluke."
"By the time the (media) services at the Elysée realize it, it was on for at least three minutes," one journalist told the website. Still, he said that reporters 
The surprising lack of coverage may be explained by a report alleging that reporters present at the event were requested to sign an agreement to keep mum on the subject of the embarrassing comments.

A member of the media confirmed Monday that "there were discussions between journalists and they agreed not to publish the comments due to the sensitivity of the issue."
He added that while it was annoying to have to refrain from publishing the information, the journalists are subject to precise rules of conduct.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cain 4th Accuser hugged him and whispered in his ear a month ago!

The Liar
They hugged each other backstage in a full embrace like old friends.
She grabbed his arm and whispered in his left ear.
She kept talking as he bent to listen, and he kept saying “Uh, huh. Uh, huh.”

“I don’t know if what she was giving him was a sucker punch, but he didn’t put his arm down while she was talking to him,” said the Sneed source.
◆The “he”... is GOP presidential contender Herman Cain, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women.
◆The “she”... is Chicagoan Sharon Bialek, who held a news conference Tuesday as the only woman to PUBLICLY accuse Cain of sexual harassment.
◆The Sneed source ... is WIND radio co-host Amy Jacobson, who tells Sneed she witnessed the Cain/Bialek encounter a month ago while backstage at the AM 560 WIND sponsored TeaCon meeting in Schaumburg Sept. 30-Oct. 1 at the Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center.
◆Quoth Jacobson: “I had turned on TV to find out who was Cain’s accuser, and I almost fell over when I saw it was Sharon Bialek accusing Cain of groping her genitals.”
“I was waiting for Herman Cain’s ‘Accuser No. 4’ to surface — and up pops Sharon!”
“I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked.”
“I recall Sharon was hell bent on going backstage at the TeaCon convention — where she cornered him,” said Jacobson.
“I was surprised to hear she claims she did not know Cain was going to be there. Cain was expected and was late.”
Bialek told the media on Monday: “I went up to him and asked him if he remembered me. I wanted to see if he would be man enough to own up to what he had done 14 years ago.”
◆The encounter: “It looked sort of flirtatious,” said Jacobson. “I mean they were hugging. But she could have been giving him the kiss of death for all I know. I had no idea what they were talking about, but she was inches from his ear.”
◆The introduction: “It all began when I took a convention break and joined my pals at the hotel bar. Sharon was drinking Mimosas with them. She said she was a Republican, a Tea Party member, had once dated [White Sox sports announcer’ Steve Stone] and had worked at WGN radio.”
◆The rendezvous: Sharon also said she was anxious to meet Cain again and had once gone to an afterparty with him and her boyfriend years ago. But she never mentioned he had sexually harassed her.”
◆The upshot: Bialek has since applied for employment in sales at WIND radio and is scheduled for a second interview Thursday.

Rosh Yeshivah of World's Largest Yeshivah, Hagaon Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel passes on

The world has lost an exceptional individual – a Rosh Yeshiva who combined the rare ability to plummet the inner most depths of Talmudic reasoning with the ability to plummet the inner depths of the Jewish soul with the insights of Mussar.  He combined all this with yet another quality – he possessed an unparalleled Ahavas Yisroel that was palpable to all who knew him.
On the Yartzeit of Rochel Imeinu, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the Rosh HaYeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim has passed on.
Rav Finkel was the scion of a Rabbinic family – the great grandson of the famed Alter of Slabodka –for whom he was named.  He was born in Chicago, in 1943 and was raised in a typical American Jewish manner.
The Talmud (Yuma 35b) tells us, “Hillel – obligates the poor in Torah study, Rabbi Elazar Ben Charsum obligates the wealthy in Torah study.”  One can say the same thing about Rav Finkel zt”l, but in two dimensions – both equally dramatic.

Rav Finkel obligated those born in typical Jewish America in intense and in depth Torah study.  This famed Rosh yeshiva grew up in Chicago Illinois, wearing a baseball cap and known as Natty Finkel.  He grew up on baseball, American kosher hotdogs, apple pie and everything else that represents the American Jewish scene.  He transcended all – in order to develop into a personality that develops other personalities.
But more than this, Rav Finkel was able to overcome the greatest of medical obstacles too – he suffered from the debilitating illness known as “Parkinson’s Disease.”  He had difficulty walking, talking and moving about.  He suffered from tremors too.  Yet notwithstanding all of this, he expended every effort to raise funds for his Yeshiva.  He travelled to and from to America often when he should perhaps not have exerted himself so much.  People would plead with him not to expend the energy, but he could not help it.  To the Rosh Yeshiva, the greatest of zchusim was in providing for his beloved Talmidim and for his beloved Rabbeim.  He loved them all, and all who came in contact would see that very palpable love.
It is almost universally well known that the Rosh yeshiva did not take pain medication for his condition.  Why not?  He did not want the medication to affect his performance in the understanding of Torah – even one iota.  His love for Torah and appreciating its insights to the maximum would not allow him to miss out on even one ounce of further insight and appreciation.
He would spend time in Lakewood, not only because so many of his Talmidim had come back to that citadel of Torah to study, but because of the Bnei Torah that permeated the city.  He would visit Far Rockaway too, and warmly welcomed alumnus and parents.
Any visitor that went to his home in the Bais Yisroel section of Yerushalayim was struck by the name of the street – “Amailim.”  Yes, of course.  Perseverence – Amailim – those who persevere.  What name of a street could better describe the person?  He worked hard at everything he did, whether it was in learning, whether it was in the maintaining and forming of special bonds of love with all those who he came in touch with, or whether it was in dealing with debilitating illness.
In his tenure as the Rosh Yeshiva of the largest yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, the Mirrer yeshiva grew to be able to educate some six thousand current students.  It grew under his direction, both in numbers as well as in quality.  One shiur, in the Yeshiva, that of Rav Asher Arielli has over six hundred students in attendance.  The shiur is such that one of Rav Arielli’s shiurim could be broken up into six different shiurim of major substance.
After the devastation of Europe that was the Nazi holocaust, the Mirrer Yeshiva relocated temporarily to Shanghai China.  In 1947 Reb Leizer Yudel Finkel launched the Yerushalayim branch of the Yeshiva and eventually it grew exponentially.  Rav Leizer Yudel passed away during Bein HaZmanim in 1965, when his son Reb Beinish Finkel and Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz took over the Yeshiva.  When Rav Chaim passed away in 1978, his son in law Rav Nachum Partzovitz took over until 1986.  Rav Beinish Finkel took over until his passing in 1990.  After that Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel became Rosh Yeshiva and he led the Yeshiva into a remarkable period of growth.
Rav Finkel’s dedication to not just his talmidim, but all Talmidim studying Torah was legendary.
In the summer months, many Yeshiva students would study in the Beis Midrash of the Mirrer Yeshiva because it both offered a Kol Torah as well as a comfortable air-conditioned Bais Midrash, a reprieve from the debilitating heat of Yerushalayim in the summer months.  Rav Finkel welcomed this and expressed, in his characteristic humility, his sense of appreciation that the Yeshiva could merit such a zchus.  Beyond this, the Rosh HaYeshiva took it upon himself to serve the other Ueshiva bochurim lunch meals.  That’s right – unheard of tzidkus.  A yeshiva giving lunch meals to talmidim not from its own Yeshiva?  Such was the love that the Rosh haYeshiva had for Bnei Torah – all Bnei Torah.  He continued this practice until this past summer when the yeshiva, facing an unprecedented debt load, finally had to discontinue it.
The Rosh Yeshiva passed away of a heart attack in his home at approximately 6:00 AM.  Hatzolah volunteers arrived at his home but were unable to save him.  Nafla Ateres Rosheinu.

Jewish Lady, Sharon Bialek, accuses Cain of Sexual Abuse, Makes Press Conference, refuses to take questions, and can't back up her accusation

Sharen Bialek, 4th lady to lynch Cain
This is the 4th accuser to accuse Presidential hopeful Herman Cain, of sexual abuse. Sharon Bialek of Chicago (guess where Obama is from), read from notes (I guess she has troubling remembering what happened to her) accusing Cain of sexual harrassment, but didn't allow any reporters to question her, and she did not back up any of her claims. At her side was the now infamous "Media Whore" lawyer Gloria Allard. Listen closely and you will hear that she is really accusing Cain of Sexual Assault, and if this was the case, why didn't she contact Police immediately? Her answer to Cain when he "assaulted" her,  "I have a boyfriend" is a very bizzare response. If she didn't have a boyfriend, would it have been alright? Why did she get fired from the Restaurant Association, why isn't she suing the Association? I believe she is a fake and a fraud.
See video and read article from Huffington Post

Sharon Bialek, the fourth woman to come out and make sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, appeared alongside her attorney Gloria Allred at a press conference on Monday.

According to Bialek, the Republican presidential candidate exhibited inappropriate behavior when he was serving as head of the National Restaurant Association more than a decade ago.

Bialek said the alleged incident in question occurred down the street from the NRA headquarters. Describing what happened, she said, "Instead of going into the offices, he suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg, up my skirt, and towards my genitals." She recalled that when she protested the advances, Cain said, "You want a job, right?"

Bialek alleged that Cain also "grabbed [her] head and brought it towards his crotch." She said that she was "shocked" by the behavior.

After losing her job, Bialek allegedly turned to Cain for help. Allred said on Monday, "Mr. Cain instead decided to try to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package."

According to Bialek, the alleged incident occurred at a bar in the nation's capital in 1997. She said Cain worked to arrange a "palatial suite" for her at a hotel and told her, "I upgraded you."

Bialek said, "I'm coming forward to give a face and a voice to the women." Three other women have leveled sexual harassment allegations against Cain, though their names have not been publicly disclosed.
The Cain campaign was quick to come out with a statement on the accusations, calling the charges of sexual harassment "false."

Monday, November 7, 2011

9 Year Old Monsey Boy killed by New Square man in auto accident..Updated!

A 9-year-old Monsey boy was killed Sunday after being struck by a van on Maple Avenue, police said.

The boy, who lives on Decatur Avenue, suffered head trauma. He was treated at the scene by Hatzolah Ambulance Corps and was later taken to Westchester County Medical 
Center in Valhalla.

Ramapo police said the youngster was standing on the corner of Decatur Avenue when he apparently saw his school bus traveling east along Maple Avenue around 8:38 a.m.
The boy then ran into the street and was struck by a 1998 GMC van traveling west on Maple Avenue, police said.
The school bus driver later told police that he was slowing down to make a scheduled pickup at the intersection when the accident occurred .
The driver told police that the bus' lights were flashing at the time, but the vehicle had not come to a complete stop.
The driver of the van, a 63-year-old New Square resident, was not injured. The Ramapo Police Accident Investigation Unit is conducting an investigation.
Such accidents are all too familiar to residents living in the densely populated neighborhoods off Route 45.
In August, a 2-year-old girl was killed when she darted out onto Clinton Lane in front of a minivan driven by a neighbor.
Another 2-year-old girl died on April 15 after being struck by a car in the parking lot of the New Square Supermarket on Jefferson Avenue.
Moshe Gruber, who lives on Decatur Avenue, likely died of head injuries from the 8:38 a.m. accident along Maple Avenue, Detective Lt. Mark Emma said.

Police were called between 3:30 and 3:45 a.m. today about the boy's death by the Westchester Medical Center.

The initial police investigation found Moshe ran into the street at Decatur Avenue to cross to the other side for his school bus. He ran in front of a 1998 GMC van driven by Herman Gelbman, 63, of New Square and was hit, Emma said.

Gelbman was driving east while the school bus was heading west toward Spring Valley and planned to pick up students at Decatur Avenue, a border street with Spring Valley.

Emma said the investigation found that Gelbman drove in his lane and was not speeding.

While the school bus had just turned on its yellow lights and was slowing down, Gelbman was not required to stop, Emma said. Drivers must stop when school buses flash their red lights.

Emma said the child apparently ran in front Gelbman's van after leaving his sister and running for the school bus.

The bus driver later told officers that he was slowing down to make a scheduled pickup, police said.

"They both are at a point of no return, so to speak," Emma said. "The boy sees the bus and steps right in front of the van. He's knocked down to the curb or street."

Emma said the Westchester Medical Examiner's Office will determine if the head injury caused his death.

The boy's body will not undergo an autopsy for religious reasons, but the medical examiner can still take X-rays, Emma said.

Orthodox Judaism forbids autopsies and separating body parts and fluids from the body. In potential criminal cases, some form of autopsy is allowed but usually after judicial decision.

Police will inspect Gelbman's car, Emma said.

Hatzolah Ambulance Corps treated Moshe at the scene and took him to the medical center in Valhalla.

The Ramapo Police Accident Investigation Unit is conducting an investigation.

Such accidents are all too familiar to residents living in the densely populated neighborhoods off Route 45.

In August, a 2-year-old girl was killed when she darted out onto Clinton Lane in front of a minivan driven by a neighbor.

Another 2-year-old girl died on April 15 after being struck by a car in the parking lot of the New Square Supermarket on Jefferson Avenue.

Two Waterbury Yeshivah Boys killed on 84

A van that was involved in a fatal accident early Monday morning on Interstate 84 in Danbury sits in a garage at the State Police Troop A barracks in Southbury. Photo taken Monday, Nov. 7, 2011. Photo: Carol Kaliff / CT for Newstimes.com

Two Flatbush residents heading back to Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel in Waterbury, Connecticut died last night after the van they were in rolled over on Interstate 84 between exits two and three in Danbury, Connecticut at 12:30 AM.  
VIN News has confirmed the identities of the two boys as Dani King, age 15 of Brooklyn and Eli Schonbron, age 16 also of Brooklyn.  The nine other boys in the van sustained injuries and Connecticut State Police reports that one other boy in the van suffered serious injuries as well.
State Police could not confirm the cause of the crash or whether or not any of the eleven high school bochurim in the van were wearing seatbelts.  The interstate was closed for several hours last night and reported by VIN news

Kevura for Eli Schonbrun took place on Long Island to be followed by shiva at the family home, 1133 East 31st Street in Flatbush.
Kevura for Dani King took place in Washington Cemetery in Deans, New Jersey, followed by shiva at the family home, 1232 East 31st Street.
The nine other passengers who were traveling in the 1998 Ford Club Wagon are confirmed to be Israel Braun, 20, Pinchus Feldman, 16, Abraham Jungreis, 16, Avraham Schmulevitz, 21, Moshe Sperling, 18, Elimelech Sperling, 21 and Jay Tepler, 16, all Flatbush residents and Aryeh Litzman, 17, of Atlanta.