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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Monsey Man Leaves his 2 year old daughter in his hot car, arrested!

A Monsey man believed to have left his 2-year-old daughter inside a parked car for two hours during Friday's record-breaking heat is facing misdemeanor endangerment charges.
The girl was taken to Nyack Hospital about 2 p.m. after one of her parents called Hatzolah Ambulance to report the girl had been left in the vehicle as it was parked in their driveway, Ramapo police Detective Sgt. Brian Corbett said. The toddler was not seriously harmed during the incident. Corbett said police believe the windows to the car had been cracked open. The detective was not sure if the girl had been fastened in a car seat or if she was free to move about. Police arrived at the hospital's emergency room, where an investigation led to the arrest of the girl's father, Joel Stein, 31, of West Maple Ave. Corbett said Stein's alleged actions appear to have been inadvertent . "He had been running errands, got back to the house and forgot that he had left his daughter in the car," Corbett said. Police were unsure of what temperatures were reached inside the car, but according to Accuweather, temperatures in the hamlet reached between 94 and 97 degrees during the two-hour stretch from 12 and 2 p.m. Real feel temperatures in the area were between 107 and 109 degrees.
Stein was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and second-degree reckless endangerment, misdemeanors. A telephone message left at his West Maple Avenue home Friday evening was not returned. Stein was released without bail. He is to appear in Ramapo Town Court at 2 p.m. Aug. 2.
Corbett said the girl was later released from Nyack Hospital to the custody of her parents. Investigation into the case remains ongoing.
Ramapo police were assisted by Rockland's Child Protective Services office.

Another Iranian Nuclear Scientist Murdered! Mossad Blamed Again!

An Iranian physicist was shot dead by a motorcyclist in Tehran on Saturday and Iran's student news agency ISNA quoted an unnamed police official as saying the man was a nuclear scientist.

ISNA named the scientist as Darioush Rezaie, 35, a university teacher who held a PhD in physics. It was not clear whether he was part of Iran's nuclear enrichment program. Enriched uranium can be used for civilian nuclear purposes, but also to build atomic bombs.

"An Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated in front of his house today ... and his wife was also wounded," it said. "He was shot dead by a motorcyclist."

Deputy Interior Minister Safarali Baratlou said it was not clear whether Rezaie was a nuclear scientist, Iran's Labor News Agency ILNA reported. "Police investigations are continuing ... Nobody has been arrested so far," Baratlou told ILNA.

The state news agency IRNA also reported the assassination but gave different details. Officials were not available for comment. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Several nuclear scientists have been assassinated in Iran in the past few years, and in November one Iranian scientist was killed and one was wounded in Tehran.

Iranian officials and media have blamed Israel, which Tehran calls "the Zionist regime," and the United States for the killings.

Jewish Singer, Amy Winehouse dead at age 27!

Singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead at her house in north London She was 27. The award-winning artist, famous for hits including Rehab from the critically acclaimed album Back to Black, was discovered by police in the late afternoon. Her death was being treated on Saturday night as "unexplained" but sources said she had died of a drugs overdose.
The Metropolitan police said: "We were called by London Ambulance Service to an address in Camden Square shortly before 16.05hrs following reports of a woman found deceased. On arrival officers found the body of a 27-year-old female who was pronounced dead at the scene."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Obama Invites Russia, UN, EU for a Summit on Israel! Israel NOT invited!

The following  is an important article by Eli Hertz from Arutz Sheva: A must read to any Jew who is still thinking of voting for the disaster in the White House that calls himself Hussein Obama.
Read it and weep!
According to media reports, on July 11, 2011, President Obama invited the other members of the Quartet - Russia, the UN, and the EU - as well as representatives from China and the Arab League, to the White House for a summit on Israel. Israel was not invited, but the Arab League was. It seems that the U.S. Administration is convinced that the Arab League can contribute to the deliberations.
So, who is the Arab League?
It is illuminating to examine the record of the League of Arab States since the founding of the League in 1945, which is hardly a model for peaceful settlement of disputes in the spirit of the United Nations.
Prior to the establishment of the Jewish state, the League took the following steps:
In December 1945, the Arab League launched a boycott of 'Zionist goods' that continues to this day.

In June 1946, it established the Higher Arab Committee to "coordinate efforts with regard to Palestine," a radical body that led and coordinated attempts to wipe Israel off the map.

In December 1946, it rejected the first proposed Palestine partition plans, reaffirming "that Palestine is a part of the Arab motherland."

In October 1947, prior to the vote on Resolution 181 - the "Partition Plan" - it reasserted the necessity for military preparations along Arab borders to "defending Palestine."

In February 1948, it approved "a plan for political, military, and economic measures to be taken in response to the Palestine crisis."

In October 1948, it rejected the UN "Partition Plan" for Palestine adopted by the General Assembly in Resolution 181.

On May 15 1948, as the regular forces of Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and contingents from Saudi Arabia and Yemen invaded Israel to 'restore law and order,' the Arab League issued a lengthy document entitled "Declaration on the Invasion of Palestine." In it, the Arab states drew attention to:

"The injustice implied in this solution the right of the people of Palestine to immediate independence ... declared the Arabs' rejection of " which the League said "would not be possible to carry it out by peaceful means, and that its forcible imposition would constitute a threat to peace and security in this area" and claimed that the "security and order in Palestine have become disrupted" due to the "aggressive intentions, and the imperialistic designs of the Zionists" and "the Governments of the Arab States, as members of the Arab League, a regional organization ... view the events taking place in Palestine as a threat to peace and security in the area as a whole. ... Therefore, as security in Palestine is a sacred trust in the hands of the Arab States, and in order to put an end to this state of affairs ... the Governments of the Arab States have found themselves compelled to intervene in Palestine."
The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, was less diplomatic and far more candid, with no patience for polite or veiled language. At a Cairo press conference on the same day that Israel declared its independence on May 14 1948, Pasha revealed the following statement which was reported the next day in The New York Times. Pasha repeated the Arabs' "intervention to restore law and order"
"This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades." The League of Arab States continued to oppose peace after Israel's 1948 War of Independence:
In July 15 1948, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 54 calling on Arab aggression to stop:
"Taking into consideration that the Provisional Government of Israel has indicated its acceptance in principle of a prolongation of the truce in Palestine; that the States members of the Arab League have rejected successive appeals of the United Nations Mediator, and of the Security Council in its resolution 53 (1948) of 7 July 1948, for the prolongation of the truce in Palestine; and that there has consequently developed a renewal of hostilities in Palestine."

In October 1949, the Arab League declared that negotiation with Israel by any Arab state would be in violation of Article 18 of the Arab League.

In April 1950, it called for severance of relations with any Arab state which engaged in relations or contacts with Israel and prohibited Member states from negotiating unilateral peace with Israel.

In March 1979, it suspended Egypt's membership in the League (retroactively) from the date of its signing a peace treaty with Israel.

More recently, in the Beirut Declaration of March 27-28, 2002, adopted at the height of Palestinian suicide attacks in Israel, the Arab League declared:

"We, the kings, presidents, and emirs of the Arab states meeting in the Council of the Arab League Summit in Beirut, capital of Lebanon ... have conducted a thorough assessment of the developments and challenges ... relating to the Arab region and, more specifically, to the occupied Palestinian territory. With great pride, we followed the Palestinian people's intifada and valiant resistance. ... We address a greeting of pride and honour to the Palestinian people's steadfastness and valiant intifada against the Israeli occupation and its destructive war machine. We greet with honour and pride the valiant martyrs of the intifada."
The Arab League, which has systematically opposed and blocked peace efforts for nearly 67 years, and is in a declared state-of-war with Israel, is now deemed by the U.S. State Department an organization that can contribute to peace in the Middle East.

Agudath Israel Clarifies it's Position on Reporting Child Abuse!

From VIN News

Agudath Israel of America has received several inquiries in the wake of misleading claims that have recently been made about our stance on reporting suspected child abusers to law enforcement authorities.  We take the opportunity to clarify our position.
As Torah Jews we live our live our lives in accordance with halacha.  The question of whether and under what circumstances one is halachically permitted or required to report to the authorities suspicions of child abuse (including sexual molestation) has attracted the attention of a number of our generation’s most prominent rabbinic authorities.  Many of their responsa have been collected in the respected Torah journal Yeshurun, Volumes 15 and 22.
As elaborated at a recent Halacha Conference sponsored by Agudath Israel of America, these responsa make clear that when certain standards have been met it is not only permitted but in fact obligatory to report suspicions of abuse or molestation.  The general principles that emerge from these responsa are as follows:
1. Where there is “raglayim la’davar” (roughly, reason to believe) that a child has been abused or molested, the matter should be reported to the authorities.  In such situations, considerations of “tikun ha’olam” (the halachic authority to take steps necessary to “repair the world”), as well as other halachic concepts, override all other considerations.
2. This halachic obligation to report where there is raglayim la’davar is not dependent upon any secular legal mandate to report. Thus, it is not limited to a designated class of “mandated reporters,” as is the law in many states (including New York); it is binding upon anyone and everyone. In this respect, the halachic mandate to report is more stringent than secular law.
3. However, where the circumstances of the case do not rise to the threshold level of raglayim la’davar, the matter should not be reported to the authorities. In the words of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, perhaps the most widely respected senior halachic authority in the world today, “I see no basis to permit” reporting “where there is no raglayim la’davar, but rather only ‘eizeh dimyon’ (roughly, some mere conjecture); if we were to permit it, not only would that not result in ‘tikun ha’olam’, it could lead to ‘heres haolam’ (destruction of the world).”  [Yeshurun, Volume 7, page 641.]
4. Thus, the question of whether the threshold standard of raglayim la’davar has been met so as to justify (indeed, to require) reporting is critical for halachic purposes. (The secular law also typically establishes a threshold for mandated reporters; in New York, it is “reasonable cause to suspect.”) The issue is obviously fact sensitive and must be determined on a case-by-case basis.
5. There may be times when an individual may feel that a report or evidence he has seen rises to the level of raglayim la’davar; and times when he may feel otherwise.  Because the question of reporting has serious implications for all parties, and raises sensitive halachic issues, the individual should not rely exclusively on his own judgment to determine the presence or absence of raglayim la’davar.  Rather, he should present the facts of the case to a rabbi who is expert in halacha and who also has experience in the area of abuse and molestation – someone who is fully sensitive both to the gravity of the halachic considerations and the urgent need to protect children. (In addition, as Rabbi Yehuda Silman states in one of his responsa [Yeshurun, Volume 15, page 589], “of course it is assumed that the rabbi will seek the advice of professionals in the field as may be necessary.”) It is not necessary to convene a formal bais din (rabbinic tribunal) for this purpose, and the matter should be resolved as expeditiously as possible to minimize any chance of the suspect continuing his abusive conduct while the matter is being considered.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bombs Govt Building in Norway! 97 Dead! Coverup?

This was the  original story with Muslims taking credit!
OSLO — Powerful explosions shook central Oslo on Friday afternoon, blowing out the windows of several government buildings, including one housing the office of the Norwegian prime minister. The state television broadcaster, citing the police, said seven people were killed and at least 15 injured; a spokeswoman for the prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, said he was “safe and not hurt.”
Shortly after the explosions, which appeared to be a bomb attack, a man dressed as a police officer opened fire on a summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party on the island of Utoya about 25 miles northwest of the city, and wounded at least five, a Norwegian security official said. The attacks appeared to be part of a coordinated assault on the ordinarily peaceful Scandinavian nation, as images of the damaged government buildings called to mind past terror attacks in Beirut or Baghdad or Oklahoma City.

Though the police did not immediately connect the explosions with terrorism, the mangled wreckage of a car could be seen in front of the main government building, flipped on its side, damaged so badly that its make and color were not apparent, and a large area of sidewalk pavement was completely blown away. Reports in local media said that officials were assuming it was a deliberate bombing.
A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. “We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations,” the group said, according to Mr. McCants’ translation, apparently referring to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. “What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come.” The claim could not be confirmed.

Now they are changing the story.....read  what Mike Savaga says about this bombing....
"This has all the appearances of a cover-up. They created their Reichstag fire. They found their Timothy McVeigh. They created their Jack Ruby. How could one man have blown up the downtown and then raced to the island to kill the teens?
This is likely a fabrication of the Labour Party, who needs to hold onto power to enforce their multi-culturalist, Muslim-favoring, anti-nationalist views especially in light of the earlier “credit” for this atrocity claimed by the radical Muslim group whose leader they were threatening to deport.
The official story defies logic in the following sense as well if this long right-winger hated Muslims, as the New York Times is reporting, then why did he slaughter his own people and not Muslims?

2,000 year old bell from the Kohanim's clothing found!

A worker for the IAA, Israel's Antiquities Authority holds a gold bell found in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 24, 2011. The tiny golden bell preserved for two millennia underneath Jerusalem is ringing again, having been discovered by Israeli archaeologists excavating a Roman-era sewer. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

A golden bell ornament that archaeologists believed belonged to a priest or important leader from the Second Temple Period was found in an ancient drainage channel in ruins next to the Western Wall on Thursday, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced.
The small bell, which has a loop for attaching to clothing or jewelry, was found underneath what is today known as Robinson’s arch. The area underneath the arch was the central road of Jerusalem, which lead from the Shiloah Pools in the City of David to the Old City and the Temple Mount.
They believed that the bell fell off the official’s clothing while he was walking along the road and rolled into the drainage channel, where it has sat for nearly 2,000 year
The archeologists based their findings on the verse in Exodus: “…And upon the skirts of it thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the skirts thereof; and bells of gold between them round about” (Ex. 28:34,36)
Read more Jerusalem Post

Swiss Pilot calls mom to say "I'm just going to drop by," then crashes his plane into her house!

An amateur pilot who bitterly resented his mother killed himself by crashing a plane into her house.
Konrad Schmidt, 47, hoped to take mum Rosemary to the grave with him and phoned her from the cockpit asking: “Are you home? I am just going to drop by.”
Rosemary, 68, survived because she was in her basement. Neighbours helped her to safety and she was treated for shock.
Eyewitnesses said the crash was no accident because Konrad flew the twin-engined plane over the house three times at high speed.
One said: “He had all these fly pasts. He was lining himself up and then he did it. It was like seeing a mini re-run of 9/11.”
Police found his body in the wreckage of the house, which will have to be demolished.
Rosemary told police her son had phoned her from the rented aircraft shortly before the kamikaze-style attack on Saturday.
Jobless Konrad had a long-running feud with his mother, neighbours in Oberhallau, Switzerland, revealed.

Read more:The Mirror

Memorial Service for little Leiby Kletzky Z"L

Courtesy VIN
Inside Congregation Anshe Sfard on 14th Ave. in Brooklyn, NY where a prayer service was held July 20 2011. Photo: ShiaHD

Killer Aron's Lawyer Quits! "Case Too Horrific!" Hires New Lawyer Who is an expert in "insanity" defense!

As police prepared to remove more evidence from Levy Aron’s attic apartment, his legal team suffered a body-blow today.
Defense co-counsel Gerard Marrone abruptly resigned from the case, telling Eyewitness News that he simply could not in good conscience continue to represent Aron, who is accused of abducting and murdering an 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in Brooklyn.
“The allegations were too horrific, and it’s not something I wanted to be involved in,” he told Eyewitness News. “I have three boys. One of my sons is seven. I looked at my own children and there are no words. You see the victim and you feel so sad.
”Marrone admitted there was a time earlier this week when he cried over the death of Leiby Kletzky.

Marrone and his co-counsel Pierre Bazile suggested last week that Aron was schizophrenic and said they were considering an insanity defense.
Bazile sought to downplay that speculation this afternoon
“Reports in the press that a so-called ‘insanity defense’ is planned are premature,” he said in a statement. “Please refrain from publishing this erroneous information.”
People in the community we spoke with insisted that an insanity plea would be an injustice.

Bazile hires new lawyer with "insanity" experience

The main defense lawyer for the man suspected of abducting and killing an 8-year-old boy he met on the street has acquired a new partner with experience in high-profile murder cases, including an insanity defense.
Pierre Bazile announced in an unusual statement on Friday that he had replaced attorney Gerard Marrone with Jennifer McCann on the team representing Levi Aron. Marrone left abruptly this week, saying in various media reports that he had “moral” issues about representing Aron. Bazile announced in a statement that McCann “represented Kathleen Prisco, who famously killed her husband and was found not guilty by reason of insanity this past December.”
Bazile also boasted that McCann represented “convicted murderer and dismemberer Nathan Powell and won his appeal for a lesser sentence.”
“She has a reputation for being an aggressive attorney who diligently represents high-profile defendants,” he added.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

CBS NEWS REPORTS: Childrens clothing removed from Aron's house were from other children!

CBS 2 has learned some of the boxes removed from Aron’s home contained a sizable quantity of other children’s clothing. Police will also be digging up Aron’s backyard again to see if there is anything that leads to other missing children.
No further info at this time!

Poor Leiby Was Drugged, Police confirm that Aron took Leiby to Monsey, Aron Indicted, Faces Life in Prison!

The Butcher from Flatbush, Levi Aron, has been indicted by a grand jury and was charged  with two counts of first-degree murder.

Aron faces up to life in prison without possibility of parole if convicted, Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes announced moments ago. Aron’s arraignment is scheduled for July 28.

At the press conference which ended just moments ago, Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes confirmed that Leiby Kletzky was in fact in Monsey, as Levi Aron had said in his confession. Hynes said that the child was identified by a gas station clerk in Monsey, and further stated that Leby had asked to use the restroom, and that Levi Aron had pulled into a gas station.
There was no evidence that he was inside the wedding hall in New Square.
According to an official report released today by the medical examiner, Aron also drugged little Leiby with a combination of a muscle relaxant, an antipsychotic, Vicodin, and Tylenol before smothering him to death.

From the New York Post July 21 2011
Investigators also spent four hours yesterday scouring newly discovered color surveillance video from a New Jersey gas station that shows Aron escorting Leiby to the bathroom late July 11 -- the last known images of the boy.

They were returning from a Rockland County wedding to which Aron bizarrely took Leiby after allegedly kidnapping him off a Brooklyn street that day.

"It gave me chills in my spine," said an attendant at the Sunoco station on the Palisades Parkway after looking at still images from the video, time-stamped 8:15 p.m. "I know the child is dead. It made me sad."

The footage shows Aron opening his car door for Leiby, and the two walking into the bathroom together.

"The pictures were just the kid and the guy walking behind him," the attendant said. "The man had a hat with glasses. The little boy was dressed like the way they described him when they were looking for him."

They were in the facility for only one to two minutes, said a second attendant who saw the video.

"There was no pushing, no nothing. The little kid goes easily," the second attendant said.

The footage then shows them leaving in a Honda, the second attendant said.
It just looked like anyone else walking in and out. The child didn't look frightened," the first attendant said.

Later that night, they returned to Aron's attic apartment in Kensington.

The next day, June 12, Aron allegedly bound Leiby and left him "in a captive position" for 12 hours while he went to his plumbing-supply stockboy job.

"The boy had marks on his wrist that indicated at one point he was tied up," said Hynes, who added that Leiby's body showed no signs of sexual abuse.

Aron told cops he killed Leiby when he got home, in a "panic" over the intense search for the boy.

After allegedly smothering Leiby, Aron cut off his feet, placed them in garbage bags and put them in his freezer. He put the rest of the corpse in a suitcase he tossed in a garbage bin two miles away.

Aron was shirtless when cops stormed his apartment in the early hours of July 13. He led police to the body parts and fully confessed, police said.

Cops searching his East Second Street home yesterday removed children's clothing that do not belong to Leiby, police sources said.

But the NYPD said no other victims have been discovered.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Did Little Leiby Kletzky Know His Killer? Some Police Officers Think He Did! Did Shomrim Contribute To Leiby’s Murder?

According to an article in this week's JEWISH WEEK , a police officer close to the investigation said that there is "reason to believe,” based on the video footage of Aron and Leiby last Monday, that this was not, as the NYPD has publicly claimed, an abduction by a stranger, and that the two may have been acquainted prior to the tragic encounter.
 It could be that Leiby was targeted by Aron and made up to meet him. That explains  why Leiby asked his parents to walk home alone and it explains  why Leiby made that fateful  turn on 44th Street and didn't proceed up 13th avenue.How could Leiby miss 13th Avenue a busy block and instead walk off to 44th street a rather quiet block? It also explains why Leiby would wait 7 minutes in front of the dentist's office without approaching other people that were constantly walking by. If in fact Aron took Leiby to Monsey to the wedding and left him in the car with open windows as he claimed in his confession, why wouldn't Leiby scream to the guests of the wedding when  Aron left him to enter the building? Unless he knew him prior?

Is there a coverup by the Shomrim and the Police?

Hella Winston of the Jewish Week thinks that there certainly is. 
Police say that the first 3 hours of a missing child is extremely critical in finding the child, and that Police always respond immediately. But in this case Police wern't notified until 3 hours after Shomrim were notified! Calls by The Jewish Week to Yakov Daskal, founder and coordinator of the Brooklyn South Shomrim, were not returned. But in an interview with The Wall Street Journal he seemed to brush off the apparent discrepancy, saying that "it wouldn't have mattered [had the Shomrim reported to the police sooner] … And the police wouldn't have come right away."

While Commissioner Kelly also stated publicly that the time lag would not have made a difference in this case, he did acknowledge to The Wall Street Journal that the Shomrim often do not immediately notify police when they get reports and that this has been a “longstanding” issue for the department.
Both Daskal and Kelly’s remarks have angered some in the NYPD, who insist that police do in fact respond immediately to calls about missing children, and believe that the failure of Shomrim to report suspected crimes to law enforcement immediately (and, in some cases, at all) is a serious problem.
They believe that Kelly is downplaying his criticism of the Shomrim for political reasons, since the NYPD top brass and city officials value their relationship with the Shomrim groups.
“The first three hours of an investigation are key,” said a source within the NYPD. “And while Kelly said he would prefer [that the police] hear about [these situations] right away, it is outrageous to say it probably didn’t make a difference in this case,” especially in light of the fact that the authorities have been vague about the timeline of the murder.
Did Shomrim know about Aron and didn't report him?
Among the questions that emerged this week was whether Levi Aron, the confessed killer, had previously been reported to either the Shomrim or the police.
At a press conference held by Commissioner Kelly, a reporter from the Orthodox publication, Hamodia, indicated that he had information that several 911 calls were made about Aron before this case, but Kelly said he had no knowledge of those calls.
Further, The Daily, a publication for Apple iPad tablet users published by News Corporation, has reported that the Shomrim were warned about Aron within the past several weeks, when he allegedly stalked an 11 year-old boy. However, Daskal of the Brooklyn South Shomrim denied these claims, both in The Daily and again on a radio show Saturday night.
A law enforcement source with knowledge of the case told The Jewish Week that there is “reason to believe,” based on the video footage of Aron and Leiby last Monday, that this was not, as the NYPD has publicly claimed, an abduction by a stranger, and that the two may have been acquainted prior to the tragic encounter.
Some sources within both the community and the NYPD believe the police and Shomrim are not disclosing the possibility that Aron’s violent tendencies and interest in boys were known to people in the community who should have, but failed, to report him.

Rachelle Friedman, Paralyzed after being shoved into a pool for a joke, will finally marry!

A year after she was paralyzed in poolside horseplay at her bachelorette party, Rachelle Friedman knows one thing she would change about her life before the injury.

"I wish we had danced together more because I love dancing so much, and we didn't do it enough," she says of her soon-to-be husband. "Looking back, I would have done it every night."
Friedman will finally make it down the aisle on Friday, marrying the man who has waited with her to exchange vows since the accident. She is wearing the same gown she chose for the first ceremony but with her father pushing her wheelchair down the aisle instead of walking her down it, arm in arm.
Also joining her will be the bridesmaid who shoved her into the shallow end of a pool on May 23, 2010 – causing a freak accident that changed their lives. The 25-year-old from Knightdale has stuck with her friend and refused to reveal her identity even as newspapers, television and Internet sites carried the story around the world.
"She was tragically hurt, mentally and emotionally. And I was tragically hurt, physically," Friedman says on a day that a tailor is altering her strapless, simple wedding dress to fit her new, thinner, less muscular body. "It's harder to deal with when you're hurt emotionally sometimes than when you're hurt physically."
Friedman was celebrating with her girlfriends in Virginia Beach, Va., about a month before she was supposed to be married last year when she was injured. After being pushed into the pool, she awkwardly hit the cement bottom. She knew immediately something was wrong.
"I instantly just stopped moving," Friedman says. She floated to the top, face up. Her friends were already in the water to help. This isn't a joke, she told them. Call 911.
The horseplay was no different from the way her friends had goofed around many times. Friedman could have just as easily pushed her friend in the water, she says. She refuses to even call the act a prank because that would imply some devious intent.
"People look at it like this is something that happened to me, but it happened to both of us," Friedman said of her friend.
Friedman is moving on with her life, learning how to play wheelchair rugby and using her knuckles instead of her fingers for tasks such as texting and responding to email.
Neither she nor her fiance, Chris Chapman, ever considered deserting the other. They'd been together for almost five years when the accident happened.
"You have to know me and Chris to understand," Friedman says.
Chapman, a 28-year-old middle school science teacher in Spring Hope, echoes her.
"It was not, `What am I going to do?'" he says. "It was, `what are we doing to do?' ... I just didn't know what to do next. It was one step at a time."
The two will exchange vows in a ceremony at The Fearrington House in Pittsboro, with a reception in the village barn. Her favorite flowers, sunflowers, will take center stage. Wedding planning company 1-800-REGISTRY is paying for their ceremony and the honeymoon in Fiji.
Read More:Huffington Post

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Israel Weingarten the Convicted Rapist Hires New Lawyers That Are Linked To Terrorists!

From Failed Messiah

The Satmar hasid convicted of raping his daughter over a many year period and transporting her internationally to do so is due to be re-sentenced in September because one count of his conviction was thrown out by the appeals court on a technicality. He is currently serving a 32 year prison sentence. His new attorneys, Jill R. Shellow and Donna R. Newman, are linked to terrorists.

Shellow was a defense attorney for attorney Lynne Stewart, who was the attorney for Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind sheik. Stewart was convicted of conspiring with Abdel-Rahman and of passing messages from him to a terrorist organization. Newman acted as anext of friend for convicted terrorist Jose Padilla.
Please click to enlarge:
Israel Weingarten docket
Donna R Newman

Skverer Rebbi Wants Rottenberg Lawsuit Thrown Out

New Square, NY - The chief rabbi in a Hasidic village in New York has asked a court to throw out a civil lawsuit implicating him in the arson attack that badly burned a dissident member.
His lawyer says there’s no “factual basis” showing Grand Rabbe David Twersky directed the May 22 attack.
The Journal News says Attorney Franklyn Snitow moved Monday to have the $18 million lawsuit dismissed.
Plaintiff Aron Rottenberg claims Twersky targeted him because he began praying at another synagogue other than the village’s principal one.

If You Have Children and you own a Smartphone, You Must Watch This Video!