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Showing posts with label Donna Newman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donna Newman. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Israel Weingarten the Convicted Rapist Hires New Lawyers That Are Linked To Terrorists!

From Failed Messiah

The Satmar hasid convicted of raping his daughter over a many year period and transporting her internationally to do so is due to be re-sentenced in September because one count of his conviction was thrown out by the appeals court on a technicality. He is currently serving a 32 year prison sentence. His new attorneys, Jill R. Shellow and Donna R. Newman, are linked to terrorists.

Shellow was a defense attorney for attorney Lynne Stewart, who was the attorney for Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind sheik. Stewart was convicted of conspiring with Abdel-Rahman and of passing messages from him to a terrorist organization. Newman acted as anext of friend for convicted terrorist Jose Padilla.
Please click to enlarge:
Israel Weingarten docket
Donna R Newman