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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Capitol Hill Staffer Won't Grant Wife Jewish Divorce!!

Epstein wife of Friedman
Friedman, 34, a congressional committee aide working for Rep. Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, has refused to give Epstein a get, a Jewish writ of divorce.
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Cop Issues "Jaywalking Ticket" to Teen in a Coma!

Mother of Teen:
"If she was jaywalking, then she was jaywalking. But maybe you give it to me at a later time. Don't give it to me when they are rushing her into the operating room."

Israeli Bird Arrested in Saudi Arabia for Spying!

Saudi Arabia 'nabbed Israeli-tagged vulture for being Mossad spy'

Vulture used as part of bird migration research was reportedly captured in rural area of Saudi Arabia.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rabbis Ban The Jewish News Web Site "Vos Iz Neias"

I think that people should now go to the web site and patronize the advertisers, only because we will never know who is next!

Monday, December 27, 2010

New York Times Claims That The Freezing Weather Is Because of "Global Warming"

The   New York Times wants us believe that the overall warming of the atmosphere is actually
creating cold-weather extremes. You can't even argue with such nonsense!

Meanwhile in the real world, we have an Ice Age coming!
Columbia,S.C., had its first significant Christmas snow since weather records were first kept in 1887. Atlanta had just over an inch of snow—the first measurable accumulation on Christmas Day since the 1880s.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Congress Spends $700,00.00 To Study Cow Burbs!!!

A team of scientists who study pollution's role in global warming are outraged at a GOP Senator who, they say, has maligned their work as wasteful and petty by describing it as a study of "cow burps. "It's not wasteful," he said. "It's important.This was not funded with earmarks and it was not a study about cow burps," said John Aber, an environmental scientist and provost of the University of New Hampshire.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Huffington Post Lies Outright About Palin's Haiti Visit

Every time I think that the “Press” can’t sink any lower than the rock bottom they’ve already hit, they somehow manage to burrow themselves further into the earth’s mantle. As is so often the case, this most recent gutter-dwelling example has to do with Sarah Palin, who dared to go on a humanitarian trip to Haiti.

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Woman Banned From Wearing Crucifix To Work!

It was her cross not to bare -- a Roman Catholic woman says she was banned from wearing her crucifix while working for Orthodox Jews at a Manhattan frame and watch wholesaler.
Jamie Errico said she was told not wear crosses to work at Concepts in Time near Herald Square - and on one occasion when she did, store owner Saul Jemal pulled her aside and told her to "remove it or tuck it under her shirt, and never wear it again," Errico charged in a discrimination suit against the store.
Jemal, the suit added, also "refused to allow plaintiff to make or sell watches with any kind of non-Jewish religious symbols."

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Doctor Arrested for Throwing Away a Business Card with the Name Muhammad!

Pakistani authorities have arrested a doctor on suspicion of violating the country's contentious blasphemy law by throwing away a business card of a man who shared the name of Islam's prophet, Muhammad, police said Sunday.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/12/12/international/i055248S70.DTL#ixzz17vl4GR9a


White House Tapes: Kissinger says "Gassing Jews would not be a U.S. problem"

"The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an 
objective of American foreign policy,” the New York Times on 
Saturday quotes Kissinger, then the secretary of state, as 
saying on the tapes. “And if they put Jews into gas chambers
 in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a 
humanitarian concern.”
Nixon replies: “I know. We can’t blow up the world because of it.”


Obama abruptly leaves Press Conference; Has Clinton Holding the Bag!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time To Come Home!

US Forced Nations to Support Climate Accord...WikiLeaks

US diplomatic cables reveal how the US seeks dirt on nations opposed to its approach to tackling global warming; how financial and other aid is used by countries to gain political backing; how distrust, broken promises and creative accounting dog negotiations; and how the US mounted a secret global diplomatic offensive to overwhelm opposition to the controversial "Copenhagen accord", the unofficial document that emerged from the ruins of the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009.

WikiLeaks cables reveal how US manipulated climate accord | Environment | The Guardian

Meanwhile despite "Global Warming" the world is experiencing record cold and freezing weather!
At least 60 killed by cold snap across Europe - Emirates24|7

Airports close as Europe shivers in fresh snows - Emirates24|7

Friday, December 3, 2010

First they murdered 6 Million of Our Brethern & Now They Don't Want Us to Live in Jerusalem

Germany asked U.S. to force settlement freeze on Israel, WikiLeaks cables show

Senior German official urged U.S. to threaten withdrawing its veto on an anti-Israel vote at the UN.

An Online Order From Hell!

Ms. Rodriguez placed an order for both the Lafonts and a set of doctor-prescribed Ciba Vision contact lenses on that site, DecorMyEyes.com. The total cost was $361.97.
It was the start of what Ms. Rodriguez would later describe as one of the most maddening and miserable experiences of her life.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jewish Life in Munkatch ....March 1933

Wedding of Frime Chaye Rivke Shapira - daughter of Grand Rebbe Eleazer Shapira of Munkatch, author of Minchas Eleazer (d. 1936), to Rabbi Rabinowitz in March 1933. She was the mother of the present Munkatcher and Dinover Rebbes. Complete version. Includes other scenes of Jewish life in Munkacs, Hungary, both of secular and religious Jews. 1. Wedding. Huge crowds of well wishers gather in the streets on the occasion of the wedding of the Munkacs Grand Rabbi's 18 year old daughter, Frime Chaye Rivke. The Munkatcher Rebbe makes a speech in Yiddish exhorting Jews in America to continue to keep Shabbos (to observe the sabbath day). The wedding party then enters the synagogue grounds, and the cantor sings blessings beneath the wedding canopy (chupah). The wedding concludes with festive hasidic music. Newspaper accounts indicate that some 20,000 people attended the celebrations. 2. Secular Jewish children singing in Munkatch. 3. Traditional Religious Jewish children studying in Orthodox Religious School in Munkatch. 4. Book peddler and weaver in Munkatch. 5. Secular Jews dancing in Munkatch.«
Most of the people seen in these videos were brutally murdered by the Nazi Monsters.