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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Five pieces of archaeological evidence that suggests Tanach stories are true


clay seal unearthed In Jerusalem dating from the eighth century BC may bear the signature of the Prophet Isaiah

A solar eclipse that appeared in the sky in 1207BC.

An earthquake that rattled Jerusalem 28,000 years ago.

And an ancient royal's mines uncovered in Israel.

These are not just archeological discovers made throughout history, but they are also details described in the Bible. 

Troves of ancient artifacts, landmarks and celestial discoveries have been made that can all be found written in the pages of the religious book, suggesting the stories are true.

The signature of Prophet Isaiah

A clay seal unearthed in Jerusalem in 2019 dating from the eighth century BC may bear the signature of the Prophet Isaiah, according to Dr. Eilat Mazar of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Isaiah was said to have predicted the coming of the Messiah, which is found in the Book of Isaiah chapter 53.

In the Bible, Isaiah is described as a close advisor to Hezekiah, who was the king of Judah, and the clay seal that may read 'Prophet Isaiah' was found near one bearing Hezekiah's name in the Ophel, an ancient fortified area of Jerusalem.

'We found the eighth-century BC seal mark that may have been made by the prophet Isaiah himself only 10 feet away from where we earlier discovered the highly-publicized bulla of King Hezekiah of Judah.

'If it is the case that this bulla is indeed that of the prophet Isaiah, then it should not come as a surprise to discover this bulla next to one bearing King Hezekiah's name given the symbiotic relationship of the prophet Isaiah and King Hezekiah described in the Bible.'

If confirmed to be Isaiah's seal, it would be the first evidence of the prophet outside the Bible. 

The earthquake in ancient Jerusalem

Books of Amos and Zechariah in the Old Testament describe an earthquake that rocked the city Jerusalem about 2,800 years ago - and archaeologists found evidence of the biblical event in 2021.

Researchers uncovered evidence of damage to buildings and pottery that may have been a result of a massive eight-century BC quake.

In the book of Amos, the passage reads: 'The words of Amos, a sheep breeder from Tekoa, who prophesied concerning Israel in the reigns of Kings Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam son of Joash of Israel, two years before the earthquake.

'And the Valley in the Hills shall be stopped up, for the Valley of the Hills shall reach only to Azal; it shall be stopped up as it was stopped up as a result of the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah,' reads another passage in Zechariah, recalling the event some 200 years later, to suggest how strong of a collective memory it left.'

Evidence suggests that the wall was built by Uzziah - just as the Bible said

Netanyahu in Interview with Dr Phil admits that the State failed its citizens


Future Leaders




Day Before Biden Admin Announced It Would Withhold Weapons From Israel, It Issued Sanctions Waiver To Allow Arms Sales to Qatar and Lebanon


Less than a day before the Biden administration announced its intent to cut off U.S. arms sales to Israel, it issued a sanctions waiver to bypass congressional prohibitions on arms sales to a host of Arab nations that boycott the Jewish state, including Hamas ally Qatar and Iran-controlled Lebanon, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

On Tuesday—just a day before President Joe Biden threatened to withhold key weapons deliveries from Israel if the country moves forward with an incursion in the Gaza Strip’s Rafah neighborhood—the State Department informed Congress that it intends to bypass laws that bar the United States from selling weapons to nations that boycott Israel, according to a copy of the notification obtained by the Free Beacon.

The Biden administration, which has waived these sanctions in the past, said in the notification that it intends to extend the waiver through April 30, 2025, allowing weapons to be sent to a host of nations that work closely with the Hamas terror group and other Iran-backed terror proxies.

While the administration determined that these countries engage in Israel boycotts, a condition that triggers American anti-boycott laws, bypassing these restrictions remains “in the U.S. national interest” to maintain regional stability, according to the waiver. But this justification is drawing scrutiny on Capitol Hill as the Biden administration threatens key arms shipments to Israel in a bid to force it into abandoning its campaign to eradicate Hamas.

Reb Shayala Kresterir Yurzeit


 Whenever one mentions Reb Shayale, or Reb Yeshaya ben reb Moshe one is filled with awe, only 90 years since his Passing and the Yeshuos are still pouring out, like the food that Reb Shayale used to dish out miraculously without it ever ending until the last visitor got to eat. 

His Tzavah – his will – is to emulate his ways – copy him – have Rachmonus on poor people and help to your upmost without making a chesbon.

Today is his Yahrtzeit

 – 3rd of Iyar, every year hundreds and thousands used flock to his home and kever to ask for Yeshuos and Refuos. 

Leilui Nishmas Reb Shaya ben Reb Moishe, light a candle in his memory, 
Reb Shayale will be Meilitz Yosher for you in Shomayim, by emulating his ways. 

UN Assembly Approves Resolution Granting “Palestine” New Rights And Reviving Its UN Membership Bid

 The U.N. General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine and called on the Security Council to favorably reconsider its request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

The 193-member world body approved the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 143-9 with 25 abstentions.

The United States vetoed a widely backed council resolution on April 18 that would have paved the way for full United Nations membership for Palestine, a goal the Palestinians have long sought and Israel has worked to prevent.

U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood made clear on Thursday that the Biden administration opposed the assembly resolution. The United States was among the nine countries voting against it, along with Israel.

“We’ve been very clear from the beginning there is a process for obtaining full membership in the United Nations, and this effort by some of the Arab countries and the Palestinians is to try to go around that,” Wood said Thursday. “We have said from the beginning the best way to ensure Palestinian full membership in the U.N. is to do that through negotiations with Israel. That remains our position.”

Friday, May 10, 2024

Biden betrays Israel for a few clueless college students


What a difference a day makes.

On Tuesday President Biden was speaking at the Holocaust Memorial Museum commemoration at the Capitol in Washington.

There he drew a direct comparison between the events of the Holocaust and the attacks on Israel of October 7th.

That is not my comparison. It was President Biden’s. Talking about the phrase “Never Again” he said:

“Here we are not 75 years later but just seven and a half months later, and people are already forgetting. They’re already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror. It was Hamas who brutalized Israelis. It was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages. I have not forgotten, nor have you. And we will not forget.”

Within hours the same President who uttered those words was attempting to prevent Israel’s victory in Gaza. By withholding arms shipments to Israel Biden made it clear that he does not want Israel to achieve its military objectives in the final battle of Rafah.

Opponents of the war have briefed for months about the need for a pause or a ceasefire. But there has been an effective pause for months as Israel has waited for this push into Hamas’s final stronghold.

Zera Shimshon Parshas Kedoishim


Gen. Mark Milley says the US has committed so many war crimes over the years, it has no right to criticize Israel's devastation of Gaza


Retired General Mark A. Milley, who served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from October 1, 2019 to September 29, 2023, hit back at those in the United States who have been critical of Israel’s operation in Gaza.

Speaking at the Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security in Washington D.C., Milley said, “Before we all get self-righteous about what Israel is doing, and I feel horrible for the for the innocent people in Gaza that are dying, but we shouldn't forget that we the United States killed a lot of innocent people in Mosul and Raqqa, that we, the United States, killed 12,000 innocent French civilians and here we are on the 80th anniversary of Normandy…we destroyed 69 Japanese cities, not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We slaughtered people in massive numbers - innocent people who had nothing to do with their government – men, women and children.”

“War is a terrible thing but if it's going to have meaning, if it's going to have any sense of morality, there has to be a political purpose and it must be achieved rapidly with the least cost and that you do by speed,” he added.

Firing back at so-called “peace activists” who are criticizing Israel’s conduct in Gaza, Milley said, “They're out there supporting a terrorist organization, whose very written charter calls for the death of all Jews - not just in Israel, worldwide. I mean, come on now. If you're going to support that, you're on the wrong side.”

This is the Hamas demand Israel rejected


The Hamas terrorist organization demanded that Israel agree to a 12-week ceasefire instead of six weeks during the hostage negotiations, CNN reported this morning (Sunday).

In the report, three sources familiar with the discussions were cited who said that Hamas forwarded the demand in question to mediators in its latest counter proposal on the issue. According to the sources, Israel strongly opposes the extension of the ceasefire.

A senior American administration official was quoted in the report as saying that Israel made it clear that it wants to maintain its right to dismantle the four remaining Hamas battalions in Rafah.

The source stated that Israel would not be able to carry out the move in Rafah if the first six-week ceasefire period spilled over into the next phase, in which, according to Hamas' proposal, "permanent silence" would apply.

The Saudi Asharq News channel reported that the Israeli delegation in Cairo demanded that Hamas release 33 living hostages alive in the first stage - as opposed to Hamas's proposal that the hostages would be released "alive or dead."

Hamas announced this morning that its delegation had returned to Doha, and blamed Israel for the lack of progress on the ceasefire talks: "The occupation raised objections on several key issues. We are sticking to the clauses we agreed to."

The West is proving that Islamist terrorism works


What would be the worst foreign policy message imaginable? There are many contenders, but the frontrunner has to be simply that “terrorism works”. Once this lesson has been learned, the door will be open to years of violence against us. It’s called appeasement, and history has taught us where it leads.

If you, like me, are concerned by the rise of Islamist extremism around the world, the danger it poses to Jewish communities everywhere, and the way it threatens both the firmness of liberal values and our national security, the inconstancy of Western support for Israel in its mission to destroy Hamas – including here in Britain – should fill you with dread. 

Most voters want our country to stand up for democracy, not capitulate to the terrorist forces rising to menace it in the most brutal manner imaginable. Why can’t our leaders express without equivocation that backing Israel in its fight to destroy Hamas completely was, and is, the right thing to do? Why do they stay silent, giving succor to our enemies

Instead, seven months on from October 7, Western politicians seem intent on pursuing what Ronald Reagan called the “utopian solution of peace without victory”. As he put it during the Cold War: “They call their policy ‘accommodation’ and they say if we only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, he’ll forget his evil ways and learn to love us.” Of course, the opposite is true.

Nearly 1 Million Jews Live In NYC

New York City remains home to the largest Jewish population in the country, according to a new, wide-ranging survey — though its numbers may be declining somewhat, and Jewish identities are shifting. 

Close to a million Jews live in the five boroughs, with more than 400,000 more in Westchester and Long Island. 

The Orthodox population has remained steady while the number of unaffiliated Jews has spiked. More than a third of Jewish households make more than $150,000 per year — though more than 80% of Jewish children in poverty are haredi Orthodox. Almost half say they are liberal or very liberal — though most Orthodox Jews say they are politically conservative. 

The survey, published by the UJA-Federation of New York on Thursday, is the communal group’s first Jewish population survey since 2011. Taken in the first half of 2023 with a margin of error of 1.5%, the survey covers data ranging from Jews’ level of education to their ritual observance and household income in each of the five boroughs of New York City, as well as Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties. It did not measure attitudes toward Israel. 

The survey found that New York City is home to 960,000 Jews, with 412,000 more in the three  suburban counties. Those numbers reflect a decline from 2011, when the survey counted 1.54 million Jews, including more than 1 million in the five boroughs. It’s also a slight decrease from surveys in 2002 and 1991, which each counted roughly 1.4 million Jews in the eight-county area. (The survey noted that the studies used different methodologies, making direct comparisons difficult.)

Aguda Finally Condemns Biden in a Public Letter


In a rare rebuke, Agudath Yisrael, which tends to avoid condemnation of highly-positioned politicians other than in extreme instances, slammed President Biden’s “unprecedented decision” to cease supplying certain arms to Israel.

In its scathing statement, the group said it is “deeply troubled by the White House’s unprecedented decision…especially amidst Israel’s multifront war against its mortal enemies.”

It added that some of the weapons being withheld are “exactly the tools an army needs to fight while limiting civilian casualties.”

And the Agudah accused the United States of “publicly creating a rift with Israel” and “endangering Israel and providing oxygen to antisemites worldwide.”

Rioters in Athens Try To Break into Hotel Where Some Israelis Are Staying

A mob of pro-Hamas demonstrators attempted to break into a hotel where Israeli tourists were staying in Athens, according to media reports and videos circulating on social media.

The anti-Israel protests against the war in Gaza escalated into riots, with some demonstrators attempting to breach the hotel premises.

Greek police were reportedly dispatched to the scene at Omonia Square, where they deployed gas grenades to disperse the crowd and restore order.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said there were no known Israeli casualties, i24 News reported.

The incident came after police had to use flash-bang grenades and other anti-riot tactics to prevent anti-Israel protesters from trying to breach the walls of the Egyptian embassy, according to the Foreign Desk news site.

Clashes had broken out between police and pro-Hamas demonstrators in Athens, the Greek capital, earlier on Tuesday, one day after Israel launched a military operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, the Hamas terror group’s last stronghold in the Palestinian enclave.

More than 300 people rallied outside the parliament building in Athens, carrying Palestinian flags and banners reading “Hands off Rafah!”

The latest incident in Greece was reminiscent of a similar episode in Dagestan, a republic of Russia situated in the North Caucasus, in the weeks following Oct. 7. Large crowds in the city of Hasbiurt besieged a hotel where they claimed Israelis were staying.

The mob then raided the hotel and searched for Jews, according to reports. The group dispersed when none were found.

Parents of Pro-Hamas Protestors Back them 100% !!


Parents of George Washington University (GW) students spoke out on Wednesday afternoon about their frustrations following the police and protest clash on campus early that morning.

They called for the resignation of two top administrators: President of the University Ellen Granberg and Provost Christopher Bracey.

“[Granberg’s] giving false information to the parents who are not involved in this, telling them that all trials from the organization to talk to the students have failed. This is a big shameful lie,” said one parent. “Because she declined every time to talk to the students and that’s why we are asking for her resignation.”

Parents were joined by professors and faculty from other DMV universities, including American University and George Mason University. They said they stood in solidarity with the students and shared their frustration about how their kids and all the student protesters were treated

“The Ellen Granbergs of this world represent and support this genocide and are willing to trample the rights of their students in the name of allowing this genocide to continue,” said one American University faculty member who spoke during the press briefing. “We support the basic demands of our students. We support the parents demanding the resignation of Provost Bracey and President Granberg. We support the cause for free Palestine for disclosure divestment boycott and sanctions.”

Parents stressed their support for their kids and the pro-Palestinian protesters.

Israel Doesn't Need US "Target Missiles" We Can Use Israeli Missiles That Don't Specifically Target ... Bombs that are Not Precise!

 Israeli Knesset member Tally Gotliv responds to Joe Biden saying he will cut offensive military aid to Israel if it enters Rafah.

Listen to Biden ....A G-D Damned Liar!


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Schumer: " I trust the Biden administration's actions."


Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer said:

 "I believe Israel and America have a close relationship, and I trust the Biden administration's actions." 

Former Ambassador David Friedman responded online:

 "It seems that Schumer has no expectations."

The New Mayor of Beit Shemesh Seat is still Cold, and Chareidim Are Already Testing Him, Removing Israeli Flags


As I explained countless time on this blog, Beit Shemesh is divided into assorted "Ramas." One of them is Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet! This is where the Chareidie parasites live and only cause chaos and mayhem all day long 24/7! But that is their own neighborhood

Recently a new neighborhood is being developed called Ramat Dalet! This is actually the largest development in all of Beit Shemesh with the potential of housing over 100,000 residents. 

The "Bet Parasites" are trying to put a foothold there as well so they hire buses on a regular basis to bring them to Dalet for the sole purpose of intimidating the new development! Screaming "Shiksah" on every lady who has a sheitel on, and even defecating on a shul that is a threat to them. The shul is actually a chassidishe shul but whose worshippers are former "Bet" residents who wanted out of their sick and perverted upbringing and established a beautiful shul in Dalet! Last week they snuck into the shul and put human waste all over, and even the Aron Hakodash wasn't spared!

Well last night, they came in to remove the Israeli Flags! Let's see what the New Mayor will now do! Will he pass the test?

Anti-Israel influencer gets DESTROYED on Piers Morgan Show!


Gazan Sneaks into Egypt but Egypt Won't Take Any Crap!


“They’re Using Kidnappings to Maintain Power”


Biden Like Germany in 1938 Abandons the Jews!


Revealed: IDF lookout Noa Marciano was murdered by a doctor at Al-Shifa


The parents of IDF lookout Noa Marciano, who was taken hostage to Gaza and whose body was recovered by the IDF, disclosed that a doctor who worked at Al-Shifa Hospital was the one who murdered their daughter.

Marciano was injured by the IDF's bombing on Gaza and was transferred by her captors to Al-Shifa hospital for medical treatment.

Her parents told Channel 12 News: "They preferred to murder her. It was a doctor who did it, in a hospital. She was injured by air force bombings and was taken to Al-Shifa."

After her body was recovered, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said that, "According to the medical findings, Noa was kidnapped to a hiding place near Al-Shifa, and during IDF attacks on the area, the Hamas terrorist who was holding her was killed. Noa was injured, but not a life-threatening injury."

He added that the new information that has been revealed, " Disputes the false videos published by Hamas, which try to claim that Noa was killed by the IDF."

Hagari concluded his statement by saying that, "The hospital, a place that is supposed to sanctify the value of life, was used by Hamas for murder. Our hearts are with Noa's family, we send our condolences, we did not reach Noa in time. This only makes the IDF more determined to do our best in order to return the hostages home."

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Drone footage captures students at Emory University in Atlanta practicing riot tactics

 In a surprising turn of events, drone footage has captured students at Emory University in Atlanta practicing riot tactics, raising eyebrows and sparking a heated debate on social media. 

The footage, shared by various users, has led to accusations of domestic terrorism, with some questioning the university’s role in allowing such activities. 

The incident has also highlighted the political divide. 

As the controversy unfolds, one thing is clear: Emory’s campus has become a battleground for differing opinions, with the only certainty being that antisemitism is becoming legitimate on College Campuses !

Florida Rep Brian Mast Tells Off Pro-Hamas Alteh Jewish Katchke

Who is that Old Jewish Kockerteh Yenteh that hangs out in the halls of Congress and constantly harasses Congressmen. 

Anyone have her name?

 Florida Congressman Brian Mast to pro-Hamas sympathizers when asked what Israel should do with the remaining terrorists in the Gaza Strip:

_”I think Israel should go in there and kick the sh*t out of them, just absolutely destroy  them, their infrastructure, level anything that they touch. Clear enough?”_

Dog Sings Zmirois ... While Monkey Paskens How To Eat an Orange on Shabbos Avoiding "Boirer"


Pealing a orange on Shabbos is not "boirer" for many reasons, but the monkey doesn't agree! He shows how to avoid the entire shaaleh, lchoil ha'deiois"

 Money takes care of his pet rabbit! Doesn't believe in "yichud" 

In the Shadow of War, Unfazed Israelis Were "Oleh Regel" on Pesach


In London Chareidim Team Up With Hamas To Burn the Jewish Flag


The reason I'm writing "Chareidim" because the Mosdois Hatorah are not throwing out their mamzerim from the yeshivos. They are not being ostracized in their shuls! 
Not one Chareidie Gadol in England has condemned them, Not one! 

Biden must now back up his sweeping promises and destroy Hamas


In one of the most important speeches of his presidency, Joe Biden hit a home run.

His forceful and sweeping remarks at an event marking Holocaust Remembrance Day captured the horrors of Nazi Germany, the Hamas terror attack and the echoes of both that are ringing loudly on American college campuses. 

“This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust — it didn’t end with the Holocaust, either, or even after our victory in World War II,” Biden said at the Capitol.

“This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness.” 

In one of several references to the slaughter on Oct. 7, he said, “Here we are — not 75 years later, but just seven and a half months later — and people are already forgetting. They’re already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror.” 

He denounced the “ferocious surge” of antisemitism in the US, saying too many people are “denying, downplaying, rationalizing and ignoring the horrors of the Holocaust and Oct. 7 — including Hamas’ appalling use of sexual violence to torture and terrorize. It’s absolutely despicable — and it must stop.” 


The speech was well written and well delivered as Biden largely avoided his usual stumbles and mumbles. 

It’s also remarkable that he has such strong feelings about the rancid antisemitism unfolding in America, given how quiet he has been despite a clamor for him to denounce it. 

Yet a speech, even an excellent one, is just a speech unless it is backed up with actions and policy.

And therein lies the disconnect between what Biden says and what he’s actually doing, and not doing. 

Many of his actions over the last six months actually undercut the sentiments he expressed Tuesday.

And the conflicting pattern continues as he foolishly appears determined to stop Israel from eliminating the remnants of Hamas with its assault on Rafah. 

This is a crucial time in Israel’s history.

Iran, by activating Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, is generating the most serious threat to Israel’s existence in decades. 

Yet instead of the world rallying to help crush the threat, the wolves in Europe and America smell blood and see a chance to neuter if not destroy the Jewish state. 

While Biden’s heart may be with Israel, he has too often sought a balance of interests, as if good and evil are equally deserving. 

And so with one hand, he offers Israel military support, and with the other he condemns its methods in Gaza and denounces its democratically elected government, the only one in the region. 

He promises Palestinians a state, over Israeli objections and without any plan for security, guaranteeing the current war will not be the last. 

Similarly, the antisemitism he decries has been roiling college campuses for months, yet he waited until the Holocaust event to wholeheartedly denounce it.

And his Department of Justice, which has been a bulldog at his beck and call when it comes to prosecuting his political opponents, is AWOL in the face of a clear conspiracy to harass Jews and foment hatred across the country. 

In defiance of a necessary strategy, he stubbornly refuses to tighten the screws on Iran, giving the mullahs more money and more freedom to torment Israel and our other regional allies.