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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ever Wonder How they get Silk Out of a Worm?


Chabadnicker Says that Singing "Ke'Eilah" is Worse Than Eating Ge'brokts on Pesach


Anonymous group Funds a Giant Screen outside the UCLA pro-Hamas encampments Showing fFootage of the October 7 Massacre


Frum Jews in Bnei-Brak Can't Wait to Fress Chumetz minutes after the Zman !


*BREAKING:* Israel has assassinated an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps official in Tehran who was involved in targeting Jews in Germany.

To the Zionists, if any Jew anywhere in the world is targeted, its as if an Israeli in Isral was targeted. 

Israel killed an IRGC terror commander in Iran who planned synagogue attacks in Germany, according to a report.

The report was publicized on Monday night on Iran International, a British-owned media outlet that broadcasts in the Persian language.

Although no further details have been released about the terrorist or who carried out the fatal operation, it was said he was responsible for “damaging Jewish centers in Germany.”

Two years ago, Germany reported that it suspected the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp was behind three attempted terror attacks against synagogues.

The incidents involved shooting at a synagogue in Essen, Molotov cocktails thrown at a school next to a synagogue in Bochum and an arson plot against a synagogue in Dortmund.

The news of the killing of the IRGC commander is the latest in an ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel, which is characterized by unprecedented direct attacks between the two countries rather than through Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah and the Houthis.

On April 1st, Iran blamed Israel for the killing of Mohammad Reza Zahedi at an embassy in Damascus.

In retaliation, Iran released an historic 350 drones and missiles directly toward Israeli soil only to have 99% of them intercepted through the joint efforts of the IDF, US, UK and Jordanian forces.

Israel made a restrained retaliation which was thought to have been just a warning when it attacked a military base in Isfahan.

Iran didn’t acknowledge that Israel was behind the strike on the military base, but nonetheless, Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi threatened that if Israel launched a major attack against Iran, “there will be nothing left of the Zionists regime.”

Although the US discouraged Israel from striking back against Iran, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) urged US President Joe Biden to consider tough sanctions against Iran.


Anti-Israel activists harass Senator John Fetterman as he tries to relax on a bench.


Monday, April 29, 2024

SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE >>>>>>>>>> Please Share!


Families of Hostages! "A deal without invading Rafah is surrender to Hamas"


The Tikva Forum, which supports the families of the hostages, sharply criticized the proposed deal for the release of hostages in exchange for a ceasefire.

"In recent days, we have learned from the media the details of the emerging deal, a deal of surrender to the Nazis and a deal that means losing the war and almost complete loss of the kidnapped who will remain in Gaza. The decision on a deal that prevents invading Rafah immediately means losing the war and its immediate implication is handing over the fate of our kidnapped to the hands of the murderers from the Hamas terror organization," the forum declared.

It was also noted: "Hamas is playing with us and apparently successfully. Every time the operation in Rafah is brought up, you can see the psychological terror of Hamas, as in the latest videos."

The families added: "To Choose between hostages is to abandon the hostages and endangers the lives of those who will remain in Gaza. We repeat what we have been claiming all along - only if Hamas is on their knees with a weapon on their neck and the hostages turn from an asset to a burden will we bring a deal that will bring everyone back and win the war".

"The people are strong and the army is strong and wants to fight, and if there are those who do not have the spirit of victory and the courage of heroes, they should step aside and let others do the work".

Four men attempt to kidnap Orthodox Jew in London


 A Jewish man was attacked by four men on Friday in the Stamford Hill section of London.

According to the Stamford Hill Shomrim, a Jewish civilian watch organization, the four, currently unidentified, individuals approached the Jewish man, threatened him, and demanded he get into the trunk of their car.

The incident ended when the victim said he was calling the police & other vehicles approached.

Shomrim is conducting significant CCTV inquiries as well as appealing for witnesses or anyone who can identify the suspects. They are appealing for info or sightings of a black Volkswagen T Cross EA24 VXF involved with the attempted kidnapping on Moundfield Road N16.

Antisemitic incidents have been on the rise in the UK since the war between Israel and Hamas began.

On Saturday, Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley visited the heavily Jewish London neighborhoods Hendon and Golders Green where he met with community members, Community Security Trust, and local officers.

"All Londoners should be able to go about their lives without experiencing fear or intimidation and we will continue to work with the community to give them whatever reassurance we can," the Met Police wrote in a statement.

Last week, a Jew wearing a yarmulke was recorded trying to cross the road in London when a policeman refused to allow him to do so because an anti-Israel protest was taking place there.

In the documentation, Gideon Falter, CEO of 'Campaign Against Antisemitism,' is seen refusing the officer's request to prevent him from crossing the road because he appeared 'obviously Jewish.'

Furthermore, the officer claimed that Falter could 'provoke antagonism' due to his attire, which could also lead to him being attacked.

Israel's Attack on Iran Hit its Intended Targets and Showed that Iran is a "Paper Tiger"

 Details of the recent limited Israeli retaliatory strike against Iranian anti-aircraft missile batteries at Isfahan are still sketchy. Nonetheless, we can draw some conclusions.

Israel’s small volley of missiles hit their intended targets, to the point of zeroing in on the very launchers designed to stop such incoming ordnance.

The target was near the Natanz enrichment facility. That proximity was by design: Israel showed Iran it could take out the very anti-missile battery designed to thwart an attack on its nearby nuclear facility.

The larger message sent to the world was that Israel could send a retaliatory barrage at Iranian nuclear sites with reasonable assurances that the incoming attacks could not be stopped.

By comparison, Iran’s earlier attack on Israel was much greater and more indiscriminate.

It was also a huge flop, with an estimated 99% of the more than 320 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles failing to hit their planned targets.

Moreover, it was reported that more than 50% of Iran’s roughly 115 to 120 ballistic missiles failed at launch or malfunctioned in flight.

Collate these facts and it presents a disturbing corrective to Iran’s nonstop boasts of soon possessing a nuclear arsenal that will obliterate the Jewish state.

Consider further the following nightmarish scenarios: Were Iranian nuclear-tipped missiles ever launched at Israel, they could pass over, in addition to Syria and Iraq, either Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the West Bank, Gaza or all four.

In the cases of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, such trajectories would constitute an act of war, especially considering that some of Iran’s recent aerial barrages were intercepted and destroyed over Arab territory well before they reached Israel.

Iran’s strike prompted Arab nations, the US, the UK and France to work in concert to destroy almost all of Iran’s drones.

For Iran, that is a premonition of the sort of sophisticated aerial opposition it might face if it ever decided to stage a nuclear version.

Chassidim Visit Failed Iran Missle in Arad For Chol Hamoed


Sunday, April 28, 2024

British Bastards Sending Troops To Gaza????


The following is one of the most sickest and perverted stories yet! 

Britain that hung Jewish teenagers, freedom fighters, and who turned Jews escaping from the German Hell on earth, back to Germany, is now considering sending their mamzeirim back on Jewish soil! And not, G-d forbid, to help Jews but to help our enemies! They are sending troops to people who are holding Jews in dark tunnels! I pray that Hamas eliminates every last one and let them scramble back to their caves in the UK! 

British troops could be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid via a new sea route, the BBC has learned.

The US has said no American forces would go ashore and an unnamed "third party" would drive trucks along a floating causeway onto the beach.

The UK is understood to be considering tasking British troops with this when the aid corridor opens next month.

Whitehall sources said no decision had been made and the issue had not yet crossed the prime minister's desk.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Israeli army declined to comment.

Britain has been closely involved in planning the sea-borne aid operation and Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said the UK continued to take "a leading role in the delivery of support in coordination with the US and other international allies".

The possible role for British forces - known as "wet boots" by military planners - would see them drive trucks off landing craft onto the temporary causeway and deliver aid to a secure distribution area ashore.

Although a huge effort would be made to protect allied forces both off and onshore, British troops would potentially face a higher risk of attack from Hamas and other armed groups 

On Wednesday, a United Nations team had to take cover when mortars landed near the planned distribution zone.

US defence officials confirmed an American army ship had begun work in the eastern Mediterranean to build a large floating pier.

Aid would be delivered there from Cyprus on large ships before being transferred into trucks and smaller landing craft. They said the floating causeway would be "several hundred metres long" and anchored firmly into the sand.

They said they hoped the new maritime corridor - which they call the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) operation - would ultimately deliver up to 150 trucks per day.

A Date With Miss Israel in NYC .....



Shimon Peres Explained the Israel/Hamas War Years Ago... Listen


Entitled Karen Freaks Out Over Public Street parking Spot!


The Gullible Media Reports a big lie" “Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established.”

 We now have clear proof of the adage that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can put its boots on. 

It comes in the form of an Associated Press report that carried this headline: 

“Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established.” 

What a scoop!

It was so sensational that news outlets across America and the world ran with it, including CNN, ABC News and even the Times of Israel. 

And why not, it was a breakthrough offering that could bring peace at last, right? 


It was a public relations ploy disguised as an olive branch.

The way other organizations swallowed it hook, line and sinker illustrates how Hamas skillfully plays Western news organizations and gullible journalists. 

The incident also demonstrates how far the AP has fallen from its days as a boring but trustworthy news organization.

Yeshivish Saying Hallel in Muslim Quarter ...bunch of hypocrites

 The hypocrisy is screaming to the heavens. When the Dati Leumi guys do this and sing and dance in the Muslim quarter, the Roshei Yeshiva all scream that it" instigates the Arabs and causes bloodshed" but its ok if if they wear black hats and white shirts. 

BTW this area is steps away from the Har Habayis... Mamash steps away, maybe 100 feet! 

Just that you know, I'm personally all in favor of this, I think that Jews should do this 24/7 and never relinquish sovereignty on any part of Israel, as far as we are concerned there is no such thing as "The Muslim Quarter" 

Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi Sentenced to Death Over Music Criticizing Government


Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi has been sentenced to death by an Iranian revolutionary court over songs that criticized the Iranian government, according to his lawyer and state media.

"An order for the execution of Toomaj Salehi has been issued," Salehi's lawyer Amir Raesian tweeted Wednesday.

Salehi, 33, has been arrested multiple times by Iranian forces for criticizing the regime’s corruption and suppression of protests sparked by the death of Jina "Mahsa" Amini. The 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman died while in the custody of morality police for allegedly wearing a loose headscarf.

The Recording Academy released a statement Friday evening condemning Salehi’s sentencing: “The Recording Academy is deeply troubled by the recent news regarding Toomaj Salehi. No artist anywhere should have to fear for their life or livelihood when expressing themselves through their art. Music is a powerful force for good in the world and is needed today more than ever. We stand with music creators around the globe who use their gifts to shed light on the human condition and will continue to work tirelessly to protect artistic freedom.”

Meek Mill is among artists who have also criticized Salehi’s arrest and sentencing, writing on X/Twitter, “Got sentenced to death over a song free that man wtf” on Thursday, followed by “Free toomaj!”

“We strongly condemn Toomaj Salehi's death sentence and the five-year sentence for Kurdish-Iranian rapper Saman Yasin. We call for their immediate release,” the United States’ Office of the Special Envoy for Iran wrote on Thursday. “These are the latest examples of the regime's brutal abuse of its own citizens, disregard for human rights, and fear of the democratic change the Iranian people seek.”

Salehi was initially sentenced to six years in prison for his participation in protests over the death of Amini, but was released after Iran’s Supreme Court ruled that it had identified flaws in the original sentence. The rapper was rearrested in November for revealing in a video that he was tortured and placed in solitary confinement for 252 days following his arrest in October 2022, according to a statement published by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Nazanin Boniadi, Arian Moayed and Maz Jobrani are among Iranian actors who have been calling for Salehi’s release since last year.

“Toomaj has been arrested for the peaceful exercise of his human rights including the right to freedom of expression,” Boniadi shared in a video for Amnesty International last year regarding Salehi’s arrest.

“Toomaj’s only crime was to express his support and express his artistic voice. As a comedian, I cannot imagine a world in which artists are imprisoned for expressing their voice,” Jobrani adds in the video

Sephardi chief rabbi Mocked & Ridiculed in Chareidie Media For Saying that Success of air defense is due to yeshivas, not the IDF

Chareidie Social Media are asking if this is true, then why was there an October 7? 

Most of the air defense in this war is happening now in Lebanon and it is Bein Hazmanim, practically all Sefardie Yeshivos are closed. The Avreichim and the Bochrim are all on "tiulim" 

How about that it was the Ribbono Shel Oilom? Because it certainly isn't due to Yeshiois as they are all on Chol Hamoed Trips or protesting? 

The Total disconnect is obvious and very sad indeed. Instead of having some Hakoras Ha'Toiv, the Chief Rabbi takes ALL the credit away from them. He should follow what he said very recently that his students would leave Israel if drafted. Please don't slam the door on the way out! 

Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak stated that Israel's success in defending against the missiles and rockets fired by Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas is thanks to the yeshiva students, not the IDF, during a class on Saturday night.

"It was really a miracle," said the chief rabbi. "During the past few months, it was said to me that they threw 13,000 missiles on us from the north and the south. A very large amount. Thousands of missiles were thrown at us. There should have been, God forbid, hundreds or thousands of casualties, but thank God, while there were a few people injured - every Jewish soul is dear to us - but relative to what could have been, 13,000 missiles were thrown at our state, thank God what miracles and wonders were done for us."

"Gentlemen, in whose merit is this? The chief of staff's merit? In who's merit? It's in the merit of the yeshiva students, that the yeshiva students sit and busy themselves with Torah, in their merit the Holy One Blessed Be He did miracles and wonders for us," said Yosef.

"This is the correct outlook. When I said this a few weeks ago, there were some heads of hesder yeshivas who attacked us in the media, without shame. They spoke with the secular media. Such chutzpah (insolence). Some of the hesder yeshiva heads sent me letters, asking me to retract what I said. I told them there's no way I'm going to retract what I said," said the rabbi, repeating his insistence that the success of the army is solely due to yeshiva students.

 "They protect all the soldiers. They protect the entirety of the people of Israel. It is in their merit. Anyone who doesn't believe this is a non-believer (epicuros)," added Yosef.

The Sephardi chief rabbi has come under fire in recent months for his staunch opposition to drafting haredi young men to the army.

In March, Yosef said that the haredim would all leave Israel if the draft was enforced among Haredim.

"They need to understand, all these secular people who don't understand, they need to understand that without the Torah, without the yeshivot, without the kollels, the IDF wouldn't succeed. Already the army doesn't always succeed, we saw how the army 'succeeded' on Simchat Torah," said the rabbi at the time.

Earlier this month, protesters demonstrated against the rabbi and presented him with a "Dividing Israel" award, a reference to the Israel Prize that the rabbi is set to receive on Independence Day.

The "award" stated that it was being presented for Yosef's "work in diving the nation, entrenching the polarization, and perpetuating the draft dodging of haredim." The award also mentions the rabbi's comments against army service.

A draft exemption for haredi young men ended earlier this month, with the High Court of Justice ruling last month that the government would need to end all funding to yeshivas where students were not drafted up until now.

The exemption had technically expired last year, but the government approved a resolution deferring the draft of haredim until a new law on the matter could be formulated. That resolution expired on April 1 after the government failed to pass new legislation on the matter.

Attorney-General Gali Baharav Miara stated earlier this month that the government no longer had a legal basis for not drafting haredi young men.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Most Feared and Least Known Political Operative in America

Susie Wiles, the people who know her the best believe, is a force more sensed than seen. Her influence on political events, to many who know what they’re watching, is as obvious as it is invisible. The prints leave not so much as a smudge. It’s a shock when she shows up in pictures. Even then it is almost always in the background. She speaks on the record hardly ever, and she speaks about herself even less.

 Last month, though, on the afternoon of the day of the Republican primary in Florida, here Wiles was — sitting outside a Starbucks, at a table with an umbrella she picked for protection from the glare, wearing sensible flats and a cream-colored top and the sunglasses she likes with the lenses like mirrors, not far from the campaign headquarters of Donald J. Trump.

Wiles is not just one of Trump’s senior advisers. She’s his most important adviser. She’s his de facto campaign manager. She has been in essence his chief of staff for the last more than three years. She’s one of the reasons Trump is the GOP’s presumptive nominee and Ron DeSantis is not. She’s one of the reasons Trump’s current operation has been getting credit for being more professional than its fractious, seat-of-the-pants antecedents. 

And she’s a leading reason Trump has every chance to get elected again — even after his loss of 2020, the insurrection of 2021, his party’s defeats in the midterms of 2022, the criminal indictments of 2023 and the trial (or trials) of 2024. 

The former president is potentially a future president. And that’s because of him. But it’s also because of her. Trump, of course, is Trump — he can be irritable, he can be impulsive — and this campaign is facing unprecedented stressors and snags. It’s a long six-plus months till Election Day. For now, though, nobody around him is so influential, and nobody around him has been so influential for so long.

“There is nobody, I think, that has the wealth of information that she does. Nobody in our orbit. Nobody,” top Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio told me. “She touches everything.”

“Certainly,” said former Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo, “she’s one of the most consequential people in American politics right now.”


Rare Film Clip of R' Shlomo Carlebach and His Parents R' Naftali and Paula