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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Meet Dovid Kornreich the Chareidie that Wants to Return all Pre 67" Lands to Hamas!

On March 31, Dovid Kornreich posted an article in the Secular Jewish Blog, Times of Israel, in which he defends Chareidim not serving in the IDF. His article was totally convoluted and confusing, in which he argues and questions whether it is worth "endangering a Jewish life in order to maintain the State of Israel." 

In one of the most naive and outright ignorant statements he babbles:

"Not for the Kotel, not for Kever Rachel, and certainly not for any Jewish settlement over the Green Line. In principle, all of it should be traded away for the sake of keeping Jews safe from the threat of Arab terrorism – if this would be the predictable result."

This childish Kornreich character, is willing to "trade away" Maalei Adumim, the entire Gush Etzion which includes Efrat, Chevron and East Yerushalayim which includes the Har Ha'Bayis for a "peace" with Arabs?? 
Notice he won't give away his own apartment to the Arabs. 

Hey Dovidel, you think Hamas doesn't want your dira? You think that Hamas wouldn't rape and mutilate your wife given the chance!? You think that because of your perverted article they would spare your babies? 
Do you really think that giving back all the pre 67' lands to the Arabs will make them stop killing you? Hamas isn't asking for more land, or any land for that matter, they made that very clear, they want to murder you because you are Kornreich! All those murdered on October 7 were leftists and were also ok with giving back all pre-67' lands to the Arabs! Why did Hamas murder them?? 
In fact before 1967, the Arabs had all the land behind the green line, why did they go to war then?

In another very sick rant he writes and this is unbelievable:

 "the greatest cause of anti-Jewish violence since WWII has been the establishment of the State of Israel and the mass displacement of Arabs in its wake"

Wow! A Jew, a frum Jew no less, parroting the Arab lie that we are "displacing Arabs" and this line is in effect justifying Arab rape and murder of Jews!!

I am not going to refute here his bizarre, crazed explanations, as it reads as if he wrote it while having a "bi-polar" episode in an asylum. 
Others, such as Pinny Dunner, and the Rationlist, have tackled his article and write better than myself.
 Press on the links!

Meshigaim with the likes of Kornreich don't want to live under the flag of the only Jewish State in the entire world, the State of Israel, but won't move to Ramallah either. Actually Ramallah is smack in biblical Israel. Why won't he move there? Because, as he himself admits, he wants the Zionist benefits!

But what I do want to address is the following, and maybe some of my readers could give me some insight.

Here is a guy who calls himself Kornreich, and who spent decades in Chareidie Yeshivas.
 Is this what he came away with. a deep hate for his fellow Jews?
 All the Torah that he learned did not infuse him with any love, with any caring for his brothers and sisters?
 I happen to know one of his Roshei Yeshiva, a Harvard graduate who has a doctorate in mathematics and is a Rosh Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. What is it with these intellectual elitist College Grads that become extremists?

I divert, let me get back on track!

I cannot believe that this Kornreich is מזרע ישראל from Jewish seed! Cannot be! 
He takes time to write an opinion that most of the leftist in Israel would love to read, and he decides to write it in a Secular Social Media Site to people who are Mechallel Shabbos Be'faresyeh, and who have no compunction of eating chazir. 
What was he trying to accomplish? 
Did he want to tell them that there are Chareidie Jews that agree with them? Does he think that now the "chazir fressers" will understand and love him? Does he think that pandering to the chilonim will get him "brownie points?' To what end? He certainly didn't write this to Chareidim since they don't read this crap! 

I sincerely believe that Kornreich cannot possibly be from Zera Yisrael, maybe from Zera Avraham but from Avraham's second wife , Hagar! 

A Must Watch... Dr Phil confronts 2 Female Hamas


This is the Arab douchebag that is behind all the Hamas Protests in the Jewish Community!


IDF Soldier Who Lost his Eyesight in Combat Regains His Vision in Miraculous Medical Israeli Miracle

 Meet Dor, an IDF soldier who lost his eyesight in combat in Gaza. 

Thanks to Israeli medical technology, he underwent six eye surgeries and has regained his vision.

Watch as his father and mother witness the medical miracle unfold right before them

In the midst of war, leftist American rabbis abandon Israel and Judaism


Israel is in the midst of a fight for its life, and too many of its best men and women have been lost to this fight. Even as the world works so very hard to forget, we Jews will always remember how, on October 7, Israel suffered 1,200 dead, along with women raped, babies beheaded, young people burned to death, and hundreds of Israelis taken hostage.

Unfortunately, in response to the ongoing bloody struggle in Gaza, a group of 450 North Americans who claim to be “rabbis and cantors” have now signed a letter calling for an immediate ceasefire and surrender to the Arab barbarians who started this war.

An ancient tenet of Diaspora life has been to be careful to maintain Jewish unity, which provided some minimal security.

Apparently though, these “rabbis,” who proudly identify as women and gays and transgenders and white, black, purple and green, decided they need to goose step with their fellow leftists in condemning Israel.

In their March letter to US President Joe Biden, these leftist rabbis stated, “There is no military solution to this conflict….A ceasefire is the only reliable, proven means for securing the release of the remaining hostages and ensuring the provision of desperately needed humanitarian relief to Gaza.”

Particularly galling is a picture accompanying the news stories of these rabbis conducting morning prayers, decked out in prayer shawls and tefillin, while gathered near the White House. These are the same rabbis whose own congregations do not have morning prayers and rarely are able to gather a minyon of ten actual Jews.

And these rabbis repeat the leftist mantra that war cannot solve anything in Gaza. Well, learned rabbis, war did a pretty good job of settling affairs in Germany and Japan after World War II, as well as after Israel’s War of Independence, and don’t forget the results of the 1967 and 1973 wars.

So listen Rabbi Wokester, let’s talk.

Do you know that the free homes provided to you by your sucker congregants sit on land stolen from American Indians, as do your synagogues?

Maybe you need to have your synagogues’ social justice committees schedule a Friday night where you all sit on the floor in a circle in your synagogues, play guitars, eat kichel laced with Indian peyote, chant Indian songs to the wind gods, and pay one of your famed scholars-in-residence to spread their ignorance among your congregations of the ignorant.

Hey Rabbi Wokester…..do you know that when your patriotic grandfathers fought World War II they won by “disproportionately” killing the enemy?

Your beloved grandfathers burned the enemy to death in their cities, killed them in the fields, drove over them with tanks and, dear rabbis, your cherished grandfathers were forced by the needs of combat to kill German and Japanese soldiers as they surrendered.

Gee, leftist rabbis, that wasn’t fair of your grandfathers. Maybe you can say kaddish for German soldiers, as you publicly do for those “innocent” Gaza Arabs who wish us dead.

Ok leftist rabbis, this conversation is tough and you are excused for a moment so you can go change your trousers, dresses, or whatever you are wearing, depending on whether you decided, as is your woke fashion, that today you discovered that you are really men, women, zebras, armadillos or whatever.
In point of fact, leftist rabbis, we Jews know the truth about you, 

You have chosen not to be rabbis. Even worse, you offer legitimacy to congregations that have chosen not to observe Shabbat, study Torah texts, celebrate Jewish holidays, maintain kosher homes or properly educate their children.

And now, in yet another act of defilement as you bow to your pagan woke religion, you seek to separate yourselves from Judaism by not standing with those remarkable brave Jewish men and women fighting for their lives in Israel.

Of course, we do not need to hold one of your much-bragged-about advanced degrees to see how uncomfortable most of you leftist rabbis are when you are in the presence of real men in Israel.

But, in truth, we know you leftist rabbis only too well because we grew up with you. We know that with your terribly inadequate educations you might have become journalists, Hollywood writers, professors or some other worthless profession in which you peddled your meaningless words.

But instead, you pretend to be rabbis.

Well boys and girls, you made the choice not to behave like rabbis. Your congregations made their choices not to be synagogues, as they are, rather, community centers of like-minded lemmings and fools, including many non-Jews, bowing down to tikun olam, climate change, social justice, homosexual rights, equity, Black Lives Matter, and whatever else is this week’s leftist fashion.

But don’t believe me. Look at the leftist synagogue websites.

Routinely on those sites, when they introduce their rabbis it is to tell us that they are not scholars in Judaic text, but that they have instead worked in social justice and openly identify with some type of perversion.

In truth, every day we see many people who make a difference in the Jewish world. Since 1948, it has very often been those Jewish men and women who wore the uniform of Israel and fought to destroy our enemies.

Also making a difference are those blessed boys and girls studying in yeshivot and seminaries.
And of course, it is our real rabbis, who day in and out teach Torah texts and write learned commentaries and lead their congregants through the year, based upon living meaningful lives that follow the Jewish calendar.

These are called Jews.

What should we call those North American leftist rabbis who bow down to the gods of leftist fashion? Perhaps they are Hellenists, or followers of Marx or Freud or their beloved Bernie Sanders

But when they turn their backs on the Jews of Israel as we fight for our lives, we know for sure what these "rabbis" are not to be called.

And that is Jews.

Robert Harrisis a news editor who has worked in television and newspapers in the United States, Asia and the Middle East.

Hey Schumer Shut the Hell Up Already !


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Wednesday once again called on Israel to hold elections, citing National Unity Party chairman Benny Gantz’s call for elections.

“When a leading member of Israel’s war cabinet calls for early elections and over 70% of the Israeli population agrees according to a major poll, you know it’s the right thing to do,” Schumer wrote in a post on social media.

His comment came after Gantz, at the conclusion of a press conference on the Gaza war, said, "In order for us to maintain unity, the public must know that we will soon come and ask for their trust. Let us not ignore October 7. For this reason we must agree on an election date around September. I discussed such a date with political leaders. Elections will prevent a split in the nation, because soon we will renew the trust between the people and their leaders."

This is not the first time that Schumer has called for new elections in Israel. Last month, he caused an uproar when he gave a speech from the Senate floor, in which he also claimed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “lost his way” and called Netanyahu an "obstacle to peace."

Officials in both the US and Israel criticized Schumer at the time, though President Joe Biden later indicated he supported Schumer’s remarks.

"He made a good speech," Biden said in the Oval Office when asked by reporters asked about Schumer's remarks.

"He expressed serious concerns, shared not only by him but by many Americans," Biden continued, adding that his staff were notified about the speech in advance by Schumer.

Netanyahu later responded to Schumer’s remarks in an interview with CNN, calling them “totally inappropriate.”

Schumer then said he considered calling for Netanyahu to step down in his recent controversial speech, but decided against doing that because it would cross a red line.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Meir Dov Gold's Father Gets to Eulogize Him

We had posted about this yesterday; Meir Dov Gold a"h a 13 year-old boy, hung himself because his vengeful mother refused to allow Meir Dov's father to attend his bar-mitzvah! 

Well, he may have missed the Bar-Mitzvah, but he did get to eulogize him! Tragic when parents mix their children into their disputes! What a waste! The father in his eulogy mentions the fact that Meir Dov a"h never met his first cousins! 


Biden Administration Urging Leftists To Riot to Overthrow the Netanyahu Government

Caroline B. Glick

The war rages in the Gaza Strip, northern Israel, Lebanon, Eilat and on the streets of Israel’s cities as Iran’s Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni proxies maintain and escalate their operations against the Jewish state. Unmoved by this state of affairs, Israel’s far left is reinstating the anti-government riots that occurred regularly through the first three-quarters of 2023.

The newest round of leftist political violence began officially on Saturday night in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in the first of what has been billed as four days of protests. As was the case in the anti-government protests before Hamas’s invasion of and one-day holocaust in southern Israel on Oct. 7, in the current round, demonstrations are followed by riots in which a few dozen participate.

As before, riots feature bonfires along major traffic arteries, assaults on police and ultra-Orthodox Jews, threats to murder Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and storming police barricades protecting the premier’s home.

They also involve massive exaggerations of the number of protesters. On Sunday night in Jerusalem, for instance, organizers proclaimed the participation of 100,000 protesters. But aerial photographs of the event indicate that at most, a tenth of that number showed up.

Before Oct. 7, rioters demanded the overthrow of the government due to its “anti-democratic” policies or its “corruption.” The new rallying cry is to free the hostages.

On Saturday night, relatives of 10 of the 134 hostages declared, “To return our loved ones, we have decided to work in the service of Hamas. We are demanding that the Israeli government accept the organization’s demands immediately. If not—we will burn the country down.”

Obviously, if the families get their way, Hamas will demand that Israel cease to exist in exchange for the hostages. Given that their demand causes harm to their loved ones, why are the organizers putting them up to this?

To be sure, there are a number of reasons this is happening. But perhaps the main one was revealed on March 17 by riot leader Ami Dror in a WhatsApp group chat with his colleagues. The communication, which Dror authenticated in an interview with Channel 14, was first reported on X by a poster who operates under the handle, Arbelu the Tuna Hunter.

In that communication, Dror told his colleagues that the White House was asking them to reinstate the riots.

Watch as Anarchists Rehearse "fake" Meltdown at Knesset Committee Hearings


 Journalist Igal Malka on Tuesday posted a video showing anarchists rehearsing how to meltdown during Knesset committee hearings. The same activists apparently applied their training in committee debates about the hostages over the past few weeks, where they clashed with MKs and used slurs.

Malka also reported about going to the tent compound that was pitched in front of the Knesset on Tuesday and discovering no one was inside. Potemkin tents?

There were still enough crazed anarchists around to attack the PM’s residence with burning torches Tuesday night. Video also curtousy of Igal Malka:

ESPN host says her Biden interview was entirely 'scripted' by network execs: 'Every single question'

ESPN host Sage Steele revealed that her 2021 interview with President Biden was "scripted" by network executives. 

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Steele recalled the "structured" nature of the pre-taped interview, so much so that her ESPN bosses handed her a "script" to go off of.

"That was an interesting experience in its own right because it was so structured," Steele said. "And I was told, ‘You will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from the script and go.’" 

Many of the questions Steele asked Biden in the March 2021 interview pertained to sports leagues attempting to restore normalcy during the COVID pandemic and vaccine hesitancy among athletes and fans. Her interview made headlines at the time when Biden supported the MLB's All-Star game boycott of Atlanta following the passage of Georgia's election reform law.

But everything Steele said to the president ultimately came from ESPN's c-suite.

"To the word. Every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many editors and executives. Absolutely. I was on script and was told not to deviate," Steele told Fox News Digital. "It was very much ‘This is what you will ask. This is how you will say it. No follow-ups, no follow-ups. Next.' … This went up to the fourth floor, as we said, where all the bosses, the top executives, the decision makers are, the president of our company, the CEO, where they all worked."

Steele said she didn't know for certain whether ESPN sent the questions to the White House in advance of the interview but seemed confident that is "what happened."

ESPN declined to comment. 

Oct 7 Survivor Describes How Her Promise to G-D Kept Her and Her Family Alive!


Yeshivishe Couple On a "Innovative" Date


HYPOCRISY: Poland, Which Refuses To Compensate Holocaust Survivors, Demands Israel Pay Killed Aid Workers the helped Gazan murderers

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Szejna has called for Israel to provide compensation to the families of seven aid workers, including a Polish citizen, who were killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza.

“The authorities should think about who should be held criminally responsible for pressing a certain button and how to compensate the families of the victims — even if it’s impossible to do so with money,” Szejna said.

Which Poland is this? The same one that passed a law restricting the rights of former Polish property owners, including Holocaust survivors and their descendants, to regain property seized by the country’s communist regime.

“Poland approved today, not for the first time, an anti-Semitic and unethical law. I instructed the charge d’affaires of the embassy in Warsaw to immediately return to Israel for consultations for an indefinite period of time,” then-Foreign Minister Yair Lapid fumed at the time. Poland has turned into an anti-democratic, non-liberal country that doesn’t respect the greatest tragedy in human history. It is always forbidden to be silent. Israel and the Jewish people will certainly not remain silent.”

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in 2019 also said that the country would “never agree” to compensate for property lost during World War II, because non-Jewish Polish citizens were also murdered during the war – despite the incontrovertible fact that countless Poles ratted out their Jewish neighbors to the Nazis, leading to their deaths.

And this Poland – the one that won’t even allow Holocaust survivors to get back the property they legally and rightfully owned – is now suggesting how Israel should pay other people – who were killed ACCIDENTIALLY. Somehow, it’s always the pot that’s the one calling the kettle black.


Moshe Feiglin: Torah World Can Only Benefit From Stopping State Funding


 In a Twitter post on the issue of state funding of yeshiva students, former Knesset member and right-wing ideologue Moshe Feiglin says that stopping the funding is the best possible thing that could happen to the world of Torah.

“It is good for the Torah and good for the charedim,” Feiglin said, since 1) No Torah study will stop 2) Yeshivos will direct private funding to those who are learning 3) Those who are not learning will learn a trade 4) The Torah world will be truly independent and will not depend on state money which comes attached to political demands.

Feiglin quoted Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz who had requested from Ben Gurion to separate religion from state. Ben Gurion answered that he would never separate the state from religion because if it is separate it will be independent and will present a challenge for every state. Instead he wanted the state “to grip religion in its hand.”

Feiglin said that it is impossible to totally separate the Jewish religion from a Jewish state, but it should at least be separated from politics as much as possible, for example rabbis should be appointed by their own communities and not with state intervention.

He concluded: “We will all be surprised at how well the Torah world will manage without the state’s assistance.”

Moshe Feiglin

R’ Moshe Hillel Hirsch Nixes Idea of Mass Protest Against Charedi Draft ...Will anyone listen? .


According to Israeli media, Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch is strongly opposed to a mass protest against a potential Charedi draft law. 

According to Kol Chai radio, the son of the Slonimer Rebbe, Rabbi Moshe Berezovsky, visited the Slobodka Rosh Yeshiva, and requested that Rabbi Hirsch order preparations for a mass protest, like the “March of the Million” over 20 years ago.

Rabbi Hirsch rejected the idea, saying it would exacerbate the current conflict. He added that a massive protest could also lead to snap elections – which the Charedi parties do not want.

Rabbi Hirsch said, “…We must not bring about the breakdown of the coalition before we have exhausted every effort to pass a Draft Law by consensus.”

The group Peleg Yerushalayim has staged small but disruptive protests in recent weeks, blocking the light rail and obstructing highway traffic. It is not clear if they are following the advice of Gedolim, or any Rabbanim at all.

Last week, Rabbi Hirsch spoke to his students last week about the draft crisis.

Here is an excerpt of what he told them:

“Everyone knows what happened last week, that they completely revoked our right to to learn Torah in Eretz Yisrael for the time being. We’ll now need to be moser nefesh for Torah. We don’t know exactly how – how much they’ll be makpid on us…”

“…But one thing is clear, that the first thing we need at a time like this is that we’ll have mesiras nefesh for the Torah itself. That the Torah itself will turn into a korban. If the Torah itself turns into a korban, our limmud will be a korban. What’s the p’shat? Full sedarim without any bitul Torah. Learning Torah with mesirus nefesh. This surely obligates us, to learn Torah like a korban. And this surely could help to eliminate the whole problem – definitely.”

Chareidim Join Hamas in Protesting Teaneck Jews


Chareidim? Aren't they Neturie Karta?  

Chareidim laugh them off as a harmless group, let them into their shuls, allow their mamzeirim into their Moisdois and marry their children! 

This event in Teaneck was for Zaka the organization that deals with the dead and is not in any way political, yet the Chareidim saw fit to join Hamas in protest.

The only Chareidim who came to this event were those who support Hamas! 

Chareidim in general will not mix with Modern Frum people except when they need to get away from their restrictive neighborhoods and come to "fress" in the Teaneck restaurants. Then its all kosher! 

On my last trip to the US, I was invited to a Sheva Brachos in a Teaneck restaurant; it was in a private room, as I glanced into the restaurant I saw loads of Chassidim at tables "fressing" and laughing and having a great time. When I inquired from the waiter, what was going on, he said they come every night mostly without their wives! 

So where were the "fressers" to support the Zaka Event? 

Kirby Says No Instances Where Israel Violated International Humanitarian Law

White House spokesman John Kirby told a reporter at a press briefing that the United States had investigated several actions by Israeli military in Gaza and had not found “any incidents where the Israelis have violated international humanitarian law.”

White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby made the remarks in response to a question from Niall Stanage, an Irish-born columnist for The Hill.

Stanage asked Kirby why the White House did not impose any conditions on Israel’s use of weapons, and cited a presidential memorandum issued February 8, that said the administration’s policy was to “prevent arms transfers that risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law.”

“Is firing a missile at people delivering food and killing them not a violation of international humanitarian law?” Stanage asked, referring to the Israeli airstrikes that mistakenly killed seven aid workers traveling in Gaza on Monday.

Kirby rejected the assertion, saying: “Your question presumes, at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike, that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting aid workers and did it on purpose, and there there’s no evidence of that. I would remind you, sir, that we continue to look at incidents as they occur. The State Department has a process in place. And to date, as you and I are speaking, they have not found any incidents where the Israelis have violated international humanitarian law.”

“They have never violated international humanitarian law, ever, in the past five to six months?” Stanage asked.

“The State Department has looked at incidents in the past and has yet to determine if any of those incidents violate international humanitarian law,” Kirby replied

US District Court Rules That Iran & Syria Must Pay $191 Million for Murder of Ari Fuld

 The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ordered on Tuesday that Iran and Syria pay $191 million for complicity in the murder of Ari Fuld, an American-Israeli killed by a Hamas terrorist in 2018.

Royce Lamberth, a senior judge and former chief judge on the court, held that Fuld’s estate and surviving family members are entitled to damages due to Iran’s and Syria’s roles as state sponsors of Hamas terrorism.

“The stabbing that killed Mr. Fuld was a tragic event, and money cannot fully account for the harm that these defendants have inflicted,” Lamberth wrote. “Iran and Syria have, once again, provided material support to Hamas and thereby facilitated the savage murder of a husband, father, son and brother to these plaintiffs.”

“The court’s ruling today cannot erase plaintiffs’ pain, but it can begin the process of affording them due compensation for their loss,” he added.

How the Left Fell in Love With Militant Islam

 In the "Gender and Islam" course that I took a few years ago at Columbia University, the professor made what many might consider a provocative point: Western criticism of female genital mutilation and honor killings is hypocritical and a form of racism.

While she lectured, two young women sitting in the front row—one in a spaghetti-string tank top with green hair and several piercings and the other conservatively dressed and wearing a hijab—snapped their fingers in approval.

At the time, I wondered why these women, living in the United States and so different on the outside, were so quick to dismiss the subjugation of women in other places in the world?

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Pro-Hamas Protests Funded by Soros is Embedded in the White House and very Close To Biden!!


Founder of Soros-funded 'propaganda' news network has visited Biden's White House nearly 20 times

A longtime Democratic political operative behind a network of left-leaning media organizations masquerading as "independent" local news outlets has maintained access to the upper echelons of President Biden's White House. 

 Tara McGowan, the founder and publisher of Courier Newsroom, has visited the Biden White House nearly 20 times, a Fox News Digital review found. McGowan, CEO and founder of Courier Newsroom's parent, Good Information Inc., participated in several one-on-one meetings with top White House aides. For example, McGowan met with Jordan Finkelstein, who was serving as a chief of staff to one of President Biden's senior advisers, at least six times between October 2022 and October 2023. 

 Another top aide who was listed on the visitor logs for McGowan's White House visits was Patrick Stevenson. Stevenson's LinkedIn page reveals he is the "Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Digital Strategy." 

 Stevenson's role in helping lead the White House's digital strategy could raise questions about coordination between McGowan's network of media outlets and the White House due to Courier Newsroom's business model revolving around online engagement and messaging on social media.

Bnei-Brak Councilman Demands the City Name Streets For Lubavitcher Rebbe and R' Ovadia Yosef

DIN: In Beit Shemesh, there is a brand new neighborhood called "Nevei Shamir" it is better known as  Ramat Hey! Two years ago there was a huge fight, as extremists didn't want streets named after women there! Those complaining didn't even live there. 
I don't know why they don't call Megilas Esther, "Megilas Mordechai?" Or for that matter Kever  Ruchel, "Kever Lavan's Daughter?"

Either way, I wasn't aware that there was an unwritten rule that streets in Bnei Brak couldn't be named after the last Lubavitcher Rebbe or R' Ovadia Yosef. 
Is that sick or what? 
Interesting, that there is a street named after Jabotinsky! 

So the City of the Chazon Ish, Steipler and R' Chaim Kanievski (all related) discriminated against other Gedoilei Yisrael!  
מי כעמך ישראל


Tragedy in Williamsburg as 13-Year-Old Meir Dov Gold z"l Takes his life Because his Mother Prohibited Him from Inviting His Father to his Bar-Mitzvah


This happened this past Shabbos Parshas Tzav, Meir Dov Gold's parents were divorced, and his mother recently complained to her 99 Wilson Street yente neighbors in Williamsburg, that she is very agitated because her children are driving her crazy wanting to have a relationship with their father and speak to him. She asked her neighbor for advice on how to handle it.

Well, Mrs. Gold doesn't have to worry about Meir Dov anymore, he will never talk to anyone again! On Shabbos morning while everyone was getting ready to celebrate his bar mitzvah, Meir Dov hung himself!

Guy Identifies as "Queer and Fat" but the "Fat & Queer" support Group wants him to Leave Group