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Showing posts with label Times of Israel Dovid Kornreich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Times of Israel Dovid Kornreich. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Meet Dovid Kornreich the Chareidie that Wants to Return all Pre 67" Lands to Hamas!

On March 31, Dovid Kornreich posted an article in the Secular Jewish Blog, Times of Israel, in which he defends Chareidim not serving in the IDF. His article was totally convoluted and confusing, in which he argues and questions whether it is worth "endangering a Jewish life in order to maintain the State of Israel." 

In one of the most naive and outright ignorant statements he babbles:

"Not for the Kotel, not for Kever Rachel, and certainly not for any Jewish settlement over the Green Line. In principle, all of it should be traded away for the sake of keeping Jews safe from the threat of Arab terrorism – if this would be the predictable result."

This childish Kornreich character, is willing to "trade away" Maalei Adumim, the entire Gush Etzion which includes Efrat, Chevron and East Yerushalayim which includes the Har Ha'Bayis for a "peace" with Arabs?? 
Notice he won't give away his own apartment to the Arabs. 

Hey Dovidel, you think Hamas doesn't want your dira? You think that Hamas wouldn't rape and mutilate your wife given the chance!? You think that because of your perverted article they would spare your babies? 
Do you really think that giving back all the pre 67' lands to the Arabs will make them stop killing you? Hamas isn't asking for more land, or any land for that matter, they made that very clear, they want to murder you because you are Kornreich! All those murdered on October 7 were leftists and were also ok with giving back all pre-67' lands to the Arabs! Why did Hamas murder them?? 
In fact before 1967, the Arabs had all the land behind the green line, why did they go to war then?

In another very sick rant he writes and this is unbelievable:

 "the greatest cause of anti-Jewish violence since WWII has been the establishment of the State of Israel and the mass displacement of Arabs in its wake"

Wow! A Jew, a frum Jew no less, parroting the Arab lie that we are "displacing Arabs" and this line is in effect justifying Arab rape and murder of Jews!!

I am not going to refute here his bizarre, crazed explanations, as it reads as if he wrote it while having a "bi-polar" episode in an asylum. 
Others, such as Pinny Dunner, and the Rationlist, have tackled his article and write better than myself.
 Press on the links!

Meshigaim with the likes of Kornreich don't want to live under the flag of the only Jewish State in the entire world, the State of Israel, but won't move to Ramallah either. Actually Ramallah is smack in biblical Israel. Why won't he move there? Because, as he himself admits, he wants the Zionist benefits!

But what I do want to address is the following, and maybe some of my readers could give me some insight.

Here is a guy who calls himself Kornreich, and who spent decades in Chareidie Yeshivas.
 Is this what he came away with. a deep hate for his fellow Jews?
 All the Torah that he learned did not infuse him with any love, with any caring for his brothers and sisters?
 I happen to know one of his Roshei Yeshiva, a Harvard graduate who has a doctorate in mathematics and is a Rosh Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. What is it with these intellectual elitist College Grads that become extremists?

I divert, let me get back on track!

I cannot believe that this Kornreich is מזרע ישראל from Jewish seed! Cannot be! 
He takes time to write an opinion that most of the leftist in Israel would love to read, and he decides to write it in a Secular Social Media Site to people who are Mechallel Shabbos Be'faresyeh, and who have no compunction of eating chazir. 
What was he trying to accomplish? 
Did he want to tell them that there are Chareidie Jews that agree with them? Does he think that now the "chazir fressers" will understand and love him? Does he think that pandering to the chilonim will get him "brownie points?' To what end? He certainly didn't write this to Chareidim since they don't read this crap! 

I sincerely believe that Kornreich cannot possibly be from Zera Yisrael, maybe from Zera Avraham but from Avraham's second wife , Hagar!