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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Biden now Openly Displaying His Hate Against the Jewish State Using Jewish "Useful idiots" in His Administration


Biden to Sanction IDF Commanders and Soldiers Serving in Judea & Samaria

According to an internal report of Israel’s foreign ministry, the Biden administration is preparing to impose sanctions on IDF officers and soldiers who serve in Judea and Samaria, Kan11 News reported Friday night. The report cites a series of claims that have been submitted to the administration against the conduct of IDF units in the area.

The report cites a US warning that if the military attorney’s office does not submit answers to the administration’s inquiries in less than 60 days, sanctions would be imposed against IDF soldiers, including commanders. In addition, the report shows that the Biden administration warned Israel many times about the lack of enforcement against “settler violence,” and Israel’s answers have been unsatisfactory.

According to Kan11, Netanyahu’s cabinet is planning a session with the military attorney next week to discuss ways to prevent the Americans from also imposing sanctions on heads of municipalities in Judea and Samaria, as well as MKs and government ministers.

With every passing day, it is becoming clear that the Biden administration has marked the Israeli right for demolition, from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and every right-wing minister and MKs in between.

Last Thursday, in one of his most stressful public appearances, President Joe Biden revealed his disdain for Israel and its efforts to secure its future during the war in Gaza. Engulfed in a cloud of lion-in-Winter rage, Biden attacked his favorite pin cushion – PM Netanyahu and his stupid war in Gaza (Mired in Terrifying Haze of Dementia, Biden Declares Israel’s Response in Gaza Is ‘Over the Top’).

“I’m of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response in Gaza, in the Gaza Strip, has been over the top,” Biden said in response to a question from the press. “I’ve been pushing really hard, really hard, to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza. There are a lot of innocent people who are starving. There are a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying. And it’s got to stop.”

Selma Blair Slams Rashida Tlaib "“Deport all these terrorist-supporting goons"

 Selma Blair is under fire for an anti-Islam comment she posted on Instagram last week.

The “Cruel Intentions” star is one of the latest American actors to weigh in on the Israel-Hamas conflict, claiming that Islam has “destroyed Muslim countries” and then destroys “minds” in the United States.

Fellow actor Michael Rapaport, who recently visited Israel to support the country’s army, replied, “Love it.”

Debra Messing was even more effusive and wrote, “THANK YOU.”

Blair did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment. 

Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack killed around 1,200 people, Israel has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Hospitals, schools and refugee camps have been bombed, amid a lack of potable water and anesthesia.

Blair made her remarks under an Instagram video that slammed U.S. Reps. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) for voting against a bill with the stated goal of preventing immigration into the United States by people “who participated in or otherwise facilitated” Hamas’ October attack on Israel.

Tlaib said the bill was “unnecessary” because it would be “redundant with already existing federal law.” She also characterized it, along with three other bills related to immigration, as “inciting racism that puts our immigrant neighbors at risk.” 

Blair did not agree, as indicated by her viral and since-deleted comment.

“Thank you very much,” the actor wrote in response to the video slamming Tlaib. “Deport all these terrorist-supporting goons. Islam has destroyed Muslim countries and then they come here and destroy minds. They know they are liars. Twisted justifications. May they meet their fate.”

Are DemonRats Planning to Nominate Michelle Obama ? DemonRats Scrambling to Get out of "demented" Biden Report!


The thunderous, blind rage with which Democrats and their media stooges are greeting the special counsel report on Joe Biden is a thing to behold.

With apologies to Jack Nicholson and “A Few Good Men,” they can’t handle the truth.

It’s as if Dems and their handmaidens really believed Biden was fit for duty, that the stumbling, mumbling, confusion and hiding were normal.

And now they are wild with fury because they’ve been embarrassed by the revelation of explosive facts they should have known.

That’s a possible explanation, but not the likely one.

A more reasonable view is that their fury stems from the fact that they, too, were part of a great con job, and their dirty little secret has been exposed by the devastating portrait of the president in special counsel Robert Hur’s report.

It doesn’t take a press critic to realize most of the White House press corps spent three years covering up for Biden instead of covering him.

On the few occasions when they allowed themselves to see his decrepitude, they quickly pivoted to defending him against those mean Republicans.

As a group, they are the least curious journalists ever, failing even to ask about the president’s obvious decline.

Instead, they did their Democratic duty by pretending that Old Joe was a good guy doing his best in a troubled world that would be much worse if the fiendish Donald Trump got back in power.

These are the same people who continue to overlook the president’s involvement in son Hunter Biden’s crooked business deals, preferring to paint a picture of him as a doting dad to his troubled boy.

With part of the curtain pulled back — by Biden’s own Department of Justice, no less — the party and media must deal with a changing political landscape.

The campaign will be polling furiously to see how much damage the president suffered from the finding that he escaped charges on illegally keeping classified documents largely because his memory was so poor that he would be a sympathetic defendant.

Although Hur wrote that he “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” he said he was not recommending criminal charges in part because he believes no jury would convict an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Talk about killing with kindness!

When You Hire a "Goy" to Bang "Yalah Ve'Yovoh


"Kanya F***ED With the Wrong Jew" Sharon Osbourne


Israel Humiliates Irish Women's Basketball Team with 87-57 Win After the Irish "machsheifas"refuse to Shake Hands


Blink"Crap Slanders the American People!


“While Tucker was imploring Putin to release an imprisoned American journalist, Chris Wallace was doing the heroic work of interviewing comic George Lopez.”


David Cameron put a “knife in Israel’s back”

 David Cameron put a “knife in Israel’s back” by floating possible UK recognition of a Palestinian state in the aftermath of Hamas’s Oct 7 attack, John Bolton, the former US national security adviser, has said.

Mr Bolton said that the Foreign Secretary’s remarks were no way to treat an ally at a time when Israel was being “menaced” by Iran and responding to an attack that he said was “comparable” to 9/11.

In January, Lord Cameron told a meeting of Arab ambassadors in London that Britain would “look at the issue of recognising a Palestinian state” to see whether it could help to secure “irreversible” progress towards a two-state solution.

The comments provoked controversy, with some Conservative MPs claiming that recognition would “reward Hamas’s atrocities” in the wake of Oct 7.

A few days later, Lord Cameron expanded on the comments during a trip to Lebanon by saying that recognition “can’t come at the start of the process, but it doesn’t have to be the very end of the process.”

But Mr Bolton – who served as NSA to Donald Trump and as US ambassador to the UN under George W Bush – said that conferring recognition without waiting for the conclusion of talks between Israel and the Palestinians was ill-judged.

He said: “This is dangerous ground for the unwary, including both Cameron and the credulous Biden administration, which is also musing about recognizing a non-existent state.”

As well as being “bedrock peace-process doctrine” that Israel and the Palestinians had to agree to any two-state solution, Mr Bolton said the Foreign Secretary’s comments were poorly timed.

“Israel is responding to a terrorist attack comparable to al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on America, while simultaneously menaced by Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons,” he said. “What kind of ally then puts a knife in Israel’s back?”

McDonald in Israel will Enforce Mehadrin- Certified Hashgacha

 Some branches of Israel’s largest hamburger chains—McDonald’s, Burgeranch and Burgerim—will start enforcing higher kosher standards to support Israel Defense Force soldiers who only eat mehadrin-certified meat, local media reported on Thursday.

The move, an initiative of the Israel Defense Forces rabbinate in cooperation with global kashrut organizations, seeks to ensure that Jewish soldiers of different religious backgrounds can all enjoy food donated by Israeli civilians who seek to support the war effort.

Also on Thursday, Domino’s Pizza Israel opened strictly kosher branches in Tel Aviv Port and the nearby suburb of Givatayim. The chain intends to open two additional mehadrin branches in central Israel’s Sharon district.

Late last year, a Druze restaurant in the Western Galilee village of Julis made its kitchen kosher in an act of solidarity with soldiers stationed in northern Israel. The Noor restaurant also decided to reserve one day a week to exclusively prepare meals for IDF troops.

The IDF is working to destroy Hamas after the terrorist organization’s bloody rampage across the northwestern Negev on Oct. 7, in which 1,200 were murdered, thousands more wounded and 253 taken captive.

The Israel-Hamas war hurt McDonald’s global fourth-quarter 2023 sales as anti-Israel activists targeted the fast-food giant over perceived corporate support for the Jewish state.

Global same-store sales increased by 3.4% in the three months ending Dec. 31, 2023, well below the 4.7% rise expected by analysts polled by FactSet. Revenue at U.S. outlets grew in line with expectations, but at Middle Eastern franchises the growth was 0.7%.

The company drew anger from the anti-Israel BDS movement and Middle Eastern customers when the Israel franchise announced in October that it was providing free meals to soldiers.

Starbucks has also faced a backlash in the Middle East for its perceived support for Israel.

Unbelivable: Hamas Had Intelligence Command Center Right Beneath the UNRWA Headquarters In Gaza and the UN Provided the Electricity


The IDF has for some time claimed that UNRWA, the United Nations agency that is officially designated to provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza, has served as a front for Hamas terrorist activity. During the past few weeks, the IDF has been operating in the Shati and Tel al-Hawa neighborhoods in northern Gaza, eliminating 120 Hamas terrorists and destroying 20 terrorist sites.

During the course of the operation, IDF forces reached a tunnel shaft situated under the main UNRWA headquarters in the Gaza strip, and uncovered a remarkable infrastructure and a computer hub that served as the central headquarters of Hamas’s intelligence. Wires that had hastily been cut showed that Hamas’s underground command center was connected to the building above- ostensibly a center of humanitarian aid, and that UNRWA had been providing it with electricity.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Wow! What is written on the Houthis Flag?


Why are Palestinians Still Refugees??


Thief Brazenly Steals over a dozen iPhones from an Oakland Apple store and causally walks out ..Everybody Watches and do Nothing!


13 Sentenced to death for being Gay in Yemen ...


Biden, 81, 'plans to make AG Merrick Garland fall guy for bombshell special counsel report that branded him senile old man


Joe Biden is planning to make his attorney general Merrick Garland the scapegoat for the bombshell report which highlighted his mental challenges, it has been reported. 

The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into the president's mishandling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment of his 'diminished faculties' and limited memory.

But Biden, 81, has informed his aides and advisers that Garland didn't do enough to rein in the report written by Special Counsel Robert Hur, according to Politico

Top Biden aides have even suggested Garland should have edited the parts that made the president look like a senile old man - despite Biden vowing to hire an impartial attorney general in the wake of the Trump presidency.  

Crazy!! UN Counts Jews Visiting their very own Temple Mount as ‘Settler Violence’


Hakol Hayehudi reporter Elchanan Groner on Thursday presented a UN Excel sheet depicting Jewish visits to the Temple Mount as violent incidents.

As can clearly be seen for this batch from 2019, the Incident Description is always, “Israeli settlers and other groups, accompanied by Israeli forces, entered and toured the yards of Al Aqsa Mosque compound.” The source is always “other” or UNRWA, and the region is described as “West Bank.”

Last week, Ynet’s Amit Segal quoted Dr. Michael Wolfowicz, a criminology researcher at the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Law, who examined the UN reports of 5,656 incidents of settler violence against “Palestinians” between 2016 and 2022.

Dr. Wolfowicz discovered that 1,600 incidents occurred in Jerusalem, predominantly concerning Jews accessing the Temple Mount or confrontations between police and Muslims engaging in violent behavior in the vicinity.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Mishpatim


Jill Biden and Dems committed elder abuse on Joe — now they must force him to step aside


As part of special counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into Joe Biden, he reviewed interviews conducted by a ghostwriter with Biden after he left office.

The former vice president was “painfully slow,” Hur’s report notes, with” limited precision and recall.”

This is in 2017 — three full years before he ran for president.

What Hur has proven is that Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is not new, and it certainly wasn’t a secret.

Jill Biden knew. His aides knew. Heck, James Clyburn, the entire Democratic establishment knew.

Yet, terrified that Bernie Sanders would win the nomination and then fail to take down their mortal enemy, Donald Trump, they propped up Biden like he was a Potemkin candidate — or, more accurately, “Weekend at Bernie’s” — to try to capture some Obama nostalgia. 

With the benefit of pandemic lockdowns, they could imprison Old Joe in the basement, limit his interactions with the press, and keep him tied to a teleprompter between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. It worked.

That’s how they ran the first campaign, that’s how they run the country, and that’s how they’re hoping to do again this year.

This is elder abuse. And it’s a fraud on the American people.

Biden’s desperate “my memory is fine!” press conference shows exactly why they keep him hidden away. In a few short minutes, he misidentified the president of Egypt as the president of Mexico, then slandered Israel by saying the response to a horrific Hamas terror attack was “over the top.”

Shame on Israel for wanting to stop the monsters that kidnapped, killed and raped.

Aides will try to mop this all up in the coming days, but it’s over folks.

Hur says Biden’s memory was “worse” in 2023 than it was in 2017. What will it be like two years from now? What will that do to the country?

It’s time for those same Democrats who lied to get Biden into the White House to tell him that he must step aside before the 25th Amendment is invoked.

It’s a humiliation, and it’s one that they themselves caused. Jill Biden did this to her husband. His children, his staff, all the people who enabled this charade, this is on them. 

And Americans won’t soon forget it.