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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

PA to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3 million in 'pay-for-slay'


An aerial view shows damage caused following a mass infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, in Kibbutz Beeri in southern Israel, October 11, 2023.

The Palestinian Authority will pay families of dead Hamas terrorists a combined total of around $2.8 million, according to a report by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), a nongovernmental organization and media watchdog group.

In the current "pay-for-slay" system, called the "Martyrs’ Fund" by the PA, terrorists receive monetary payments as a reward for acts of terror. The more damage an attack causes, the higher the terrorist or the terrorist’s family is paid. The PMW reported that a terrorist's family would be rewarded NIS 6,000 (around $1,500) and an NIS 1,400 ($353) allowance monthly for life. Both come up to about NIS 7,400. The families that the terrorists married into will receive an even higher amount, the report claims.

The authority will also pay $17,590 to approximately 50 new Hamas prisoners this month, the report said.

The $2.8 million in question equals more than NIS 11 million.

The PMW claims that the $2.8 million payments is a low estimate because there will be more "martyrs" and prisoners from the Hamas terrorist organization.

Terrible News: Saudi Arabia Shifting Toward Iran


President Joe Biden seems yet again to be losing momentum globally.

Former President Donald Trump’s efforts with the Abraham Accords to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have seemingly come to an end.

“Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman took his first phone call from Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi as Riyadh tries to prevent a broader surge in violence across the region,” reported Reuters just last week.

Bin Salman told the Iranian President that “the kingdom is exerting maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation.”

The call between the two leaders was reportedly “good and promising.”

The Saudi government went on to state that it stands in “opposition to any form of civilian targeting and the loss of innocent lives” and holds an “unwavering stance in standing up for the Palestinian cause.”

“The Saudis are still convinced the region, and Saudi Arabia itself, needs to shift toward regional cooperation and economic development.

Iran seems to think the priority is to take the fight to the Israelis first,” stated the Iran Program at the Middle East Institute’s Alex Vatanka.

Many have pointed to President Joe Biden’s growing reputation of weakness and ignorance as one of the reasons Middle Eastern relations seem to be dissolving rapidly.

King Abdullah on Gaza: 'No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt'

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Jordan's King Abdullah II go to shake hands, as they attend a press conference, at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, October 17, 2023.

  Jordan's King Abdullah on Tuesday warned against trying to push Palestinian refugees into Egypt or Jordan, adding that the humanitarian situation must to be dealt with inside Gaza and the West Bank.

"That is a red line, because I think that is the plan by certain of the usual suspects to try and create de facto issues on the ground. No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt," King Abdullah said at a news conference following a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin.

Hamas captured American mom, daughter on Israel trip


A mother and daughter from the suburbs of Chicago were taken hostage by Hamas during their trip to Israel to celebrate a Jewish holiday season and a birthday party, according to their rabbi.

Judith Raanan and her 17-year-old daughter, Natalie Raanan, traveled to Nahal Oz in Israel, about a mile from the Gaza border, to celebrate a relative's 85th birthday and Simchat Torah.

"It has been confirmed to the family that both Judith and Natalie are alive and are hostages in Gaza," Rabbi Meir Hecht of Evanston, Illinois, told Fox News Digital. "The Israeli government and the State Department confirmed that information with the family."

It has been more than a week since the Raanans' family members heard from them. They were in Israel when Hamas launched a surprise attack against the country on Saturday, Oct. 7, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war against the terrorist group.

Hamas has since abducted an estimated 199 people, including about 13 Americans.

"It's a painful and devastating situation, and it's important to realize that this is a war against outright evil, savage murderers that killed babies in their homes and took hostages, civilians, out of their homes in their towns where they lived peacefully, and whenever there's such utter darkness, we know that we have to bring more light and goodness to the world, and goodness will prevail," Hecht said, asking for the public to pray.

The Evanston community organized a vigil for the two missing women on Oct. 12.

Natalie's uncle, Avi Zamir, described the teenager as a "kind person" and a "sweetheart" at the vigil. "We fear for her. We pray for her. We hope she's together with her mom," Zamir said.

"They’re innocent and loving," said her aunt, Sigal Zamir, "and they didn’t do anything."

More than 3,600 people, including 30 Americans, have been killed since Hamas attacked Israel a little more than a week ago.

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said Sunday the U.S. is "actively trying" to locate hostages taken in Gaza and "won't rule anything in or out" with regard to the American effort.

"We are actively trying to find out where they are," Kirby told "Fox News Sunday" host Shannon Bream. "We don’t even know how many exactly. A small handful we know, but there could be more than we know. They could be in different groups. They could be moved around. I think you can understand, I hope everybody can understand, we’re going to be careful about what we say publicly about our efforts to get those hostages home."

Too Good Not to Post


Viznitz Chassidim Giving Support to IDF


Pray that Biden lets Israel finish the job and wipe out Hamas

From New York Post 

Team Biden’s headline rhetoric — slamming Hamas’ barbaric attacks and backing Israel — has been excellent. Yet observers across the spectrum are already seeing reason for think Washington will go wobbly before the Israeli Defenses Forces finishes their job.

President Joe Biden has largely kept his vow, “The United States has Israel’s back,” by supporting Israel’s right to defend itself, sending two carrier strike groups to the region, warning other nations to butt out and promising to provide Jerusalem whatever it needs.

Yet even before the launch of Israel’s expected ground offensive, Biden already had hinted (several times!) at the need for restraint.

And apparently applied pressure, too.

Washington’s goal, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan noted Sunday, is to ensure “innocent Palestinians get access to . . . basic necessities and are protected from bombardment.”

Plus, Biden on Sunday warned, “It would be a mistake for Israel to occupy Gaza again,” as if Jerusalem has any desire to, though the IDF must temporarily take territory to eradicate Hamas.

And this followed his claim: “Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people.” Huh? All of Hamas is “extreme”; it’s dedicated to Israel’s destruction.

And a Washington Institute for Near East Policy poll last summer found an overwhelming majority (58%) of Gazans had a “somewhat” or “very” positive view of the terrorist group.

Biden has also repeatedly warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to violate the “rules of war.”

Yet Israel never targets civilians; it goes out of its way to protect them.

After giving Gazans 24 hours to evacuate, it repeatedly extended the deadline.

(Hamas, by contrast, has tried to stop evacuations — to use its own people as human shields.)

Biden & Co. know the Israeli operation they claim to back will inflict major pain on civilians in Gaza — and that forcing the IDF to show excessive “restraint” risks the operation’s failure, leaving Hamas alive to perpetrate more atrocities down the road.

Again, by the laws of war, Hamas — by using civilians as shields — bears the responsibility for Gazans’ suffering and loss of life.

The terrorists laugh at the idea of restraint: America’s leaders mustn’t get suckered into letting them use it as an added shield.

NYC mom with IDF son sells off belongings to move to Israel, which ‘needs all of us right now’

The single mom of a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces is selling off her belongings to finance a move from Queens to the Holy Land because she says “Israel needs all of us right now.”

Elana Kirschbaum, a 53-year-old former special education teacher from Forest Hills, is raising money to live in the war-torn country, scarred deeply by the Hamas massacre that claimed 1,300 lives and left 3,000 Israelis injured.

“I want to be closer to my son and I want to be with the Jewish people in Israel,” Kirschbaum told The Post from her longtime Queens home.

“In the midst of war-torn hell, I am still getting on a plane. But I need to raise money to live there – nobody’s working right now, and they’re especially not hiring teachers now since all the schools are closed.”

Israeli family of five were found dead in an embrace after Hamas terror attack

Harrowing accounts continued to emerge about the unprecedented attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel, including a couple who were killed three days before their planned engagement — and a family of five whose bodies were found in a tragic embrace.

Aviv Kutz, 54, was found embracing his wife, Livnat, 49, daughter, Rotem, 19, and sons Yonatan, 17, and Yiftach, 17, as they lay dead in a bed at their Kfar Aza home on Oct. 7, the day the terrorists invaded Israel, according to the Times of Israel.

“On the day they were murdered, we were supposed to visit them,” the children’s aunt, Adi Levy Salama, said of the family that had returned to Israel after living in Boston for several years.

“Aviv organized an annual kite festival along the fence with Gaza to show them that we just want to live in peace,” Salama told the outlet.

Livnat, a graphic designer who was about to turn 50, was born during the Yom Kippur War — the 1973 conflict that has been compared to the current crisis in terms of Israel’s intelligence failure.

If Netanyahu fails to stand up to the United States, if he buckles, the pressure from Washington won’t stop.


On Sunday, U.S. President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan all announced that the United States expects Israel to permit “humanitarian aid” into Gaza.

The implications of this position are devastating for Israel. According to reports, there are “hundreds of trucks” lined up on the border in Egypt to enter the Gaza Strip carrying so-called “humanitarian aid.” These trucks, if permitted to enter, will not be inspected in any significant way. There is no reason to believe they are carrying baby formula and foodstuffs that will be delivered to the needy. There is every reason to believe they are carrying war materiel and jihadist fighters who have arrived to augment Hamas.

To the extent that there is food in the trucks, who will it feed? The hostages? The infirm? Who will the medicine be delivered to? The hostages? Will the fuel in the trucks be used in refrigerators to feed the captive Israelis?

Of course not.

Biden Expected in Israel This Week

  U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to make a snap visit to Israel on Wednesday, Channel 12 reports.

Other Israeli media report that Jerusalem is preparing for Biden’s arrival towards the end of the week, with the president to then also travel to Egypt.

The White House has not confirmed the visit, which would come after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invited Biden to visit the Jewish state during their phone call on Saturday.

Biden has offered strong support for Israel following the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7 that killed over 1,400 people and wounded more than 3,500 others. At least 150 people were forcibly taken back to Gaza, including an unknown number of Americans.

The Biden administration has already sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Israel in a show of solidarity and has transported military supplies and equipment and bolstered its posture in the region by positioning two aircraft carriers and their escorts in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Blinken on Monday returned to Israel after visiting other regional players, where he was expected to head straight to Jerusalem to meet with Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog and members of the unity government’s Cabinet.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is also in Israel, leading a bipartisan delegation to show support for the Jewish state. On Sunday he said that the Senate will act swiftly to pass an aid package for Israel in the hopes that the House of Representatives will do the same.

Schumer said that the delegation he is leading—Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.)—has three aims: to show that America stands with Israel, to learn from Israeli leaders what the Jewish state needs “so we can put the best aid package together quickly,” and to demonstration that U.S. support for Israel is bipartisan.

Israel is preparing a major ground offensive in Gaza with the goal to destroy Hamas, an objective that Biden on Sunday said he supports.

Asked during a “60 Minutes” interview if the Gaza-based terror group “must be eliminated entirely,” the U.S. president said yes.

Some Families of Hostages Prefer No Deal With Terrorists


 A significant number of the Hamas terrorists who participated in the atrocities on Simchas Torah as well as in other previous terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria had been released in the 2011 Gilad Shalit deal, in which Israel released over a thousand terrorists to secure the release of the captive soldier.

With over 150 other Israelis now in the hands of Hamas, the issue of another possible captive exchange deal is splitting the Israeli public, with some siding with the families of the Hamas hostages who are begging the government to arrange a deal for their loved ones while others state that the primary goal must be the destruction of Hamas, even at the cost of lives of hostages.

Prime Minister Netanyahu met Sunday with the families of the hostages and promised that one of the strategic goals of the operation in Gaza will be to restore the captives to their families. However some of the parents of hostages have said that they prefer that there not be any deal with terrorists and that Hamas be totally destroyed, even if this will harm the welfare of their own children.

One such person is Rabbi Zvika Mor of Kiryat Arba, whose son is being held by Hamas. Speaking on Israeli television’s Channel 14, Mor said that during war the nation must come first. He quoted the Rambam, who says that during war a person must not think of his wife and children as this will weaken his battle resolve, and said that even though he loves his son, his country comes first. “We have been called to the flag, we must be ready for sacrifices,” Mor said.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Listen to this Brave Chayelet!


Unbelievable!!! Hamas Munitions Left in the Kibbutzim .. This is only a "tip of the iceberg" of what was found


The amount of weaponry and ordnance seized from Hamas operatives since the start of the Swords of Iron War nine days ago is, to be blunt, “unimaginable.” The amount of foreign currency that was discovered was also a surprise.

Various bombs, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), anti-aircraft rockets, mines, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and launchers, and mortar shells were just the tip of the iceberg, the IDF said Sunday evening as officials displayed the collection for reporters. Anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), fence-cutting explosives, grenades, mines, electric explosives, and timers were also found.

There were also many walkie-talkies, smart phones and tablets.

“We found TC-6 mines that were converted to charges and some RPG launchers produced by North Korea,” Major G. told Channel N12.

Some of the charges that were found that could be attached to a vehicle. “Activate the charge and within seven seconds there is an explosion that seriously damages the vehicle and wounds the occupants,” he said.

Even agricultural irrigation equipment that was imported into Gaza was transformed into weaponry. “You put an explosive into the irrigation pipe and then it’s ready to go,” Major G. noted. “It can be thrown over fences and basically designed for any required use.”

“All of these were used last Saturday against innocent civilians,” said the commander of the Munitions Research Institute. “Since then, Yahalom unit forces and other fighters have been working to confiscate them.”

All the explosives were taken to the Munitions Dismantling Institute in Jerusalem, where they are being neutralized.

The IDF said its forces discovered that the towns attacked by Hamas had been “saturated” with such explosives. Some were also found on the bodies of the neutralized and captured terrorists as well as in Hamas tunnels.
“All of these were used last Saturday against innocent civilians,” explained Major G, commander of the IDF’s Armaments Research Institute. “Since then, the unit’s forces and other fighters have been working to confiscate them.”

In addition, Israeli forces found hundreds of documents, files, certificates, and communications devices, as well as cameras used by the terrorist organization.

Among the documents found were detailed attack orders on the kibbutzim and moshavim surrounding Gaza, underscoring the Hamas plans for the terrorist attack and atrocities against civilians and soldiers alike.
“We were surprised by the quantity,” Major G. said. “This indicates that the terrorists were prepared for a long stay and expected to entrench themselves in the communities.”

It’s precisely what the Hamas leadership has been pledging to do since the terrorist group’s inception: invade and conquer Israeli territory.

Watch Douglas Murray Teaching Interviewer a Lesson on ‘Proportionate Response’


Last Friday, Switzerland’s foreign minister said that Israel had the right to defend itself following the deadly attack by Hamas but said its response should be “proportionate.”

As Israel has been revving up its bombings on the Gaza Strip, presumably to soften it in advance of a ground invasion, the calls for proportionality in the West have been increasing, with few if any actually defining what they see as a proper, proportionate response on Israel’s part.

And then, on Sunday, British author and political commentator Douglas Murray, God bless him, offered a remarkably wry and cutting answer, which made him my friend for life. I suggest you suffer through the interviewer’s introduction, it’s well worth it, to hear Murray’s amazing response.

UNICEF Provided Hamas Murderers with First Aid Kits

 The IDF Spokesperson on Monday provided evidence that UNICEF first aid kits were used by Hamas murderers during their raid on Israeli civilians on October 7, killing more than 1,300 and injuring many thousands.

Meanwhile, according to Anadolu, Germany has avoided supporting UNICEF’s call for a cease-fire and the establishment of safe humanitarian corridors in Gaza. Christian Democrat Christean Wagner on Friday said in response to a question about whether Germany supports UNICEF’s calls for a cease-fire in Gaza and establishing a humanitarian corridor: “I’ll start again very fundamentally: Israel has the right under international law to defend itself against this terrorist attack by Hamas and to protect its own population. I would also like to reiterate that the right to self-defense naturally applies particularly in moments where the attacks continue. This also includes all measures aimed at stopping these attacks.” 

 UNICEF has been a promoter of anti-Israel propaganda for decades.

 A case in point is the UNICEF-funded Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) in the UK, which was cited by the UK Charity Commission for utilizing its annual income for political propaganda rather than for its stated purpose of providing medical aid. Complaints that led to the Charity Commission’s inquiry include inaccurate and misleading content on MAP’s website, such as material promoting racist hatred, false claims regarding the medical situation in the West Bank and Gaza, and the promotion of the antisemitic play “Seven Jewish Children.” 

 UNICEF spearheads a campaign to have Israel included on a UN blacklist of “grave” violators of children’s rights. The list appears as an annex to the UN Secretary-General’s annual report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC). This political agenda is a primary facet of UNICEF’s activities relating to Israel, completely inconsistent with its mandate of “child protection” and from its guidelines for neutrality and impartiality. 

 UNICEF provides funding to anti-Zionist NGOs such as Breaking the Silence, and B’Tselem. 

 In recent years, UNICEF’s NGO “working group” members have invented new, looser standards to allege Israeli violations towards Palestinian students and schools. In an April 2020 publication on education in the West Bank, Save the Children – listed as a member of UNICEF’s “working group,” issued a report claiming “The denial of humanitarian access by Israeli forces,” with scant details or references to verify such claims. (NGO Monitor)

Watch ....."Slitting babies’ throats is not terrorism" BBC correspondent claims


Hamas Supporters Dress Up as Chassidim and Protest in Monsey


Schumer twice forced to shelter as Hamas rockets target Tel Aviv


Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says experience shows ‘what Israelis have to go through’ as bipartisan delegation promises to push legislation in Congress for more support

A bipartisan group of senators was forced into a bomb shelter in a Tel Aviv hotel on Sunday evening as Hamas fired rockets at central Israel.

The barrage caused the five lawmakers, led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, to delay their press conference, scheduled for 7 p.m. It was the second time that day they had to shelter.

“We experienced what Israelis experience every day,” Schumer said after the all-clear was given, allowing the press conference to go ahead.

“Israel is a strong nation, and we say to Israel, You are not alone,” the lawmaker said, flanked by Bill Cassidy (Republican-Louisiana), Jacky Rosen (Democrat-Nevada), Mitt Romney (Republican-Utah) and Mark Kelly (Democrat-Arizona).

“The United States stands beside you as an unrelenting partner.”

Earlier in the day, Schumer’s social media account tweeted a picture of him and Romney sheltering from a missile attack.

Providing Gaza with water is the first blink in Israel's policy; Gazan civilians also joined massacre of Israelis in border towns.


Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen has called on Israel to stand firm behind its policies and not provide water to Gaza.

Speaking to Reshet Bet, Cohen said, "Do not blink in the closure, do not blink in the blockade. Bringing water into the Gaza Strip is the first blink in the Israeli policy."

"Bringing merchandise in through the Rafah Crossing is a mistake," he stressed, noting that Gazan civilians also took part in the October 7 butchering of innocent Israelis.

Cohen also emphasized that Iran was "100% involved" in the barbaric massacre on residents of Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

On the subject of the Israeli hostages still in Gaza, Cohen said that he opposes speaking with Hamas, but does not oppose various countries' efforts to broker an agreement through which Hamas would receive some measure of compensation.

"We are working to free the hostages by means of a deal - indirect negotiations with Hamas, as we have done in the past," he explained.

At the same time, he stressed, "There are rules for insanity as well, and we want to know that the hostages are being treated in accordance with international law."

Shocking bodycam footage shows Hamas terrorists blasting innocent victims to death before the gunman filming the horror is shot and killed


In a sickening true-life version of violent shooter video games, footage of Hamas gunmen blasting innocent victims to death have been released.

The gruesome videos come from 'head-cam' cameras found on dead terrorists, who were armed with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.

In horrific 'live' detail, they follow the fanatics laying siege to residential neighborhoods, trampling over gardens and shooting anyone they see. 

One video shows a rifle muzzle trained on the window of a bungalow. An apparently confused elderly man wanders into view. He is executed.

Another clip shows gunmen going house to house to hunt down families cowering inside. One sees a silhouette in a house and fires his rifle. A body is seen falling.

On a beautiful blue-sky day, the heavily armed mobs go house to house and in one video, a terrorist spots an ambulance and cynically shoots out its tires to ensure it cannot save lives.

In a final clip from one of the terrorists, he is shot. He falls to the ground and prays as he appears to bleed to death. 

The videos showed the fighters preparing for their twisted mission in homes inside Gaza, before setting off at dawn in a convoy of motorbikes and pick-up trucks.

One of the most chilling aspects of the 'head-cam' videos are images filmed before the attack.

They reveal how evil Hamas commanders are training boy soldiers as the next generation of terrorists. 

The baby-faced youngsters, some as young as ten, are seen brandishing rifles. 

Israeli Telegram channel South First Responders, which released the videos, said: 'Many of the body cameras and video equipment found on the bodies of dead terrorists also contained footage from before the attack... evidence of cynical indoctrination of Palestinian children in what appear to be some sort of military-style training camps.'

Jewish reporter says he quit BBC after it refuses to call Hamas ‘terrorists’


A Jewish freelance reporter who has contributed stories for the BBC says he will no longer work with the news service over its refusal to label the Palestinian extremist group Hamas as “terrorists.”

Noah Abrahams, a 22-year-old sports commentator who contributed to BBC Radio Derby, blasted the BBC for its “unjustified” editorial policy of referring to Hamas as a “militant” group.

“A personal announcement from me: I will no longer work for or represent the BBC,” Abrahams posted on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter.

“No more games this season. No more input.”

When reached for comment, the BBC disputed media reports characterizing Abrahams’ departure from the service as a resignation.

“It is incorrect to report that Noah has ‘quit’ and we have been in touch with media who have reported as such,” a BBC spokesperson told The Post, noting that Abrahams was a freelance commentator who “has done occasional work for BBC Derby.”

“He doesn’t have any future work lined up with the BBC so it’s not correct to say he has ‘quit’/ ‘resigned’,” according to the spokesperson.

Abrahams appeared on the UK’s TalkTV network to explain his decision to cut ties with the publicly funded news outlet.

“I have morals and I stick by them. I think the BBC’s refusal to use the correct terminology is unjustified,” Abrahams told TalkTV host Peter Cardwell.

“Words impact how we think, how we react, how we act. They have influence.”

Abrahams said that ditching the BBC was a “monumental career life decision” that was a result of him “hold[ing] strong values.”

“Like many in the Jewish community, I don’t see myself as exceptional,” he said.

“The fear is real among British Jews, including myself, and this has led me to a significant turning point in both my career and life.”

Abrahams singled out for criticism John Simpson, the editor of BBC World Affairs who penned an op-ed in which he explained the reasoning behind the decision to refer to Hamas members as “gunmen.”

“Terrorism is a loaded word, which people use about an outfit they disapprove of morally,” Simpson wrote, adding that it wasn’t “the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn — who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.”

Hamas terrorists crossed the Israel-Gaza border last weekend and massacred scores of civilians who attended a music festival.

Israeli authorities also said that they found dozens of charred corpses — some of which were decapitated — in a kibbutz near the Gaza frontier.

As of Friday, the death toll from the Hamas assault exceeded 1,200 Israeli soldiers and civilians.

“[Hamas] aren’t freedom fighters or, as John Simpson refers to them, gunmen. They’re terrorists,” Abrahams said.

The BBC spokesperson who responded to The Post said that the news service “take[s] our use of language very seriously.”

“Anyone watching or listening to our coverage will hear the word ‘terrorist’ used many times — we attribute it to those who are using it, for example, the UK Government,” the BBC rep told The Post.

The news channel said it was “an approach that has been used for decades, and is in line with that of other broadcasters.”

“The BBC is an editorially independent broadcaster whose job is to explain precisely what is happening ‘on the ground’ so our audiences can make their own judgement,” the spokesperson said.

Retired US general says Hamas’ attack on Israel was ‘far worse than 9/11’


Retired US Gen. David Petraeus, who led America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, says last week’s Hamas attack on Israel was “far worse than 9/11.”

Petraeus, who also once served as director of the CIA, said Sunday the Palestinian terror strike that killed more than 1,300 Israelis was proportionally greater to the terrorist attacks in the US that claimed thousands of lives Sept. 11, 2001.

Schumer denounces US anti-Israel protests and rejects ceasefire calls, pledges ‘everything they need’ to ‘eliminate’ Hamas


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer denounced US protests against Israel’s retaliatory strikes on Gaza and the calls for a “ceasefire” from some of his fellow Democrats during an interview with The Post Sunday – as he and other lawmakers were forced into a Tel Aviv air raid shelter to wait out Hamas rockets.

The New York Democrat said he’d work to ensure that Israel has “everything they need” to “totally eliminate” the terrorist group from the Gaza Strip – adding that he feels “vindicated” in opposing former President Barack Obama’s release of money to Iran in light of Tehran’s aid to Hamas.

“If the threat of Hamas is not eliminated, they will do it again,” Schumer said when asked specifically about House Democrats — including New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — calling for a ceasefire following the terror group’s surprise attack on Israel.

The senate leader’s trip came just a week after Hamas launched its stunning unprecedented attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7, murdering at least 1,300 people, most of them civilians.