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Monday, October 16, 2023

Americans stand with Israel over Palestinians, support wiping out Hamas: poll


A majority of Americans stand strongly behind Israel over Palestinians in their bitter decades-long territorial conflict —while an even stronger 66% support a “complete eradication” of Hamas in the Gaza Strip following the terror group’s mass killings of civilians in the Jewish state, according to a new survey.

The Rasmussen Reports poll asked likely voters, “Which is closer to your opinion about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians: That Israel is mostly to blame, that the Palestinians are mostly to blame, or that both sides are about equally to blame?”

53% of respondents said Palestinians were mostly to blame for the dispute, while only 10% said Israel was mostly to blame and 24% said both sides are about equally at fault.

Another 13% of respondents had no opinion.

Voters also were asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: ‘Israel has no choice but to seek the complete eradication of Hamas in Gaza.'”

66% of respondents agreed, while only 19% disagreed — a staggering 3-to-1 margin.

The US and European Union have designated Hamas a terrorist organization because of its armed resistance and attacks against Israel.

The group controls the Gaza Strip, which has a population of 2 million.

The survey of 1,007 likely voters was conducted from Oct. 10-12 after Hamas launched a sneak invasion of Israel, killing and kidnapping civilians, on Oct. 7.

The poll has a sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Israel has declared war and is moving to destroy Hamas in what is expected to be a brutal ground war in Gaza.

These are the key Hamas terrorists eliminated by Israel

 The IDF has released a photo of the key Hamas terrorists who have been eliminated by the IDF and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip.

Among those terrorists is Muetaz Eid, the Commander of the Hamas Southern District of National Security, who was eliminated on Sunday based on precise Shin Bet and IDF intelligence.

Another Hamas terrorist who was eliminated is Billal Al Kedra, the Nukhba commander of the forces in southern Khan Yunis, who was responsible for the Kibbutz Nirim massacre.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss The Miserable Dog "We Cry for Palestinians"

 This video received 26,000 likes ..735,946 views

Which Yeshivah are his grandchildren, his  mamzeirim, enrolled? How does this animal daven in a shul without being thrown out?

BTW if you listen to him, his entire diatribe is word for word out of the Va'Yoel Moshe. He even says that Rabbi Teitelbaum (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) is his "Chief Rabbi."

 Even though Satmar said that they distance themselves from the NK, listen and you will not see a difference. 

The liar tells the Arab Muslim lady, who he cannot take his cursed lustful eyes off, that "we lived in harmony together in peace" This is a total lie, maybe one or two Jewish families lived good with their neighbors, but Arabs killed Jews going back to the times of the Rambam. This is a page write out of Satmar propaganda . 

Suspected fraud of millions of shekels from donation funds for soldiers

The police opened an investigation on Thursday following a tip-off that an Israeli company had attempted to defraud millions of shekels from donations to soldiers, in exchange for the supply of protective equipment to soldiers that is suspected of being defective and substandard and even life-threatening.

While the entire nation of Israel strengthens the IDF soldiers, and volunteers and donates equipment, food, and money on their behalf - there are those who abuse the situation.

A complaint was filed at the Harel police station of the Jerusalem district by a reserve officer who had worked to organize the purchase of a large amount of protective equipment such as personal protective vests for IDF soldiers from donation funds.

The complaint indicates that he received an application from representatives of an Israeli company who claimed that they could supply a large quantity of high-quality personal protective vests from abroad for the soldiers.

From tests conducted by the complainant with the authorities abroad, they suspected that it was non-standard protective equipment, and then he contacted the police about the matter.

According to a police spokesperson, immediately after receiving the complaint, an investigation was opened and transferred to the fraud unit in the Jerusalem District of the police.

An initial and quick inspection conducted by the investigators with the relevant officials in the IDF and the Defense Ministry, and with other officials, revealed that an Israeli company experiencing financial difficulties engaged in importing combat equipment from abroad.

IAF Commander Tomer Bar says 'We clearing threats for a safe ground incursion'


Commanding Officer of the Israeli Air Force Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar said on Sunday that the Air Force is doing everything in its ability to prepare the Gaza Strip for a successful ground incursion.

"We are preparing the front for the most effective maneuverability. We are removing as many threats as possible from the ground and the air. We will do what we need aggressively, so if it is decided to maneuver, we will allow for the best ground incursion that will allow the soldiers the freedom of movement," Bar stated.

He added. "The Air Force will work shoulder to shoulder with the ground forces, it is fully enlisted for ground operations. Protecting the forces is our mission.

"We are hurting but are fighting. From the moment the events in the south began, the IDF, and within it, the Air Force, is working to remove every threat, in offense and in defense. Every day, we investigate, and every day, we improve. We will continue to work in full force until victory," the Air Force Commander stated.

Bar also discussed the possibility that a substantial front will develop in the north due to Hezbollah firing on communities near the Lebanese border. "We are advancing at the moment in combat in the southern front, but we are a set strongly and in high preparedness for any development that may be in the north as well. The Air Force is well spread out with all units in war mode, to answer with fire and to strike as needed."

According to him, the fighting relies on many substantial operations which are not as publicized. "There are many stories of bravery about the soldiers on the ground, the few versus the many. Attack helicopter pilots worked with determination against the enemy, strikes by remote-controlled aircraft killed many terrorists. Helicopters brought soldiers to the battlefield while contending with fire directed at them. We are proud of them and the reservists who prove the strength of the IDF and the Air Force.

Chassidishe EMT Who Rescued Babies in the South Talks to CNN


Once, I Was a Peace Advocate. Now, I Have No Idealism Left.


Daniel Pearl

After terrorists killed my cousin Daniel Pearl, my family called for peace. But after the worldwide celebration of our people’s slaughter, my hope for peace is dead

The story I’m about to tell is one that many progressive Jews can relate to. In some ways, it’s a prototypical arc of a diaspora Jew who has always advocated for nuance. 

This week, something broke in us. 

We watched history repeat itself. Not just on the global scale, with the wanton massacre of our people, the savage mass murders and dismemberments of entire families and communities. But for many, my family included, history is repeating itself on a personal level as well. 

In March 2003, I turned 13 and celebrated my bar mitzvah in Walnut Creek, California. By Jewish tradition, I became a man. But the ceremony felt redundant; I had already grown up. Only one year earlier, my older cousin, Daniel Pearl, an investigative journalist for The Wall Street Journal, was kidnapped and beheaded by Islamist jihadis while on assignment in Pakistan.

His killers, like the Hamas killers of last weekend, proudly released a video documenting Danny’s murder. Among Danny’s last words were, “My father is Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I am Jewish.” At first, I was in shock—how had my own cousin become a player in such a large international nightmare? Why did people get murdered simply for being who they are? In this case, for being Jewish?

Danny’s parents did not call for revenge. 

Satmar's Der Yid Continues Spewing Hate While Jewish Blood is Pouring on the Streets


I thought that they would be able to restrain themselves from making any comments against the IDF that is fighting and protecting the lives of the Jewish people !

On one hand they denounce the Neturei Karta and say that the NK are not going about it in a Jewish way, on the other hand they spew their disgusting hate by sneaking their hate into a news article.

At the end of the above article, in the last paragraph, in Yiddish, they write:

"The Jewish people from the entire world, will need these days, to strengthen their pure faith, not to get caught in the headlines and the news that is constantly pouring in, that can bring amazement about the Zionist military, G-d Forbid, an army that is built on  heresy and apikorsas" bla bla bla bla 

Sick! Very Sick! 

I was in a shul this week where a Litvishe Rabbi gave a "chizuk" shmooze!

In his shmooze given in Hebrew, he said that "even the Satmar Rebbe would cry when he heard that an IDF soldier got killed." 

I don't get it...is this now a thing of greatness that a leader of tens of thousands cries when a Jewish soldier dies "al kiddush Hashem?

Which Jew does not feel immense pain when a soldier dies while giving his life so that others can live in peace? 

"even the Satmar Rebbe would cry?" what kind of idiotic "chizzuk" is that for me? Think about this statement for a minute, and see how low we have sunk, we are now impressed that a great rabbi shed some tears for a fellow Jew that gave his life to the Jewish people.

Der Yid, the spokesperson for the Satmar Community, is afraid, that G- Forbid, a Chasid would read the news and get inspiration from the soldiers fighting for the lives of the majority of the Jewish population, and question the "shit'eh" of the Satmar Romanian propaganda.

Please don't ever tell me about the chesed they do...

Parisian Cleaners in Teaneck Supporting Hamas

 A friend sent me this -- Please share and post

I wanted to share with everyone something disturbing that happened yesterday. 

I went to Parisian cleaners  on Cedar Lane to bring in my post Yom Tov shirts. I told them I had just come from Israel and was met with stony silence from Hannah, the owner of the store.

 I didn't think much of it but when her son went to lift my bag he let me know that the Palestinians are equally suffering and that both sides are to blame for what's going on. I couldn't believe what was I was hearing so I pushed back by saying in what way did Israel torture babies and massacre families. He held firm that the Israelis are at fault .

 I then told them I won't be needing their services any longer. I was raised to 'vote with my wallet' meaning don't patronize stores that literally are telling me they hate me.

Tens of Thousands Hamas Supporters Come Out in London ... Hear Response from Douglas Murray


How Can You Contribute?


IDF Soldiers Thank Those Learning Torah


Hamas terrorists kidnap disabled 17-year-old girl who cannot walk or talk and relies on her family feeding her through a tube and holds her hostage

 A 17-year-old girl who cannot walk or talk and relies on being fed through a tube by her family has been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists at a musical festival where they also gunned down more than 260 people.

Rut Perez, who has muscular dystrophy, and her father Eric are missing after the Supernova musical festival that was invaded by Hamas fighters as they launched a violent offensive in Israel on October 7.

Her sister Yamit has been urgently appealing on social media for anyone with information on the pair to get in touch – after she left the festival early with friends.

She has since begged Hamas to allow her father to look after Rut, also known as Ruth – if the pair are still being kept alive.

Yamit, 20, and her mother Elinor, who also uses a wheelchair, were among hundreds of families who were gathered in Tel Aviv to be briefed on efforts to bring home the 150 hostages that Hamas is believed to have taken back to Gaza following last Saturday’s incursion.

Egypt Refuses to Take in Palestinians


Egyptian strongman Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, reportedly speaking at a military graduation on Thursday, urged residents of Gaza to “remain on their land” rather than attempt to relocate away from the violence of the jihadist terror group Hamas and any potential retaliation from the Israeli government.

Sisi’s regime shut its border with Gaza on Tuesday after the Israeli government suggested that those seeking to flee Hamas should consider relocating to the fellow Muslim Arab country. While many Arabs and others in the Middle East enthusiastically support many of Hamas’s demands – primarily, the creation of a state of “Palestine” carved out of Israel – their governments have been hesitant to assist Palestinians in evacuating wartorn areas.

Some Egyptians speaking to the Emirati newspaper The National this week complained that their country already has “enough” refugees and, while they support the eradication of Israel, they would prefer not to take the Palestinians into their country.

The government of Israel urged over 1 million people in southern Gaza to evacuate as soon as possible on Friday in anticipation of a military siege against Hamas targets. Hamas routinely uses Palestinians as human shields, building up weapons stockpiles and establishing operational headquarters in civilian areas, forcing the Israeli government to announce military operations in advance in an attempt to save Palestinian lives.

“Gaza city is an area where military activity takes place. This evacuation is for your personal safety,” Israeli military spokesman Admiral Daniel Hagari announced in a statement posted to social media on Friday, telling locals the military “will continue to operate significantly in Gaza city in the coming days, and wishes to avoid harming civilians.”

MSNBC in a "death fall" loses 33% of primetime audience during coverage of Israel war


MSNBC — which has been slammed for refusing to refer to Hamas attackers as terrorists during its coverage — has lost 33% of its primetime viewers since the deadly attack on Israel.

The cable news channel — home to anchors Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Joy Reid — saw its total viewer figures plunge 24% for the four days between Oct. 7 and 10, compared to the same period the previous week.

Meanwhile, rival Fox News has gotten a 42% jolt in total viewers, and even ratings-challenged CNN saw a 17% spike as new boss Mark Thompson took the reins this week.

Fox handily won in primetime over the four-day period, averaging 2.1 million, according to Nielsen. MSNBC came in second with 960,000 and CNN logged 760,000 viewers.

MSNBC has drawn intense criticism over its coverage of Hamas’ attack on Israel, which killed more than 1,200, including 25 Americans.

The network has run a joint death toll graphic that lumps the casualties together, unlike other networks that separate the number of Israelis killed from those in Gaza.

NewsNation host Dan Abrams singled out MSNBC anchors Ayman Mohyeldin, Mehdi Hasan, and Ali Velshi for saying the Hamas assault was the result of “failed policies” by Israel and the US.

“Right. It’s Israel’s fault. It’s the United States fault,” Abrams said mockingly on Monday. “The policies that somehow justify or even explain the slaughter, rapes, and kidnapping of innocent civilians.”

“And that ridiculous commentary set the tone for much of MSNBC’s coverage throughout the weekend, where many hosts seemed determined to say, ‘Well, what about the Palestinians?’”

The host of “Dan Abrams Live!” called out MSNBC’s push for “nuance” and context, but said it isn’t necessary when it’s a “story that fits their political agenda” such as an “officer-involved shooting.”

“Look, this is not a both-sides story, period,” Abrams said. noting that since Saturday, the network has made 441 references to Hamas terrorists or “the fighters”– in an effort to avoid calling them “terrorists.”

Network veteran Andrea Mitchell also came under fire for asking an Israeli mother, whose 12- and 16-year-old sons were abducted by Hamas terrorists, about Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

The mother, who was visibly shaken by Michell’s line of questioning, replied: “I can’t be sympathetic to animal-human beings — well, they’re not really human beings — who came into my house, broke everything, stole everything, took my children from their bedrooms and took them to the Gaza Strip.”

“Israel never done that, and it will never do. So there is no symmetry! I’m sorry,” the mom said. “If you were dealing with a war who is between two countries, countries don’t take children hostages. I’m sorry. It’s against the laws of war. It’s against humanity. It’s against anything that we all believe in.”

She concluded: “Every time we had missiles shot at us, I used to say to my children that they should be sympathetic towards the children of Gaza because they suffer a lot more than they do.”

“Israel never done that, and it will never do. So there is no symmetry! I’m sorry,” the mom said. “If you were dealing with a war who is between two countries, countries don’t take children hostages. I’m sorry. It’s against the laws of war. It’s against humanity. It’s against anything that we all believe in.”

She concluded: “Every time we had missiles shot at us, I used to say to my children that they should be sympathetic towards the children of Gaza because they suffer a lot more than they do.”

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) took reporters including Yingst and his crew to Be’eri, just three miles from the Gaza border, on Tuesday.

The site, which had been a kibbutz known as an artistic and farming community of 1,200 people, was decimated and declared unsafe for outsiders.

Yingst described the scene as “hell on Earth,” a community “littered with bodies,” as the camera panned to the blood-stained floors of the homes that were racked by bullet holes.

Meanwhile, CNN’s war correspondent Clarissa Ward has led the coverage on the ground, with Jake Tapper anchoring the broadcast. Ward won praise for her bravery after she was forced to take cover in a ditch as rockets fired over her head near the Israeli border with Gaza.

Cameras continued to roll, capturing an out-of-breath Ward, lying on the ground.

“Forgive the inelegant position but we have just had a massive barrage of rockets coming in here not too far from us so we have had to take shelter here by the roadside,” she said. “We are just about five minutes away, Gaza is in that direction. We can hear now a lot of jets in the sky we can also hear the iron dome intercepting a number of those rockets as they were whizzing overhead and making impact.”

NY lawyer Stanley Cohen, who was raised as Orthodox Jew, now reps terrorists


A New York lawyer infamous for defending terrorists said he is providing legal aid to Hamas members in Gaza and elsewhere.

“I continue to represent various Palestinian movements and individuals. I have since 1995,” said Stanley Cohen, a self-described radical attorney whose website boasts he has “Hamas on the phone.”

“I speak with representatives of Hamas on an as-needed basis for legal advice and in matters pending in international courts,” said Cohen, 70, who has also repped members of Hezbollah and Al Qaeda.

The attorney claims he’s recently communicated with Hamas members in Gaza and abroad but declined to specify when, with whom, or about what.

Hamas leaders are known to live in plush compounds in friendly host nations.

Former Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal called for an international day of Jihad this week from his hideaway in Qatar.

Cohen was raised as an Orthodox Jew but has left the faith.

“I walked away long ago as the effort to conflate a 120-year-old European colonial project with a 3000-year-old faith took hold,” he said.

Last week Hamas fighters stormed into Israel from Gaza, killing 1,300 and taking at least 150 people hostage.

Among the victims were dozens of babies, some of whom were burned alive and decapitated.

Among the dead were 27 Americans.

“Do I agree with the notion that Palestinians have a right to armed struggle, I do,” he said, calling Israeli “settlers” and soldiers “legitimate targets under international law.”

On Thursday he posted on X that a “dear friend” had been killed during fighting in Gaza.

“A retired general, he served for many years with [late Palestine president Yasser Arafat],” he wrote.

Another tweeted image he posted in 2021 shows him smiling with former Hamas terror leaders Ahmed Yassin and Ismail Abu Shanab — who were both later killed by the Israeli military.

Cohen, who resides mostly in the Catskills but travels to New York City periodically, said he doesn’t take money from Hamas and that his legal work for the terrorist organization was pro bono.

In 2014, Cohen was sentenced to 18 months in prison after being indicted on charges of failing to file six years worth of tax returns.

The colorful litigator represented Osama Bin Laden’s son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2014 for conspiring to kill Americans. He repped Weather Underground terrorist Kathy Boudin and Larry Davis — who shot six NYPD officers in the South Bronx in 1986.

Cohen’s work has generated a cottage industry of critics, some of whom are mentioned in a special area of his website dedicated to “haters.”

“Thank God that Hamas is being represented by so incompetent and bigoted a lawyer like Stanley Cohen. They deserve each other,” said Alan Dershowitz, longtime Harvard Law Professor.

“There is a big difference between defending the constitutional rights of accused terrorists, and supporting their ongoing terrorism in an ideological way, as Cohen seems to be doing.”

Iran threatens to intervene if Israel carries out ground war in Gaza, says Jewish state will be hit with ‘huge earthquake’

Iran threatened to intervene if Israel carries out its planned ground invasion of Gaza, Axios reports.

In a meeting with UN envoy to the Middle East Tor Wennesland, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian claimed The Islamic Republic does not want to see the war in Gaza escalate to a regional conflict but his country would get involved should the Jewish state launch a ground offensive in Gaza.

It is unclear if Iran would get involved directly or via its many proxies in the region, including Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist group it backs.

The Iranian FM also said Israel would suffer "a huge earthquake," if the country does not stop its attacks on Gaza, The Times of Israel reports.

US President Joe Biden has sought to discourage other actors from joining the war against Israel, saying "[to]anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, I have one word: Don't."

Iran reportedly collaborated with Hamas on the deadly attack on Israel, the worst the country has seen in 50 years, a year before it was executed.


George W. Bush: Negotiating with killers is not an option for Israel


Israeli Billionaire Idan Ofer Pulls Support For Harvard Over Response To Hamas Attacks


Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer and his wife Batia, who are significant supporters of Harvard University, have decided to quit their positions on the Harvard executive board in protest of how university leaders have responded to Hamas’ terror attacks on Israel.

“Unfortunately, our faith in the University’s leadership has been broken and we cannot in good faith continue to support Harvard and its committees,” the couple said in a statement to CNN.

Idan Ofer, one of the richest Israelis in the world with a fortune valued at nearly $20 billion according to Bloomberg’s billionaire index, said that “Our decision to resign from the board has been precipitated by the lack of clear evidence of support from the University’s leadership for the people of Israel following the tragic events of the past week, coupled with their apparent unwillingness to recognize Hamas for what it is, a terrorist organization.”

“With so much disinformation being spread by social media it is essential that the world’s great institutions speak with a clear and unequivocal voice at this critical time,” the Ofers added.

Earlier in the week a coalition of Harvard student groups issued a letter blaming Israel alone for the Hamas attacks, prompting severe criticism and calls not to hire the students signed on the letter.

Harvard did not comment on the resignation and criticism from the Ofers. The university instead pointed to a video statement released Thursday night by Harvard President Claudine Gay.

“People have asked me where we stand. So, let me be clear. Our university rejects terrorism — that includes the barbaric atrocities perpetrated by Hamas,” Gay said. “Our university rejects hate — hate of Jews, hate of Muslims, hate of any group of people based on their faith, their national origin, or any aspect of their identify.”

Gay added that Harvard “rejects the harassment or intimidation of individuals based on their beliefs” and “embraces a commitment to free expression.”

“That commitment extends even to views that many of us find objectionable, even outrageous. We do not punish or sanction people for expressing such views,” Gay said. “But that is a far cry from endorsing them.”

Gay is apparently continuing to walk the tightrope between denouncing the actions of Hamas and trying to equivocate a the same time and blame the acts on “hate of Muslims” as well as respecting students right to support Hamas atrocities.

After the anti-Israel statement was released, CEOs and business leaders including hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman called for the public release of the names of students linked to the organizations that backed the statement, stating that they would not be hired by him in the future.

An electronic billboard truck drove near Harvard’s campus on Wednesday, displaying the names and faces of students who apparently were linked to the statement.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Amb. Gilad Erdan to UN's Tor Wennesland: 'Don’t forget to wash your hands of the blood of Israeli children!'


Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan issued a sharp and direct message to the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland, who met Saturday in Lebanon with Iran’s Foreign Minister and was photographed shaking his hand.

"The UN envoy met, during a bloody war, with those who financed the killing of our children and said nothing! No condemnation!" Ambassador Erdan said. "I call on Wennesland to wash the blood of Israeli babies from his hands after shaking hands with the Iranian Foreign Minister, who represents a regime which has the blood of the babies, women, and families murdered by Hamas on its hands."

"The rules have changed! We will not continue accepting the legitimacy that the UN gives to the Nazi regime of Iran which openly calls for the destruction of Israel.

"I am officially announcing the severance of my ties with Wennesland until he publicly condemns the Iranian regime of murder and terrorism."

Dramatic footage: Navy's Snapir Unit eliminated dozens of terrorists in the Mediterranean


On Saturday morning last week, fighters from the Israeli Navy's southern command were alerted following a notification regarding an attempted infiltration by sea. Following this, the Navy forces fired towards the terrorists' ships, eliminating them.

Fighters from the Snapir unit noticed that some of the terrorists whose boat was elimianted were still alive in the water and swimming towards the shore.

The fighters then opened fire towards the surviving terrorists, while pursuing them by sea and firing. The fighters succeeded in eliminating a number of terrorists in the sea, and from there they continued on and eliminated additional terrorists as they reached the shoreline.

The operation was carried out by Party 916 from the Ashdod base, which has thus far taken part in the elimination of dozens of terrorists since Hamas attacked Israel last week.

On Saturday, the IDF allowed the footage, which was filmed last Saturday, to be publicized.

IDF finds bodies of several missing Israelis during raids in Gaza Strip territory


 The IDF located the bodies of several missing Israelis during raids it conducted in the territory of the Gaza Strip, it was cleared for publication on Friday evening.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said earlier that over the past day, the IDF conducted raids in the territory of the Gaza Strip in an effort to eliminate the threat of terrorists and weapons in the area and locate hostages.

According to the statement, IDF soldiers searched and collected evidence that would assist in the effort to locate hostages.

The statement marked the first time that the IDF has publicly confirmed that its troops searched for hostages inside the Gaza Strip.

In addition, IDF soldiers thwarted terrorist cells and infrastructure located in the area, including a Hamas cell that fired anti-tank missiles toward Israeli territory.

The IAF continued, meanwhile, its strikes on Hamas terror targets in the Gaza Strip, as well as strikes on anti-tank missile launchers immediately after they attacked Israel.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Friday evening that the IDF has so far notified 120 families that their loved ones have been abducted to the Gaza Strip.

He added, “Our forces have found findings within the Strip that may help locate them."

Israel eliminates one of the leaders of the Hamas massacre


The IDF and ISA targeted a company commander of the Hamas "Nukhba" commando forces who led the Hamas terror attack against Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip

Based on precise IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF aircraft killed Ali Qadi, a company commander of the Hamas "Nukhba" commando force, who led the terror attack in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip last weekend. In 2005, Ali was apprehended following the kidnapping and murder of Israeli civilians and was released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.