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Thursday, June 22, 2023

State Dept Sickos Condemn the Terrorists for Killing Jews and the IDF for Killing Terrorists


The home of Arab-American terrorist murderer Montasser Shalabi in Turmus Ayya was demolished by the IDF

Vedant Patel, the State Department’s Principal Deputy Spokesperson, on Wednesday, opened his press conference with this:

“So first, as we noted yesterday, we strongly condemn yesterday’s terrorist attack against Israelis near Eli in the West Bank that killed four individuals. We express our deepest condolences to the families of those killed. There is no justification for terrorism.”

Next, having condemned the terrorists, Patel condemned the Israeli civilians who protested Arab terrorism:

“There are troubling reports of extremist settler violence against Palestinian civilians, including the death of a Palestinian child and other injuries. We likewise condemn these violent acts and also extend our condolences to the families of those affected.”

Patel lied. No child was killed in the settlers’ protest in Turmus Ayya outside Ramallah in Samaria. According to Haaretz (a.k.a. al-Ard), “About 200 settlers, some of them armed, set fire to houses and cars on Wednesday in the Palestinian village of Turmus Ayya in the center of the West Bank, as well as agricultural areas on the outskirts of the village. Sources in the security apparatus estimated that about 15 houses were damaged by arson and thrown stones in Turmos Ayya, and about 30 cars were set on fire.”

You may agree or disagree with Jewish protesters who, like the Black protesters in the US, express their rage at terrorist murders (remember George Floyd) with arson and destruction of property. But even Haaretz couldn’t sink low enough to accuse them of killing a child.

It reported clearly: “After the settlers left the village, clashes broke out between policemen and Palestinians, in which one of the residents was killed by a policeman.”

Don’t trust Vedant Patel, he lies.

A reporter asked Patel, “But that attack came right after an attack on the Jenin camp, where the Israelis used an Apache helicopter against civilians. Six people were killed, including a 14-year-old girl that should be dreaming about boys and schools and things like this. So, no condemnation there for an unprovoked attack that the Israelis conducted and were there for nine hours – for nine hours – using Apache helicopters, using all kinds of weapons supplied by the United States of America?”

Yes, Arab reporters also lie. The reason the IDF soldiers were forced to stay in the Jenin refugee camp for nine hours was the huge explosive charge that blew up an armored troops carrier and had to be towed under fire. The helicopter (Apache, not “Apaches”) had to be called in to defend the force that was under attack by hundreds of armed terrorists. And the girl, who should be dreaming of boys, was hit by a stray bullet inside her home – there’s no telling which side fired it.

But at least we finally understood Patel’s reference to the girl the settlers supposedly killed a day later in Turmus Ayya.

Here’s a factoid:

 Turmus Ayya was the home of Montasser Shalabi, a Palestinian-American who opened fire at civilians waiting at a bus stop at Tapuah junction in May 2021. He killed Yehuda Guetta, 19, a yeshiva student from Tamar.

Somebody should tell Vedant Patel.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

1,000 new housing units to be built in Eli in response to deadly shooting attack


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich today (Wednesday) agreed on the immediate promotion of the planning of approximately 1,000 new housing units in the settlement of Eli in Binyamin, a day after terrorists murdered four civilians in a shooting attack at a gas station and restaurant just outside the community.

Gallant, Smotrich and Netanyahu said in a joint announcement by the Prime Minister's Office that "our response to terrorism is to hit it hard and build on our land."

National Missions Orit Strock (Religious Zionism party) welcomed the announcement: "1000 more Jewish families in the place where Jewish lives were cut short. Every terrorist must know that this was the Zionist price tag for murdering Jews. In the place from where they try to uproot us - there we will deepen our roots. Not instead of eliminating the terrorists, not instead of the checkpoints, and not instead of drying up the terror swamp. But absolutely, as a necessary and clear Zionist step.''

Gush Etzion Mayor and Yesha Council Chairman Shlomo Ne’eman also praised the announcement, saying: “To those who wish us harm, know that we are here to stay.”

Ne’eman added: “We thank Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Gallant and Finance Minister Smotrich for a proper Zionist answer. Terrorism will not defeat us. We will continue to live and flourish in the land of our ancestors."

Not all were happy with the government's response. Binyamin Regional Council chairman Yisrael Gantz moved his office to the scene of yesterday's attack in protest against the government's security policies. Gantz said: "We must return to an uncompromising offensive policy, enter the nests of terror and strike at the heads of the snakes there. The government should lead this policy and direct the IDF and the security system to formulate an immediate operational plan."

"The government of Israel is responsible for the security of its citizens and it is its duty to launch an attack and not wait, God forbid, for more casualties and for the terrorists to continue to strengthen. We will do our duty in establishing the settlement. We will develop a lively and happy life here in the heart of the Land of Israel," he said.

Meanwhile, the four victims of yesterday's attack were laid to rest overnight Tuesday and Wednesday.

The victims were identified as Harel Masoud, a 21-year-old resident of Yad Binyamin; Elisha Antman, a 18-year-old resident of Eli; Ofer Fairman, a 63-year-old resident of Eli; and Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, a 15-year-old resident of Ahiya.

Hunter Biden won’t be charged with money laundering, bribery or trafficking after ‘slap on the wrist’ plea deal


Hunter Biden appears to have ducked other possible charges — including money laundering, bribery and human trafficking — as part of a plea agreement he entered into with federal prosecutors that is likely to result in him serving no jail time.

The president’s 53-year-old son will plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his federal income taxes on at least $3 million he earned from overseas business dealings, and he will participate in a pretrial diversion arrangement for a felony firearms charge after he lied about his drug use on a gun purchasing form in 2018.

However, court filings revealing the deal make no mention of more serious charges Hunter’s laptop indicates he exposed himself to.

Nachman, Elisha, Harel & Ofer were murdered in deadly attack


The names of the four victims of Tuesday's terrorist shooting attack near Eli have been cleared for publication.

One victim was identified as Harel Masoud, a 21-year-old resident of Yad Binyamin. Another was named as Elisha Antman, a 17-year-old resident of Eli. A third was identified as Ofer Fairman, a 60-year-old resident of Eli. The fourth was identified as Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, a 17-year-old resident of Ahiya.

The Nahal Sorek Regional Council said in a statement: "It is with a heavy heart and great pain, we were informed at this moment that in the severe attack that took place today in the settlement of Eli, Harel Masoud, a resident of Yad Binyamin, was murdered. Harel is the son of Gil and Yael Masoud, and was only 21 years old at the time of his murder."

Council head Shai Reichner said: "There are no words to express the shock and pain we are feeling right now. I and the entire Nahal Sorek community grieve with the Masoud family for this terrible disaster, share in their unimaginable grief and embrace the family."

Yakrat Friedman, a friend of the family, called Harel a "golden child" he "loved so much. He loved the Land of Israel and its people. He had just been released from combat service and dreamed of settling this land and worked to fulfill his dream together with his friends."

The community of Eli released a statement which reads: "It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Elisha Antman, who was murdered in today's attack, a resident of the Neve neighborhood in Eli. We share in the family's grief."

Two terrorists committed the deadly attack. The terrorists drove up to a gas station and restaurant near Eli and opened fire, killing four people. A civilian shot and neutralized one of the terrorists. The second terrorist escaped and was found and eliminated by security forces after a two-hour search.

Likud MK Danny Danon called for the launching of a major military operation to destroy terrorist infrastructure in Judea and Samaria following the attack.

'We demand a military operation in Judea and Samaria now. Not later. Now is the time to strike hard and fast. I call on our Prime Minister to order a large-scale military operation and immediately reinstate the security barriers that were removed. The people of Israel are united and support the government, the army and our internal security services in the realization of this urgent program which will save countless innocent lives," Danon said.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

4 murdered in terrorist shooting attack in Eli


At least four people were murdered in a terrorist shooting attack at a gas station near the city of Eli in the Binyamin region Tuesday afternoon.

The IDF stated that one or two terrorists approached the gas station in a vehicle and opened fire, moderately injuring a security guard. The terrorists then opened fire at a restaurant and shot a further five people.

An armed civilian shot and neutralized the terrorist. However, security forces have not ruled out the possibility that a second shooter escaped the scene and are conducting searches of the area.

Magen David Adom (MDA) EMTs and Paramedics are evacuating two victims in critical condition, including a 20-year-old male to Shaare Tzedek Medical Center and a 38-year-old male to Beilinson Hospital. Four further victims, including three who are unconscious, were treated at the scene.

United Hatzalah volunteer paramedics Aviah Chaim and Yoni Rosenfeld said: "Unfortunately four people were pronounced dead following resuscitation attempts that were unsuccessful. In addition, we provided initial treatment to four more people who suffered from gunshot wounds. Due to the nature of the incident, United Hatzalah's Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit also treated a number of people for emotional shock."

A helicopter has been dispatched to Eli.

An alarm was activated in Eli amidst concerns that a second shooter fled the scene. Residents have been advised to remain in their homes until further notice.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is being briefed on the details of the attack and receiving updates on the efforts to apprehend the attackers. Minister Gallant will hold an operational situation assessment this evening at 6 pm tonight, together with the IDF Chief of the General Staff, Director of the Shin Bet and additional senior officials in Israel’s defense establishment.

Chareidim Protesting Light Rain Now Putting their Children on the Front Lines Just Like the Arabs!


Army army army! The children should be taken away and put up in foster care in Dati Leumi homes and their fathers drafted into the army!

Hundreds of extremist chareidi elements demonstrated Sunday night at the light rail construction site in Bar Ilan street in Jerusalem. Some of the demonstrators rioted, set fire to infrastructure and blocked the street, causing huge traffic delays in the north of Jerusalem.

Police were forced to drag away little children who participated in blocking the road. The police later said that “tonight too protesters cynically exploited little children to participate in the rioting and disturbing the peace. Many of the rioters called the police Nazis as well.”

During the course of what has become a regular protest, the protesters started to disturb the public order, blocking roads, throwing stones at police and damaging infrastructure related to the light rail work. Police arrested one person suspected of torching a fence at the work site.

After the road was blocked for neary two hours, police succeeded in clearing the road with the help of Border Police reinforcements.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Traitor Ehud Barak Agreed to Give Up Part of Har Habayit, Old City of Jerusalem.... State Archives Reveal


The Barak administration agreed to give up part of Israel’s sovereignty in the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in December 2000, according to an official response to a Clinton administration proposal published for the first time by the Israel State Archives on Sunday.

Israel agreed to relinquish its sovereignty over the area of ​​the mosques on the Temple Mount, Ynet reported.

Among the comments written in Hebrew in the margins of the Clinton administration proposal: “de facto division of sovereignty on the Temple Mount.”

Israel demanded continued sovereignty over the Western Wall, the Western Wall tunnel, the Makhkame building overlooking the Temple Mount, the Siloam Tunnel (aka Hezekiah’s Tunnel), the City of David and the Mount of Olives.

Charedi man who served in IDF confronts secular woman who accused him of not serving


A video of the response by Hirsch to the woman’s verbal abuse has gone viral on social media and across the internet.

“Yisrael Yehonatan Hirsch, the People of Israel cherish you, embrace you and love you,” Ohana wrote in a tweet. “The antisemitism you experienced has no place in any country in the world, least of all in the national home of the Jewish People, the State of Israel.

“It is my privilege to invite you to be my guest of honor, together with your family or whomever you choose, and I hope you will accept the invitation,” Ohana added.

In the video, Hirsch – who now serves as a reservist after having fulfilled his tour of duty as an Israeli soldier — is seen responding to the heckler, who accused him of not serving in the army. In fact, not only did Hirsch serve, but so did his father before him, as confirmed by Israeli journalist and politician Yinon Magal.

“Why are you jumping to the conclusion that I didn’t serve in the army?” Hirsch asked his heckler in the video. “Because I’m wearing a yarmulka and a white shirt?”

The woman answered “yes.”

Hirsch replied, “You cannot go around judging people.”

In response, the woman complained, “You need to go to the army just like my brothers did.”

“I did go to the army, and likely for a longer time than you did,” Hirsch replied heatedly. “I am a captain in the reserves.”

Clearly surprised, the woman demanded to know why Hirsch wears a yarmulka if he served in the army.

“It is my faith, and it is my right to do so,” he answered. “It’s unbelievable that every time I ride the bus in Hod Hasharon, the city where I live, I get harassed like this.”

Violent Protests Continue Against "Light Rail" Despite their Rebbe Being Opposed to it!


The Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe, who is the leader of practically all the protests in Yerushalyim, told the mayor of Yerushalyim last week, that after hearing the "other side" he is against the Light Rail protests,  but since his followers having nothing to do all day, they totally ignored him and continued with their futile war against the light rail. 

The protestors don't really care either way about the light rail  and certainly don't care about their rebbe. This is all for their own amusement and entertainment and for looking forward to being manhandled by a lady cop. 

I would draft them all to the army, at least there they would have something to do! 

Little Sadegere Rebbe from Bnei Brak Sues His Mother in Secular Court for Back Rent in her OWN Apartment


Sorer Umorar??

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Japanese Chassidim Singing Le'Chayim


Arab Ladies Dressed "tzneesdik" holding Babies Beat the Crap Out of Each Other


Hadassah Opens Mini Branch in Beit Shemesh


Intel to open new factory in Israel with unprecedented $25 billion investment


Global tech giant Intel will establish a new factory in Israel in the city of Kiryat Gat with a huge investment of about 25 billion dollars.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotritz and Budget Commissioner Yogev Gardos informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Economy Minister Nir Barkat of the new factory today (Sunday).

The two were informed that the lengthy negotiations conducted between the Intel company and the professionals in the Budget Division of the Finance Ministry have been successfully concluded and agreements in principle have been reached regarding the company's intention to invest approximately 25 billion dollars in the establishment of the new factory in Kiryat Gat.

Biden’s Secret Capitulation to Iran’s Regime


לא תשכח

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" supported and pushed the Iran Deal?

We will never ever forget when the Satmar Rebbe endorsed Obama and his dangerous Iran deal!

In spite of strong opposition from the Congress, the Biden administration has been holding​ ​secret talks in Oman to reward the ruling mullahs of Iran with a nuclear deal that will pave the way for Iran legally to obtain as many nuclear weapons as it likes, empower the ruling mullahs with billions of dollars, lift sanctions, allow it to rejoin the global financial system and enhance the theocratic regime’s legitimacy on the global stage.

The Biden administration also reportedly wants to pump $17 billion dollars into the Iranian regime’s treasury. These benefits will not only enable the mullahs’ to finalize their nuclear weapons program, but also to send more arms to Russia to attack Ukraine, as well as to further enable the regime’s ruthless expansion throughout the Middle East — in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and the terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip — and throughout Latin America.

“It is looking ever more likely that the US is stepping up talks to kick-start nuclear talks with Iran despite denials from senior diplomats,” Iran International reported.

“Brett McGurk, President Biden’s senior Middle East adviser, took a low-profile trip to Oman earlier this month for talks on possible diplomatic outreach to Iran, it seems this is more than ‘talks’. Neither the US nor Oman made the visit public, suggesting only something as serious as Iran could have called for such secrecy.”

The Biden administration is evidently planning to reward — or bribe to slow down — a regime that has been killing Americans and taking hostages for more than four decades. Iran’s regime, while the Biden administration was offering it sanctions relief, released a video showing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps blowing up the U.S. Capitol.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Nadverner Rebbe from Beit Shemesh Singing for his rebbetzin


He calls himself "Nadvorner Rebbe of Beit Shemesh," but lives in Katzrin and yes that is his wife! She is an immigrant from Russia

Russia has released documents proving Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were highly involved in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.


New documents on the Baltic states’ actions during the Holocaust have been declassified by the Russian Federal Security Service, according to a Thursday RIA (Russian state media) report.

The documents were released as part of the “No Statute of Limitations” project.

The document details the murder of “tens of thousands of Jews” in 1941 during the Nazi occupation by both the residents of the states and occupying forces. The states detailed in the report are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, countries that have since aligned themselves with Ukraine in light of the Russian invasion.

Lithuania’s participation in the Holocaust 

The report alleged that the Nazis had been amazed by the ferocity with which Lithuanians had absorbed antisemitic ideologies and the cruelty they were willing to show.

"When the German troops entered the territory of Lithuania, the Lithuanians' hatred of the Jews led to effective pogroms ... As a result of the pogroms, which were nevertheless carried out with significant action by the security police and SD, Lithuanians liquidated 3800 Jews in Kaunas and approximately 1,200 Jews in small towns,” RIA cites the report as saying.

Teams of up to eight people were reportedly first tasked with murdering any Jewish people in prison. Eventually, the murders advanced to any Jews in Lithuania. The report stated that this was carried out "systematically county by county." 

"As a result of many individual operations, a total of 136,421 people were liquidated," the report said, although this figure is likely to include non-Jewish groups that were also targeted by the Nazi’s ideology.

Some Jews were kept alive and placed in ghettos to use as slave labor. The report says that 15,000 Jewish people had been kept in Kaunas and Vilna, with a further 4,500 kept in Siauliai. According to RIA, These Jews were forced to work in the local airfield where they carried out tasks relating to "earthworks and other works."

Estonia’s participation in the Holocaust

According to the report, 2,000 Jews had lived in Estonia before the war, although this number is disputed, and there were none left after. There are now 1,971 Jews in Estonia, according to the World Jewish Congress (WJC).

The report continues to explain that in 1942, Hitler established an Estonian SS Legion. The report states that this legion participated in the massacre of civilians in Belarus, a country considered to be allied with Russia.

The SS legion, continued the RIA report, was responsible for the murder of Jews in the Minsk region.

In September 1943, the report continued, the 30th Estonian Schutzmannschraft Battalion participated in Aktion 1005, which involved the mass killing of civilians and prisoners of war.

The report conflicts with current historical understandings of Estonian Jewry

There is evidence that Jews have lived in Estonia since the fourteenth century, but a permanent Jewish community did not exist there until the mid-nineteenth century, explained the WJC.

When the Nazis invaded Estonia, the Soviet Union deported approximately 500 Jews as they were regarded as “dangerous social elements. 

The WJC claimed that, in contrast to what the report said, “Almost all remaining Jews – around 3,000 people -  were able to escape Estonia due to the amount of time it took for the Germans to eventually conquer Estonia.”

The WJC added that 1,000 Jews had been murdered by Estonian police in collaboration with the Nazis.

Latvia’s participation in the Holocaust 

According to the report, the murder of Jews in Latvia was carried out under the operation title “broad cleansing.”

The murder of Latvian Jews was carried out “through special teams, with the assistance of the elite forces of the Latvian auxiliary police."

RIA added that on November 9, 1941, 11,000 Jews were executed by Latvian and Nazi forces. In December, SS officers and a police leader issued orders which led to the execution of 27,800 Jews in Riga. Several days after this, a further 2,350 Jews were murdered in Libau.

"The systematic work to cleanse the East, in accordance with the main orders, had as its goal the possible complete liquidation of the Jews. This goal has been basically achieved," the report emphasized.

Hey Biden Rescind ‘Horrific, Frightening’ Holocaust Museum Council Appointments


The Zionist Organization of America and Morton A. Klein, its national president, are calling on the Biden administration to rescind its appointment of two individuals to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Council, which governs the museum.

The decision to name Kimberly Marteau Emerson and Alan Solomont to the council is “horrific and frightening,” given the two lead “hostile-to-Israel non-governmental organizations,” Klein and the ZOA stated.

“Support for a Jewish homeland” is cited as one of the museum’s focuses in the 1979 report of the President’s Commission on the Holocaust, which Elie Wiesel chaired. “Thus, the Holocaust Memorial Museum—which by law is mandated to carry out ‘support for the Jewish homeland’—should never have board members of anti-Israel organizations on the museum’s governing board,” Klein and ZOA stated.

Emerson is a board member of Human Rights Watch, which is “Israel-bashing and America-bashing” and is “infamous for falsely accusing Israel of ‘apartheid,’ ‘crimes against humanity,’ ‘persecuting’ and ‘systematic oppression’ and ‘inhumane acts’ against Palestinians,” Klein and the ZOA wrote.

Solomont, meanwhile, is on the board of the “vicious hostile-to-Israel groups” New Israel Fund and Israel Policy Forum, the latter of which “is so radical that it was the only group to testify against moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,” per Klein and ZOA

“Solomont is currently the national board chair of the notorious anti-Israel group J Street, which promotes anti-Israel UN resolutions; funds anti-Israel political candidates and lobbies for U.S. funding for the Palestinians—which enables the Palestinian Authority’s ‘pay to slay’ payments to Arab terrorists to murder Jews, among many other horrors,” they added.