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Monday, June 19, 2023

Violent Protests Continue Against "Light Rail" Despite their Rebbe Being Opposed to it!


The Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe, who is the leader of practically all the protests in Yerushalyim, told the mayor of Yerushalyim last week, that after hearing the "other side" he is against the Light Rail protests,  but since his followers having nothing to do all day, they totally ignored him and continued with their futile war against the light rail. 

The protestors don't really care either way about the light rail  and certainly don't care about their rebbe. This is all for their own amusement and entertainment and for looking forward to being manhandled by a lady cop. 

I would draft them all to the army, at least there they would have something to do! 

Little Sadegere Rebbe from Bnei Brak Sues His Mother in Secular Court for Back Rent in her OWN Apartment


Sorer Umorar??

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Japanese Chassidim Singing Le'Chayim


Arab Ladies Dressed "tzneesdik" holding Babies Beat the Crap Out of Each Other


Hadassah Opens Mini Branch in Beit Shemesh


Intel to open new factory in Israel with unprecedented $25 billion investment


Global tech giant Intel will establish a new factory in Israel in the city of Kiryat Gat with a huge investment of about 25 billion dollars.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotritz and Budget Commissioner Yogev Gardos informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Economy Minister Nir Barkat of the new factory today (Sunday).

The two were informed that the lengthy negotiations conducted between the Intel company and the professionals in the Budget Division of the Finance Ministry have been successfully concluded and agreements in principle have been reached regarding the company's intention to invest approximately 25 billion dollars in the establishment of the new factory in Kiryat Gat.

Biden’s Secret Capitulation to Iran’s Regime


לא תשכח

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" supported and pushed the Iran Deal?

We will never ever forget when the Satmar Rebbe endorsed Obama and his dangerous Iran deal!

In spite of strong opposition from the Congress, the Biden administration has been holding​ ​secret talks in Oman to reward the ruling mullahs of Iran with a nuclear deal that will pave the way for Iran legally to obtain as many nuclear weapons as it likes, empower the ruling mullahs with billions of dollars, lift sanctions, allow it to rejoin the global financial system and enhance the theocratic regime’s legitimacy on the global stage.

The Biden administration also reportedly wants to pump $17 billion dollars into the Iranian regime’s treasury. These benefits will not only enable the mullahs’ to finalize their nuclear weapons program, but also to send more arms to Russia to attack Ukraine, as well as to further enable the regime’s ruthless expansion throughout the Middle East — in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and the terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip — and throughout Latin America.

“It is looking ever more likely that the US is stepping up talks to kick-start nuclear talks with Iran despite denials from senior diplomats,” Iran International reported.

“Brett McGurk, President Biden’s senior Middle East adviser, took a low-profile trip to Oman earlier this month for talks on possible diplomatic outreach to Iran, it seems this is more than ‘talks’. Neither the US nor Oman made the visit public, suggesting only something as serious as Iran could have called for such secrecy.”

The Biden administration is evidently planning to reward — or bribe to slow down — a regime that has been killing Americans and taking hostages for more than four decades. Iran’s regime, while the Biden administration was offering it sanctions relief, released a video showing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps blowing up the U.S. Capitol.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Nadverner Rebbe from Beit Shemesh Singing for his rebbetzin


He calls himself "Nadvorner Rebbe of Beit Shemesh," but lives in Katzrin and yes that is his wife! She is an immigrant from Russia

Russia has released documents proving Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were highly involved in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.


New documents on the Baltic states’ actions during the Holocaust have been declassified by the Russian Federal Security Service, according to a Thursday RIA (Russian state media) report.

The documents were released as part of the “No Statute of Limitations” project.

The document details the murder of “tens of thousands of Jews” in 1941 during the Nazi occupation by both the residents of the states and occupying forces. The states detailed in the report are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, countries that have since aligned themselves with Ukraine in light of the Russian invasion.

Lithuania’s participation in the Holocaust 

The report alleged that the Nazis had been amazed by the ferocity with which Lithuanians had absorbed antisemitic ideologies and the cruelty they were willing to show.

"When the German troops entered the territory of Lithuania, the Lithuanians' hatred of the Jews led to effective pogroms ... As a result of the pogroms, which were nevertheless carried out with significant action by the security police and SD, Lithuanians liquidated 3800 Jews in Kaunas and approximately 1,200 Jews in small towns,” RIA cites the report as saying.

Teams of up to eight people were reportedly first tasked with murdering any Jewish people in prison. Eventually, the murders advanced to any Jews in Lithuania. The report stated that this was carried out "systematically county by county." 

"As a result of many individual operations, a total of 136,421 people were liquidated," the report said, although this figure is likely to include non-Jewish groups that were also targeted by the Nazi’s ideology.

Some Jews were kept alive and placed in ghettos to use as slave labor. The report says that 15,000 Jewish people had been kept in Kaunas and Vilna, with a further 4,500 kept in Siauliai. According to RIA, These Jews were forced to work in the local airfield where they carried out tasks relating to "earthworks and other works."

Estonia’s participation in the Holocaust

According to the report, 2,000 Jews had lived in Estonia before the war, although this number is disputed, and there were none left after. There are now 1,971 Jews in Estonia, according to the World Jewish Congress (WJC).

The report continues to explain that in 1942, Hitler established an Estonian SS Legion. The report states that this legion participated in the massacre of civilians in Belarus, a country considered to be allied with Russia.

The SS legion, continued the RIA report, was responsible for the murder of Jews in the Minsk region.

In September 1943, the report continued, the 30th Estonian Schutzmannschraft Battalion participated in Aktion 1005, which involved the mass killing of civilians and prisoners of war.

The report conflicts with current historical understandings of Estonian Jewry

There is evidence that Jews have lived in Estonia since the fourteenth century, but a permanent Jewish community did not exist there until the mid-nineteenth century, explained the WJC.

When the Nazis invaded Estonia, the Soviet Union deported approximately 500 Jews as they were regarded as “dangerous social elements. 

The WJC claimed that, in contrast to what the report said, “Almost all remaining Jews – around 3,000 people -  were able to escape Estonia due to the amount of time it took for the Germans to eventually conquer Estonia.”

The WJC added that 1,000 Jews had been murdered by Estonian police in collaboration with the Nazis.

Latvia’s participation in the Holocaust 

According to the report, the murder of Jews in Latvia was carried out under the operation title “broad cleansing.”

The murder of Latvian Jews was carried out “through special teams, with the assistance of the elite forces of the Latvian auxiliary police."

RIA added that on November 9, 1941, 11,000 Jews were executed by Latvian and Nazi forces. In December, SS officers and a police leader issued orders which led to the execution of 27,800 Jews in Riga. Several days after this, a further 2,350 Jews were murdered in Libau.

"The systematic work to cleanse the East, in accordance with the main orders, had as its goal the possible complete liquidation of the Jews. This goal has been basically achieved," the report emphasized.

Hey Biden Rescind ‘Horrific, Frightening’ Holocaust Museum Council Appointments


The Zionist Organization of America and Morton A. Klein, its national president, are calling on the Biden administration to rescind its appointment of two individuals to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Council, which governs the museum.

The decision to name Kimberly Marteau Emerson and Alan Solomont to the council is “horrific and frightening,” given the two lead “hostile-to-Israel non-governmental organizations,” Klein and the ZOA stated.

“Support for a Jewish homeland” is cited as one of the museum’s focuses in the 1979 report of the President’s Commission on the Holocaust, which Elie Wiesel chaired. “Thus, the Holocaust Memorial Museum—which by law is mandated to carry out ‘support for the Jewish homeland’—should never have board members of anti-Israel organizations on the museum’s governing board,” Klein and ZOA stated.

Emerson is a board member of Human Rights Watch, which is “Israel-bashing and America-bashing” and is “infamous for falsely accusing Israel of ‘apartheid,’ ‘crimes against humanity,’ ‘persecuting’ and ‘systematic oppression’ and ‘inhumane acts’ against Palestinians,” Klein and the ZOA wrote.

Solomont, meanwhile, is on the board of the “vicious hostile-to-Israel groups” New Israel Fund and Israel Policy Forum, the latter of which “is so radical that it was the only group to testify against moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,” per Klein and ZOA

“Solomont is currently the national board chair of the notorious anti-Israel group J Street, which promotes anti-Israel UN resolutions; funds anti-Israel political candidates and lobbies for U.S. funding for the Palestinians—which enables the Palestinian Authority’s ‘pay to slay’ payments to Arab terrorists to murder Jews, among many other horrors,” they added.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Korach


Lawler "the kugel fresser" Joins DemonRats and votes NOT to Censor the lying slime Adom Schiff!


Rockland Congressman Mike Lawler was one of 20 House Republicans who voted not to censure and fine Adam Schiff on Wednesday.

In a tweet explaining his reasoning for going against the majority of his party, and siding with over 200 Democrats, Lawler wrote: “We will hold Adam Schiff accountable, but we must do so constitutionally.”

Lawler posted the following graphic accusing Schiff of ‘abusing his power and lying to the American people’, but saying that he believes in “due process”:

The resolution, which ultimately failed, called to censure and condemn Schiff for being the poster boy of the Russia collusion hoax, and falsely claiming numerous times there was circumstantial evidence against President Trump.

Trump was fully exonerated of the baseless allegations.

The resolution also called to censure Schiff for his role in leading an impeachment inquiry against Trump. During that inquiry, while sitting in the chamber, Schiff recited a made-up phone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky, pretending that Trump asked him to fabricate evidence against Joe Biden.

The resolution stated that the American taxpayer paid $32 million to fund the special counsel into Trump, based on Schiff’s “lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information.”

It also called for Schiff to be fined $16 million if the Committee on Ethics found that Schiff “lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information.”

The chamber voted 225-196-7 for the unsuccessful resolution.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed Schiff from the Intelligence Committee for his egregious behavior.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Aaron Berkovich Writes to the FJJ: Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael " is a modern day invention that has nothing to do with the Torah"


Below is a "Letter to the Editor" to the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal) from a guy called "Aaron Berkovich" who takes another letter writer "The Brooklyn Anaylist" to task on his view that Jews should make Aliyah en maase!

Even though this letter by Aaron Berkovich will never win the Pulitzer Prize Award in Journalism, I will never-the-less answer some of his outrages ignorant remarks, which borders on apikorsas,  and needs to be addressed, as this is the prevalent view of the Yeshivishe ama-ratzim.!
Letter to editor of FJJ

AB: Once again, a letter-writer who happens to be too humble to introduce himself by name is nonetheless having enough self-confidence to herald to the FJJ readers that “the time has come” to ascend to Zion en masse. 

Apparently, the sefer he has read – but whose name he has chosen to keep in secret – made him feel guilty for not living in Eretz Yisroel and his letter is an attempt to at least somewhat alleviate this sense of guilt. I did not read the sefer and don’t even know what sefer he’s referring to and who its author is, so I’m not in a position to jump to conclusions about its contents.

DIN: I also don't know which sefer he read, but I can refer you to the Drishas Tzion by Harav Tzvi Kalisher, Eim Habanim Semicha by Harav Yisacher Shlomo Teichtal, Aleh Naaleh by Harav Shlomo Avinar, Ki Eis Le'chenneh by Harav Reuvein Friedman,  and the Avnei Nezer, just for starters!

 AB: But I am confident that there’s no reason to feel guilty. My unwillingness to feel guilty for residing outside of The Land does not take away my respect to those who live there, particularly those who have chosen to move there. 

DIN: Thanks, we living in Israel, all needed that, we cherish "your respect." However your "unwillingness to feel guilty for residing outside of The Land" is an affront to the gift that Hashem gave the Jewish people and if you don't have any "guilt" living in the tumidika chutz le'aaretz, you should do a quick check of your DNA! 

AB:“The Brooklyn Analyst” is asking whether we can declare that" we’re on the west but our heart is on the east. "

The level of your affinity to Eretz Yisroel is not something you can measure in units. For one person it means making Israel his primary vacation destination while for another it means moving there regardless of any challenges. But the Jewish nation has been living in the east and the west simultaneously since the Talmudic times, only the designation of the two directions have swapped due to changes of the Jewish geography, with Israel changing from being the “West” to being the “East”.

DIN: Completly incoherent! Does anyone out there know what the hell he is talking about?

 AB:But here are my answers – mostly in form of questions – to “The Brooklyn Analyst”: 

Are you more knowledgeable than the sages of the past generations who vehemently opposed Zionism? 

DIN: What does making Aliyah have to do with Zionism? There are and were Gedoilei Yisrael that made Aliya and opposed Zionism. In fact most gedoilei hador of Klall Yisrael live in Israel and aren't necessarily supporters of Zionism. The majority of the Gedoilim that vehemently opposed Zionism pre-WW2 were murdered in the gas chambers, the majority of the Gedoilim survivors did in fact make Aliyah!

But how about "Sages" that supported Zionism, are YOU more knowledgeable than them? Are you more knowledgeable than the Netziv?  How about Rav Zvi Kalishcher, Rav Elyahu Guttmacher, star students of Rabbi Akiva Eigar?  Are you more knowledgeable than Rav Shmuel Mohliver or Rav Moshe Shmuel Glasner? Just a smidgen of respected Gedoilei Yisrael that supported Zionism! How about R' Yaakov Emden known as the Yaavetz that pushed Aliyah back in the 1700's are you more knowledgeable than him?

AB:Why was the concept of religious Zionism essentially non-existent prior to Rav Kook? 

DIN: That is actually a bald faced lie, all the above mentioned gedoilim except for R' Yaakov Emden were all religious Zionists way before Rav Kook was even known! And even if we were to go with your fabricated premise, so????It had to start sometime. didn't it? Every thing in life is "non-existent" before it exists!

AB:The Chofetz Chaim was yearning to move to Eretz Yisroel; yet he didn’t impose that as a must for everyone. If the notion of our return to the Land being a prerequisite for the redemption was an unarguable postulate, most Orthodox rabbis would’ve signed on to it; yet, they don’t. Are they not credible to you at all? 

DIN:Excuse me.....Actually the Chofetz Chayim DID IN FACT "impose that for everyone as he put Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael in his Sefer Ha'Mitzvos Ha'kitzur. 

You failed to mention the Vilna Gaon who actually sold his home and was on his way to Eretz Yisrael but was turned back because his daughter got sick, but practically all his talmidim did make aliyah, unless the "talmeidei-ha'gra" buried in Har Hazeisim are imposters. In fact the minhag in Yerushlayim follows the GRA because of the talmidim who lived there and instituted it. 

What about the talmedei Bal Shem Tov all buried in Tveria, all made aliyah! What about the Ari Hakodosh? What about the Mechaber of the Shulcha Aruch, R' Yosef Karo? R'Shlomo Alkabetz the mechaber of Lecha Dodi? What about the Orach Chayim Ha'kodosh? What about R' Shmuel Salant? R' Tzvi Pesach Frank? R' Zonninfeld? Belzer Rebbe, Gerrer Rebbe, the Kloizinberger, Rav Gustman, The Steipler, the Chazon Ish? 

"Are they not credible to you at all? "

AB:You care about Israel, right? 

I’m sure you do. If so, please tell me how you expect it to successfully accommodate the hordes of new olim who are too young to retire (and receive their social security from America or elsewhere) but too old to start their career from scratch (and to serve in the IDF, which is said to be the entry pass to the Israeli society). You don’t want Israel to become a welfare state, do you?

DIN: Eretz Yisrael is referred in Tanach as "Eretz Ha'Tzvi" the "land of the deer" Just like the skin of a deer expands as the deer grows so does Israel. There is room in Israel for another 12 million people with no problem !

 AB:You’re wondering why we stay in Galus?

 Because G-d has put us into Galus two millennia ago. Who said that by stepping on the ground of Eretz Yisroel and becoming the citizen of the State of Israel you’re no longer in Galus? With no Beis HaMikdash, no Sanhedrin, no way of becoming tahor and bringing karbonos, there’s no basis to claim that the status of Eretz Yisroel has changed over the past couple of centuries to a non-Galus. 

DIN: It seems that the Chasam Sofer disagrees with you as the CS (see Sefer Ha Ish al Ha'choma)gave constant warnings against feeling at home in Galus. The CS said that the main reason for the inability to create mass aliyah movement in Hungary and Austria seems to have been the relatively comfortable and benign conditions enjoyed by Jews in those lands. 

The Yaavetz, R' Yaakov Me'Emden, writes in his Sefer "Sulam" printed in his siddur, says that all pogroms, inquistion, and expulsions were a message from the RBS"O for Jews to leave Chutz Le'aaretz and make Aliyah! 

AB:No one disputes the advantages of being surrounded by the kedusha of the Land itself and by the many extra mitzvos only available there. But it had already been so all along and does not eliminate the reality of Galus. 

DIN: This is exactly what Jews said in Europe pre-WW2, so how did that work out?

 AB:Is there a mitzvah to adjust our lives to Israel rather than vice-versa? Never heard of that one. Which makes me suspect that this “mitzvah” is a modern day invention that has nothing to do with the Torah. 

DIN:This comment is the sickest of them all, and a reflection of the hate that Yeshivos instill in their students against Israel, wiping out a mitzva to further their agenda of keeping Jews in diaspora!

The Ramban holds that the Mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is a Mitzvas "eseh mideorissah" a positive Biblical commandment  "bezman hazeh" in the here and now,and as he was one of the "moneh ha'mitzvois"he counts Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael as part of the Taryag Mitzvois!

The Chofetz Chayim counted Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael as a Biblical commandment in his Sefer Hamitzvois Hakatzir. 

Harav Yosef Chayim Zonninfeld said that Mitzvas Yishuv Eeretz Yisrael is "be'geder chova" an obligation.

The Chazon Ish said and wrote that Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is a Biblical commandment now, according to both the Ramban and the Rambam, and he adds that "there is no disagreements between them" (Kovetz Igrois Chazon Ish Letter 174) 

The Minchas Yitzchak, The Avi Ezri, The Tzitz Eliezer, The Avnei Nezer all held that to live in Eretz Yisrael today is a "mitzva eseh mi'doirisah"

AB:The last but not the least, how come you’re still in America? 

If you had made a move and were by now posing yourself not as “The Brooklyn Analyst” but as “The Jerusalem Analyst” or “The Tel Aviv Analyst” or some sort of a kibbutz or settlement analyst, your position would at least sound credible. But being “The Brooklyn Analyst” while heralding about the “time having come” or the “call of Zion” doesn’t make a lot of sense. 

First, show us an example. 

And secondly, even your example won’t necessarily justify the imposition of your standards on everyone else. 

Aaron Berkovich 

Herzog "the Leftist" Helping White House Humiliate Netanyahu


President Joe Biden invited President Yitzhak Herzog to a meeting at the White House, N12 reported Tuesday night. That the official invitation will go out in the coming days, but it appears that Herzog will come to America in the third week of July, speak before a joint session of Congress to mark Israel’s 75th anniversary, and then come for tea in the Oval Office.

The White House has issued a clarification, saying that during his visit to the US last year, President Herzog was invited by the House of Representatives to speak at the joint session. And the White House is working on coordinating the visit.

This is not good news for Israel, even if you’re a left-winger. It suggests that the White House is investing an extraordinary amount of time and effort in pushing away Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and getting precariously close to undermining his legitimacy.

In late March, one day after US Ambassador Tom Nides reassured Israel’s Army Radio that an invitation of Netanyahu to the White House was happening shortly, President Biden told a reporter emphatically: “Netanyahu won’t be invited to the White House in the near term.”

Toldos Avrohom Yitzchak Rebbe Says He Opposes Light Rail Violent Protests


An unusual and historic meeting took place this week between Jerusalem mayor Moshe Leon and the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchak Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Kohn.

The rebbe spoke with warmth and friendship to the mayor about several topics concerning the city. At the end of the meeting the Rebbe blessed Leon and said that he intends to maintain contacts with him.

The main topic which was raised was the issue of the light rail, which has once again led to violent demonstrations at the Bar Ilan street site where work is now being completed on the light rail line which will connect the neighborhoods of northern Jerusalem.

The mayor presented to the rebbe a number of steps being taken to maintain the character of the neighborhood, including special stations for the chareidi sector, darkening the windows of the train and other measures. The mayor explained how the train will be a significant improvement over the hundreds of buses passing through the congested region and how it would help even from a spiritual level. The rebbe said that he was happy to hear another opinion and that he had heard new contentions which he had not know previously. He added that he is opposed to all acts of violence and destruction.

The second part of the discussion concerned the assistance which the mayor wishes to provide for educational institutions including Talmud Torahs as well as welfare organizations and the importance of cooperation in promoting the affairs of the city. It should be noted that although Toldos Avrohom Yitzchak do not participate in elections, there are some groups which permit voting in municipal elections [due to take place in November 2023] and the Rebbe may have influence over those groups as well.

The mayor said that his goal is to ensure that no child will be without a proper educational facility and this is now his major endeavor, after many years in which the issue has not been properly addressed.

Officials involved in the highly secret meeting termed it “historic” as the rebbe has never in the past met with any mayor, even when there was a chareidi mayor in Jerusalem. The current meeting demonstrates that Moshe Leon is determined to maintain channels of communication with every sector in Jerusalem.

Toddler Seriously Injured After Being Bitten By Rats in FILTHY Bnei-Brak


 Just Yesterday, we posted a video where you see that even the cats wouldn't touch these filthy rats! 

This problem is only in Chareidie areas, and now happening in the Chareidie area in Beit Shemesh as well. 

A two-year-old Bnei Brak girl was bitten by rats and badly injured while she slept in her bed.  The girl was taken to the Maayanei Hayeshua hospital, where she received treatment for her bites.

The girl’s family heard her scream and then found her bleeding from rat bites all over her body, the girl’s father said. They then hurried to the clinic, where it was decided to hospitalize her immediately.

According to the father, they had warned and alerted the municipality multiple times to the proliferation of rodents, but they “simply didn’t do anything. We are afraid to return home, the situation has to change. One of the children might die because of this,” he warned.

The father recalled that “I saw a large amount of blood which didn’t stop flowing. I washed the girl and searched for the source of the bleeding and then understood that it was rat bites. We rushed to the emergency room and they gave her intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection. It will take some time until the wounds from the bites will heal.”

The city of Bnei Brak has recently suffered an infestation of rats, which has led to multiple incidents of people being bitten by the rodents.

Among recent incidents, a two-year-old was bitten in kindergarten and a four-year-old child was bitten in a playground. Both required emergency medical treatment.

“A quarter of a million residents of Bnei Brak suffer from a terrible plague of rats and mice that endanger human life and no one cares,” said Yaakov Wieder, a city council member and a relative of the injured child.

“I call on the Israeli government to declare Bnei Brak a dangerous area and to issue an order obliging the municipality’s officials to immediately address the eradication of the plague,” Wieder added.

“The municipality and Mayor Avraham Rubinstein are working very hard to eliminate the nuisance of the rats and remove this significant hazard in every way,” Ynet quoted the municipality’s response.

“Today’s incident only strengthens the urgency of approving the emergency plan that is on the table of the city council. The municipality of Bnei Brak is speeding up the overall activity as shown by, among other things, the increase of the municipal sanitation budget, which has almost doubled and currently stands at NIS 120 million per year, and the replacement of trash cans with underground bins, a huge project that is being carried out all over the city.

The municipality announced a “war” against the problem in March and allocated a considerable budget to the matter, Ynet reported. A project manager has been appointed to deal with the scourge.

In March, Wieder warned about the situation in a letter to the Health Minister: “In recent days, a number of children and toddlers have been bitten by rats, and an elderly man who was walking on the road even needed medical attention and was hospitalized as a result of being bitten. After consulting with an expert, it seems that the problem does not exist in cities adjacent to Bnei Brak, so there is no doubt that it is related to the sanitation conditions in the city. Bnei Brak is one of the dirtiest and most neglected cities in Israel. This is a clear danger to the public that really endangers human life.”

New York Times Declares "Falafel Tanami" in Midwood the Best Falafel in NYC


What happens when the country’s premier newspaper names a hole-in-the-wall kosher falafel joint as one of the 100 best restaurants in New York?

Hundreds of people show up every day, creating lines that occasionally snake out the door. News stations from across the globe ask for interviews, catering requests come in from all over the city and, of course, the falafel often sells out before closing time.

That’s what happened at Falafel Tanami, a tiny Israeli-owned falafel place just a few blocks off the Avenue M stop on the Q train in Midwood, Brooklyn. In April, the humble eatery at 1305 East 17th Street  —  featuring just three counter stools, a quiet soundtrack of Israeli religious pop and photos of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson adorning the walls — was included in the New York Times’ list of the 100 best restaurants in New York City, curated by the paper’s senior food critic, Pete Wells.

“It has been crazy, Baruch Hashem,” said Galit Tanami, using the Hebrew for “thank God.” She owns the store with her husband, Ronen. “Everybody is so excited for us.”

“Now everybody wants to try it,” Tanami said of her restaurant’s signature dish.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pious Jews Prefer Living Somewhere Else in the World Than Living in Israel .. Hitler Couldn't Change Their Minds!


The attitude of Jews towards the Land of Israel has always been a litmus type of test of Jewish commitment and even faith throughout the ages. As we see in this week’s parsha, from the beginning of our national existence there have always been Jews – leading Jews, well-intentioned Jews, even outwardly pious Jews – who have preferred living somewhere else in the world than living in the Land of Israel.

Even when Hitler came to power, European Jews, in many cases, refused to consider the option of immigration to the Land of Israel. It is not my place to judge others for their behavior in a very dreadful time, especially since I am blessed with the perfect hindsight that they tragically lacked, but it is a strange fact that throughout Jewish history the naysayers regarding the Land of Israel in Jewish society have always abounded. 
Jews in the generation of Moses claimed their preference for the land of Egypt over the Land of Israel. An entire generation of special and gifted Jews was destroyed in the desert of Sinai because of their unwillingness to consider living in the Land of Israel as a viable option for them and their descendants. The challenge of living in the Land of Israel was apparently too great a problem for them to overcome - physically, psychologically and spiritually.
To me this attitude remains one of the supreme mysteries of all of Jewish history. But mystery or not, it certainly is a fact that has governed Jewish life over the ages.
When Moses’ own relative refused the offer to go to the Land of Israel, Rashi explains that the two reasons for his behavior had to do with family and making a living. These are very strong reasons that exist today that prevent many Jews from considering immigrating to the Land of Israel. Again, I neither judge nor begrudge anyone in this or any other life changing matter.
However, I feel that the issue of the Land of Israel, independent of any other causes and motives, strikes at a very deep place within our personal and national soul. 

The fact that the most ultra-assimilated and the most outwardly ultra-pious within the Jewish people are included in our generation’s most vociferous of the anti- Land of Israel groups, shows that the problem is both deep and sensitive.

The extremes in Jewish society cannot deal with the Land of Israel as a reality and earnestly hope that the issue will somehow disappear completely. There are millions of Jews who prefer living in exile to living in the Land of Israel. The Jewish people has not absorbed the lessons of the exile, its alienation, assimilation, and its ultimate corruption of Torah values.
Today, many Jews who physically live in the Land of Israel still psychologically and spiritually live in the exile, in a fantasy of the long-destroyed shtetel of Eastern Europe. As foretold to us by our prophets, the ultimate fate of the Jewish people will be determined for us by our attitude to the Land of Israel. Living in the Land of Israel or at least visiting it regularly is currently the centerpiece of Jewish life, its faith and its future.
Shabat shalom
Rabbi Berel Wein