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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

CNN Half-Assed Apology to R’ Leo Dee for Falsely Reporting Family Members Killed in ‘Shootout’


The "machseifah" continues with her sick report calling it a "shooting" instead of a "terror attack"

CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour has apologized to Rabbi Leo Dee, for referring to the terror attack that killed his wife and two daughters (HY”D) as a “shoot-out”.

Amanpour announced the apology for the fake-news report on air Monday, claiming that she “misspoke.”

The announcement came one day after Rabbi Dee declared that he was considering a $1.3 billion lawsuit against CNN over the egregious and false comments. Apparently, Amanpour emailed an apology to Rabbi Dee several days earlier, but did not announce it on-air until Monday.

In her on-air apology, Amanpour said: “On April 10, I referred to the murders of an Israeli family: Lucy, Maia and Rina Dee, the wife and daughters of Rabbi Leo Dee. I misspoke and said they were killed in a ‘shootout’ instead of a shooting. I have written to Rabbi Leo Dee to apologize and make sure that he knows that we apologize for any further pain that may have caused him.”

During a May 21 event at The Carlebach Shul in New York titled, “Antisemitism: Is There No Solution?”, Rabbi Dee said on a video call that he was considering the lawsuit after Amanpour wrote a private apology to him via email.

Displaying the email exchange, Rabbi Dee said that he responded to her apology by demanding that she apologize publicly but she never replied. He added that he would reconsider the lawsuit should Amanpour publicly apologize, and added the caveat that the network would also need to provide more balanced coverage of Israel.

Following the initial comments, a tweet by ‘Honest Reporting’ quoted Rabbi Dee as saying: “This is the perfect example of ‘terror journalism’ where you have moral equivalence between the terrorist and victim.”

He added, “This type of journalism perpetuates the conflict in the Middle East. The real cycle of violence is a comment like this followed by a terrorist atrocity and then more of the same. I demand an immediate apology.”

IN 2020, Amanpour apologized for comments equating the events of Kristallnacht with President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Watch Moving Video Of Kavod HaTorah In IDF


The reports in recent days of rampant incitement against Chareidim and religion could convey an impression as if those are the feelings of the majority of Israelis.

But in reality, there are millions of Israelis [including the millions who voted for the current government] who have warm feelings toward religion, even if not fully religious themselves.

In a heartwarming display of kavod ha’Torah, IDF soldiers sang for Chief Rabbi HaRav Yosef Yitzchak, as seen in a video posted by Kikar H’Shabbat reporter Yishai Cohen.

Video Player

Monday, May 22, 2023

Calif. man killed while helping ducks cross road — moments after being cheered by onlookers


A California father died after being struck by a car Thursday night while helping a family of ducks cross a busy road, witnesses said.

The horrifying crash took place at Stanford Ranch Road and Park Drive in the city of Rocklin, about 22 miles from Sacramento, just after 8 p.m.

William Wimsatt, a 12-year-old boy who witnessed the kindhearted stranger’s actions, told KCRA 3 the man had stepped out of his car to help the ducks avoid traffic.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice,” William said.

The young boy took photos of the man, who has not been identified, with his cellphone as he and the ducks crossed in front of his mother’s car.

“He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car,” the boy recounted.

After the ducks made it safely to the other side of the road, William said, onlookers in their cars applauded the good Samaritan’s actions.

“My mom rolled down the window and said, ‘Good job, good job,’ and I said, ‘Good job’ to him too.”

Sunday, May 21, 2023

When You Don't Listen to the Rabbi When He Tells You to Check Your Nuts


Radical Islamist Appointed to School Board Human Relations and Diversity Committees: promotes hatred of Jews, and the destruction of Israel

Watch her use clips of Neturei Karta in her videos

Trinidad-born Naima Khan-Ghany, along with her signature hijab and glasses, wears a big smile on her face. But her friendly and grandmotherly appearance is deceiving, as she promotes vile antisemitism and the destruction of Israel and is involved with those tied to violence and bigotry, targeting Jews, gays and others. It is of major concern, because she has been appointed and recently reappointed to positions within the Broward County School Board that ironically deal with “diversity” and “human relations.” Will Khan-Ghany’s controversial exploits disallow her from further serving in such positions? Does the School Board embrace her radical activities?

Khan-Ghany is a public school teacher and adviser to local high school and middle school chapters of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), a youth group founded by operatives from the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963. She has sat on the Broward County School Board Diversity Committee, since January 2016. She is also the Chair of the School Board’s Human Relations Committee. She was recently reappointed to both by newly elected School Board member Jeff Holness, who is no stranger to Islamist gatherings. Previously, she was appointed by Holness’ predecessor Rosalind Osgood, who vacated her seat to run for Florida State Senate.

According to the website for Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), “The primary responsibility of the Diversity Committee is to make recommendations to promote diversity through the Superintendent, to the School Board, while maintaining a unitary school system.” And “The Human Relations Committee… makes recommendations to the Superintendent and the School Board on matters that foster mutual respect and understanding among people within BCPS. The committee further supports the work of the District as it pertains to policies related to diversity, educational/vocational equity, nondiscrimination, inclusion and character education.”

It would seem that the activities Khan-Ghany has been associating herself with fall in direct opposition to the missions of both the Diversity and Human Relations Committees and are huge conflicts of interest.

Ben-Gvir accompanied by Chassidim visit the Har Habyit in honor of Rosh Chodash Sivan


National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Har Habayit  on Sunday morning in honor of the beginning of the Jewish month of Sivan under heavy police security.

During the visit, Minister Ben-Gvir stated: "I am happy to visit the Temple Mount, the most important place to the people of Israel. I must say that the police are doing an amazing job and, again, prove who the boss is in Jerusalem. All of Hamas' threats won't help, we are in charge of Jerusalem and of all of the land of Israel."

Noa Kirel mentions the Holocaust - Poland Doesn't Like It One Bit


Noa Kirel, who represented Israel in this year's Eurovision contest, received 12 points from Poland during the final competition.

Afterwards, Kirel was quoted as saying that from her perspective, "Receiving 12 points from Poland after nearly the entire Kirel family was murdered in the Holocaust - that is a victory."

Kirel's statements raised a storm, with the popular paper Do Rzeczy commenting, "The Israeli artist recalled the Holocaust, and blamed the Poles for the murder of Jews."

Polish MP Anna Maria Żukowska tweeted, "Does this statement reflect the level of education about the Holocaust in Israel? Do young people in Israel think that the Holocaust was caused by Poland, over which a young Israeli citizen can achieve a moral victory after many years, or what?"

Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński tweeted, "“The fact that many people in Israel consider Poland to be an accomplice to German crimes - and not their victim - is often the result not so much of bad will as lack of knowledge and incomplete education."

Jabłoński also added that he intends to invite Kirel for an official visit to his country.

The Holocaust was perpetrated by Germany, which conquered Poland early in WWII and built many of its concentration camps on Polish soil. On the other hand, while 3 million non-Jewish Poles were murdered by the Nazis and there were some who helped Jews by hiding them, Poland was extremely antisemitic and many Poles helped the Nazis find Jews,and looted their abandoned homes. 

The 1941 massacre of at least 340 of Jedwabne's Jews was carried out by Poles and the Kielce pogrom in 1946 against Jewish refugees who returned there after the war during which 42 Jews were killed was carried out by Polish soldiers, police officers, and civilians. Poland has long wrestled with the question of its complicity in the Holocaust.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Rabbi Mazuz "Whoever Says Tachanun on Yom Yerushalyim Denies the Goodness of Hashem"


מרן ראש הישיבה הגר"מ מאזוז: מי שאומר תחנון ביום ירושלים - כופר בטובתו של הקב-ה!!!


הרב עובדיה יוסף על יום ירושלים

אם אשכחך ירושלים תשכח ימיני


Zera Shimshon Parshas Bamidbar


How "Not having a phone" Saved the Lives of Many Children


More People Attend Yom Yerushalayim Parade Then Ever Before ..Threats from Hamas Didn't Stop Anyone!


There were easily 100,000 (and probably far more) participants attending the annual rally at the Kotel on Thursday evening to celebrate Israel’s 56th Jerusalem Day, having walked to the site from the early hours of the afternoon to honor the holy city. The Kotel was so packed with people towards the end of the parade that the entrances to the Kotel (and at one point Jaffa gate) were forced to be closed for lack of room.

The annual Jerusalem Day Flag Parade passed without incident despite a litany of dire threats from Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization that ultimately were not borne out. 

The parade stepped off from central Jerusalem at 4 pm, and made its way toward the Old City of Jerusalem, Israeli flags waving proudly all the way through.
Prayers, a special ceremony, dancing and singing took place at the Western Wall Plaza to celebrate the reunification of Israel’s eternal capital in the 1967 Six Day War after 19 years of illegal Jordanian occupation.

Hamas representative in Lebanon, Ali Baraka, warned, “Any violation of our red lines will mean that the resistance will have a say,” but stopped short of promising a return of the rocket fire launched at Jerusalem from Gaza at the start of the Flag Parade two years ago.

Hamas urged Palestinian Authority Arabs and those living in Israel to “clash with the occupation,” but few took the bait.

The parade followed the traditional route departing from the center of the city along King George and Agron Streets before splitting into two, with men continuing through Damascus Gate and the Muslim Quarter and women continuing through Jaffa Gate before meeting up again at the Western Wall.

More than 2,000 Israeli police officers were on hand to secure the event, with an additional thousand patrolling the city to ensure things remain calm.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

How the "Sitra Achreh" Satan Helped the IDF Capture Yerushalayim


Watch the Video above and you will see "the devil" the sitra achra  himself assist the Zionist IDF capture Yerushalayim.

If you find this incredible know that, that is exactly what R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l the founder of Satmar Chassidus claimed and wrote in his book על הגאולה ועל התמורה

In the excerpt below, the Rebbe writes that the "sa'mach mem" did these miracles on purpose to lead astray the Jewish people, to mislead them to encourage them to follow the "meenim" 

With all due respect to the rebbe, I highly doubt that after the annihilation of 6 million Jews, 3/4 of the world's total Jewish people, and ALL moisdois ha'Torah destroyed, Hashem would send or allow, only 23 years later, the "sa'mech mem" to lead the survivors astray, to finish the job, so to speak. That idea is so far fetched that it is mind boggling!

The rebbe predicted then in a Shalosh Seuda Toraele, on Parshas Shlach,which was recorded and distributed, that in 20 years hence, the majority of Israeli Jews would be assimilated and there would be no moisdos Ha'Torah to speak of, he had made that prediction in 1956 as well.

The facts are that the opposite happened, a massive baal teshuva movement exploded, precisely because of the miracles of the six-day war. 

In the excerpt below the Rebbe writes:

"If anyone would even give this (the miracles in the 6 day war) the minimum of thoughts, the thought that Hashem in any way wants this government of "meenim" to succeed, and that He performed miracles to strengthen their rule to enable the government  to destroy Judaism and to bring a majority of Jews to shmad and kefirah, then this person with this type of thinking is the worst kind of apikoras and it is worse then worshipping idols."

Rebbe, I know you are now in a better place and know the truth, but there wasn't a single frum person in the entire world, Non-Zionist or Zionist for that matter, that thought that "Hashem performed the miracles during the 6 day war to further the Zionist cause or to strengthen the government'" 

Hashem performed those miracles and intervened in a miraculous fashion, to save Jews, to prevent another Holocaust, and if that "strengthened the cause of the Zionists" then so be it!

Except for the Satmar Rebbe z"l and the Neturei Karta lunatics, all, and I repeat, all, Gedoiei Yisrael of that time believed 100% that those were miracles. 
In fact, it was because of these very miracles that the Ribbono Shel Olam performed thru his messengers, the IDF, that the biggest Baal Teshuvah movement started. Today there are hundreds of thousands of those descendants learning Torah and building beautiful Jewish homes.

In hindsight, the six-day war, did not cause the Zionists to " destroy Judaism and to bring a majority of Jews to shmad and kefirah" in fact it brought about a proliferation of moisdois Ha'Torah,  it gave us back the Kotel, the Mearas Ha'Machpeilah, Kever Rachel etc. A whole entire generation has grown up not knowing that the previous generation could not access those Holy Sites!

The Rebbe in this very book calls any spiritual leader that encourages their followers to join the Knesset... "meenim and apikorsim." 
That would make the Gerrer Rebbe z"l , the Bais Yisrael, Rav Shach, Rav Ovadia Yosef z"l all apikorsim. 

Six Days of Miracles .... Jews All Over the World Celebrate Yom Yerushalayim


The Impossible

The Six-Day War, where Israel achieved the impossible in lightning fashion. In 1949, Israel’s Arab neighbors were dead-set against the very idea of a Jewish state and vowed to see it destroyed at the close of the War of Independence. They might have succeeded – 19 years later – if it were not for God, being on the side of the State of Israel.

No one reasonable thought that Israel would survive it’s first few years as a young state. In the year 1967, it looked like the World was turning its back against Israel and Israel would have to face it’s enemies in a multi-front war alone. The surrounding countries slowly prepared for war in a coordinated fashion. Egypt publicized that tanks were on their way to Jerusalem, when in fact, the Israeli Air Force had already managed to destroy most of the Egyptian Air Force on the ground. This is just one of the many miracles that took place during these six days.

Additionally, there was the miracle of the Israel Defence Forces regaining control of the Temple Mount, referred to by many as Har Habayit. Israel achieved the seemingly impossible. For thousands of years the Jewish People have prayed towards the Temple Mount as the center of Jewish religious life.

Furthermore, to be alive in this generation and to see the miracles that take place is amazing. It is a miracle that Israel has not merely survived but thrived in its young history.

Taking down loathsome lefty pol Dan Goldman that was Supported by Chareidim


In all the craziness of politics these days, it’s worth freezing the action and focusing on a wonderful moment in the House the other day.

A moment of truth and clarity and a delicious takedown of one of the most loathsome Democratic politicians ever to darken its doors, and supported by Chareidie Askanim!

Let me introduce you to Dan Goldman, recently hatched representative of New York’s 10th Congressional District, smarmy heir to the Levi Strauss fortune, Democrats’ staff attorney during the first impeachment of Donald Trump, Russiagate hoaxer, liberal darling of MSNBC, and, since he was sworn in four months ago, stock market trader with an uncanny Midas touch. 

Goldman, 47, owes his unlikely primary win last year to the millions he spent on his self-funded campaign, and the generous endorsement of The New York Times, whose owners, the Sulzbergers, have enjoyed generations of cozy ties to the Goldman family, and Chareidim.

It is hard to find a finer example of elite privilege than this blue-eyed son of Sidwell Friends, Stanford and Yale. 

Entitlement oozing from every pore, Goldman is training to be the new Shifty Schiff, the mendacious congressman he admires “tremendously,” as he told the Times, more than any member of Congress in history, and whom he promised to “emulate.” 

And so, predictably, on Tuesday, barely four months into his term, at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee on left-wing violence, Goldman met his nemesis in the form of Julio Rosas, intrepid journalist and serving Marine Corps reservist. 

Blood and mayhem 

In the summer of 2020, the 27-year-old senior writer at Townhall, waded into the blood and mayhem of the most dangerous BLM-antifa riots

Elon Musk Tells Off ADL .. "You're the Defamation League"

 Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk is facing criticism from the Anti-Defamation League and the Israeli Foreign Ministry over his comments against billionaire hedge funder and left-wing megadonor, the self-hating Jew, George Soros.

On Tuesday, Musk took to Twitter to compare Israel-Hating Soros to the comic book supervillain Magneto, and accused him of hating humanity.

"Soros reminds me of Magneto," Musk tweeted.

In a follow up post, Musk responded to a Twitter user who claimed Soros is motivated by “good intentions”. "You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity."

Later on Tuesday, the Clueless Leftist, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted that Musk’s comments “will embolden extremists who already contrive anti-Jewish conspiracies and have tried to attack Soros and Jewish communities as a result.”

Musk fired back that the Anti-Defamation League is itself engaging in defamation, tweeting: “ADL should just drop the ‘A.'”


Hundreds “Besiege” Bnei Brak For “March Of Rage” Met With Rugelich & Drinks


A large number of officers of Israel Police and Border Guard equipped with horses and water cannons were waiting on Wednesday evening in Bnei Brak in preparation for the provocative “siege of the city and “march of rage” by left-wing protesters.

Hundreds of protesters entered the city waving flags, shouting slogans and carrying anti-Chareidi signs.

There were complaints from dozens of city residents who were blocked by police officers from returning to their homes on the streets where the protesters were marching.

Here watch an Alter Kocker going after bochur who taunted him :

Letter to Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum from His Daughter and Son-in-Law Jerusalem, 1948 Describing the fear in Eretz Yisrael From Arabs Murderers


Two personal letters to the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar:

Side 1. Letter from his daughter Rebbetzin Chaya Roiza Teitelbaum.
Side 2. Letter from his son-in-law Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, Av Beis Din of Szentmihály.

In his letter, Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa describes the tragic wave of pogroms and terror from Arabs targeting innocent Jews of the Yishuv. He vividly conveys the dangers and terror felt when walking the streets, and the urgent prayers being held in shuls everywhere. He expresses his concerns regarding the impending departure of the British and entreats his father-in-law to pray for their safety and welfare.

The Admor Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum (1836-1904) was the son of the Admor of Sassov Rabbi Chanoch Henoch, scion of the Alesk dynasty and author of the Ein Chanoch. He married the pious Rebbetzin Chaya Roiza, daughter of the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar, and administered the famous yeshivah in Satmar. Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa was miraculously rescued with his wife from the flames of the Holocaust, and they made the harrowing journey together to the Holy Land. When Rabbi Yoel first visited Eretz Yisrael after the war, he stayed in their home, and eventually all three made their way to the United States. Sometime later, Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa returned to Eretz Yisrael where he founded Kiryas Yismach Moshe in Petach Tikva. His written legacy includes the sefer Minchas Yom Tov.

The righteous Rebbetzin Chaya Roiza Teitelbaum (d. 1953) was the daughter of the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar. She was renowned as a great tzaddekes who “Pursued charity and lovingkindness and built many homes on foundations of purity” (epitaph on her tomb in Teveria). She passed away at a relatively young age, and her death evoked tremendous pain and grief in her father and all Satmar chassidim as she was the very last remnant of his illustrious family.

Jerusalem, 1948. Page size: 20×22 cm. Harav Chananya Yom Tov Lipa’s letter is written in Hebrew, and his wife’s letter is written in Yiddish.

Unbelievable .. Washington Post STANDS BY its reporting and says Pulitzer board concluded Trump-Russia stories were NOT 'discredited' - as calls grow for awards to be swiped after Durham report


A Radical Left-wing Trump-bashing newspaper has refused to return its 2018 Pulitzer Prize over the now-debunked theory that the ex-president conspired with Russia.

The Washington Post and New York Times picked up the most-vaunted award in American journalism for its 'deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage.' That turned out to be a unmitigated lie!

But the DC-based outlet, which is bankrolled by Democrat-donating Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, insists it will not give up its National Reporting honor. 

'The Post stands by its reporting,' a Washington Post spokeswoman brazenly said.

She cited a 2022 review by the Pulitzer board that said no elements of those stories 'were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes.'

The calls follow an investigation by Special Counsel John Durham that trashed the the FBI's probe into allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia.

'Neither US law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,' the report said.

But Erik Wemple, the Washington Post's media critic, has repeatedly slammed liberal outlets that ran stories based on a dossier by ex-British spy Christopher Steele.

The journalist's columns hit out at the 'flimsiness' of Steele's allegations that claimed there was a long-running conspiracy between Trump and the Kremlin.

Wemple's main targets were the left-leaning news networks CNN and MSNBC that breathlessly reported bogus allegations of Trump's lewd behavior in a Moscow hotel.

Many of the Post's stories focused on Trump campaign staffers, including ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, making contact with Russian officials. 

The New York Times failed to respond to this outlet's queries as to whether the newspaper stood by all of its so-called 'Russiagate' reporting.

DailyMail.com understands that many of those outlets that broke those exclusives were working closely together on the story.

'If Americans saw how this sausage was made, they would be appalled,' said one source familiar with how the media reported the collusion claims.

It comes as Republican lawmakers demand both newspapers return the prizes over what they have branded a 'witchhunt.'

 Trump loyalist Lindsey Graham, a Congressman representing South Carolina, told Fox News that both publications should hand back the honors.  

'I think the Pulitzer Prize given to the Washington Post and New York Times should be taken back,' he told the U.S. news network. 

'The entire episode was politically-motivated crap. That is not something you should get a Pulitzer Prize for,' the 67-year-old added.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas slammed the self-styled papers of record 'for breathlessly spreading these "Russia, Russia, Russia" lies.' 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Arabs on Social Media Now Using Satmar "Talking Points"

Song of Sotah


Damning report That the FBI/CIA Partnered in Shocking Conspiracy & Actively Meddled in Election trying to pick the president regardless of the wishes of 130 million voters.


You don’t have to read all of special counsel John Durham’s report to get to the heart of the matter: On the third page of the executive summary, he writes: “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.” 

There you have it, the final verdict on the 2016 presidential election: A corrupt FBI tried to rig the outcome by favoring one candidate over the other.

Thank God it failed, but not before Republican Donald Trump and others on his team got smeared in a vicious probe while Democrat Hillary Clinton and her team got free passes on several issues that potentially involved criminal conduct.

That’s the bottom line and everything else is detail.

Damning report

Durham’s damning conclusion must never be forgotten.

We now know, without doubt, that Barack Obama’s Justice Department and officials from other parts of the government meddled in the election and tried to pick the president regardless of the wishes of 130 million voters. 

Obama knew what was going on and so did his vice president, Joe Biden.

That, too, is now settled forever.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Chaim Hecht to Chareidim Bringing Food For the Sick on Shabbat "Leave your Challos at Home and Get a Job in the Hospital!


Chaim Hecht a commentator for "Kol Rega" goes on a 6 minute vicious rant against Chareidim,

 In it he describes the scene in a hospital as patients are defecating on themselves and there is no one to clean it up, the bathrooms are filthy because of lack of staff. The nurses are running themselves haggard, fatigued with lack of sleep and then come the "baalei chesed" with their challos and candles for  Shabbos
He rants, "keep the challos home, and come get a job in the hospital"
"Come clean the bathrooms, clean the floors, assist the nurses."
"this is not a Kiddush Hashem, This is a Chillul Hashem. 

Satmar Quiz for their Students on Lag Be'Omar "Was it the Zionists That Tried to Murder R' Shimon ben Yochai?"


The question on the bottom:

"Who wanted to kill Reb Shimon ben Yochai?

a) The Greeks

b) The Romans

c) The Zionists

The Bochur Who Found 130,000 Shekel At Bus Stop and returned it to a Chilonie

 The following is the letter from the Chilonie on Israeli Social Media, I loosely translated it 

"I forgot a bag containing 130,000 shekels in cash near a bus stop in Haifa

I came back after about half an hour completely giving up on ever finding  it again
There sat the guy in the picture
And he asked me if he could help me, I told him the story and he tells me this: 

I came here 25 minutes ago and I saw the bag, I opened it and I see quite a sum of money, I told myself that I'm waiting here for fifteen minutes, and if the guy doesn't come, I'll put a note with a cell phone number to get me. I said a chapter of Tehillim so that the guy that lost it would come quickly and it wasn't even 10 minutes and you are here now, just give me signs that it is yours and I will run to daven.
I told him a few signs and he handed me the money without missing a single bill.
Until the moment I finished counting, I didn't believe it was with me and that I would find it at all 
{I was so  anti-Haredi, but no longer} I wanted to give him a nice sum as a reward , but he absolutely refused; He said it was his mitzvah.

I couldn't leave him until I took a photograph  of him ..."

 Yes, there should be more such people in the world

Ziv Shapira