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Friday, May 12, 2023

DIN'S Take on Rav Zilberstein's Psak to Boycott Angel's Bakery

The question posed to Harav Zilberstein was by a mother whose child eats only products from Angel's Bakery and refuses to eat from other bakeries. Rav Zilberstein paskened that the mother should tell the child that "we do not bring Angel Bakery products in our home" and as Rav Zilberstein put it to the mother "let him fast."  "This will teach the child two lessons, one, Kavod Ha'Torah and the lesson to be prepared for life."

With all due respect to Harav Zilberstein whom I respect and admire, he has it all wrong here.

When you decide to appoint a Gadol Hador, in this case, Harav Edelstein, as the spiritual leader of a political party such as Degel, you cannot then turn around and say "he cannot be criticized because of "Kavod Ha'Torah."  You cannot have it both ways! This is not fair and not yashar to the other political parties. Degel is a political party just like the others, and therefore should be open to criticism. if you cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen. And this is a very dangerous path to go on, since this logic that you cannot criticise the leader of the party because he is a rabbi can be extended and applied if the leader of the Arab party is an Imam, how about if they put a reform rabbi as the head of Likkud?

Israel is now at war, all agree that we need Chayalim to man the Iron Dome and David's Slingshot stations. All agree that we need IDF pilots to bomb the living daylights out of the murderers in Gaza! 

Those of you learning the Daf , have come across the Mishna (Sota 44b) 
במלחמת חובה הכל יוצאין אפילו חתן מחדרו וכלה מחופתה
Did DIN just write:
אפילו כלה מחופתה
Even a Kallah goes to war? A female goes to war? 
Yes, but that is a discussion for another time. 

The bottom line is that Chilonim are very upset and angry that their children are going out to war while the children of Chareidim by-in-large are not shouldering their fair share of the burden. Chareidie  Gedoilim will not even allow them to do "sherut leumi" .

The argument that they are doing their fair share by learning Torah does not fly by most frum reasonable people and the Torah does not give an exemption from the army to those learning Torah. Learning Torah is not in the category of exemptions itemized in the Torah!

In addition, the Roshei Yeshiva themselves do not believe that Torah is "matzil" as they all packed up their Yeshivos in Ashdod etc and fled. The worst part of all this is not that Chareidim don't serve, but that they do not respect those in uniform. Frum soldiers are more afraid of their lives from Chareidim accosting them in shul then from the Arabs. How pathetic is this? 

So the CEO of Angel Bakery goes to Harav Edelstein's home to protest what he sees as an atrocity? 
If the Oilom Ha'Torah doesn't like this, then don't appoint a Gadol Hador as your leader of Degel, which is a political party!

Many years ago, this issue came up when Rav Shach left the Aguda political party and allied with Harav Ovadia Yosef to form the party called Shas. It didn't take long when  Rav Shach had a falling out with Rav Yosef and founded the Degel Party. 

So if you are following this, it goes like this:
1) Rav Shach criticises the Aguda Party forms his own party "Shas"
2) R' Shach then criticises Rav Ovadia Yosef  and forms "Degel" 
What happened with  "Kavod Ha'Torah?" 

When Harav Shach was still in Aguda, the leaders had a meeting and the Gerer Rebbe stormed out of the meeting when he didn't like what Rav Shach said, I believe it was when Rav Shach mocked the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 
What about "Kovod Ha'Torah?"
So when it comes to the rabbonim themselves, no one cares about "Kovod HaTorah," but when a Chilonie who has no idea what that term even means and is protesting about something close to his heart, then we jump and scream and boycott ...Kavod Ha'Torah!

I'll tell you what "Kavod Ha'Torah is: 
"Kavod Ha'Torah is not to put into position Gedoilim that will be mocked and ridiculed!

Another important note about this psak, having been in Special Education for many years, I have found that there are children, those on the spectrum, for example, who get fixated on specific foods and won't eat anything and will fast until that particular food is given to them. 
Children by-in-large, even those with particular tastes, will generally eat practically anything when they are starving. If a child such as the one in Rav Zilberstein's story will only eat Angel Bakery products, that is a sign that there is more to this story, and Harav Zilberstein should have added in his psak that this does not apply to special children. This child will not understand the concept of "Kavod Ha'Torah"!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Palestinians Used their Cars to block IDF From Entering To Arrest Terrorists, So IDF Neatly Stacked Their Cars on Top of Each Other


Gerer Shvantz


Satmar Bakery in Williamsburg Causing a "Living Hell" to their Goyishe Neighbors


On a residential Bushwick side street, residents complain a new seasonal neighbor has ruined their peace of mind.

The business — a coal-burning matzah bakery that they claim made air quality, traffic and the block’s trash situation nightmarish in the lead-up to Passover — has temporarily closed up shop, but Locust Street locals say they anticipate it starting up again this coming winter.

And if the situation is as bad as the one that just ended, they’re considering moving elsewhere.  

“I don’t want to move, but I’m definitely considering it if I have to smell that smoke for three to four months a year,” a 40-something Bushwick resident of 13 years, who declined to provide her name for fear of retribution from the business, told The Post.

“If this continues, I see no choice but to move to protect our health,” added 10-year block resident Kristie, who would only provide her first name and whose borderline-asthmatic 11-year-old child has missed “a lot of school” as a result of the smoke triggering and possibly worsening the condition. 

Kristie, too, experienced health issues as a result — including headaches, lowered productivity and a daily sore throat.

The Satmar Matzah Bakery did not return The Post’s request for comment, but an automated message confirmed that the facility is currently on “vacation.” 

George Santos’ Real Crime Was Making Democrats Look Stupid


Politicians lie all of the time. If lying your way to office were illegal, then Joe Biden would be in jail.

As voters cast their ballots in the 2020 presidential election, former Vice President Biden sought to dismiss evidence of his family’s global influence-peddling scheme as Russian disinformation. Days before the second and final presidential debate, an abandoned Delaware laptop surfaced, implicating now-President Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business activities. When pressed over the scandal on the prime-time debate stage by President Donald Trump, Biden told the nation that allegations from the laptop stemmed from a campaign of Kremlin interference.

Biden’s campaign even apparently convinced dozens of former intelligence officials to pen a letter to Politico informing the public the laptop was planted by Moscow. The Democrats’ claims came despite the FBI, the Department of Justice, then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo debunking the laptop’s connection to Russia.

But on Tuesday, freshman Republican Rep. George Santos joined Biden’s chief political opponent to face charges in a New York courtroom. Santos pled not guilty to a 13-count indictment from the Department of Justice, the same department simultaneously slow-walking investigations into Biden family business practices after agents worked to suppress the laptop story. The Republican’s arrest also just so happened to take place on the same day House GOP Oversight Chairman James Comer of Kentucky gave a press conference presenting blockbuster evidence of presidential corruption.

This is just another instance in which DOJ officials give Americans reason to believe they are subject to a two-tiered justice systemEighty percent of Americans already believe this.

Even after his election, the president hasn’t stopped lying. From weird tales of Amtrak to black church membership, The Federalist has been chronicling Biden’s made-up stories since inauguration day, which can be found herehere, and here.

Santos also made it to Congress on a cascade of apparent lies. He claimed to be a descendant of Holocaust survivors. He claimed he lost colleagues in the Pulse nightclub shooting, and he claimed to run an animal charity which turned out to be false. Clearly, Democrats embarrassingly messed up on opposition research. Santos flipped a competitive district that became one of few seats picked up by Republicans last year. In other words, the DNC and its affiliated campaign committees dropped the ball. The Democrats let Santos run on a fabricated resumé.

By January, Santos became a fresh face in an institution that the iconic political satirist P.J. O’Rourke referred to as a Parliament of Whores. If Santos were a Democrat and not the first homosexual GOPer to win a seat in the lower chamber, liberals might have embraced his election as the triumphant celebration of a minority, gay man. Biden’s Justice Department, however, wastes no time prosecuting the president’s political opponents.

Federal charges unveiled against Santos include seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of stealing public funds, and two counts of false statements to Congress. Is he guilty? That’s for the judge or jury to decide. But one of the charges include merely exaggerating income. Santos sounds like quite the criminal.

DOJ Strategically Timed Political Arrest of Santos To Coincide With Press Conference Detailing Evidence Of Biden Corruption


The Department of Justice coincidentally decided to arrest New York GOP Rep. George Santos on money laundering and other charges on Wednesday at the same time House Republicans held a press conference revealing damaging evidence about the Biden family’s corrupt, foreign business ventures.

On Tuesday, the DOJ filed charges against Santos in the Eastern District of New York. While originally under seal, the 13-count indictment unveiled Wednesday morning shows the DOJ charging Santos with “seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives.”

According to the unsealed indictment, Santos allegedly lied on his 2020 and 2022 House Disclosure forms by overstating his income and assets. Meanwhile, notable Democrats who appear to have lied under penalty of perjury, such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken, have not faced such charges from Biden’s DOJ.

Santos was officially taken into custody Wednesday morning and is expected to appear in court at 1 p.m. EST, according to Fox News.

It’s amazing how the arrest of Santos came at the exact same moment Republicans on the House Oversight Committee held a press conference documenting the Biden family’s overseas business ventures. Announced earlier this week, Wednesday morning’s presser revealed bank records showing how the Bidens and their associates created a network of more than 20 companies and received “at least $10 million … from foreign nationals’ and their related companies.”

According to the records obtained by House Republicans, most of these 20 companies were purportedly LLCs and created when Biden occupied the vice president’s office. The money trafficked to the Bidens came from several different countries, including China and Romania.

“While VP Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policies, he served as a walking billboard for his son & family to collect money. Hunter & his associates capitalized on a lucrative financial relationship with a Romanian national who was later convicted of corruption,” the House Oversight Committee revealed in a Twitter thread. “The Bidens received over $1 million for the Romania deal, with 16 of the 17 payments made during Biden’s VP term. The money stops flowing from Romania soon after Joe Biden leaves office, establishing a pattern of influence peddling.”

Despite the newsworthiness of House Republicans’ bombshell revelations, regime-approved media outlets seemingly couldn’t be bothered to cover the event. While Fox News took the Oversight Committee’s presser live, networks such as MSNBC, CNN, and even C-SPAN reportedly blacked out livestream coverage of the event.

Santos’ arrest provided a perfect excuse for outlets such as The Washington Post and The New York Times to splash their online front pages Wednesday afternoon with news of the Republican’s criminal charges, conveniently leaving no room for coverage of the Biden family’s newly detailed corruption.

NY Times writer Elizabeth Spiers ripped for dismissing subway fears: ‘Imaginary monsters’


A New York Times opinion writer has been ripped for claiming that straphangers scared of “half-naked lunatics” menacing Big Apple subways need therapy for “imaginary monsters.”

Elizabeth Spiers sparked incredulity with her condescending response to the suggestion that a “polite society” is “one where people can safely ride the subway to work or take their children out in public without being accosted & menaced by half-naked lunatics.”

“Hi – New Yorker here,” wrote Spiers, who is also a Democratic pollster and NYU journalism professor.

“I’ve safely ridden the subway for 23 years and my child has never been menaced by a half naked lunatic, but these imaginary monsters in your head are addressable with therapy,” she continued.

Her tweet quickly went viral, seen more than 3 million times by Wednesday — with many questioning how serious she was.

“Not satire …,” one person wrote as others questioned if it was actually “a parody account.”

National Review writer Dan McLaughlin — to whose tweet Spiers had replied — was among those amazed that his critic had escaped seeing anything alarming for so long.

“If you’ve never encountered an alarming lunatic on the subway or its platforms, I question what city you’ve been traveling in,” McLaughlin tweeted.

“And how small your circle of friends must be if you don’t know anybody who’s experienced unhinged people in the subways.”

Others also noted how not seeing something firsthand does not mean it is not there.

“Exactly, Elizabeth! I feel the same way about tornadoes,” one person tweeted sarcastically.

“Everyone complains about them, but they’ve never bothered me. I’ve never even seen one and, frankly, I don’t really believe they exist.”

Ezra Friedlander''s Rashida Tlaib will host anti-Israel event at the Capitol despite Kevin McCarthy’s move to block it


Ezra Friedlander's Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on Wednesday held an event at the Capitol decrying the founding of Israel as a “catastrophe” despite House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s move to block it

The event, hosted by Tlaib and organized by nine anti-Israel groups, was moved at the last minute to the Senate side of the Capitol complex after McCarthy intervened late Tuesday to reserve the space in the Capitol Visitor Center where Tlaib’s event was initially slated to be held. 

A source familiar with the matter told The Post that Senate committee chairs are responsible for approving rooms used for events.

Tlaib’s event was held in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Hearing Room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, a panel chaired by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

During the event, Tlaib confirmed that Sanders allowed her to use his committee’s room.

Temporary Restraining Order Granted To Orangetown To Prevent Frum Guy who owns Hotel From Housing Migrants

The hotel is owned by a guy named Ephraim Vashovsky who owns Armoni Suites.

Question: Are Frummies now playing a part in flooding Monsey and its surrounding areas with "migrants?"

Did this guy, Vasovsky for a minute think what damage 340 Single males could do to the Monsey community? Or is it all about "The Benjamins?" 

Why do we frum Jews need to be involved in this massive mess? This can only bring more antisemitism, more hate! Let the Goyim deal with this!

 The request was granted by Rockland Supreme Court Judge Christine D'Alessio at the request of Orangetown officials, said Orangetown Supervisor Teresa Kenny during a press conference on Wednesday, May 10. 

Under the order, the hotel's permits and certificate of occupancy do not permit the business to house migrants for up to four months.

The restraining order was sought after town officials found that the Orangeburg hotel -- The Armani Inn & Suites hotel -- was being readied for an influx of migrants with beds and other items used in a "shelter," Kenny said.The hotel owners and Orangetown officials are scheduled to reappear before the judge on Monday, May 15. 

During the press conference, Rockland County Supervisor Ed Day said it wasn't that the county didn't want migrants, it was the illegal way New York City Mayor Eric Adams was handling the issue by announcing he was sending up to 340 migrants by bus to Rockland without contacting any county officials.

He also pointed to the fact that for a hotel to be used as a shelter it has to be approved by the state, which can take time, and has not been done in this case.

A State of Emergency had already been enacted by Day in an effort to prevent the buses from arriving from New York City.

In addition, Day said the Rockland County Sheriff's Office is helping and if a bus does pull up to the hotel with migrants, a deputy will handle the situation by informing them of the restraining order.

Officials with Governor Kathy Hochul's office said she did not back the plan by Adams and had not been informed, Kenny said.

Zionists Will Double Stipends for married yeshiva students

 Fresh details of the upcoming state budget show coalition agreements will pour billions of shekels into the ultra-Orthodox community and education programs with Orthodox messaging.

The fresh revelations came a day after networks reported that some NIS 5 billion ($1.37 billion) of the budget, still under negotiation, will be funneled to meet ultra-Orthodox demands.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition is made up of his own Likud party and far-right religious and ultra-Orthodox partners that he needs to maintain a majority in the Knesset.

Included in the plans is boosting the monthly stipends for married yeshiva students, who form a major part of the ultra-Orthodox community and rely on the handouts to maintain their families as they spend their days in study rather than working.

According to the Kan public broadcast, Haredi parties are seeking a stipend increase of nearly 50 percent, from NIS 680 ($185) a month to NIS 1,000 ($272).

After it is approved, the increase in stipends will be paid out retroactively to cover all of 2023, Monday reports said. By contrast, some financial benefits for working parents that are to be set in the budget will only come into effect in January 2024, Channel 12 reported.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We're ready for extended campaign


Terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip launched over 100 rockets towards central and southern Israel in the space of one hour Wednesday afternoon.

Rocket launch warning sirens were sounded Wednesday afternoon from the Gaza frontier to as far north as Rishon Letzion, Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan.

Sirens were first reported in Sderot and nearby towns, with sirens reported minutes later in Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Lachish. Half an hour later, sirens were also reported in the Tel Aviv area.

A house in the southern town of Sderot was struck by a rocket. The home was empty at the time and no injuries were reported, though the building was damaged.

In response, Israeli forces bombed Islamic Jihad rocket launchers and mortar positions in the Gaza Strip, an IDF spokesperson said.

"The IDF targeted rocket and mortar shell launch sites belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization along the Gaza Strip."

"A short while ago, following the identification of activities of terrorist squads adjacent to rocket launching pits, IDF fighter jets targeted rocket and mortar shell launch sites belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization along the Gaza Strip. Civilians are asked to act according to the special instructions posted on the National Emergency Portal."

Following the rocket attacks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to municipal leaders in the south by phone and told them: "We are ready for the possibility of an expanded campaign and harsh strikes against Gaza."

Israel At War




Holocaust Denier Hosted in Ramat Beit Shemesh


I have posted about this "rabbi" previously, see links below.
 He is a Holocaust denier and like Abbas the head of the Palestinian Authority, claims that only 1-2 million Jews were murdered. He also said that non-frum woman on their way to be shot, provocatively posed nude to their Nazi executioners. He is a very sick puppy and should not be given any support, especially in Ramat Bet Shemesh where a lot of Holocaust survivors and children of survivors live. 

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Yosef Mizrachi denies that Nazis killed 6 million Jews ....

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Holocaust Survivors Don’t Accept Apology From Mr. Yosef Mizrachi Over Comments Made About 6 Million Kedosim

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi going off the deep end! Says Nazis killed Ashkenazi Jews and spared Sefardim because Ashkenazim allowed "assimilation!

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Is Yosef Mizrachi a pervert?

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Yoisef Mizrachi Mocks Rabbonim that have Semicha on Zev Brenner Show

DUS IZ NIES !! Rare View...: Hundreds sign petition to ban Rabbi Mizrachi from UK