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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Ukraine Soldiers Abuse and Shoot Russian POWs ..Is anyone surprised?


Ukraine has vowed to investigate after graphic videos emerged purporting to show the horrific abuse of Russian prisoners of war, including some who were shot in the legs. 

“The government is taking this very seriously, and there will be an immediate investigation,” senior presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych said Sunday, the Washington Examiner reported. “We are a European army, and we do not mock our prisoners. If this turns out to be real, this is absolutely unacceptable behavior,” President Volodymyr Zelensky’s adviser added. 

One clip shows what appear to be Ukrainian troops removing three Russian soldiers from a van seconds before the detainees are shot in the legs. 

In another video, the faces of injured and bloodied Russians are seen after hoods are removed from their heads. The authenticity of the harrowing footage has not been independently verified, and exactly where the videos were shot was unclear. “I would like to remind all our military, civilian and defense forces once again that the abuse of prisoners is a war crime that has no amnesty under military law and has no statute of limitations,” Arestovych said. 

Meanwhile, Ukrainian military commander Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi accused Russia of “staging” the videos and warned the public to only trust “official sources.” “In order to discredit the Ukrainian defense forces, the enemy is filming and distributing staging videos with inhumane attitude of ‘Ukrainian military’ to ‘Russian prisoners,’” Zaluzhnyi said in a statement. “I urge you to take into account the realities of the information and psychological war and trust only official sources,” he added, claiming that “the enemy produces and shares with the inhuman treatment of alleged ‘Russian prisoners’ by ‘Ukrainian soldiers’ in order to discredit Ukrainian Defense Forces.”

Ladies.... Crossing your legs when buying shoes for your children

How perverted is this? 

IDF Notice a Car With a Chasan inside..Decide to Make him Happy


Despite rulings of Bais Dins..Feldheim Bookstores in Yerushalyim and Beit Shemesh Continue to Sell Walder Books


Israeli study: 4th shots were key to saving lives among over-60s in Omicron wave


New Israeli research indicates fourth shots of the Pfizer–BioNTech coronavirus vaccine significantly curtailed deaths in Israel’s older population during the Omicron wave.

It also raises the question of how many lives may have been lost due to the world’s slow adoption of fourth shots.

Israelis who topped up their triple-vaccine protection with a fourth shot of the vaccine reduced their chances of death by 78 percent, according to Clalit Health Services and Sapir College.

This was calculated by studying death rates among Israelis aged 60-plus who were four months after their third vaccine, over a 40-day period during the Omicron wave. For every five deaths among those who didn’t get a fourth shot, there was just one death among those who did.

One-year-old Avraham Saadia drowns in bucket of paint

 Avraham Saadia, 15 months old, drowned Monday evening in a bucket of paint in the yard of his Netivot home.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics attempted to resuscitate the infant, but were forced to declare his death.

MDA paramedics Maoz Wiberman and Osher Assuliin, who arrived at the scene on MDA motorcycles, said, "When we entered the courtyard of the building we saw the infant unconscious and covered in paint. We immediately began providing medical treatment, including [chest] massages and assisted respiration, while drawing out the paint which had entered his lungs, using special medical equipment."

"We continued the resuscitation, together with staff from the mobile ICU, but in the end we were forced to declare his death."

The Saadia family had been painting its home and yard ahead of the upcoming Passover holiday. The infant walked out the back door as his family painted the house, and entered the bucket, where his sister Hilda found him. He is survived by his parents and seven siblings.

Nachum Segal plans to rebuild after fire destroys studio


The Lower East Side studio of Jewish radio personality Nachum Segal was destroyed in a fire on Sunday.

The studio, at 551 Grand Street in Manhattan, was the headquarters for the Nachum Segal Network since 2002, where Segal hosted his popular radio show, “Jewish Moments in the Morning.” Also known as “JM in the AM,” the show was broadcast on WFMU in Jersey City until 2016, and now streams on Segal’s own platforms.

Segal said that fire marshals believe the blaze was an electrical fire, which ended up consuming almost all of the studio. “That destruction is difficult to deal with,” he told the New York Jewish Week.

Numerous photographs had adorned the walls of the studio, which included leading rabbis, Jewish politicians, major league sports stars and more. All were destroyed. “The walls, just themselves, were a tremendous loss,” Segal said.

He added that a 20-volume scrapbook showcasing his career and the network’s growth over the years was salvaged in the fire. “We lost mostly everything,” he said. “All the equipment is destroyed and a lot of the memorabilia is going to be missed, but that multi-volume scrapbook is really important to me and I’m glad it survived.”

Segal said there has been an outpouring of support from his listeners, with many calling and texting to comfort him. “It’s a tremendous feeling of hope and resilience and rebuilding — that’s what we want to focus on today,” he said.

The network launched an online fundraising campaign to help offset the costs of the damage. The campaign, which launched on Sunday, has raised more than $70,000 as of this writing.

“I never expected this kind of outpouring,” Segal said. “It’s hard to believe how much my audience always comes through. There is a tremendous amount of appreciation for what we do.”

Segal will do the show remotely for the time being, though he plans to put money from the campaign toward a new broadcasting space. “I look forward to using the funds to build and rebuild a really beautiful, state of the art studio,” he said. “One that is befitting the mission that we’re on, one that we can take great pride in.”

The show, streaming for three hours each weekday, includes a mix of Jewish music, interviews and rabbinical and political commentary. It is most popular in religious homes; Segal has occasionally done remote feeds from Modern Orthodox redoubts like Teaneck and Tenafly, New Jersey.

Segal, who got his start on Yeshiva University’s radio station, said that the network is “unabashadley pro-Israel,” but also includes Torah study and other religious themes. “Someone said to me that there is so much Torah that emanates from your studio that today’s fire is reminiscent of the destruction of the temple,” Segal said. “They don’t mean literally, but people view it as an important hub of Jewish activity, Jewish education and Jewish themes.”

Segal added that he was “thankful to the Almighty” that nothing worse happened from the fire.

“It could have, God forbid, taken someone’s life,” he said. “It could have been so much more devastating. We get to be in a position to continue, and hopefully continue stronger.”

Monday, March 28, 2022

Watch the Moment When President Trump Is Told That Ruth Bader Ginsburg Died


In An Ironic Twist ...Holocaust survivors flee from Ukraine to Germany for Safety


When the bombs started falling on Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, last month, Tatyana Zhuravliova had a horrible deja vu: the 83-year-old Ukrainian Jew felt the same panic she suffered as a little girl when the Nazis were flying air attacks on her hometown of Odesa.

“My whole body was shaking, and those fears crept up again through my entire body — fears which I didn’t even know were still hidden inside me,” Zhuravliova said.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered how she hid under the table from the bombs during World War II, and eventually fled with her mother to Kazakhstan when the Nazis and their henchmen started massacring ten of thousands of Jews in Odesa.

“Now I’m too old to run to the bunker. So I just stayed inside my apartment and prayed that the bombs would not kill me,” Zhuravliova, a retired doctor, told The Associated Press on Sunday.

But as Russia’s military attacks on Ukraine become even more brutal and demolished residential apartment blocks, she realized that she had to flee again if she didn’t want to die. So Zhuravliova accepted an offer from a Jewish organization to bring her out of Ukraine to safety.

In an unexpected twist of history, some of the 10,000 Holocaust survivors who had been living in Ukraine have now been taken to safety in Germany — the country that unleashed World War II and organized the murder of 6 million Jews across Europe.

Zhuravliova was part of the first group of four Jewish Holocaust survivors evacuated from Ukraine by the New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, also referred to as the Claims Conference. The group represents the world’s Jews in negotiating for compensation and restitution for victims of Nazi persecution and their heirs, and provides welfare for Holocaust survivors around the globe.

A second group of 14 Holocaust survivors, many of them ill and bed-ridden, were brought out of Ukraine on Sunday. The Claims Conference is working with its partners, among them the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, or JDC, to get as many Holocaust survivors out of Ukraine as possible.

Around 500 Holocaust survivors in Ukraine are especially in need of help because of their ailing health — their evacuation is a top priority, says the JDC.

It’s a highly difficult and complex operation to transport such frail people out of Ukraine, where constant shelling and artillery fire make any evacuation very dangerous. It involves finding medical staff and ambulances in numerous war zones, crossing international borders and even convincing survivors, who are ill and unable to leave their homes without help, to flee into uncertainty again, this time without the vigor of youth.

Kew Gardens Neighbors Fighting Hatzala's New Building


Rendering of a proposed Hatzolah depot on 68th Road in Kew Gardens Hills.

 The Kew Garden Hills block is something out of a bygone era, with many of its mostly Jewish residents living on the same street for half a century, treating each other like family.

But some of the Queens homeowners say they are now living in fear of the “800-pound gorilla” haunting the community — a proposed Hatzolah ambulance depot on their block.

Opposition to the project on 68th Road at Main Street has brought alleged threats and other forms of intimidation, with protesters noting that a key opponent was left in a burn ICU after a mysterious fire started in his car.

“We [are being] blackmailed into being silenced,” said a resident, too afraid to publicly share his name, to the Post.

Locals opposed to the plans by the Queens Hatzolah — a local Jewish ambulance service that aims to provide more culturally sensitive services — have formed a block association to fight the project. The proposed depot would have five ambulance garages and be taller than the houses on the block.

The residents say they are worried about the quality-of-life ramifications to their idyllic block if an outpost of Hatzolah, which responds to 7,000 emergency calls a year, is located there. And that’s not to mention the effect it might have on their home values.

Avi Koenigsberg, president of the 68th Road Block Association, said he used to volunteer for Hatzolah and knows how valuable the service can be to the Jewish community.

The elder Koenigsberg said the plan was made with “no consideration for the neighborhood” and that he and many other residents were never asked for their thoughts.

“People are generally in favor of the operation of this Hatzolah group  because they are helpful to the community,’’ Mordecai said.

“We said it may be true that you are doing a lot of valuable things for the community, but there has to be some oversight,” he recalled of conversations with backers of the plans.

Then the threats came, he and other project opponents said.

Backers of the plan reportedly told those who oppose the building that the protests could make volunteers not as willing to help those in the area, Mordecai Koenigsberg said.

“That’s a nasty thing to say,” Mordecai said.

The block is home to many religious Jews .

A supporter of the project allegedly “goes over to a neighbor and says, ‘You have a daughter that’s 21 or 22. If you fight us, your daughter will not get married,’ ” said another block resident, who asked not to be named. “A widow was approached and told, ‘What do you care if your house goes down in value? You will leave it to your children.’

“Our quality of life is being destroyed,” the neighbor said. “I don’t need to live where people are intimidating me, intimidating my children.”

These sentiments were felt even before fire broke out at Avi Koenigsberg’s house in the early morning on March 3. The blaze started in his car, which had been turned off about four hours earlier when he got home and parked it in the driveway.

The smoke traveled upward from the car to the garage and then to Avi’s room above. Firefighters pulled him out of the house unconscious.

“If I had been upstairs for even a few more minutes, I wouldn’t be here anymore,” Avi said.

His insurance company and city fire marshals are still investigating how the fire started, he said. It appears the fire started in the trunk or in his backseat, Avi said, adding that there is no proof it was arson but it also hasn’t been ruled out. The FDNY did not respond to a request for comment from The Post.

Some residents noted that the fire happened at the address to which the block association is registered and said they were worried an overzealous supporter of the depot is out there.

There is no indication Hatzolah was involved in the blaze. 

Hatzolah did not respond to multiple requests for comments from The Post.

While the block association is trying to stop them in court, it is likely the depot will be built, foes said.

“The irony of this is that nobody [at the top] at Hatzolah — the coordinators, the president — would even think or allow this to happen to their block,” a homeowner said. 

Another resident who spoke on condition of anonymity added, “We have the best neighborhood anyone could ask for.

“They put a pall over the block.”

MK Barkat to gun owners: Bring your gun with you - and shoot terrorists


MK Nir Barkat (Likud) called on Israeli gun owners to carry their firearms with them at all times, and to be prepared to gun down terrorists should they be present at the scene of an attack.

Barkat, the former Mayor of Jerusalem, tweeted Sunday night following the deadly shooting attack in Hadera, urged licensed gun owners to remain armed at all times.

“The scenes from the deadly attack in Hadera are disturbing,” tweeted Barkat. “I offer my condolences to the families of the murdered, and I join the whole country in praying for the wounded victims’ recovery.”

“I call on citizens who are licensed to carry [guns] to keep their weapons on their person, and to be prepared to confront and neutralize any terrorist immediately. The police on their own cannot handle the many threats, therefore it is incumbent on citizens to carry the burden of self-defense.”

Barkat also called on the government to loosen gun ownership laws, making it easier for ex-soldiers leaving the army to purchase firearms.

“The government must change its policies and instead of preventing [gun ownership], it must allow demobilized soldiers from combat units to immediately be able to receive a gun license and to own a gun in order to neutralize terrorists as quickly as possible. Every disgusting terrorist who tries to murder Jews should know that his blood will be on his own head.”

Friday, March 25, 2022

Father of Murdered IDF Soldier Relates His Conversation with R' Chaim Kanievski


Biden's Speechwriter?


Zera Shimshon Parshas Shemini


Discovery On Mt. Eival Is ‘Death Blow For Biblical Deniers'


A rare archaeological discovery on Mount Eival has shed light on the biblical period and proved a hotly contested fact – that the Jewish nation did in fact speak and write Hebrew 3,200 years ago at the time when they entered the land of Israel. The rare finding, a folded lead panel, contains the earliest known Hebrew writing and remarkably the writing coincides with the biblical description of Mt. Eival as the “Mountain of Curses” at which the Levites pronounce curses on those who do not uphold the Torah’s precepts.

Professor Gershon Galil of Haifa University terms the find a “watershed in Biblical research”. Galil says that before the new finding dated to the 13th century BCE, the oldest known Hebrew writing was from the 10th century BCE. “This was an inscription found at Khirbet Queiyafa near the Elah Valley by Prof. Yossi Garfunkel and I succeeded in deciphering it.”

Professor Galil says that the new find is a “death blow to all Bible deniers: Many biblical critics claimed that in the 13th century BCE the Jews did not know how to read and write and therefore could not have written the bible. Therefore they claimed that the bible was written much later in the Persian or Hellenistic periods.

The panel bears an inscription which says: Curse, Curse,Curse, Cursed to G-d, die cursed, Cursed- he will die, Cursed to G-d, Cursed, Cursed, Cursed.” 

Prof. Galil says that this is a sophisticated piece of work: “Whoever knows how to write a text with chiastic structures can write almost anything. At this stage unfortunately we cannot reveal all of the information found since it requires peer review and academic publication but already from what we see today we can say Shehecheyanu on finding Hashem’s name in Hebrew from this period.”

Professor Galil notes the importance of finding these curses on Mt. Eival in accordance with the account in Devarim (Chapter 27) regarding the special ceremony which took place here after the Israelites entered Israel.

Prof. Galil explains that in previous times a legal agreement contained an internal clause which was written on the inner side and when there was a dispute, the sides opened the inner side to see what was written there. This finding also has internal and external text.

In 1980 Prof. Adam Zertal discovered an altar on Mt. Eival and claimed it was that of Yehoshua Bin Nun, based on its unique features and characteristics. Some academics doubted this analysis and thought it was a Canaanite site but the new finding, discovered in earth near the site of the altar, proves that Jews had worshiped here, since the name of Hashem “Yahu” would mean nothing to Canaanites.

The research was led by Dr. Scott Stripling of the Texas-based Associates for Biblical Research which used the successful methods used in sifting the Temple Mount earth to sift the earth near the altar of Yehoshua. Stripling said that he was “amazed” to discover an inscription in Hebrew from the late Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Galil concludes that there is now more and more evidence and findings which support the Biblical account.”

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Litvishe Israeli Yated Ne'eman Disgrace the Memory of the Murdered Harav Moshe Karvitizki


The hatred that the Litvaks have towards Chassidim is legendary, but they now hit a new low.

R' Moshe Karvitzki hy"d who was murdered by an Arab savage, was a devoted Chabad Chasid and a shliach, but reading the Yated, you would never know it.
The arab stabbed his body to death, and frum shoimre shabbas are now destroying his soul.
Every single report even the secular media reported that he was a chabad shliach. 
Who was it that said that "litvaks" carry a cross in their hearts?

Biden’s Israel ambassador says he wants Jews out of Jerusalem


Biden’s ambassador to Israel recently told participants in a pro-BDS group’s webinar that the real problem with the Palestinian Authority funding terrorism is that “it gives the ‘haters’ an excuse not to support the P.A. based on the argument that it is ‘paying for people who killed Jews.’”

He also told the anti-Israel group, whose CEO has described Israel as an “oppressive regime” and which cheered the Ben & Jerry’s boycott, that “your agenda is where my heart is.”

At this rate, Thomas Nides will be hugging and kissing Hamas leaders by the end of the year.

Expectations for Nides were already pretty low when the Biden administration announced that it had picked Obama’s former deputy secretary of state as its ambassador to Israel.

Hillary Clinton was going to make Nides her chief of staff, but once Hillary in the White House became as likely as peace with Hamas and the PLO, Nides had to settle for being Biden’s bully in Jerusalem while his wife, who is a VP at CNN, stays on in Washington D.C.

Nides’s main qualification for the job had been yelling “You don’t want to f***ing defund UNESCO” at a former Israeli ambassador. He had also vocally opposed efforts to defund UNRWA and stop subsidizing the terror refugee industry. He has also served on the board of the International Rescue Committee, which has repeatedly attacked Israel.

J Street, the anti-Israel pressure group, welcomed Nides’s nomination and announced that it “looked forward to working” with him. Other anti-Israel groups, including the Israel Policy Forum and Americans for Peace Now (APN), echoed the sentiment.

It didn’t take long for Nides to justify their faith in his hostility to the Jewish state.

The Insane Hilarious Remarks by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson at Senate Hearings


Below is a compilation of the many insane remarks made by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson at her Senate hearings this week.

These comments include: Her inability to define “woman”, claiming that calling President Bush a war criminal was not intended to disparage, refusing to acknowledge there are biological differences between men and women, refusing to say whether a Hispanic can decide that he is really an Asian, refusing to say whether an unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks during birthing, and refusing to regret sentencing a convicted child pornographer to 3 months in jail.

Further proof that choosing a nominee based on gender and race, rather than merit, does not get the highest caliber.

Mrs. Devorah Chana Phillipson from Monsey Dies Suddenly


Mrs. Devorah Chana Phillipson of Monsey was 55.

Devorah Chana a”h, was born in Boro Park to Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Mendel Gottlieb.

Mrs. Phillipson’s husband, Rabbi Binyomin Phillipson, is a renowned philanthropist who leads the Yad Elka Foundation, distributing tens of millions of shekels before each yom tov to thousands of needy families in Israel. Additionally, he is a well-known donor to numerous Torah institutions and various tzedakos throughout the world.

Mrs. Phillipson was his partner in all that he does. Her home was known to be open to all, and she was mekarev countless college students who received their first taste of yiddishkeit in the Phillipson home.

She and her husband would visit the Tosher Rebbe before each Yom Kippur, following his advice to a tee and never allowing their own opinions and preferences to guide them. Emunas chachomim and daas torah were the foundation of their home, which was steeped in torah and gemilas chasadim.

The levaya was held at noon in Spring Valley, with the nifteres now being flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Der Yid Satmar Propaganda Paper Misleads It's Readers on The Murderous Iranian Regime


Iran is Satmar's favorite country because of its anti-Zionist stance vis à vis the State of Israel. 

The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe begged his followers to write letters to then president Hussain Obama and Congressmen to back the "Iran Deal" They even sent their "lap-dog" Ezra the "capo" Friedlander out to convince Holocaust survivors living in Boro-Park and Williamsburg that the "Iran Deal" was a "great" thing!

The fact that the Iranian Mullas threatened 5.9 million Jews living in Israel, vowing to wipe them off the map, that didn't faze the Satmar Rebbe! 

The latest issue of Der Shturmer, I mean Der Yid, touts the fact that the "Iranian Government sold the tomb of Mordechai & Esther to the Iranian Jews!" 

This is on the very front page on the left side, third article from the top.

This was written to give stupid Der Yid readers the impression that the Mullas love Jews but hate Zionists!

But this byline is an absolute lie!

The Murderous Mullas had nothing to do with this sale, it was sold by the Shah  to the Jews way back in  1968

Black Lady Judge Who Wants to Become Supreme Court Justice Doesn't Know What a "Woman" is


US Colonel Says Zelensky Is Not A Hero


The main media narrative during the Russia and Ukraine war has been that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a brave hero who did the proper thing for his nation.

The media, and people in general, love a simple dichotomy of good versus evil and no shades of gray, but that is not always the reality, nor how everyone sees it.

Retired U.S. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor had another take on what the Ukrainian president could have done to avoid bloodshed. And while many people in the media are likely to portray his comments as being pro-Russia or pro-Putin all he really did was present his opinion on what could have been done to prevent war.

VP Harris Declared a "Certified Lunatic"


Be'er Sheva stabber told a judge in 2016 that he wouldn't do it again'


The terrorist Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian, who on Tuesday murdered four Jews in Be'er Sheva, pleaded guilty in 2016 as part of a plea deal to a variety of security offenses, including the establishment of a terrorist cell on behalf of ISIS.

He was sentenced to four years of imprisonment and another 12 months probation. In sentencing, Judge Yoel Eden noted that "the punishment should be at the lower threshold," because, "the defendant took full responsibility for his actions, admitted to the indictment, expressed remorse for his actions, and said he knew he was wrong and would not do it again."

Al-Quian was an elementary school teacher. In the ruling, it said that the terrorist admitted that he "took part in secret meetings and served as a 'spiritual teacher' who conveyed content related to the ISIS organization."

"In these meetings he explained to his students about ISIS and his views, told them about the organization's path and the fighting in Syria, and showed the students videos of the organization, and as a result of the defendant's actions, the students expressed support for ISIS," it read. He took part in meetings of ISIS supporters in Israel at least once a week, for a period of about two years - until he was arrested.

According to the indictment, "As of January 2015, the defendant began delivering sermons in the mosque during Friday prayers. In some sermons, he spoke about ISIS and claimed that the organization was in accordance with Islam, with the intention that worshipers would show support for the organization."

"According to the indictment, the facts of which the defendant admitted, he conspired to join a terrorist organization, attended illegal association meetings, tried to leave Israel illegally for Syria, delivered sermons intended to induce worshipers to show support for the organization, and acted on behalf of an illegal association and as its representative," the judge noted in the sentence.

He stressed: "The defendant's actions were carried out over a long period of time, and in a consistent and continuous manner, indicating a significant threat to the State of Israel."

However, at the sentencing stage, the judge wrote: "I did not find that in the case of the defendant, the appropriate sentence should be exceeded, neither in terms of severity nor severity. The defendant is a professional, and respected in his community."

As stated, the terrorist was sentenced to four years in prison, which began from the beginning of his detention period on June 2, 2015. He was released from Israeli prison at the end of his prison term and on Tuesday carried out a brutal killing spree in Be'er Sheva.

Doris Yakhbas, 49, Laura Yitzhak, 43, and Menachem Yehezkel, 67, were three of the four people murdered in a ramming-stabbing attack in Be'er Sheva.


The name of one of the four women murdered in a stabbing attack in Be'er Sheva was released Tuesday evening.

Doris Yakhbas, 49 years old and a resident of Moshav Gilat, was the first victim to be named following the attack.

Her husband, who works with the Israel Prisons Service, arrived at the scene of the attack after receiving a phone call from a passerby, and discovered that his wife was among those murdered..

Her nephew, Yisrael Uzan, who was called to the scene as Magen David Adom (MDA) personnel, was one of those treating her.

"I was one of the first to arrive at the scene, and I approached to treat a injured woman who was unconscious," he said. "While treating her, I recognized her as my aunt, my mother's sister. She had no signs of life and we were forced to declare her death. I was horrified, but I needed to continue functioning and to treat my uncle, who was at the scene."

The Merhavim Regional Council said, "The Merhavim community is pained at the murder of Doris Yakhbas (49), of blessed memory, of Moshav Gilat. Doris is survived by her parents, brothers and sisters, husband, and three children. Staff from the Council is supporting the family and community at this difficult time. We extend our hand to the family, which has suffered a cruel and monstrous loss."

Yakhbas is survived by her husband and three children. Her funeral will be held Wednesday at the cemetery in her moshav.

In the attack, terrorist Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian rammed into Rabbi Kravitzky, who was riding his bicycle, before stabbing several female passersby.

Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky ran the synagogue in Be'er Sheva's Nahal Beka neighborhood, in addition to managing the neighborhood's Colel Chabad soup kitchen, which feeds many elderly and poor people every day.Be'er Sheva's chief Chabad-Lubavitch emissary, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Garelik, who worked with Rabbi Kravitzky, mourned, "He was very dedicated to his mission. Together with his family members, may they live long and good years, he put everything he could into the community in the Nahal Beka neighborhood. He took care of them, physically and spiritually."

"All of the residents remember his wide smile and great giving. We are in shock and very pained at this bitter news."

Rabbi Shalom Duchman, Director of Colel Chabad, responded to the murder by saying, "Rav Moshe Kravitzki was the gentlest of souls whose entire life was about caring for others."

"Each and every day he would manage Colel Chabad's local food distribution service for the needy in Be'er Sheva, distributing thousands of meals over the years, going above and beyond to serve the hardest-hit in his community during COVID

"This horrific loss of life has robbed the people of Israel of one of its kindest and most compassionate souls and our prayer is that the memory of the tremendous work that Rav Moshe did in his life will offer some comfort to his family and the entire community."

Be'er Sheva terrorist's family knew of planned attack


Israeli security forces investigating Tuesday’s deadly terrorist attack in Be’er Sheva questioned the assailant's relatives, amid suspicions that at least some of the family members had foreknowledge of the planned attack.

Police and the Shin Bet internal security agency probing the attack questioned Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian’s relatives, with police interrogating two of al-Quian’s brothers Wednesday morning.

The two brothers are suspected of know about Mohammad Jalab’s plans to carry out a terrorist attack, and may have witnessed him leaving the house with the knife he used in the attack.

Once the interrogation has been completed, authorities will determine whether the two brothers should be brought before a judge for an extension of their arrest.

On Wednesday, police returned the personal firearms of two civilians who shot and killed the terrorist, ending the eight-minute rampage Tuesday.

Police forensics teams examined the two guns at a ballistics analysis facility overnight. The police department came under criticism Tuesday, after footage was released showing officers threatening one of the two civilians who requested his gun back following questioning.

Officials at Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva announced Wednesday morning that two of the victims wounded in Tuesday’s attack are in moderate and stable condition.

Four people were murdered in the attack Tuesday afternoon, with the terrorist running down a cyclist with his car before exiting the vehicle to stab additional victims.

The attack occurred at a gas station on Derech Hevron in Be’er Sheva, adjacent to a ‘BIG’ shopping center.

The terrorist, an Arab Israeli from the Bedouin sector, was a resident of Hura in the Negev, who had previously expressed support for the ISIS terrorist group.

According to Maariv, the terrorist had attempted to join ISIS in Syria and was recently released from a five-year prison term.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Before you donate to "Bleich" the "Ukraine Chief Rabbi" Read this


First: who is Bleich, and how did he get to Ukraine? 
Bleich comes from a "centrist" yeshivish family in the NY area. After an incident that damaged his reputation in the Telz high school in Chicago, Bleich began learning in a Stolin (chassidish) yeshiva in Israel.

According to this @nytimes article, Bleich came to Ukraine in 1989, at age 25, with the backing of Stolin. He managed to get the pulpit of the historic Great Choral Synagogue and established day schools, camps and other religious programs.


In 1992, Bleich was "appointed" chief rabbi of Ukraine. He was never officially elected. But that didn't seem to matter. Within a few years, he had connections to the most powerful people in Ukraine, including the famously corrupt President Leonid Kuchma (Wikipedia him).

Bleich also gained prominence in the larger Jewish world. Until 2018, he was the official representative of the Stoliner Rebbe of Jerusalem. Later, he became VP of World Jewish Congress and member of the executive committee of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER).

One of the things Bleich did as chief rabbi was establish an outreach-oriented high school for Ukrainian Jewish girls and boys. Many of these children had little Jewish affiliation, and some lived in a dorm near Bleich's home--both of which put them in a vulnerable position.
Over the course of several years, Bleich is alleged to have sexually abused girls from this school, others who attended his summer camp, employees of his programs, and Orthodox female volunteers from North America who came to work in the summer camp.