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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

B'Tzelem Activist Implicated in Attempt to Claim Settlers Were Behind Fire Set by Arabs.


B'Tzelem activist Basel al-Aderah was involved in an attempt to accuse right-wing activists of setting fire to a building which was in fact set ablaze by Palestinian Arabs, Channel 12 News reported.

According to testimony from the forces on the ground, during a riot by right-wing activists, Arabs tried to set fire to an structure and began shouting at a photographer accompanying them that Jews and soldiers had burned their homes.

But an officer who was at the scene and saw with his own eyes the arson attempt made it clear that the side responsible for the arson was the Arabs.

The head of the Mount Hebron Regional Council, Yochai Damari, responded to the publication. "The video clarifies who came to incite, who came to destroy and who for a long time has come to change the narrative and influence the High Court judges who are supposed to decide on the petition to remove them from the live-fire area which they invaded."

"Once an Arab was caught knocking himself down and sending pictures to the whole world as if he had been hit. And another time another Palestinian was caught setting fire to his own equipment warehouse and shouting that the Jews had caused it. If there were no cameras, then these provocations would be believed everywhere. I demand an immediate stop to all the quarrelsome instigators and the perpetrators of the provocations, such as the one photographed in the article who is known to the security forces," Damari said.

The Ad Kan organization stated that "we are not surprised by the exposure in which B'Tzelem activist set fire to a Palestinian structure while shouting that Jews did so, in accordance with the organization's policy of discrediting soldiers and settlers. This is another B'Tzelem blood libel against settlers and IDF soldiers. We call on the law enforcement authorities to prosecute the arsonist from B'Tzelem. As we have previously revealed, a key B'Tzelem employee in the same area was involved in the exposure of a Palestinian land seller to the security of the Palestinian precinct."

"It is important that the public and law enforcement agencies understand that this is an organization that produces violent provocations and should be treated accordingly," the organization added.

'Palestinian state will not be established'


Rebbetzin Shaked in UAE

The current Israeli government will not back Palestinian statehood, Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) said Wednesday morning during a visit to the United Arab Emirates.

Speaking with the UAE-based news outlet The National, Shaked ruled out talks on Palestinian statehood, both during Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s term, as well as after Yair Lapid rotates in as premier.

“The Israeli government won’t deliberate on the establishment of a Palestinian state under the present government of Bennett or Lapid when he comes into office under the rotational agreement,” said Shaked.

“There is a consensus among the parties [in the government] not to get involved in the issue, which could cause an internal rift.”

“We believe in economic peace as a means of improving Palestinians lives and to create cooperative industrial zones. But not a state with an army, absolutely not.”

Shaked pushed back on the description of Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria as being “illegal settlements,” calling the area “disputed territory”.

The Interior Minister also slammed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as “hypocritical”.

“They’re anti-Semitic by opposing Israel’s right to exist. BDS is the new form of anti-Semitism.”

Closure at last? Grave of missing Yemenite child to be exhumed following landmark case


The Supreme Court ordered the Attorney General to allow the exhume a grave belonging to Yemenite newborn Uziel Khoury in the Petah Tikva cemetery.

Reshet Bet reported that researchers will examine whether the baby was actually buried at the cemetery approximately 70 years ago.

The ruling follows decades of speculation about a government plot to abduct Yemenite children, allowing parents of Ashkenazi descent who had lost family members in the Holocaust to raise these children as their own.

n February, 2018, a new law allowing families of Yemenite children who disappeared between the years 1948 and 1970 to obtain a court-ordered exhumation of their graves for genetic testing.

Since the 1950s, more than 1,000 Israeli families have alleged their children were systematically kidnapped from Israeli hospitals and given to Ashkenazi families for adoption in Israel and abroad. The claims of the families, mostly immigrants from Yemen, were generally dismissed by authorities as "baseless conspiracy theories."

The law was to remain in effect for the coming two years. Once an exhumation was approved, the state would cover the costs of the project. At the time, funds were allocated to open at least 300 graves and it was reported that "in many cases, the family does not know where their child’s grave is located, or the grave that has been identified has several bodies buried in it."

The law was proposed by Likud Party lawmaker Nurit Koren, the daughter of Yemenite immigrants whose cousin was among the children who disappeared.

Three government-appointed committees have looked into the Yemenite children affair, and each concluded that the majority of the children died in the hospital and were buried without the families being informed. Scholars have reached similar conclusions.

The law comes more than a year after Israel posted an online database featuring some 200,000 pages of declassified documents about the controversial Yemenite children affair.

In a Partial Victory Jerusalem Court Approves Jewish Prayers on Har Habayit


A Jerusalem judge has backed the right of Jews to engage in silent prayers on the Temple Mount, marking the first time a court has endorsed Jewish prayer on the holy site since authorities quietly began rescinding their de facto ban on all non-Muslim prayers.

On Tuesday, Justice Bilhha Yahalom of the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that silent prayers on the Temple Mount cannot be construed as a criminal act, and ordered police to drop a restraining order imposed on Rabbi Aryeh Lippo, who had been barred from the Mount over his silent prayers.

“His daily visits to the Temple Mount indicate how important this is for him,” Justice Yahalom wrote in her decision.

Attorney Moshe Polski, a lawyer for the Honenu organization who represented Rabbi Lippo in the case, lauded the court for its ruling.

“We welcome the court’s decision, which effectively endorses what has already been happening on the Temple Mount over the past year, and is a de facto permit to Jews who already visit the Temple Mount and want to pray.”

“It is unthinkable that Jews of all people should be banned from whispering prayers even silently on the Temple Mount, while Muslims on the Temple Mount can do whatever they want – pray, give religious lectures, play soccer, and even to riot, while the police do nothing to prevent any of this, but Jews are made to feel like outsiders in this holy place.”

“We hope that from now on, the police won’t bar worshippers who are already on the Mount, a move which impinges on their basic civil liberties.”

While Israeli authorities have for years barred even silent prayer by non-Muslims on the Temple Mount – removing worshippers suspected of whispering prayers – this year, police have frequently turned a blind eye to discreet Jewish prayers on the holy site.

Over 1,600 Jewish visitors to the Mount were permitted to pray during the Tisha B’Av fast this July, sparking criticism from the United Arab List, a coalition member which condemned the prayers and warned they could spark a “religious war”.

46 get refusers in Israel - both men & women


The Constitution, Law, & Justice Committee of the Knesset, headed by MK Gilad Kariv (Labor), will hold a discussion on Wednesday regarding the implementation of a law applying sanctions to get refusers.

In advance of the discussion, the committee published data on the number of get refusers in Israel, obtained from the various rabbinical courts. The data do not distinguish between male and female get refusers.

Among the findings: There are currently 46 get refusers in Israel, 25 of which are new cases from the current year (2021). 9 cases date from 2020, 3 from 2019, 0 from 2018, and 9 from earlier years.

The data also reveals that the duration of divorce proceedings in the rabbinical courts in Israel (from when a case is opened until it is settled) is significantly shorter than divorce proceedings conducted via the secular courts.

When the two sides jointly submit a request for a get, divorce proceedings are usually concluded within 50 days of the submission. When the two sides come to an agreement during the process, the case is usually closed within 104 days on average. However, when a case is opened by only one spouse without the cooperation of the partner, the average duration of proceedings is far longer – 399 days.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Lakewood Poiskim Come out against the Vaccine


Satmar Civil war in Bnei-Brak erupts in full swing ..as Satmar Chassidim Ignore Satmar Rebbe and Embrace R' Hersh Meisels ....

So Yom Kippur is over, and clapping "al chet" is b"h behind us, but the "git kvittel" in Satmar never materialized; not in Monroe and not in Bnei Brak.

Reb Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rav of Monroe, had a huge following in Bnei-Brak, and had appointed R'Hersh Meisels, his sister's son, as Rosh Yeshiva of all Satmar moisdois in Bnei Brak. He figured if he appointed family, he would be able to control the real estate etc..

As the yiddish saying goes... "a mentch tracht, in Gut lacht" loosely translated as "A person plans, but G-d laughs"

R' Hersh Meisels slowly developed a tremendous following in the community and they decided to call him "Rav" of the community elevating him from his previous "Rosh Yeshiva" position.

Well, that didn't bode well with R' Aron and like a schizophrenic, saw R' Hersh Meisels now as an enemy and unceremoniously booted him out...

This caused an outright civil war, and R' Hersh's followers numbering in the thousands totally ignored R'Aron's "fatwa" and are embracing R' Hersh.

In the video, one can hear R' Aron calling R' Hersh and his followers "ungrateful underworld gangsters" and "corrupt" and warns them that he will do everything to stop this rebellion...

Note that the fact that R' Aron called R' Hersh an "underworldnik" this derogatory term is something he never even used on the hated Zionists! R' Aron also calls his nephew, "Chief (Rosh) of the Rebellion" "a rodef" 

So I have two words of advice for the Monroe Satmar Rebbe

 Good luck!

Meanwhile in the video filmed on Simchas Torah even a blind man  can see that Bnei Brak Satmar Chassidim are embracing R' Hersh and could care less what R' Aron says or threatens...

But if I were a follower of R' Hersh I would take R' Aron's seriously, as he is no stranger to violence and had a Satmar Bais Medrish in Monroe burned to a crisp a while ago and in the video one could see the building burning and how they somehow managed to rescue the Sifrei Torah,..but not before they beat the hell out of each other in the Main Satmar Shul....

In the videos above and below, R' Aron Teitelbaum speaks and sounds like the tzaddik while his opposition are the aggressors, but in the video below you can see clearly the opposite.

It's all about power nothing to do about Torah!

Pass the popcorn but please don't burn it!


Mossad abducted Iranian general to locate Ron Arad


Agents from Israel’s Mossad agency abducted an Iranian general recently during an operation to locate a captured Israeli serviceman held in captivity since the 1980s, according to a report released Tuesday.

Rai al-Youm, a London-based Arabic news outlet reported Tuesday afternoon that the Mossad operation revealed by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett aimed at locating the lost Israel Air Force navigator Ron Arad had included a daring abduction and questioning of an Iranian general.

On Monday, Bennett said the Mossad had carried out “a successful operation” last month, "bringing the information to Knesset members,” though Mossad chief David Barnea said that the Mossad had failed to determine Arad’s whereabouts.

According to the Rai al-Youm report Tuesday, as part of last month’s operation, the Mossad captured an Iranian general in Syria and transferred him to an unnamed African country where he was interrogated. The Mossad agents involved later released the general.

The report claimed that Iran became aware of the Israeli operation after it was completed, and is believed to have obtained details on how it was undertaken.

A recent attempt by Iranian-linked operatives to target Israelis in Cyprus, the report added, may be part of a bid by Tehran to retaliate for the general’s abduction.

Ron Arad, a navigator onboard an IAF F-4 Phantom fighter jet during the First Lebanon War, was captured in October 1986, after the aircraft was damaged by a prematurely detonated bomb during an operation over Lebanon.

While Arad’s fate remains unknown and he is officially listed as missing, an IDF report in 2016 suggested Arad was likely killed two years after his capture, in 1988.

Facebook returns after six-hour outage


Social media giant Facebook resumed service Tuesday morning (Israel time), following the company’s worst system outage in years.

Facebook services, as well as services on the Facebook-owned Whatsapp cell phone app, were curtailed for six hours Monday night and early Tuesday morning, the longest lapse in service since 2019, when Facebook was inaccessible for a full 24 hours.

In a statement issued Monday night, the company blamed “configuration changes” to its routers, disrupting “traffic between our data centers”.

Rather than being the result of malicious actions, such a hack, the company claimed a faulty system update was to blame.

“Our engineering teams have learned that configuration changes on the backbone routers that coordinate network traffic between our data centers caused issues that interrupted this communication,” Facebook’s Santosh Janardhan said in the statement.

“This disruption to network traffic had a cascading effect on the way our data centers communicate, bringing our services to a halt.”

“We want to make clear at this time we believe the root cause of this outage was a faulty configuration change.”

“We also have no evidence that user data was compromised as a result of this downtime.”

Cloudfare, a web security company, said the outage was caused by a glitch in a string of recent Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) updates.

In a blogpost, Cloudfare claimed the faulty BGP updates had accidentally blocked the DNS routing information which allows outside networks to access Facebook’s content.

The BGP updates also apparently blocked Facebook employees working remotely from editing the changes to the router system

Fox News reported overnight that during the outage, employees on site were prevented from entering Facebook’s facility’s after their digital security badges suddenly stopped working.

2700-year-old toilet from First Temple period discovered in Jerusalem


A rare toilet cubicle from the First Temple Period, which was part of an ancient royal estate that operated at the end of the Kings of Judean period (7th century BCE), was discovered on the Armon Hanatziv promenade in Jerusalem, where the Israel Antiquities Authority and the City of David, about two years ago, uncovered the remains of a magnificent building which overlooked the City of David and the Temple Mount, including the private toilet cubicle.

The bathroom was hewn as a rectangular-shaped cabin, with a carved toilet, which stood over a deep-hewn septic tank. The toilet, made of limestone, is designed for comfortable sitting, with a hole in the center.

According to Yaakov Billig, Director of the Excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, "A private toilet cubicle was very rare in antiquity, and only a few were found to date, most of them in the City of David. In fact, only the rich could afford toilets. A thousand years later, the Mishnah and the Talmud raised various criteria that defined a rich person, and Rabbi Yossi suggested that to be rich is "to have the toilet next to his table."

Beneath the toilet, a septic tank was discovered, containing a large amount of pottery from the First Temple Period and animal bones. The finds were carefully collected, including the soil fill. Their investigation may teach us about the lifestyles and diets of the First Temple people, as well as ancient diseases.

Impressive architectural items were discovered in the excavation, including stone capitals designed by an artist, bearing a style typical to the days of the First Temple, and small architectural columns that served as railings for windows.

Archaeologists also identified evidence that a garden with ornamental trees, fruit trees and aquatic plants was planted near the toilet cubicle. All of these allow researchers to recreate

a picture of an extensive and lush mansion, apparently - a magnificent palace from the days of the First Temple, that stood on the site.

According to Eli Eskosido, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority: "It is fascinating to see how something that is obvious to us today, such as toilets, was a luxury item during the reign of the kings of Judah. ​​Jerusalem never ceases to amaze. One can only imagine the breathtaking view. I am convinced that the glorious past of the city will continue to be revealed to us in the future and will allow us to experience and learn about our past."

Monday, October 4, 2021

Has the location of Noah’s Ark finally been proven using 3D scans?


In 1959, a cartographer named Ilhan Durupinar discovered a boat-shaped footprint on top of a mountain in the Dogubayazit region in Turkey. Now, American researchers and Turkish scientists of Noah’s Ark Discovered Project claim that they have proof that the biblical relic lies beneath the surface of Durupinar.

Using 3D scans of GPR and ERT technology, the researchers claim that they uncovered a man-made boat structure beneath the ground, before beginning any excavation. The formation identified in the scans, according to the team, matches the dimensions of the Genesis description of Noah’s Ark.

This week’s Torah portion tells the story of God’s instructions to Noah to build an ark and carry with him a male and female of each animal. The text carries specific descriptions regarding the size and structure of the vessel: length 300 cubits, breadth 50 cubits, and height 30 cubits. Cubits, a biblical term called Ama in Hebrew, means “forearm,” and is estimated to be approximately 18 inches, or about half a meter long.

The Torah further tells us that the Ark landed on the hills of Mt. Ararat, a dormant volcano near the east border of Turkey. The Durupinar site is approximately 30 km south of the mountain.

Researcher Andrew Jones and lead scientist Dr. Fethi Ahmet Yüksel of the Department of Geophysical Engineering, Applied Geophysics Department of Istanbul University believe that the results of the scans indicate a man-made artifact beneath the surface that could well be the Ark, and are eager to continue studying the location.

After getting $2 million "the Ungrateful " Lt. Col. Scheller Rejects Trump Support: ‘I Don’t Need or Want Your Help’


Prior to MAGA Trump supporters raising more than $2 million to help with his legal costs, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller publicly denounced help from the former president and his son, saying he would “rather sit in jail” than accept their support.

Scheller became a household name among conservatives this past August when he publicly criticized the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan while demanding accountability from senior leadership. Immediately after his post went viral, Scheller was fired after 17 years of service. Last week, a Marine Corps spokesperson confirmed that Scheller was placed in military jail as he waits for a preliminary hearing.

Less than a week after Scheller’s arrest, the Pipe Hitter Foundation set up a fundraiser for the Marine and amassed over $2 million. As Insider noted, the foundation is “run by former Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher, who was convicted in 2019 after posing with the dead body of an ISIS captive” until Trump granted him clemency in November 2020.

Prior to his arrest, Scheller issued a lengthy post on Facebook in which he criticized various political and military figures, including former President Trump and Gen. Michael Flynn:

President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.

In the same post, Scheller criticized former Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. He also scolded Generals Michael Flynn, David Petraeus, and James Mattis.

Children less likely than adults to be reinfected with COVID-19


The Knesset's Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee on Monday morning held a discussion on the new coronavirus rules, approving the Coronavirus Cabinet's decision to remove Brazil, Bulgaria, and Turkey from the no-fly list and ending the restrictions on leaving Israel for high-risk countries, Israel Hayom reported.

"Starting yesterday night, there are no countries which are not allowed to be traveled to," said MK Gilad Kariv (Labor), who chairs the committee. "The general public would do well to follow which countries have travel warnings, for the sake of everyone's health."

Senior Health Ministry official Ilana Gans said, "There are some countries in Europe which have enormously high infection rates, in particular Romania and Serbia, both of which are in the list of travel warnings. But as of today, travel is permitted to every country in the world."

Beit Shemesh apartment building evacuated after partial collapse


Jerusalem District Fire and Rescue Services on Monday morning evacuated a residential building in Beit Shemesh due to concerns that it would collapseIsrael Hayom reported.

The three-story building was evacuated by order of the firefighting team called to the scene, the site said. A source in the city's engineering office, who was called to the scene, approved the firefighters' decision.

At approximately 9:30a.m. Monday morning, a report was received from the building's residents, saying that part of the building at 6 Bialik Street had collapsed. Firefighting teams rushed to the scene, and scanning it, decided to immediately evacuate all of the building's residents until a professional examination can be completed.

According to Israel Hayom, police officers and municipal officials who arrived at the scene aided the evacuation and held a situational assessment, after which they decided that the building was in danger of collapse and that it should be immediately evacuated and passersby distanced from the area.

In a statement, Israel Police said that following the initial situational assessment, it was decided to evacuate the residents at this stage. Police forces at the scene began to aid the evacuation, together with firefighters, until such time as the professionals and municipal engineer complete their examinations.

Is Bennett a "Shomer Shabbat" or Not? Israeli Media debating

 Sorry it's all in Hebrew ... watch anyway, you will get the gist of it.

Old "Yerushalmer Kocker" Gives "musser" Speech to Policeman .. He is against "Mechon Weizman"

Eida Hachreidis Gangsters Protesting Against Chabad in Meron


Every Motzei Shabbos in Meron , Chabad bochrum show a clip of the late Lubavitcher Rebbes saying a "sicha'!

This doesn't bode well for the "Eida Hachreidah" hooligans and bullies, so they protested against the clip of the Rebbe.

None of the "eida" leaders come anywhere close to the Lubavitcher rebbe, not in learning nor in spirituality. Their leaders are by in large aged and totally out of it and they drag them kicking and screaming to their meaningless and irrelevant protests .....

So they try to stay relevant by protesting other frum Jews. The eida hooligans are also against other Jews that actually want Moshiach to come, that bothers them. 

Israel data: Boosters cut elderly’s risk of COVID death to 50th of unvaxxed rate


After boosters, elderly Israelis who are fully inoculated have just one fiftieth of the chance of COVID death compared to unvaccinated people in the same age bracket.

According to Health Ministry data for the last seven days of September, there were 6.43 daily deaths per 100,000 Israelis aged 60-plus. For older people who were vaccinated three times, the average was 0.13.

The statistics indicate that the shift from a two-shot to a three-shot regime has saved many lives. When elderly Israelis who are vaccinated twice get their third shot, they eliminate eleven-twelfths of the risk of death.

The daily deaths over the last seven days of September for the double vaccinated elderly was 1.5, compared to the 0.13 figure for the triple vaccinated.

AOC Explains "macro" vs "micro" explaining her "present"vote on the Iron Dome


A Turtle Born 30 Years Before The Civil War is Still Alive and Well


11 Year old Palestinian "arrested for buying milk" Was actually throwing stones


Jews who refuse to end their exile desecrate God’s name


“And wherever they went among the nations they profaned My Holy Name, for it was said of them, ‘These are the Lord’s people, and yet they left His Land.’” (Ezekiel 36:20).

Israel’s exile is a desecration of God’s Name. That is not something I made up. God Said it Himself through His prophet, Ezekiel (36:20).

How, might you ask, is Israel’s exile a desecration of God’s Name? The answer has to do with our broken Covenant with God and the Curse that followed us into exile (see Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28).

Israel weighs plan to allow tourists back next month


The Israeli government is considering a plan to reopen the country to foreign tourists starting next month, after a year and a half of a near-total ban on tourists entering the country.

The Coronavirus Cabinet deliberated Sunday evening on plans drawn up by the Health Ministry which would allow tourists to enter the country, even if they arrive individually, and not as part of organized tour groups.

Last month, the government relaunched a pilot program allowing tourists in organized tour groups of between five to 30 to enter the country. The pilot program had originally been launched in May, but was halted in August, following a spike in infection rates.

Under the plan being considered by the Coronavirus Cabinet, all tourists entering the country will be required to be vaccinated – a condition also imposed currently on members of tour groups.

The current proposal would reopen Israel to all vaccinated tourists starting on November 1st.

Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov (Yesh Atid) is leading the effort to reopen the country to tourism, Israel Hayom reported.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry is currently working with authorities abroad, including in the US, to establish mutual recognition for vaccinated travelers, enabling Israelis to travel abroad and to prepare for the arrival to Israel of tourists from overseas.

Yeedle Werdyger, Son of MBD, Alive and Well After Car Accident Nearly Claimed His Life and The Lives of His Family

 One of the biggest names in Jewish music, Yeedle Werdyger, son of Mordechai Ben David, was saved from a car accident on Motzei Shabbos when he was on his way back from a simcha.

While driving on the Interstate 80, he saw a woman’s vehicle spin out of control and hit the guardrail. He stopped his vehicle and got out to help her. He immediately called 911 and a police officer arrived quickly. As he and the officer were helping the woman another car swerved by narrowly missing them. But the singer wasn’t out of danger just yet.

The officer asked Yeedle to move his car to the side of the road, and while Yeedle was moving his car, another car that was traveling quickly down the highway tried to slam on its break to avoid a collision with the stopped vehicles and rammed into Yeedle’s car. The vehicle was a truck and it slammed into Yeedle’s car and completely destroyed it. Miraculously, his wife and son were unharmed, as was the singer himself.

“God sent a messenger to save my family,” Yeedle told reporters after the incident. “The driver who initially had lost control of her vehicle was confused and may have been driving under the influence or in shock. When the truck slammed on its breaks behind us, it flipped over and hit us with its roof. We are lucky to be alive today. I was so happy to just be alive and I can’t stop thanking Hashem for the miracle he did for me and my family.”

Three Chabad Chassidim In Their 40s Die Of COVID All Within 24 Hours


Reb Yaakov Zlouf, z'l, (L.); Reb Yosef Chaim Shlomo Meyerson, z'l.

The Chabad community in Israel is reeling from the deaths of three members of its community from COVID complications within 24 hours.

The chashuve avreich Reb Yosef Chaim Shlomo Meyerson, z’l, of Neve Yaakov was niftar on Shabbos at the age of 45.

Reb Meyerson studied during the 1990s at the Chabad Yeshivah in the Marina Roscha shul in Moscow. He then made aliyah and studied at Yeshivas Mercaz Gutnick, where he was certified as a sofer stam and learned the practice of milah. He served as a mohel for the Bris Yosef Yitzchak organization for a number of years.

He is survived by his wife, son, and mother.

Over a decade ago, the niftar underwent a kidney transplant in the US. Sadly, he was niftar after he contracted the coronavirus and developed complications.

Reb Shlomo Langer, z’l, a chashuve member of the Chabad community in Ramat Aviv, was niftar shortly before Shabbos at the age of 49.

He was known as a ba’al chessed with a giant heart and a ben Torah. He authored a sefer on Parshas HaShavua called Luchos Cheirus.

He contracted the coronavirus shortly before Rosh Hashanah and his condition quickly deteriorated and he was sedated and ventilated. He was not vaccinated against COVID.

Reb Yaakov Zlouf, z’l, of Netanya, was niftar of the coronavirus on Sunday at the age of 48.

He became close to Yiddishkeit while living in Rishon L’Tzion and was one of the first ba’alei teshuva in the local Chabad house. He became a devoted Chabad chassid and after he moved to Netanya was very active in the operation of the Beis Chabad in north Netanyahu. His friends say that he wasn’t vaccinated.

He contracted the coronavirus and after his condition deteriorated, he was sedated and ventilated for an extended period of time before he was niftar.

He left behind a wife and four children.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Mazel Tov! Netanyahu's son engaged


Avner Netanyahu, son of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has proposed to Noy Bar, his girlfriend in recent years.

Bar is a captain in the reserves and serves as the communications adviser to MK Amichai Chikli (Yamina).

Previously, Bar served as head of the information department in the Im Tirtzu movement. She holds a bachelor's degree in human resources from Bar Ilan University, and is studying for her master's degree in political communication and political science at the Hebrew University.

Avner Netanyahu attended a high school near the Hebrew University and won third place in the World Bible Quiz for Youth. He served in the IDF in an operational position in the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps. Last year he began studying history and archeology at the Hebrew University.

2 million Israelis lose Green Pass today


Nearly two million Israelis lost their Green Passes today (Sunday) as new rules went into effect.

Under the new rules, which went into effect at midnight, the Green Pass will only be valid for six months after the recipient's last coronavirus vaccine dose. Under the new rules, between 1.7-1.9 million Israelis will lose their Green Passes.

Israel's Health Ministry has stressed that the Green Pass' purpose is epidemiological, and is intended to prevent infections from spreading in various places, thereby protecting the health of the entire Israeli public. The new Green Pass will allow normal routines to continue, with the economy and educational system open and fully functional.

All Israelis must update their Green Passes on the Health Ministry website or mobile app.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Saturday night responded to the downward trend in the number of seriously ill coronavirus patients.

In a statement, Bennett expressed satisfaction at the rise in the number of people getting vaccinated against coronavirus and the signs that the pandemic is subsiding.

"This is without us implementing a lockdown or far-reaching restrictions on the public," the statement noted. At the same time, Bennett emphasized that it is still too early to celebrate, since Israel is still investing enormous efforts into fighting the pandemic.

"We are at a critical stage, with the reopening of the educational system and our intention to end the mass quarantines and move to a model of extensive testing and quarantine only for those who test positive.

"Especially now, we must be strict about the Green Pass, be careful, and not to become complacent. I call on all those who have not yet been vaccinated as required - do it as soon as possible! The vaccine saves lives, and the depth of the country's vaccination allows it to remain open and functioning," Bennett said.

Archaeologist claims Mount Sinai found in Saudi Arabia


Nu nu......

Experts believe they’ve finally found one of the holiest sites in the Bible — miles from where it was previously assumed to have existed.

A biblical archaeologist organization, The Doubting Thomas Research Foundation, claims it has found the actual mountain where, according to the Old Testament, Moses lead the Israelites – a mountain that was enveloped in smoke, fire and thunder – and where, at the top, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.

But in actuality, the society now claims, Mount Sinai, one of the most sacred places in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions, is Jabal Maqla, which lies in the Jabal al-Lawz mountain range in northwestern Saudi Arabia.

“One of the main reasons certain scholars claim that the Exodus is a myth is because little to no evidence for what the Bible records has been found at the traditional Mount Sinai in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula,” Foundation president Ryan Mauro, who is a Middle East expert, told the Sun

“But what if these scholars have actually been looking in the wrong spot?” he noted. “Move over into the Arabian peninsula and you find incredibly compelling evidence matching the Biblical account.”

Jabal Maqla, has blackened peaks as if scorched by the sun or fire, and lies near Nuweiba Beach, where scientists have found land paths underneath the water, where God would have parted the waters for Moses and the Israelites.

Though they were followed by Egyptians in chariots, when the Israelites reached land on the other side of the water, the sea consumed the Egyptians. A chariot-like shape was found in coral in the area, according to Swedish scientist Dr. Lennart Moller, who noted to the outlet that the metal and wood had long ago disintegrated.

On the way from the Beach to the possible Mt. Sinai is a large, split rock with signs of water erosion, despite being in the midst of a desert.

“We believe this distinct landmark could be the rock that God commanded Moses to strike which water then gushed forth from miraculously providing for the Israelite population,” Mauro said.

The experts also discovered a site which appeared to be an altar near the base of the mountain, akin to the altar Moses is said to have built at the foot of Mount Sinai from uncut stones.

Also nearby is a graveyard – which Mauro theorizes is the site where the worshippers of the golden calf were struck down by Moses for idolatry.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

How a Jewish scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb


In 1948, FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was sharply focused on the Communist Party of the USA to root out Russian espionage — and with his attention concentrated there, missed the escape of a highly accomplished Soviet spy hiding in plain sight.

Born into a Jewish family that had immigrated from czarist Russia to the United States, George Koval habitually joined groups and clubs — a bowling league, bridge-playing circles, an honorary fraternity of electrical engineers. He also joined the US Army and conducted top-secret work at two locations of the Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bombs that exploded over Japan in 1945.

In 1949, the year after Koval’s return to the USSR, the Soviets successfully and shockingly detonated their own atomic bomb.

Now, Koval’s life is the subject of a new book, “Sleeper Agent: The Atomic Spy in America Who Got Away,” by former Wall Street Journal reporter Ann Hagedorn.

“I just think there’s a lot to be learned by George Koval’s story,” Hagedorn told The Times of Israel in a phone interview.

Greta Thunberg the certified lunatic


Camel'a Turns to Top Democratic Strategist for Help on Israeli Genocide Fiasco


On Thursday,  Kamala Harris’ senior staff enlisted the emergency help of Mark Mellman, president of the group Democratic Majority for Israel (and architect of Yair Lapid’s victory in Israel), to fix the unmitigated disaster caused by Harris on Wednesday, Politico reported

As you may recall, when the VP visited George Mason University in Virginia, she conducted a class where one female student wanted to know why the US continues to support Israel despite all the Arab babies the Jews are murdering and the Zionist apartheid system

As we reported on Wednesday, instead of challenging those shocking lies by arguing that those Jews actually murder far fewer Arab babies than one would think, Harris kept nodding approvingly throughout that anti-Zionist diatribe, and in the end told her, again approvingly, that she, Kamala, “was glad” the student had shared her concerns, and that her opinion should be heard in a democracy.

It didn’t go over well with the potential Jewish voters who will consider, come 2024, whether they want Harris to get the DNC’s nod and run against Donald Trump for the presidency. Turns out we, Jews, become very upset when some ignorant student in a Virginia college blames us for adding Christian blood to our matzos and the second most powerful Democrat in the land praises her for participating in the political process.

So Melman went to war right away, and issued a statement saying, “We were pleased Vice President Harris’s senior staff reached out to us today to confirm what we already knew: Her ‘commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering.’”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t that nodding scene a show of a little wavering? I’m just saying. We’re not expecting VP Harris to sing Hatikvah, we only wished she were able to tell that barely coherent student that she was wrong, that’s all, instead of reassuring her that “this is about the fact that your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth, should not be suppressed and it must be heard, right? And one of the things we’re fighting for in a democracy, right?”

The Brief Jewish History of Herring


Pity the poor pickled herring. The small preserved fish sold in jars in the refrigerated section of most delis gets no respect. I am an unabashed fan. I love its sweet and salty taste, alone or in a herring salad. I know I’m not the only one. 

But I also know herring is a secret delight that some fans won’t even talk about in public. In many households, herring lovers are forced to sneak bites straight out of the jar by the light of the refrigerator when no one else is home. “My husband says it makes him gag,” confessed a herring lover who asked to remain anonymous. 

Rabbi David Eliach Longtime dean of Yeshiva of Flatbush dies at 99


The longtime and pioneering leader of Brooklyn’s Yeshivah of Flatbush, Rabbi David Eliach, died Thursday.

Rabbi Eliach, who was 99, supervised the education of thousands of children at the Modern Orthodox school between 1953, when he moved from Israel to teach there, until his retirement as dean in 1997 at age 75. He remained closely involved at the school for the rest of his life, visiting multiple times a week to mentor teachers until the pandemic forced him to transition to phone calls instead.

“His contribution to Jewish education across the globe is unparalleled and his impact on thousands of students will be felt for generations,” the school wrote in an email announcing Eliach’s death late Thursday.

“To me, Rabbi Eliach is synonymous with YOF,” the head of the high school, Rabbi Raymond Harari, told the school’s magazine last year.

Born in Jerusalem in 1922, Eliach studied at a yeshiva in Hebron and devoted himself to teaching after working with children who had come to pre-state Israel after being orphaned or separated from their parents during the Holocaust. It was in that context that he met his wife Yaffa, a Lithuanian survivor who later became a pioneering Holocaust historian. Yaffa Eliach died in 2016.

The couple moved to the United States after Eliach was recruited to join the Yeshivah of Flatbush by its founder, Joel Braverman. He quickly gained a reputation as an inspiring teacher who was deeply devoted to Modern Hebrew.

He spoke in “a very clear, beautiful Hebrew that was so expressive,” Joseph Telushkin, the rabbi and author, told the New York Jewish Week in 2012 about Eliach, who had been both his teacher and camp counselor.