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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ami Attacks Rabbi Steven Pruzansky For Taking Satmar Bizarre Claim That There "Were No Miracles At the 6 Day War" To Task

Clown Yitzy Frankfurter

Every time I post about Yitzy "the clown" Frankfurter, readers ask "why do you give him any attention?"

For two reasons: One, he has quite a circulation in the Chareidie world, so it is important to be מוחה and refute his foolish and dangerous views ...... 
Two: There are a lot of Chareidim that support his point of view as crazy as it sounds..
 Finally, every time I post about Ami, I get thousands of hits coming from chareidie communities, that read my refutation .... so it seems like people want to see someone criticize and put him in his place.

In this week's "editorial" titled "Marking the 50th Anniversary of the six-day war," Frankfurter takes on Rabbi Pruzansky, the spiritual leader of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck, New Jersey, who rightfully argued with the Satmar position, that "there were no miracles during the six-day-war and it that was all a natural event."

Why the Satmar Rebbe said what he said is a post in itself, but what gets me, is the out and out distortion of what the Satmar Rebbe actually said about the miracles of the six-day-war.

Frankfurter asserts that the Rebbe only dismissed the miracles "as a natural event" which is in itself very bizarre...

But the Rebbe went much much further than that, and actually said  in the 1967 Parshas Naso  Shalosh Seudois rant that the miracles came about from the  "devil" itself as he put it, ....... "the ס''מ!"
It's interesting to note that R' Pruzansky in his kindness, omitted this fact in his article.

But here is a transcribed page of the Rebbe's Parshas Naso Shaolosh Seuda rant  saying exactly that:

The Rebbe's position that the miracles of the six-day-war were from the "Samach Mem" the "devil" is bizarre on so many levels that it boggles the mind ....

 The Rebbe says on many occasions that one shouldn't ask why  six million Jews were murdered (even though he also said it was "because of the Zionists) because "it came from G-D itself, and one shouldn't dwell on Hashem's secret ways" ..........so how does it square with the notion that when it comes to murdering Jews then its G-D himself but when it comes to saving Jews, G-D sends the "devil?"

Frankfurter goes into detail, and tries unsuccessfully with the proverbial "shoe horn" to fit the Rebbe's twisted understanding of miracles, and give it some semblance of sanity.

 The Rebbe says that Hashem doesn't perform miracle for Zionists and people that are not observant... which flies in the face of stories in Tanach and how the Talmud understands miracles ...
and it flies in the face of what actually happened in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1972 and every single day in the State of Israel! 

We all know that there were open miracles right before and during the six-day-war in 1967.
Here see a fascinating video of some of the miracles

Just to give you some written examples:
Colonel Uri Banari tells his eyewitness account of the conquest of Shechem:
"At the entrance to Shechem stood thousands of Arabs who waved white handkerchiefs and clapped their hands. In our naivete, we returned greetings and smiles. We entered the town and wondered: We are advancing and there is no disorder, no panic, the local armed guards stand by with rifles in their hands keeping order, and the crowds are cheering."
"Suddenly something happened which changed the entire picture in a moment. One of our officers wanted to disarm an Arab guard. When the latter refused, our officer fired a shot in the air. At that moment, all the crowds disappeared and streets emptied out. The Arabs began sniper fire."
"I didn't comprehend what had transpired. Only later, did I understand. The residents of Shechem thought that we were the Iraqi forces who were due to arrive from the direction of Jordan. The numerous enemy tanks were situated on the west side of Shechem. They woke up to their error very late."
"The Arabs were surprised; the fear of the Jews fell upon them. In Hevron, and in Shechem, in Jenin and in Jericho the Arabs were heavily armed. There was not even one small Arab village without arms. With great haste, the Arabs, however, hid their weapons and didn't consider using them. They raised their hands up, and flew white flags of surrender from every edifice. The fear of G-d fell upon hundreds of thousands of proud Arabs, who were filled with hatred and loathing for Israel. Only yesterday, they had sworn to fight until their last drop of blood." [From HaTekufa HaGedola, Rabbi Menachem Kasher, Chap. Sichu B’chol Niflaotav, p. 452, 5761 edition]

18 Egyptians Against Two IDF Soldiers Yisrael, a cab driver who was drafted to fight in the 6-Day War as part of the paratroop unit assigned with conquering the Straits of Tiran, told the following upon his return:
“The Israeli soldiers didn’t have to parachute out of the Nord airplanes which took them to the Tiran Straits. They landed like spoiled tourists in the airport, because the Egyptian regiment which was on guard there fled before the Israeli trips were visible on the horizon. After landing, I was sent with another reserves soldier, an electrician, to patrol the area. When we had distanced ourselves two kilometers, an Egyptian half track appeared before us filled with soldiers and mounted with machine guns on every side. We had only light weapons with a few bullets that couldn’t stop the half track for a second. We couldn’t turn back, so we stood there in despair, waited for the first shot, and for lack of a better idea, aimed our guns at them.

But the shots didn’t come.

The half track came to a halt, and we decided to cautiously approach it. We found 18 armed soldiers inside sitting with guns in hand, with a petrified look on their faces. They looked at us with great fear as though begging for mercy. I shouted ‘Hands up!’ As we were marching them and I had returned to a state of calm, I asked the Egyptian sergeant next to me, ‘Tell me, why didn’t you shoot at us?’ He answered, ‘I don’t know. My arms froze – they became paralyzed. My whole body was paralyzed, and I don’t know why.’
It turned out that these soldiers didn’t know that the Straits of Tiran were already in Israeli hands; why didn’t they eliminate us? I don’t have an answer. How can one say that G-d didn’t help us.”

The Finger of G-d 
IDF Director of Operations Maj. Gen. Ezer Weizmann was asked by Mr. Levanon, the father of a fallen pilot, how he explains the fact that for 3 straight hours, Israel Air Force planes flew from one Egyptian airstrip to another destroying the enemy planes, yet the Egyptians did not radio ahead to inform their own forces of the oncoming Israeli attack?

Ezer Weizmann, later who later served as President of the State of Israel, was silent. He then lifted his head and exclaimed, "The finger of G-d."
[ibid, p. 445] 
Haaretz Newspaper’s Bottom Line Following his blow-by-blow analysis, the military correspondent for the secular Haaretz Newspaper summed up the 6-Day War with the admission: “Even a non-religious person must admit this war was fought with help from heaven.” [ibid, p. 445] 

A German Viewpoint A German journalist summarized: “Nothing like this has happened in history. A force including a 1000 tanks, hundreds of artillery cannons, many rockets and fighter jets, and a hundred thousand soldiers armed from head to toe was destroyed in two days in an area covering hundreds of kilometers filled with reinforced outposts and installations. And this victory was carried out by a force that lost many soldiers and much equipment, positions, and vehicles. No military logic or natural cause can explain this monumental occurrence.” [ibid, p. 446.]

Rav Nochum Eisenstein, Rav of Maalot Dafna, Says Frum Jews Should live on Government Programs

I was going to write about the interview that David Lichtenstein, on his WMCA radio program had with R' Nochum Eisenstein, however I just found a post by R' Slifkin that addresses this bizarre interview and so I will post his article instead.
Also please click on the "audio link" in the article; please have your "high blood pressure" pills nearby ...

by Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin, 
What do charedi rabbinic leaders have to say about the problem of poverty in the charedi community? David Lichtenstein has a radio show in which he interviews prestigious figures in the charedi world. In the latest show, he interviews Rav Nochum Eisenstein, Rav of Maalot Dafna, who was part of Rav Elyashiv's inner circle, about the problem of charedi poverty. 

Lichtenstein begins by asking Rav Eisenstein if there is a chillul Hashem in the number of charedim who live off government welfare. Rav Eisenstein emphatically denies that there is any chillul Hashem. He explains that the government has a responsibility to its citizens to enable them to live at a certain standard. Rav Eisenstein says that "the Israeli government, as bad as it is, and the American government, as good as it is," recognize that students deserve support. There is no problem to choose not to work and to live off benefits.

(Rav Eisenstein stresses the responsibility of the government to support people in kollel. He does not address the question of whether people have a responsibility to other citizens of their country to try to contribute to the economy rather than to try to drain it.)

The interviewer asks in surprise, "Is the Gemara's statement that a father has an obligation to teach his son a trade not relevant?" Definitely not, replies Rav Eisenstein, the Gemara is talking about a minor... if a father sends his kid to a school where he can learn the basics, to read and write, that's a trade... all those things you get from grade school. Many people got a higher education and still can't feed their large families of ten children. So getting an education is not the solution.

(While of course it is true that there are people with higher education who cannot make a living - especially if they have ten children - it is nevertheless also true that, generally speaking, there is a correlation between having a high school education and one's level of income. Rav Eisenstein's denial of this correlation is similar to that espoused by Rav Steinman in an address that he delivered down the road from me.)

Well then, asks the interviewer, what is the solution?

The solution, replies Rav Eisenstein, is the one given by Rav Chaim Kanievsky. The solution is not to talk about it. Countless families in Israel marry off their children and provide homes for them. It's a miracle, and once you start dissecting it, it won't happen anymore. (Yes, this is really what he says. Click on the link to hear the interview if you don't believe me.)

Rav Eisenstein further explains that the problem isn't even that big to begin with. Hardly anyone in the charedi community needs to collect charity door-to-door, he claims. Most people get by, thanks to the miracle.

So, there you have it. Charedi poverty is not a problem, and it should not be talked about, lest it become a problem!


The Western Wall can only remain under Muslim sovereignty, a senior adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said during a Friday sermon, siding with the Shit'ah of R' Yoel Teitelbaum, Founder of the fanatic anti-Israel cult called Satmar.

“It is an Islamic endowment that absolutely cannot belong to non-Muslims,” Mahmoud Habash, Abbas’s religious affairs adviser said, referring to the wall. “It is our property and endowment. It is impossible to concede one millimeter of it.”

Jews (except for the feuding Teitelbaum brothers) . revere the wall as the remnant of a retaining wall that surrounds the site where their ancient temples once stood. Muslims regard the wall as the location where the Prophet Muhammed tethered his winged steed during his overnight journey from Mecca to Jerusalem.

Habash’s comments came approximately a week after Jabril Rajoub, a senior Fatah official, told Israel’s Channel 2 that the wall ought to remain under Jewish sovereignty.

“In the end, it must be under Jewish sovereignty. We have no argument about that. This is a Jewish holy place,” Rajoub said, in a statement that appeared to break with the official Palestinian position.

Hamas slammed Rajoub for what it said was “an official concession of a holy, national, and historic property.”

“These positions of Fatah leaders affirm that they are moving to liquidate the Palestinian cause and concede its national and religious properties,” Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassim said on June 4. 

Rajoub subsequently attempted to walk back his statement, denying he ever said the wall must be under Jewish sovereignty. 

“I said Jewish religious supervision,” Rajoub told PA television on June 6 even though he clearly stated “Jewish sovereignty” in the Channel 2 interview. 

US President Donald Trump has said on multiple occasions that he wants to restart the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. If the American leader succeeds in reviving it, Jerusalem and its holy sites will almost certainly be a major topic of discussion.


A TOLDOT AHARON Hassid (right) and another haredi man escort a soldier away from an anti-Zionist mob in the capital’s Mea She’arim neighborhood on Friday..

When will this misery end? Time to move in with troops and lift them up by their peyos and lock them up for years!
An IDF soldier and the son of former Yesh Atid MK Dov Lipman was the subject of severe harassment and, according to the police, violence in the radical Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday.

The Golani Brigade soldier, aged 20, was in uniform when he walked into the neighborhood and entered a bookstore on Mea She’arim Street.

He was however noticed entering the store and a large, angry mob of ultra-Orthodox extremists soon gathered outside, waiting for him to exit.

The soldier was made aware of the mob and was eventually ushered out of a side entrance, but still within view of the crowd, which soon began hounding and harassing him, surrounded him and shouted curses and insults at him.

According to the police, stones were thrown at the soldier, although he himself says he did not see any stones thrown.

According to the former MK, his son told him that a man from the Toldot Aharon Hassidic group, generally known to be one of the radical communities in the neighborhood, intervened and, with another two haredi men, led him away from the mob.

Two local volunteers from the ZAKA rescue and recovery organization on motorbikes also pulled up alongside the soldier to escort him away.

The police received several emergency calls regarding the mob chasing and harassing the soldier, and dispatched several policemen on foot as well as an ambulance.

Extremists tried to prevent the passage of the ambulance, but it eventually found its way to the soldier and he was taken into the ambulance together with the policemen and spirited away.

Speaking to The Jerusalem Post, former MK Lipman said his son had not thought anything of going into Mea She’arim in uniform and it had not crossed his mind that it might stir up trouble, and that he had simply wanted to obtain a book as he has done when a civilian and studying in a yeshiva.

Lipman insisted that the ongoing attacks against soldiers and other security personnel by haredi extremists have to be tackled by the legislature and through the security services.

“When I gave him a bracha [blessing] on the day he was drafted, it never entered my mind that I was asking God to protect him from Jews,” said Lipman.

“We can’t have a situation where soldiers are abused like this. It’s a small minority [carrying out such attacks], but it needs to be sorted out. There is no way a soldier should have to think twice about going anywhere in the State of Israel.”

The police said that it would continue “to fight against all elements who are violent toward those in uniform at any time and in any place, and will not allow extremist elements to take the law into their own hands and to harm people who chose to serve the state.”

Friday, June 9, 2017

lucky to be alive after she swallows and chokes on a metal FIDGET SPINNER part

The photo above posted on the Facebook page of the Decatur Township Fire Department in Indiana shows a fidget spinner with one of its metal bearings missing after it became lodged in the throat of a firefighter's daughter 

The X-ray image shows the girl's intestines after she swallowed the toy part

The daughter of an Indiana firefighter had to be rushed to a hospital after a piece of her fidget spinner broke off, flew into her open mouth and lodged in her throat.

The girl’s dad, who serves with the Decatur Township Fire Department, shared the family’s alarming experience on the department’s Facebook page on Thursday to warn other parents about the hidden dangers of the popular stress-relieving gizmo.
According to the post, the girl was sitting in the backseat of the man’s car and spinning the toy while talking.

Suddenly, one of the metal bearings came out of the plastic body of the fidget spinner, flew into the child's mouth and then became stuck in her throat.

I did about 5 minutes of back blows and with her coughing it became dislodged and went to her stomach,’ the firefighter wrote.

The concerned parent called 911 and had his daughter transported to a hospital, where she was treated and later released.

‘Thankfully this turned out well, but please be aware that it can be a choking hazard,’ the post concluded.

The fire department also shared a photo of the culprit - a lime-green fidget spinner with one metal bearing missing – alongside an X-ray image showing the girl’s stomach with the circular foreign object trappe inside.

This is not the first time that the addictive fad toy, heralded by some as a useful tool for people suffering from autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, has raised safety concerns for children.

In May, a piece of a fidget spinner became stuck in the throat of a 10-year-old girl from Texas.
Doctors had to perform surgery to extricate the part from the child’s esophagus.

Sold for just a couple of dollars each, the spinning top-like gadget divided into two or three branches, has proved a surprise hit this spring with children and adults alike.
However, many school districts in US have banned the entertaining gadgets after teachers complained that they were distracting to students.

Chasiddish Molester Gropes Frum 37-year old Lady in Toronto afer Giving her a Bracha

Case #: 17-911535

The Toronto Police Service is seeking assistance identifying a man involved in a Sexual Assault investigation. 

It is reported that: 

- on Tuesday, May 23, 2017, at approximately 4:45 p.m,. near the intersection of Bathurst Street and Steeles Avenue West, a 37-year-old woman was in the elevator 

- a man got on the same elevator from the ground floor 

- the man and woman engaged in conversation 

- the man said she needed a blessing 

- the man followed the woman to her apartment 

- the man advised she needed to be cleansed of her ex-husband 

- he sexually assaulted the woman inside her apartment 

The man is described as 6'0", long brown beard, long brown side curls, and glasses. The man speaks Hebrew and English. He was wearing black shoes, black pants, long black trench/dress coat, with a white-collared shirt underneath, and a large brimmed hat. 

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-3200, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at www.222tips.com, or text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637). Download the free Crime Stoppers Mobile App on iTunes, Google Play or Blackberry App World. 

A sexual assault is any form of unwanted sexual contact. It includes, but is not limited to, kissing, grabbing, oral sex and penetration. To learn more about sexual assault, including how to report a sexual assault, please visit our Sex Crimes website

No condemnation of settlement construction from the Trump Administration

The Trump administration refrained from condemning Israel’s approval for 2,600 new housing units in Judea and Samaria this week, signaling a significant policy shift in Washington.
While every administration over the past half a century, from Lyndon Johnson through Barack Obama, has chastised Israel for the construction of civilian housing units in Judea and Samaria, the Trump White House made no comment as the first housing permits issued since the January 20th inauguration were approved.

Reporters took note of the administration’s silence on the issue during a State Department press conference Thursday.
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert acknowledged the housing permits, and noted President Trump’s past statements suggesting that “unrestrained settlement activity” would be unhelpful in advancing the peace process.

“We are aware of the announcement that the government made about 2,500 units in the West Bank. President Trump has talked about this consistently, and he has said, in his opinion, unrestrained settlement activity does not help advance the peace process. He’s been pretty clear about that. It doesn’t help the prospect for peace. That is something that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is important to this administration, and they will keep promoting that.”

But Nauert refused to condemn the 2,600 housing units approved this week by Israel, and when pressed, said that no statements were planned to condemn the decision.

“I’m not aware of any statements, but I’m just not sure what might come up on it.”

30 Charedi paratroopers sworn into IDF at Western Wall

Fifty years after the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and Western Wall from Jordanian occupation by IDF paratrooper units during the 1967 Six Day War, a special swearing-in ceremony was held Thursday night at the Western Wall Plaza for 30 new Charedi paratroopers.

The ceremony is the second conducted by the “Hetz” (Haredim Tzanhanim) project, and marks a significant milestone in the integration of haredim into IDF combat units.
Paratrooper Brigade chief Colonel Nimrod Aloni took part in Thursday’s ceremony, along with IDF Chief Rabbi Eyal Karim, and rabbis of the Netzach Yehuda organization who provided religious guidance to the soldiers throughout their training.

“Fifty years ago IDF soldiers liberated the Old City, and the Paratrooper Brigade was at the forefront of that decisive battle,” a statement by Netzach Yehuda read. Today we are witnessing a historic step: within the brigade there is a Charedi company that is operating and thriving just one year after it was founded. 

The Charedi paratrooper company is continuing the tradition of integration, as is the tradition of the Netzach Yehuda legion.”

Thursday, June 8, 2017

CNN and ABC Lied About Upcoming Comey Testimony.... CNN just Issued Correction But ABC Not YET

CNN has reluctantly corrected a Tuesday report after the release of former FBI Director James Comey's opening statement for his Thursday testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee contradicted the report's sources.
The CNN report said Comey was expected to dispute President Trump's claims that Comey said he was not under investigation on multiple occasions.
The report, titled “Comey expected to refute Trump," was based on unnamed sources and said Comey's conversations with the president "were much more nuanced," and that Trump drew the wrong conclusion. 
The story was compiled by four CNN journalists, including Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus.
Borger reiterated the report's claims in an appearance on CNN on Tuesday.
“Comey is going to dispute the president on this point if he’s asked about it by senators, and we have to assume that he will be," said Borger, the network's chief political analyst. "He will say he never assured Donald Trump that he was not under investigation, that that would have been improper for him to do so.”
Comey's opening statement did, however, mention asserting that Trump was not under investigation; however, the statement failed to specify whether Trump was not under criminal investigation, only saying there was no counterintelligence investigation on the president.
"Prior to the January 6 meeting, I discussed with the FBI’s leadership team whether I should be prepared to assure President-Elect Trump that we were not investigating him personally," wrote Comey. "That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him. We agreed I should do so if circumstances warranted." 
"During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower, based on President Elect Trump’s reaction to the briefing and without him directly asking the question, I offered that assurance," Comey added.
CNN published a correction to its story Wednesday afternoon with the revised headline: "Comey unlikely to judge on obstruction.”
"CORRECTION AND UPDATE: This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement," it reads above the original Tuesday story. "The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published."
ABC News published a report similar to CNN's on Tuesday, but had not corrected it as of Thursday morning.

Comey testifies that New York Times story is "fake News"

In today's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI director James B. Comey said that a New York Times story in February about alleged contacts between Trump intimates and Russian officials was bogus. “In the main, it was not true,” he said.
“The challenge, and I’m not picking on reporters, about writing stories about classified information is the people talking about it often don’t really know what’s going on and those of us who actually know what’s going on are not talking about it,” said Comey during questioning from Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho). “And we don’t call the press and say, ‘Hey, you got that thing wrong.’ ”
The story shook the White House. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told “Fox News Sunday,” “The New York Times put out an article with no direct sources that said that the Trump campaign had constant contacts with Russian spies, basically, you know, some treasonous type of accusations. We have now all kinds of people looking into this. I can assure you and I have been approved to say this — that the top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that that story is not only inaccurate, but it’s grossly overstated and it was wrong. And there’s nothing to it.”
Not only that: CNN reported that the White House had asked top FBI personnel to rebut the New York Times piece, perhaps by speaking to reporters on background — even though the White House at the time was denouncing anonymous sources. The FBI declined to do so at the time.
Attacks from folks such as Priebus prompted New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet to issue this defense: “The Times had numerous sources confirming this story. Attacking it does not make it less true.”
Things have changed. Before, White House officials — a crew known to blast the media for often specious and baseless reasons — were blasting the story. Now a straight-shooting former FBI director is blasting the story. In addition, Comey confirmed Risch’s contentions that the former FBI director responded to the New York Times story by checking with his intelligence sources and informing lawmakers that it wasn’t accurate.
We’ve asked the New York Times for a fresh response. A New York Times spokesperson tells the Erik Wemple Blog, “As we have said previously, we believe in the accuracy of our reporting. Our reporters are currently looking into Mr. Comey’s statement about our story and we plan to report back as soon as we can.”

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Naftali Hertz Wacks Dies From Hit-and-run Crash in Florida

Naphtali Hertz Wacks, the Miami Beach lawyer who was the victim of a hit-and-run crash on the MacArthur Causeway last week, has died of his injuries.
The 57-year-old lawyer died Saturday at Jackson Memorial Hospital, four days after his car was clipped by a speeding motorist at nearly 100 mph, causing the vehicle to careen out of control and crash into a retaining wall.
In the wreck, Wacks suffered broken ribs, a severed spine and collapsed lungs. He had been driving from his South Beach home toward Miami-Dade’s criminal courthouse on Tuesday morning.
His death means prosecutors will be upgrading charges against Elia Soto, 44, who is accused of leaving the scene of an accident involving serious bodily injury.
Soto’s rental SUV was found ditched near Miami’s criminal courthouse and he was arrested one day later. Detectives say they have surveillance footage placing him behind the wheel just before the crash, as well as ditching the SUV minutes afterward.
He remains in a Miami-Dade jail pending arraignment and trial. He was also on federal probation for conspiracy to distribute cocaine.
Wacks was buried Sunday.
One of four siblings, Wacks was born on Sept. 28, 1959, in the Bronx, New York. He also lived in Israel and Montreal growing up.
Wacks graduated from Queens College in 1981, and later earned his law degree from the University of Miami. He stayed in South Florida and was court appointed on many cases for defendants who could not afford lawyers, but could not be represented by the public defender’s office.
“Most of his clients were poor,” said his sister, Devorah Kosowsky. “He liked helping people who didn’t have resources.”
Wacks, who was not married and did not have children, was a staunch advocate for Israel and was a member of South Beach’s Yeshiva Gedolah, 1140 Alton Rd. He often had lunch with friends from the synagogue, chatting about current events and “the beauty of the world.”
“He was extremely literate and educated,” said friend and fellow lawyer Menachem Mayberg. “He had a flowery way of describing the world about him, just so eloquent.”
Wacks is survived by sisters Kosowsky and Sari Wacks, and brother Jonathan Wacks.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Satmar Reluctantly Cancels Anti-IDF Massive Protest After ALL Other Gedoilim Told Them "to shove it"

!כינוס רבבות של סאטמאר נתבטל כעפרא דארעא

Yitzchok Stern, the Satmar agitator and activist that fought against the Eiruv in Boro-Park and Williamsburg, and lost his battles; (anyone with eyes can see young women wheeling their children in carriages in Boro Park and Williamsburg, relying on their own Gedoilim who have permitted the Eirav, ) has now taken his biggest beating yet. 

After making a deposit of thousands of dollars to procure the Prudential Center for a massive protest against the IDF, and hanging thousands of notices all over Boro- Park, Williamsburg, Lakewood and Monsey ....... Gedoilim from Bobov, Bobov 45, Belz, Ger, Chabad, Skver, Rachmestrivka, Stetcheen, Kloizenberg, Stolin, Boyan, Pupa, Spinka, Munkatch, Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva, and even Satmar Ahroinim, 
told Stern to "shove it where the sun don't shine." 
In Yiddish the saying goes :
"Kish mich vee dee yeedin huben ge'reet."

What happened? 
He first booked the Prudential Center in New Jersey, but couldn't fill the seats because of the Gedoiim who told him "to take a hike."
He then booked the Barclays Center in Brooklyn and put down a deposit of $50,000.00 plus $20,000.00 on posters, advertising this event and gave Ari Frankel another $40,000.00 to arrange security, busses etc.

The Lakewood Roshei are angry at the Satmar Zaloinim for calling Rav Shteinman Shlitah, a "sheigatz" and "Yemach Shmo"
Also, they found out that the IDF don't force anyone to join the IDF if they are Dati and learn.
They found out that all the reasons behind the protests in Israel against the IDF, are all a bunch of lies concocted by the old bachelor, R' Shmuel Auerbach....

Stern, the Satmar agitator embarrassed that his anti-Jewish event didn't pan out is now telling people that he had to cancel because "the Zionists called in a bomb threat." LOL

מאת סאטמארי
סאטמאר לא נחל עוד מפלה כזו מיום הווסדה יצחק שטערן המארגן הגדול של סאטמאר פלג רז״ל הלוחם הגדול כנגד העירוב בוויליאמסבורג ובבורו פארק ובכל שבת הוא נוחל מפלה יתירה שניתוסף עוד קערידזשעס ועוד עגלות ילדים ומראים שסאטמאר אין עוד בעל הבית בברוקלין ואפילו בוויליאמסבורג
עכשיו נחל מפלה גדולה מאוד שהוא הבטיח להראות שפלג רז״ל של סאטמאר הוא היותר גדול בעולם ומתחילה לקח את הסטעדיום של נוארק ניו דזשערסי ואחר כך שראה שהוא לא יוכל למלאות אותה באנשים לקח את הבארקלעי סענטער בברוקלין שהוא באמצע שתי השכונות וויליאמסבורג ובארא פארק והדפיס עלונים וקול קורא׳ס על כל כל הכתלים בעד יותר מעשרים אלף דאללער ואחר כך נתן דעפאזיט חמישים אלף להסטעדיום ועוד ארבעים אלף לארי פרענקל עם כל הסדרנים שיעבדו לעשות סדר בה אולם ועם סעקיוריטי

ולבסוף כל הליטאים משכו בחזרה מפחד הגאון הגדול רשכבה״ג מרן הר״י הרב שטיינמאן שליט״א וגם כל החצרות של האדמורי״ם כאן בחו״ל נסוגו אחור ואמרו שאין כאן גזירת גיוס בכלל, דהיינו חצרות וויזניץ מונסי. וויזניץ ארץ ישראל. סקווירא. בעלזא. ראחמסטריווקא. סטאלין. סלונים. באיאן. סאטמאר אהרונים. באבוב. גור. פאפא. ספינקא. סקולען. באבוב 45. מונקאטש. סטיטשין. אלכסנדר. צאנז. קלויזענבורג . פשעווארסק. נאוואמינסק. ליובאוויטש. ונשארו חוזק רק קצת ליטאים מן הפלג וגם חלק מסאטמאר ז״ל שצעק בנעילת חג שכל אחד מחוייב לילך להכינוס רבבות בלי שום יוצא כדי שיצחק שטערן והערשל יעשו מעות ובקושי גדול יוכלו למלאות 8 אלף זיצען ליתר שאת והסטעדיום יהיה ריק, אז עכשיו ממש ביטלו את הכינוס פעם השניה ולעולם. לחרפתם ולחרפת העדה החרדית לפלג הירושלמי שנתגלה קלונם ברבים שכל העולם רואים שאין להם אנשים רק הכל היה עד עכשיו בכח הזרוע והטעראר 
וכיון שעכשיו ב״ה בטל הטעראר על ידך ועל ידי כלי הטעכנאלאגיע הם יושבים ומטכסים עצות מה לומר לציבור שלהם
ועצה היעודה לומר שהציונים העמידו באמבע בהסטעדיום לבטל האסיפה לפי שהם יראים מסאטמאר ועולם גולם יקנו הלאקשען שלהם
ברוך המפר עצת ערומים
עוצו עצה ותופר דברו דבר ולא יקום כי עמנו השי״ת

Arab leaders did plan to eliminate Israel in Six-Day War

During the 1967 war, Israel seized Egyptian and Jordanian operational documents with clear orders to annihilate the civil population. 

Nevertheless, different academics and Satmar propaganda are distorting the facts in a bid to turn the Arabs into victims and Israel into an aggressor. 

Here’s the real story.
More than anything else, the Six-Day War has turned into a rewritten war. A sea of publications deal with what happened at the time. Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Egypt, the revisionists assert, had no ability to fight Israel, and anyway, he had no intention to do so.
It’s true that he made threats. It’s true that he sent more and more divisions to Sinai. It’s true that he expelled the United Nations observers. It’s true that he incited the masses in Arab countries. It’s true that the Arab regimes rattled their sabers and prepared for war. It’s true that he closed the Straits of Tiran. It’s true that Israel was besieged from its southern side. It’s true that this was a serious violation of international law. It’s true that it was a “casus belli” (a case of war).
All that doesn’t matter, however, because there is a mega-narrative that obligates the forces of progress to exempt the Arabs from responsibility and point the accusing finger at Israel. And when there is a narrative, who needs facts? After all, according to the mega-narrative, Israel had expansionist plans, so it seized the opportunity. Different scholars are distorting the facts in a bid to turn the Arabs into victims and Israel into an aggressor.

Excuse us for winning

I was a child, an elementary school student. I remember fear, a lot of fear. There were no shelters in the house I lived in. It was clear that there would be bombings, so we dug pits in the yard.

Occasionally, we are reminded of the sound of thunder from Cairo to remind us of the annihilation threats. But in fact, they were much more serious. Both the Arab League and the leaders of all neighboring states announced in an unequivocal manner that the plan was annihilation. I repeat: Annihilation. Arrogant talk? Considering the fact that the Arab and Muslim world was engaged in endless self and mutual massacres, it was pretty clear that what they were doing to themselves—and it’s still going on—they would also do to Israel.

We must remember one thing, therefore: The alternative to victory was annihilation. So excuse us for winning. Because an occupation without an annihilation is preferable to an annihilation without an occupation.

‘Our goal is clear: To wipe Israel off the map’

The Arab states never accepted the State of Israel’s existence, not for a moment. There was no occupation from 1949 to 1967, but a Palestinian state wasn’t established, because the leaders of the Arab world didn’t want another state. They wanted Israel. They didn’t hide their intentions for a minute.

The new stage began in 1964. On the backdrop of a conflict over the water sources, the Arab League convened in Cairo and announced: “... collective Arab military preparations, when they are completed, will constitute the ultimate practical means for the final liquidation of Israel.”

Two years went by, and then-defense minister Hafez Assad, who went on to become Syria's president, declared: "Strike the enemy’s settlements, turn them into dust, pave the Arab roads with the skulls of Jews.” And to erase any doubt, he added: "We are determined to saturate this earth with your (Israeli) blood, to throw you into the sea.”

fight. Our basic aim is the destruction of the State of Israel.” Two more days passed before Iraq’s president, Abdul Rahman Arif, joined the threats: “This is our chance…our goal is clear: To wipe Israel off the map.”

Two days before the war broke out, PLO founder and leader Ahmad Shukieri said: “Whoever survives will stay in Palestine, but in my opinion, no one will remain alive.” Yes, that was the atmosphere. Does anyone still seriously think that those were just declarations? Does anyone think that their intention was an enlightened occupation? Does anyone think that there would not have been a mass slaughter like the one Egypt carried out in Yemen and later on in Biafra?

Hussein: No annihilation orders, 'as far as I know'

In order to understand that these were not false statements, it should be noted that in a meeting held after the war between Israel’s Ambassador to London Aharon Remez and British Foreign Secretary George Brown, Remez said that Israel had seized documents of the Jordanian army on operational orders, from May 25 and 26, about two weeks before the war's outbreak, which included orders to exterminate the civil population in the communities that were planned to be occupied as well. They believed at the time that it was indeed going to happen.

It isn’t clear, Remez said at the time, whether Hussein was aware of these orders, but they were very similar to the annihilation orders issued by the Egyptian army. This appears both in Michael Oren’s book about the Six-Day war and in Miriam Joyce’s book about Hussein’s relations with the United States and Britain, as well as in Dr. Moshe Elad’s book (“Core Issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”). At first, Hussein rejected the claims about the annihilation orders out of hand, but later added: “As far as I know.”

Clear and simple facts

The days passed. The threats increased. More and more forces were sent to Sinai. More Arab countries joined the war coalition. It’s unclear whether Nasser really wanted a war, Oren wrote in his book. But he and the Arab countries did everything in their power to deteriorate the situation. Nasser’s appetite kept growing, and immediately after blocking the straits, he declared: “If we managed to restore the conditions that existed before 1956 (the Straits of Tiran are blocked), God will surely help us and urge us to restore the situation that existed in 1948.”

The late Yitzhak Rabin, who served as IDF chief of staff at the time, told the government that “it will be a difficult war… There will be many losses.” He estimated that 50,000 people would be killed. And Oren, who had read almost every document that had been declassified, concluded: “The documentation shows that Israel wanted to prevent a war with all its might, and that up to the eve of the battles it tried to stop the war in every possible way—even at a heavy strategic and economic cost for the state.” These are the facts. But those who rewrite history are winning.

The political debate over the Israeli control of the territories has led to a situation in which political opinions disrupt the factual research. The political debate is important. It’s certainly legitimate. But there is no need to rewrite history to justify a political stance. It should be the other way around: Facts should influence political views. And the facts are clear and simple: The Arab states’ leaders did not only settle for declarations on an expected annihilation, they even prepared operational orders.