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Monday, January 12, 2015

First Jewish Bachlorette Andy Dorfman breaks up from her "goy"

Nu Nu, maybe she will  find a nice Jewish boy?

They shocked fans with news of their breakup on Thursday, but a source close to Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray tells PEOPLE that the separation is indeed amicable. 

"There was no cheating, no event or incident that led to the breakup," says the source. "Andi and Josh spent their engagement working on their relationship and it just didn't work out. They figured out that they're not supposed to be together." 

Murray's mother, Lauren Goodhart Murray, weighed in on the split on Friday, writing on her Facebook page: "Yes it's true, Andi & Josh have chosen to break off their engagement. Although there was no one thing that precipitated their decision, they were thoughtful & wise in their decision and I'm happy they figured this out before getting married & having kids." 

Goodhart Murray went on to write: "The engagement time did it's job in helping them determine what's best for them. I know we all wanted the storybook ending but I trust The Lord has an even better journey for each of them and that makes my heart happy. Thank you for your love and messages. I'm overwhelmed & humbled by your words. XO" 

Adds the source of Dorfman, 27, and Murray, 30, who got engagedon the show last May and both live in Atlanta, "They're still friends." 

Why is the Satmar Rebbe quiet about the murdered French Jews?

He was so quick to give mussar to the parents of the three murdered teens.....
Remember when Aron Teitelbaum, had the chutzpah to attack the parents of the slain boys, while they were still in the shivah?
He ranted that the "blood of the three slain boys is on the parents' head", because they live in a "dangerous place"... 

Well, where is his mouth now? 

Reuters mocks Netanyahu for marching in front row!

The only one that should have really been marching at this rally was Netanyahu! But what does the Goyishe media do? 
They mock him for "pushing" his way to the front! 
Why wasn't he put in front right away, wasn't he representing the Jewish hostages that were murdered in cold blood?
What about the clown Abbas, wasn't he pushing his way to the front!
This is part of the News that Reuters was reporting yesterday....
They didn't report that Obama wasn't there, they didn't report that Biden wasn't there, they didn't report that Holder was in Paris and never showed, though he did manage to do 5 TV interviews that morning in France!

A video posted on Facebook, the news footage mockingly set to the Looney Tunes cartoon music, showed Netanyahu maneuvering his way to the front of the rally with the help of several bodyguards, allowing him to be photographed arm-in-arm with other leaders, including French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Those pictures were quickly posted on Netanyahu’s Twitter feed, while the banner on his Facebook page was changed to a photograph of him in the front row, shoulder-to-shoulder with Hollande, Merkel, Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and EU leaders Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk.
Not shown in the picture was Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who was standing alongside Tusk, six feet (two meters) from Netanyahu. The two broke off peace talks last April and tensions between them have risen since, with Netanyahu accusing Abbas of inciting violence against Israelis.
While the images on Facebook and Twitter are likely to buoy Netanyahu domestically, despite some criticism of his gauche behavior, going to Paris served Abbas less well. He has been vilified on social media and in newspaper cartoons for going to the French capital rather than visiting Gaza, which he has not been to since before last summer’s war with Israel.

Deri is Baaaaaaack!

Ha Ha! I knew it! I knew it!
He was ordered back by the "Council of Torah Sages"!
Is this some sort of cruel joke?
Woe to us! Woe to our Torah! Woe to our Torah Sages!

Just 13 days after he resigned from his Knesset seat and said he was quitting political life, Shas Chairman Arye Deri announced on Monday that he was returning to lead the party into the upcoming elections.
“I accept with humility and a bowed head the order of the Council of Torah Sages headed by council president Maran Rabbi Shalom Cohen,” said Deri in reference to a letter sent to Deri by Cohen yesterday telling him he must return to lead Shas.
“I was raised and educated all my life to adhere to the instructions of our rabbis, and therefore after a difficult period in which I conducted a personal and familial accounting of myself in which I weighed various considerations, I decided that the Shas movement, the movement of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, and hundreds of thousands of voters are more important than any other consideration,” he continued in a statement issued by his office to the press.
“With head raised,proudly and determinedly, I will continue to lead the movement in order to continue the life’s work of Maran [Rabbi Yosef] and to be there for all those who the state has left behind.”
Deri resigned from the Knesset on December 30 following the airing of a damaging video in which the late spiritual leader of the Shas movement Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said that Deri was “too independent,” did not listen to instructions given to him by the rabbi and called him a “bad person.”
Although he resigned his Knesset seat, Deri never resigned as chairman of the Shas movement which gave him an avenue to promptly retract his retreat from political life.
Criticism was already being voiced of Deri’s actions as insincere when he gave an interview at the beginning of last week to Channel 2 saying that he was “reconsidering” his decision to quit politics.

Daily News Front Page! 40 Leaders No Obama or Biden!


On Sunday, as world leaders gathered for an anti-terror rally in Paris, France, the Obama administration announced that it would convene a global “Summit on Countering Violent Extremism” on Feb. 18. 

The White House released a statement describing the summit agenda, which failed to mention Islam, radical Islam, or anything related to the actual ideology motivating the Paris attacks.

The full text, as released by CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller, is as follows:
On February 18, 2015, the White House will host a Summit on Countering Violent Extremism to highlight domestic and international efforts to prevent violent extremists and their supporters from radicalizing, recruiting, or inspiring individuals or groups in the United States and abroad to commit acts of violence, efforts made even more imperative in light of recent, tragic attacks in Ottawa, Sydney, and Paris. This summit will build on the strategy the White House released in August of 2011, Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States, the first national strategy to prevent violent extremism domestically.
Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) efforts rely heavily on well-informed and resilient local communities. Boston, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis-St. Paul have taken the lead in building pilot frameworks integrating a range of social service providers, including education administrators, mental health professionals, and religious leaders, with law enforcement agencies to address violent extremism as part of the broader mandate of community safety and crime prevention. The summit will highlight best practices and emerging efforts from these communities.
At the same time, our partners around the world are actively implementing programs to prevent violent extremism and foreign terrorist fighter recruitment. The summit will include representatives from a number of partner nations, focusing on the themes of community engagement, religious leader engagement, and the role of the private sector and tech community.
Through presentations, panel discussions, and small group interactions, participants will build on local, state, and federal government; community; and international efforts to better understand, identify, and prevent the cycle of radicalization to violence at home in the United States and abroad. Additional information regarding participants and the agenda will be provided at a future date.
President Barack Obama did not attend the Paris rally, nor did Vice President Biden or Secretary of State John Kerry. Attorney General Eric Holder, who was in France anyway for a unrelated conference, and is notorious for refusing to identify radical Islam as the source of terrorist attacks against the U.S., was sent instead, and didn't show up.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

3.7 million march in France! More than when Allies liberated the City from the Nazis!

France’s Interior Ministry said the Paris rally for unity against terrorism on Sunday was the largest demonstration in France’s history — a march organized to show harmony after three days of attacks that left 17 dead

Calling the rally “unprecedented,” the ministry said the demonstrators were so numerous they spread beyond the official march route, making them impossible to count. 

French media estimate up to 3 million are taking part, more than the numbers who took to Paris streets when the Allies liberated the city from the Nazis in World War II.
“It’s a different world today,” said Parisian Michel Thiebault, 70. He was among a crowd wildly cheering police as their vans made their way through the crowd — a sound unheard of at the frequent protests held in France, where police and demonstrators are often at odds.

Their arms linked, more than 40 world leaders headed the somber procession, setting aside their differences for a manifestation that French President Francois Hollande said turned the city into “the capital of the world.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood near Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also marched.
Demonstrations were also held in cities around France and around the world.

The deadly attacks on a satirical newspaper, kosher market and police marked a turning point for France that some compared to Sept. 11. 

In the weeks and months ahead, the cruelty will test how attached the French — an estimated 5 million of whom are Muslims — really are to their liberties and to each other.
“Our entire country will rise up toward something better,” Hollande said.

The aftermath of the attacks remained raw, with video emerging of one of the gunmen killed during police raids pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group and detailing how the attacks were going to unfold. 

Also, a new shooting was linked to that gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, who was killed Friday along with the brothers behind a massacre at satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in nearly simultaneous raids by security forces.

Mahmoud Abbas at the Paris Rally..... Is this sick or what?

by Koby Gould (guest reporter)

I am very uncomfortable seeing Mahmoud Abbas in Paris with President Hollande today - 

I appreciate that he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, that if he hadn't gone, he'd have been accused of not giving a damn about what happened.
 but seeing Abbas, a hypocritical, duplicitous man, at the anti racist, anti - antisemitic, anti terrorist, pro democracy, pro human/civil rights rally, it sickens me!! He is part of the problem, NOT part of the solution! His partner, out of choice, is Hamas!! 

The values which the rally reflect, democracy and freedom, human and civil rights, Rule of Law, values which those at the rally hold dear and espouse, they are NOT values espoused by Mahmoud Abbas. He and Hamas oversee the opposite value system in Judea/Samaria and Gaza. The man has a disgusting history of Holocaust denial/revisionism and that alone makes him wholly unwelcome. He's the President of the PA and, as such, I believe that Israel should maintain lines of communication and relations with him but I find his presence at the rally abhorrent. 

That said, I'm not 100% sure if I'm right. He has a choice, either to attend the rally or not to attend and as not attending would send out a very negative and counter productive signal, I guess he has to attend. 

I believe in the old adage, that one makes peace with one's enemies, not with one's friends and, in that respect, however we feel about Mahmoud Abbas, it's better for Israel to talk to the PA, even with his leadership and in partnership with Hamas, that to cut off all communications. Following on from that, if the organizers of the Paris rally were to disenfranchise Abbas, it would defeat the purpose somewhat, that purpose being to bring people together.

I guess that, as one who believes in keeping open lines of communication between Israel and the PA, as one who won't let go of hope, as one who does NOT look at the issue as Islam against the rest of the world but as radical, extremist Islam (and is that even Islam?) against the rest of the world, I have to be ok with Mahmoud Abbas attending the rally. I believe in talking, discussing, opening doors, keeping them open and I guess that has to extend to accepting the presence of Mahmoud Abbas at the Paris rally.


French Jews Mob Paris Aliyah Fair

Hundreds of French Jews showed up at an Aliyah Fair held by the Jewish Agency Sunday, after a harrowing week of terror.

French PM: Losing Jews Would 'Destroy France's Soul'

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that a mass migration of Jews out of the country would mark 'the failure of the French Republic.'

The victims of Friday's terror attack on a kosher market in Paris Friday will be buried in Israel, it was announced Sunday.

Tzipi Livni Not Happy with Calls for French Aliyah

Livni continues to slam Netanyahu for all 'his weaknesses and mistakes,' says calls for French aliyah don't help European Jews.

New York Times Edits Paris Story to Avoid Muslim Backlash?

When Islamic terrorists expressly tell their victims why they’re being attacked, our mainstream media will do anything to cover it up. They’ll change the subject, they’ll blame the victims… they’ll even stealth-edit their own copy.
Here’s the latest example of the New York Times censoring itself to avoid offending Muslims after an act of Islamic terror. 
This morning, BenK at Ace of Spades quoted an NYT story by Liz Alderman titled “Survivors Retrace a Scene of Horror at Charlie Hebdo.” Take note of these two paragraphs from that story:
Sigolène Vinson, a freelancer who had decided to come in that morning to take part in the meeting, thought she would be killed when one of the men approached her.
Instead, she told French news media, the man said, “I’m not going to kill you because you’re a woman, we don’t kill women, but you must convert to Islam, read the Quran and cover yourself,” she recalled.
I was intrigued by this quote, and it seemed worth exploring, so I went to the NYT story to quote it. But guess what?
Sigolène Vinson, a freelance journalist who had come in that morning to take part in the meeting, said that when the shooting started, she thought she would be killed.
Ms. Vinson said in an interview that she dropped to the floor and crawled down the hall to hide behind a partition, but one of the gunmen spotted her and grabbed her by the arm, pointing his gun at her head. Instead of pulling the trigger, though, he told her she would not be killed because she was a woman.
“Don’t be afraid, calm down, I won’t kill you,” the gunman told her in a steady voice, with a calm look in his eyes, she recalled. “You are a woman. But think about what you’re doing. It’s not right.”
Nothing about telling her to convert to Islam. Nothing about telling her to read the Quran. Nothing about telling her to cover her face.
Nothing about the very reason these animals did this.
So, imagine yourself as an NYT editor for a moment, if you can withstand the nausea. Why would you specifically take out the part about the Islamic terrorist proselytizing for Islam in the middle of the terrorist attack? Why delete this woman’s account of being threatened at gunpoint and being told to convert to Islam?
That’s easy. Because you’re one of America’s moral, ethical, and intellectual betters, and you don’t want it to be true. Your reporter hastily left that inconvenient truth in her story by accident, so you airbrushed it out, without any acknowledgment, to preserve the narrative. You turned it into, “Hey, maybe these guys aren’t so bad after all. They didn’t kill the women, right? Let’s not be too hasty.”
Because that’s your job.
The New York Times is a disgrace.

Paris Victim Said: Israel is the Only Place to Freely be a Jew

Yoav Hattab, 21, a victim of Friday’s attack in Paris, traveled to Israel for the first time last month, a friend recalled at a gathering of French immigrants in Tel Aviv last night, Arutz Sheva reports.
“We met on a trip to Israel two weeks ago,” said Leah Elyakim. “It was his first time here. He was from Tunisia, and until recently it wasn’t possible to enter with a passport from there,” she explained.
“He learned Hebrew, he knew everything about Israeli history, more than any of us. Every day we traveled, he walked around with an Israeli flag on his back. He said that Israel was the only place he could walk freely with a Star of David or Israeli flag. In France, he never could have… His dream was to move to Israel and serve in the army,” she said, adding that he had been “so depressed when he had to return to France. He told me, ‘when I get to Paris, I’ll have to hide the flag.’”

Yohan Cohen a Hostage grabbed jihadi's Kalashnikov and fired... it jammed and cost him his life

It was a heroic act of self- sacrifice… and it cost a brave hostage his life.
Held captive inside the kosher supermarket, a Jewish hostage took what he knew would be his only chance to overpower Islamist killer Amedy Coulibaly.
In an instant, he managed to grab an assault rifle that the terrorist had left on the counter at the deli in Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris, after storming in and killing three people.
But the bid for freedom turned to tragedy when the man discovered that the gun had been discarded because it was jammed.
And when Coulibaly caught sight of him, he murdered him in cold blood with another weapon from his lethal arsenal.
The Jewish man’s fate was revealed yesterday by another hostage in the Hyper Cacher atrocity on Friday afternoon.
A woman runs from the Paris kosher grocery store in tears as she is led away by French police after officers stormed the building yesterday
A woman runs from the Paris kosher grocery store in tears as she is led away by French police after officers stormed the building yesterday
A man clutches a small boy close as they flee the Hyper Cacher store where they were held hostage today
A woman runs from the building in tears
A man clutches a small boy close as they flee the Hyper Cacher store where they were held hostage yesterday (left) as a woman runs from the building in tears (right)
Last night there were unconfirmed reports which named the hero as 22-year-old Yohan Cohen.
The witness, who gave his name as Mickael B, told how Coulibaly, 32, rounded up customers and staff and took away mobile phones before calmly explaining he was part of the Islamic State terror group.
Mickael said: ‘Suddenly one of the customers tried to grab one of his guns which he’d left on the counter. It wasn’t working.
‘The terrorist had put it there because it had blocked after the first shots. He turned and shot at the customer who died on the spot.’
It is thought that the hero was the fourth person to die in the supermarket, with the first three gunned down as Coulibaly stormed in at 2pm, declaring: ‘You know who I am.’
One eyewitness said Coulibaly was smiling as he walked in, wearing a bulletproof vest over his T-shirt and jeans, and carrying a huge arsenal of deadly weapons.
Many of the others present in the shop, buying kosher food and drink before the Sabbath began, tried to hide at first.
Mickael’s plight was all the more desperate because he had his three-year-old son with him.
The witness said: ‘I was heading for the check-out with the goods in my hand when I heard a bang – it was very loud. I thought it was a firecracker at first.
Police officers protect themselves with riot shields as a fiery blast explodes at the entrance to the supermarket in Porte de Vincennes
Police officers protect themselves with riot shields as a fiery blast explodes at the entrance to the supermarket in Porte de Vincennes
One of the injured hostages is carried from the supermarket on a stretcher as medics quickly attempt to treat them for their injuries
One of the injured hostages is carried from the supermarket on a stretcher as medics quickly attempt to treat them for their injuries
But turning, I saw a black man armed with two Kalashnikov rifles and I knew what was happening.
‘I grabbed my son by the collar and fled to the back of the store. There, with other customers, we ran down a spiral staircase into the basement. We all piled into one of two cold rooms. But our door wouldn’t close. We were terrified.
‘Five minutes later a store employee was sent down by the killer. She said he said we were to go back up, otherwise there’d be carnage. I refused to go up. By now my son, understanding nothing, was panicking. Then minutes later the employee comes back down with the same message.
‘This time I decided to follow her up the spiral staircase.’
At the top of the stairs Mickael saw a man lying in a pool of blood, then encountered the ‘strangely calm’ terrorist and witnessed the execution of a fellow customer.
Some of the customers kept themselves hidden in the basement cold stores, spending three hours in below-freezing temperatures, yet still contacting loved ones outside.
One shopper, called Noemi, managed to call a friend and told him: ‘I am very scared. I hear some noise upstairs. Make sure the police get here fast.’
Other customers were able to flee the store amid the confusion before Coulibaly brought the heavy metal shutters down on the front door.
Devoted - the victim who worked in supermarket to save up for his wedding
Posing happily with his girlfriend, this is a brave Hyper Cacher employee murdered during the Paris supermarket hostage siege.
Yohan Cohen, 22, was named as one of the four Jewish victims killed by Amedy Coulibaly during the attack, possibly after grabbing a discarded gun. One of Mr Cohen’s friends revealed on Twitter that he had been working at Hyper Cacher to pay for his future wedding to girlfriend Sharon Seb.
Last night, as condolences poured in from around the world, Ms Seb posted on Facebook the simple message: ‘Je suis Yohan.’ And later, in an emotional tribute to her boyfriend, she wrote: ‘What am I going to do without you? How am I going to live without you? Why you?
‘My life is ruined without you. I will never achieve anything now. I need you in my life. We had so many plans.
Yohan Cohen, 22, had been working at Hyper Cacher for a year to pay for his future wedding to girlfriend Sharon Seb (right)
Yohan Cohen, 22, had been working at Hyper Cacher for a year to pay for his future wedding to girlfriend Sharon Seb (right)
‘I will never forget all our time together. You will remain the man of my life for eternity. I will remain faithful to you until my dying breath. I love you with an indescribable passion.’
Earlier she had changed her Facebook profile picture, posting an image showing her hugging her boyfriend.
A friend wrote in the comment field underneath: ‘An eternal love.’
Mr Cohen’s aunt, Aurelie Pluvinage, uploaded a hand-drawn sketch of her nephew to her own Facebook page.
Mr Cohen, who was from Sarcelles in the northern suburbs of Paris, had only worked at the supermarket for a year.
Francois Pupponi, the deputy mayor of Sarcelles, said: ‘His family are devastated. He was a very nice boy.’
Rest in peace my 'little angel': Friend's tribute to student  
Tributes to Yoav Hattab, one of the supermarket victims, poured in yesterday.
Avishalay Lauh, brother of Tunisian Mr Hattab, 21 – who was spending a year studying in the French capital – wrote on Facebook: ‘I am in shock. My darling brother was cowardly murdered. He did nothing wrong!’
Friend Marie Assous added: ‘May God avenge your blood and all the innocent heinously murdered in cold blood by barbarians, just because you are Jewish. Rest in peace little angel.’
Meanwhile, more details emerged about one of the other victims. Philippe Braham, who is believed to be in his 40s, was a teacher who lived with his wife Valerie and their three children in the town of L’Hay-les-Roses, about eight miles south of Paris. A neighbour described him as ‘a good man’. The final victim, Francois-Michel Saada, is believed to have been in his 60s.

Philippe Braham (pictured) was described as a 'good man'
Both Mr Hattab (left) and Philippe Braham (right) were murdered by Islamic terrorist Amedy Coulibaly at the kosher bakery in Paris 


Lassana Bathily (pictured) put his own life at risk to protect people from Islamic fanatic Amedy Coulibaly
A Muslim employee at the supermarket at the centre of the Paris terror attacks has been hailed as a hero for saving the lives of Jewish customers.
Lassana Bathily put his own life at risk to protect people from Islamic fanatic Amedy Coulibaly – by hiding them in a cold store in the basement of Hyper Cacher.
Bathily came up with his quick-thinking plan when the gunman burst through the front doors on Friday.
The 24-year-old shop assistant, who comes from Mali in West Africa, found six terrified customers a safe hiding place downstairs while the terrorist prowled the aisles above them.
‘When they ran down, I opened the door [to the cold store],’ Mr Bathily revealed yesterday.
‘There were several people who came to me.
‘I turned off the light, I turned off the freezer.
‘When I turned off the cold, I put them [hostages] in, I closed the door, and I told them to try to stay calm.’
The hostages had to spend three hours in the darkened room, with temperatures still below freezing, until armed police stormed the deli and Coulibaly went down in a hail of bullets.
When the hostages were eventually freed, they congratulated Mr Bathily.
There are now calls for him to receive an honour from the French state, after he was likened to Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist who helped about 1,200 Jews escape the Holocaust. 
In a further show of unity between faiths in France yesterday, senior Muslims were cheered as they added flowers to a pile of floral tributes at the site of the Hyper Cacher massacre.
They were led by Hassen Chalghoumi, the imam of the city’s Drancy mosque, and they were accompanied by a local rabbi and a woman wearing a sash in the French national colours of red, white and blue.
Their gesture of solidarity as they arrived was met with cries of ‘Bravo’ from the watching crowd.
Mr Chalghoumi made a similar tribute on Thursday at the site of the attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
On that occasion he described the terrorists responsible for the atrocity as ‘criminals’ and ‘barbarians’ who had nothing to do with Islam.
As the group left yesterday, the crowd, which included Jews, Muslims and Christians, began to chant ‘tous ensemble’, meaning ‘everyone together’.

Four Jews Named As Victims Of Kosher Market Terrorist Siege, French Jews Mourn

The names of the four victims of Friday’s standoff at a kosher supermarket in Paris were released on Saturday by the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF), a national organization representation French Jewry.
According to witnesses, Yohan Cohen (22), Philip Braham (40), Francois-Michel Saada (60s) and Yoav Hattab (21), were were shot in the early stages of the seven-hour standoff at the HyperCacher kosher market, which ended when police stormed the shop and killed the hostage taker — a 32-year-old man identified as Amedi Coulibaly.
Some media reports have identified Hattab as the son of the Chief Rabbi of Tunisia. A picture on his Facebook page shows him with a man bears something of a resemblance to Chief Rabbi Haim Bittan, although it is not clear if they are the same person and no link has been confirmed at this time.
Cohen was a resident of the Parisian suburb of Sarcelles, widely known as Little Jerusalem for its large Jewish population and studied at the Lycée ORT high school in Villiers-le-Bel.
Friends on Facebook described Cohen, who worked in the store, as strong and smart with a “heart of gold” as well as a calm person who rarely got angry and “always had a smile on his face.”
A witness, who did not identify Cohen by name, told France’s BFM-TV how one of the victims was shot in the head after struggling to wrest away one of the attackers’ guns. Other reports named Cohen as the one who attempted to confront the attackers.
Jeremie Agou, a regular shopper at the Hyper Cacher, told The Jerusalem Post that he saw Cohen every week when buying his groceries and that he felt “a little traumatized” after the shooting.
Men light candles during a tribute for the victims of the shootings at the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish deli, in Tel Aviv January 10, 2015. ReutersMen light candles during a tribute for the victims of the shootings at the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish deli, in Tel Aviv January 10, 2015. Reuters
“It could have been me,” he said, adding that his office was located adjacent to the site of a shooting of policewoman Clarissa Jean-Philippe on Thursday and had been placed under lockdown by security forces.
Both attacks made a “big impression” and like many French Jews he is reevaluating his future there.
“If it happened there it can happen anywhere,” he told the Post, adding that while he “always saw my future in Israel, now [the attack] makes it even more pressing and I’m pushing my parents to sell their house and buy in Israel.”
However, he refused to hide, even if he is more circumspect when he walks the streets, as hiding would be a victory for terror, Agou said.
“We are not going to hide at home.” he said.
Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky recently told the Post that fifty thousand French Jews inquired regarding aliya in 2014. Almost seven thousand French Jews out of a population of six hundred thousand immigrated to Israel last year, double the number that arrived the previous year.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (C) and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo (front row, 2nd L) arrive at the end of a demonstration at the end of Shabbat called by the Union of French Jewish Students (UEJF) near the kosher supermarket where an attack was carried out earlier this week, near Porte de Vincennes in eastern Paris January 10, 2015. ReutersFrench Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (C) and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo (front row, 2nd L) arrive at the end of a demonstration at the end of Shabbat called by the Union of French Jewish Students (UEJF) near the kosher supermarket where an attack was carried out earlier this week, near Porte de Vincennes in eastern Paris January 10, 2015. Reuters
Following Friday’s attack, the worst against a Jewish target in France since the 2012 shooting attack at Toulouse’s Otzar HaTorah school which also killed four, some Twitter users began posting the hashtag #JeSuisJuif, French for I am a Jew.
French Jews were paying homage to victims today.
Jewish community leader Roger Cukierman, urged French Jews to stay instead of joining a wave of emigration to Israel, saying “it’s very important that there will remain a Jewish community in France.”
He told The Associated Press, “we will go on exercising our Jewish lives, freely. Whatever our adversaries want to impose on us.”
Jewish community members held a vigil Saturday for four people killed in the market in eastern Paris on Friday by a radical Muslim gunman.
France has western Europe’s largest Jewish and Muslim populations, which have seen increasing tensions in recent months.

 A sign reading 'I am Jewish, I am Charlie' is held up as people come to pay tribute to the hostage victims in front of HyperCacher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes, a day after a gunman took hostages and opened fire, in eastern Paris,  France, 10 January 2015. EPAA sign reading 'I am Jewish, I am Charlie' is held up as people come to pay tribute to the hostage victims in front of HyperCacher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes, a day after a gunman took hostages and opened fire, in eastern Paris,  France, 10 January 2015. EPA

Friday, January 9, 2015

4 Dead Including Gunman In Paris Kosher Grocery Hostage Crisis


Security forces stormed the grocery minutes after their counterparts assaulted the building outside Paris where two brothers suspected in the Charlie Hebdo killings had holed up.
The two police officials, who could not be named speaking about the quickly developing situation, confirmed the attacker died. One of the officials said three of the dead were hostages.
The gunman has been identified as Amedy Coulibaly.

Tehillim for Jewish hostages in France

מעודכן! בני הערובה היהודיים באיטליז כשר בצרפת

שמואל יצחק בן שרה
שרי (zarie) בת סוזן
אנדרה בת ג’וסיאן (josiane)
מרדכי בן מאיה
שרה בת לונה (louana )
נוח בן שרה
אריק (eric) בן יפה

סנדי (sandy) בן בריג’יט (brigitte)

בבקשה לאמר תהילים
נא להתפלל עליהם עכשיו דחוף בבקשה!!!!!
להעביר בכל הקבוצות!!!

Hostages-Taking In Kosher Market in France ...Women & Children

France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor says a shooting and hostage-taking attack is underway at a kosher market on the eastern edge of Paris. A police official said there are multiple hostages and wounded at the scene.
The French president ordered the country’s top security official to the scene, an official in the presidency told The Associated Press. The police official declined to be named when discussing the unfolding situation.
The events near Paris’ Porte de Vincennes took place as two suspects in France’s deadliest terror attack in decades were cornered near Charles de Gaulle airport.

Several people were taken hostage at the kosher supermarket after a shootout involving a man armed with two guns, a police source said.
There were unconfirmed local media reports that the man was the same as the one suspected of killing a policewoman in a southern suburb of Paris on Thursday.
A police source had told Reuters earlier he was a member of the same jihadist group as the two suspects in Wednesday’s attack at weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
The exact number of hostages was unclear. Local media spoke of at least five. The police source said the man was equipped with automatic weapons.
Police immediately cordoned off the area and a helicopter was flying overhead. Local media said Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve was rushing to the scene.

Muslim Immigrants to the USA a record 300,000 in 2013

Hey guys..... the "chickens have come home to roost"

Will Satmar be safe in Monroe? Williamsburg? 
Will Skver be safe in New Square?

Will Jews have to run again?
If yes .... where? France? England? Mexico? 
Oh OH   maybe Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, or Turkey?

Who is going to want millions of Jews?
 The State of Israel? Naaaaaaaa! 
You mean the Zionist State?   Chas V'sholom....

A new study shows that the number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat, the report's co-author told Newsmax on Thursday.

"All of that does raise national security concerns, and I don't think there has been any consideration of that," said Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies.

The Washington-based nonprofit organization released the study on Thursday. It is based on an analysis of Census data from 2010 to last year. Camarota conducted the study and co-authored it with CIS demographer Karen Zeigler.

"The primary threat from a group like ISIS to the homeland is through our immigration system," Camarota said, referring to the Islamic State terrorist group that has beheaded three Westerners in recent weeks.

"No one's suggesting that they're going to launch a missile and hit New York, but rather they're going to board an airliner and blow it up," he added. "They're going to park a car in a public place, they're going to go on a shooting spree, or any one of those things.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rav Mazuz is Concerned with the Future of Eretz Yisrael

Speaking at a Yarhzeit event, HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita expressed his concerns regarding the future of Eretz Yisrael. 

Mentioning Rav Kook Z”TL in his address. Rav Mazuz stated this is the reason the new Ha’Am Itanu party was launched, to fight to safeguard Eretz HaKodesh.

Thousands took part in the “hilula” for HaGaon HaRav Matzliach Mazuz ZT”L, Rabbi Meir Mazuz’s father. The rav explained “Moshe’s way was to bring those who are far away back to the fold, even those who throw stones at the Torah. 

Take the Moshe Rabbeinu of our generation too, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L. Take Rav Kook ZT”L too. Both of them brought Jews back. Rav Kook met a young philosopher, David HaCohen, a young person who heard Rav Kook davening in the morning and took a liking to him. He became the rav/nazir under Rav Kook’s spell”.

Rav Mazuz continued, “There are those who state Rav Kook was not acceptable, those who forget what gedolim said about him. Rav Sonnenfeld and Rav Aryeh Levine. One may include Rav Elyashiv too, who was a son-in-law of Rav Levine and the chareidi gadol hador and admired Rav Kook. 

The Chazon Ish called Rav Kook ‘a holy man’. The Chazon Ish called him ‘Maran’. 

Once, at a large event, the chareidi rabbonim wanted to cancel because it was a kippa sruga event. Maran said ‘everyone is a Jew’. The roshei teivos of “Yachad” are “chareidim, dati’im and Yehudim” the rav continued.

The rav added “We hate machlokes and division but I saw there isn’t anyone standing firm on behalf of Eretz Yisrael. You should know this pained Rav Ovadia a great deal. We must fight for our land even if there are other comfortable places…”