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Showing posts with label reuters abbas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reuters abbas. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Reuters mocks Netanyahu for marching in front row!

The only one that should have really been marching at this rally was Netanyahu! But what does the Goyishe media do? 
They mock him for "pushing" his way to the front! 
Why wasn't he put in front right away, wasn't he representing the Jewish hostages that were murdered in cold blood?
What about the clown Abbas, wasn't he pushing his way to the front!
This is part of the News that Reuters was reporting yesterday....
They didn't report that Obama wasn't there, they didn't report that Biden wasn't there, they didn't report that Holder was in Paris and never showed, though he did manage to do 5 TV interviews that morning in France!

A video posted on Facebook, the news footage mockingly set to the Looney Tunes cartoon music, showed Netanyahu maneuvering his way to the front of the rally with the help of several bodyguards, allowing him to be photographed arm-in-arm with other leaders, including French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Those pictures were quickly posted on Netanyahu’s Twitter feed, while the banner on his Facebook page was changed to a photograph of him in the front row, shoulder-to-shoulder with Hollande, Merkel, Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and EU leaders Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk.
Not shown in the picture was Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who was standing alongside Tusk, six feet (two meters) from Netanyahu. The two broke off peace talks last April and tensions between them have risen since, with Netanyahu accusing Abbas of inciting violence against Israelis.
While the images on Facebook and Twitter are likely to buoy Netanyahu domestically, despite some criticism of his gauche behavior, going to Paris served Abbas less well. He has been vilified on social media and in newspaper cartoons for going to the French capital rather than visiting Gaza, which he has not been to since before last summer’s war with Israel.