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Monday, February 3, 2014

Now EU Ambassador Warns Israel of Isolation! Why doesn't someone warn the Arabs???

Don't forget readers that these anti-Semites have warned us for thousands of years, but we will carry on long after this bastard is discarded in the footprints of history!

The European Union’s ambassador to Israel has warned the Jewish State that it would likely endure “increasing isolation” if peace talks with the Palestinians collapse.

Lars Faaborg-Andersen told Israel’s channel 2 TV Monday that such a scenario wouldn’t necessarily be a result of European policy, but rather the actions of private companies.
His comments echo those made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who is brokering the talks and who warned last week that the boycott would expand if talks fail.
The warnings caused uproar in Israel, with some officials condemning the remarks while others recommended the government take note.
A small but growing number of European businesses have cut trade with firms involved in West Bank settlements.

Inside the Israeli SodaStream factory where the Palestinian employees are giving the thumbs up

SodaStream’s chief executive has hit back at Oxfam’s criticism that the Israeli company profits from illegal trade that harms Palestinians, saying the charity is being hypocritical in calling for it to close its factory in the occupied West Bank.

Last week Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson ended an eight-year role as an Oxfam goodwill ambassador after campaigners for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel criticised her sponsorship deal with the fizzy-drink machine manufacturer.

Now the company’s chief executive Daniel Birnbaum has claimed SodaStream is being ‘demonised’ by activists who overlook the fact the factory is the largest private company employing Palestinian workers in the West Bank, all of whom he says receive the same pay as their Israeli colleagues.

Positive: Wissam, an Israeli-Arab who lives in Jerusalem, gives the thumbs up while working in the Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Positive: Wissam, an Israeli-Arab who lives in Jerusalem, gives the thumbs up while working in the Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Daniel Birnbaum (right) has claimed SodaStream is being 'demonised' by activists who overlook the fact the factory is the largest private company employing Palestinian workers in the West Bank
Daniel Birnbaum (right) has claimed SodaStream is being 'demonised' by activists who overlook the fact the factory is the largest private company employing Palestinian workers in the West Bank
Palestinian workers wait in the production line at the controversial Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Palestinian workers wait in the production line at the controversial Soda Stream factory in Mishor Adumim
Row: Last week Scarlett Johansson quit as an Oxfam goodwill ambassador after criticism of her SodaStream sponsorship deal
Row: Last week Scarlett Johansson quit as an Oxfam goodwill ambassador after criticism of her SodaStream sponsorship deal
Speaking to The Independent, Birnbaum said: 'We have to deal with the media and activists who too often demonise us just because of the location of the factory.'
He added that there were no financial incentives to base the company on the controversial Mishor Adumim and insisted Sodastream has no political agenda.

    He went on to say: 'We purchase special health insurance for our 500 Palestinian employees so that we can be sure they have coverage for things like emergency surgery and organ transplants'.

    In his defence of SodaStream, Birnbaum also claimed Oxfam gave money to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which he says is being used 'to demonise and attack Israel.'

    Ayman (right) a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Ramallah, works near his prayer carpet in the Mishor Adumim factory
    Ayman (right) a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Ramallah, works near his prayer carpet in the Mishor Adumim factory
    Daniel Birnbaum says SodaStream has to deal with the media and activists who 'demonise' the company because of the location of its factory
    Daniel Birnbaum says SodaStream has to deal with the media and activists who 'demonise' the company because of the location of its factory
    A Palestinian man uses a sling to hurl a stone during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank
    A Palestinian man uses a sling to hurl a stone during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank

    Oxfam denied Birnbaum's allegations, saying its partnerships with BDS-linked groups did not mean it was actively funding their activities.
    Yesterday it was revealed that Johansson’s decision to honour her controversial contract with SodaStream at the expense of her role as ambassador for Oxfam may lie in her family’s struggle with money.
    The star of The Girl With The Pearl Earring and The Island admitted she hankers after wealth and squanders money.
    And while she commands huge fees for her film appearances, including a reputed £13 million for Avengers 2, she has also amassed a stable of sponsors, with top-brand firms paying her £3 million a year for acting as an ambassador for their goods.
    ‘It’s nice to have money. I didn’t grow up with it so it’s nice to have it,’ she told The Mail.
    ‘I’m not at all frugal and I don’t save – to my business manager’s dismay. I like to be generous. I can’t stand people who are tight with their money, it drives me crazy.
    ‘It’s different if you’re scrimping and saving because you need to, to save up for something. But I cannot stand cheapness.’
    Scarlett Johansson controversially appeared in an advertisement for SodaStream at Super Bowl XLVIII
    Scarlett Johansson controversially appeared in an advertisement for SodaStream at Super Bowl XLVIII
    SodaStream is said to have paid £243,000 for Scarlett Johansson's advertisement during the Super Bowl
    SodaStream is said to have paid £243,000 for Scarlett Johansson's advertisement during the Super Bowl
    Scarlett Johansson's decision to remain linked to SodaStream whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam
    Scarlett Johansson's decision to remain linked to SodaStream whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam
    Conflict: Oxfam insists it is incompatible for Scarlett Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream
    Conflict: Oxfam insists it is incompatible for Scarlett Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream
    SodaStream is said to have paid £243,000 for Johansson’s advertisement during the Super Bowl.
    Her decision to remain linked to the firm, whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam.
    The charity insists it is incompatible for Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream.
    It said: ‘Oxfam believes that businesses such as SodaStream that operate in settlements further the ongoing poverty and denial of rights of the Palestinian communities that we work to support. We are opposed to all trade from Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law.’
    Johansson insists SodaStream provides employment for hundreds of West Bank Palestinians along with Israeli Jews. She said: ‘It supports neighbours working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights.’

    Israel creates "Pill Camera" to screen Colon, How about not selling it to EU & the Arab Countries who back Israel Boycott?

    Given Imaging Ltd. said Monday it has won U.S. approval for an ingestible pill camera that can help doctors screen the large intestine for polyps and other early signs of colon cancer.
    The Israeli company’s technology, developed from missile defense systems, uses a battery-powered camera to take high-speed photos of the intestinal tract over the course of eight hours. The images are transmitted to a recording device worn around the patient’s waist and later reviewed by a doctor.
    Analysts originally expected Given’s approach to directly compete with traditional colonoscopy procedures. But company studies found that the images taken by the mini-camera are not quite as clear as those of from the in-office procedure. As a result, the company has pursued a more limited market for its PillCam: patients who have trouble undergoing standard colonoscopies.
    The Food and Drug Administration approved the company’s PillCam Colon for patients who have experienced an incomplete colonoscopy. The company estimates 750,000 U.S. patients are not able to complete the procedure each year, due to anatomy issues, previous surgery or various colon diseases.
    Even with this limited indication, analysts estimate the new pillcam could grow to sales of over $60 million in North America by 2019, with room for expansion as the technology improves. MorningStar analyst Debbie Wang said the company has shrewdly positioned the device as another tool in the gastrointestinal specialist’s tool kit, rather than a direct competitor.
    “Given’s management understands that that traditional colonoscopy is the gastroenterologist’s bread and butter right now,” Wang said. “So they didn’t want to do anything that would position this as a substitute.” Wang points out that Given’s PillCam costs $500, significantly less than the $4,000 for a colonoscopy. Eventually, she thinks doctors may use the device to attract adults who avoid regular screenings due to fears of pain, embarrassment and general discomfort. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines currently recommend regular colonoscopies beginning at age 50 and continuing until age 75, though the majority of American adults don’t follow the recommendations.
    In December, Irish medical device firm Covidien announced it would buy Given for about $860 million. Given, headquartered in Yoqneam, Israel, markets seven lines of medical devices and surgical supplies, including pillcams to screen the esophagus and small intestine.
    Pillcam Colon was previously approved in 80 other countries, including in Japan, Europe and Latin America.

    Netanyahu calls on world to pressure Palestinians after Abbas refuses to recognize Jewish state,! Abbas Policy similar to Satmar!

    After reading the following article, I want you to stop and ponder if there is a difference in the Abbas policy of not recognizing Israel and the Satmar position?
    Both don't want Zionism, both don't recognize the State of Israel and both want Israel to give everything back to the Arabs!
    So don't wonder why Mashiach is taking his time!
    Prime Minister Binyamin on Monday attacked Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state.
    "The chairman of the PA was quoted today as saying that he is not prepared to recognize the Jewish state. And this comes with him knowing that there will not be an agreement without recognition of the nation state of the Jews," Netanyahu said at the Likud faction meeting.
    Netanyahu said that it is "absurd" to think that Israel would acquiesce to a peace agreement that entails Israeli recognizing a Palestinian state without gaining Palestinian recognition of a Jewish state.

    The prime minister's comments came after Abbas told The New York Times on Monday that he was willing to allow Israeli troops to remain in the future Palestinian state for a five-year transitional period, after which they would be replaced by US-led NATO troops to ensure Israel's security. He added, however, that he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
    "Now we will see if those same international actors, who until now have solely put pressure on Israel, will make clear to the Palestinian Authority what exactly will happen to the Palestinians if there will not be an agreement," Netanyahu said.
    "Because, unless the Palestinians understand that they will pay a price for the failure of peace talks, they will prefer not to continue the talks," he added.
    The prime minister's comments came after US Secretary of State John Kerry warned on Saturday that Israel faces the threat of delegitimization and boycott should the status quo continue without progress in the peace process.
    "No amount of pressure, will cause me to give up on the essential interests of the State of Israel - chief of which is the  security of Israel's citizens," he vowed.
    Economy Minister Nafatli Bennett also reacted to Abbas's interview in the Times Monday, rejecting the idea of NATO troops taking over for IDF soldiers.
    "I heard about a new start-up: NATO forces guarding Israelis. We have seen in the past that when it is calm they are there, but when things heat up, they run away," Bennett said.
    The Bayit Yehudi leader gave the example of southern Lebanon following the Second Lebanon War. He stated that there were now some 100,000 missiles in south Lebanon despite the mandate of UN peacekeepers in the area to keep missiles out of the region in accordance with UN Resolution 1701.
    "Only the IDF will guard our kids. To any other patent, we say, no thanks," he said.
    Labor leader Isaac Herzog reacted to Abbas's proposal, saying at the party's weekly faction meeting that "Agree or not, at least he has a plan."

    Hillary Clinton argues against sanctions on Iran, and nobody cares!

    Where is the Agudah? Where are the Jewish Organizations?
    They don't give a damn!

    Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urging Congress to resist imposing new sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, saying that “this is the time” to give diplomacy a chance to work.
    Clinton, who leads the pack among potential Democratic presidential contenders for 2016, according to Reuters polling, said in a January 26 letter to Democratic Senator Carl Levin, “Now that serious negotiations are finally under way, we should do everything we can to test whether they can advance a permanent solution.”
    Her comments came after Levin wrote to her about the sanctions issue. The lawmaker released her letter on Sunday.
    Fifty-nine of the 100 U.S. senators, including 16 of President Barack Obama’s fellow Democrats, co-sponsored a bill that would impose new restrictions on Iran if talks on a permanent deal falter.

    Iran, which insists its atomic ambitions are limited to peaceful purposes, has warned it will walk away from negotiations on its nuclear program if the bill becomes law. The measure is now stalled in the Senate amid expectations the chamber’s Democratic leaders will not allow a vote.
    Obama pledged in his annual State of the Union address last week to veto any legislation that threatens talks with Tehran. He said an interim agreement seeking to curb Iran’s nuclear program was already taking effect, and the ongoing diplomacy between Iran and six world powers was important for U.S. safety.
    Noting she was a longtime supporter of previous sanctions against Iran, Clinton told Levin that she shared his position that those measures “and the carefully constructed global consensus behind them are responsible for driving Tehran to the negotiating table.”
    She said that like Obama, she had no illusions about the ease or likelihood of reaching a permanent deal with Iran, “yet I have no doubt that this is the time to give our diplomacy the space to work.
    “If it does not, there will be time to put in place additional sanctions in the future, with greater international support necessary to ensure enforcement, and to explore every other option on the table,” she wrote.

    Neturie Karta Dogs meet with high GERMAN Official on Holocaust Day to explain Anti-Zionist ideology

    The Dog with the Long White Beard lives in Monsey NY
    Representatives from the anti-Zionist group Neturei Karta (NK) met with a high-ranking member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office last week in Berlin on International Holocaust Day with the intent of stressing to the German people that Zionism does not represent Judaism.

    YNETnews.com (http://bit.ly/MqeUgk) reports that the NK reps were in Berlin to protest Israel’s existence as a state, and politically motivated exploitation of the Holocaust by Zionists.
    NK rep Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss told the Greman official during the meeting that the “Holocaust was a divine punishment for Jews because Zionists didn’t want to follow God and wanted to turn into independents.”

    Recordings in Rav Shteinman's Office confirms negotiations with IDF!

    We reported this a year ago, that Rav Shteinman is the only "Gadol" with "Seichel," and knows that some deal with the IDF would have to be made.....

    About 6 years ago, Rav Steinman came to Monsey and spoke words of chizuk to the Monsey Community at the Atrium Plaza on route 59. 
    Outside were thousands of Satmar Chassidim bussed in from Williamsburg and Monroe cursing and yelling "Yemach Shemo" because Rav Shteinman's position always was that bochrim who don't learn should either go to work or join the IDF!

    Yes! Absolutely! 

    Everyone knows this position, except for the Yehivishe guys who don't want to believe that the Godol believes that some bochrim need to get out of Yeshiva .......because they would rather hang out in the halls and have their stupid parents or in the case of married Avreichim, have their father-in-laws pay or their wives work their tails off, while they goof off!

    So, some "Shemgegie" from the Fanatical Rav Auerbach's group 
    ( Rav Auerbach  is a bachelor and never got married)  
    knew Rav Shteinman's position and knew that he and his people were meeting with the IDF! 
    So they secretly planted a recorder in Rav Shteinman's office to eavesdrop  and have evidence to  confirm the negotiations that Rav Shteinman had with the IDF, 
    and "expose" Rav Shteinman. 

    So now all hell is breaking loose, 
    because the parasites always wanted to believe the people surrounding Rav Shteinman, that spread the lie, that Rav Shteinman wants nobody ever to join the IDF!

    Because if they believed the truth they would have to get off their proverbial derrières and actually either join the army or work!

    Those surrounding Rav Shteinman wanted to keep Rav Shteinman's view about the Army, secret. They didn't want it to get out that a Litvisher Gadol actually believes in his heart of hearts that it is important to uphold the kesubah and support the family, G-D Forbid!

    Meanwhile the Shteinman camp are embarrassed because now the truth about Rav Shteinman's position is out for the whole wide world to hear! 

    And now they want the guy who planted the recorder to go to jail!!!!

    No Pidyan Shevuim here!

    The Yeshivishe Bloggs have no idea what to do? 
    Should they report it, then the world will know that their Rav, is for the Army, 
    if they don't report it, people would be reading it in Haartetz and listen to Kol Berama Radio and hear the actual tapes exposing Rav Shteinman's position!
    They wouldn't be able to spin the story!

    So here is the report from THEYESHIVAWORLD, see how uncomfortable they are...how they whitewash the truth! And see them spin a yarn full of lies!
    Read how the spokesman from Rav Shteinman blatantly lies about Rav Shteinman's position vis a vis the army! 
    Read they way they made the focal point of the whole story be about the secret recording and not about its content! 
    Because the content is very damaging to the Yeshivishe Learning World!
    I'll bet you Dollars to Donuts that soon the Roshei Yeshivah  will spread the word that Rav Shteinman is senile to protect their own interests!

    All Bold letters, red and blue are DUS IZ NIES
    All writings in the parentheses are ours as well!

    Leaking information from private meetings between the gadol hador and his close associates to the media!

    The case being dubbed the ‘Chareidi WikiLeaks’ has brought shock, criticism and anger to the chareidi community.

    (Shock? the only "shock" is not that there was a secret recording, but that now all will know what Rav Shteinman really believes and holds)

    The case involves eavesdropping in the home of HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita. The leaked information seems to be based on illegal eavesdropping in the gadol hador’s home, simply recording private conversations between rabbonim surrounding the rav and 
    senior IDF officers and politicians from the Bayit Yehudi party. 

    Journalist Benny Rabinowitz, the official spokesman for R’ Shteinman’s home told Kol Berama Radio that the tape recordings are premised on “tendentious sources and dishonest quotes that have no basis in truth…” 

    (No???? No basis of truth? So why are you so concerned? Who is the one talking to the IDF on tape? What part is not truthful? What "dishonest quotes?")

    He made no effort to hide his anger, stating those responsible will be brought to justice. Rabinowitz used the harshest terms to describe an unprecedented level of chutzpah, to place a recording device in the home of the gadol hador and then leak information containing his words with his closest associates to the media!

    (Notice he is angry  about the secret recording and the leak) 

    The leaked information alleges
     (Alleges? there is no "alleges" there is a recording)
    meetings between representatives of the rav surrounding the chareidi draft law. These meetings involved associates of the gadol hador, and R’ Shteinman had no personal involvement. 

    (excuse me....R' Shteinman had no personal involvement? Didn't you just write in the above paragraph "leak information containing his words with his closest associates?")

    The meetings were reportedly held with IDF Directorate Head of Planning Brigadier-General Gadi Agmon, MK (Bayit Yehudi) Ayelet Shaked, with the latter heading the committee finalizing the new draft law. 

    The meetings apparently avoided a serious crisis over the new draft law.
    The leaked information shows that the gadol hador has adopted a pragmatic attitude, seeking to find a workable solution amid a new reality,
    ("pragmatic?" this is not "pragmatic"he wants them to either work or join the army...simple)
    while opponents feel this proves they are correct and they must step up their opposition as the R’ Shteinman camp is willing to make concessions.

    (yes! it absolutely shows that Rav Shteinman is ready to make concessions, but there is nothing wrong with that! Now read the next paragraph for the "spin")

    YWN-ISRAEL adds this is the line that Maran the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita has maintained all along, instructing talmidim to respond to draft orders and to complete forms with personal information, nothing more,
    while HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach instructs his talmidim not to respond to the induction centers at all.

    ("nothing more?" That is a lie!!!!!! And the tapes prove that's a lie! So what you are saying is that the only difference between Rav Shteinman and Rav Auerbach is that Rav Shteinman wants them to complete the forms while Rav Auerbach doesn't? 
    So this is the whole issue? 
    This is what the whole scandal is about? .... we dont think so...)

    Rabinowitz told Moti Lavi during the “Eight to Ten” program on Monday morning 3 Adar I 5774 that an official complaint has already been filed with police and “the person responsible for placing a recording device in the rav’s home belongs behind bars and we will see to it that he is placed there”. Rabinowitz angrily explained that the recording in secret in the rav’s home by a participant in the meetings “represents crossing all red lines”.

    The recordings include praises showered on Shaked for her willingness to cooperate with the chareidi tzibur, adding “she has the integrity and fairness of a pilot”, noting her husband is a former fighter pilot.

    The leaked information not only found its way to the chareidi media, but to Haaretz as well, which also reported that leaks were not limited to the chareidi draft issue but also addressing internal Degel Hatorah issues, including meetings of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael.

    The leaked tapes report a private meeting was held in Maran’s home ahead of the convening of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael and they spoke of fears surrounding the passing of the new draft law, including an IDF induction center exclusively for chareidim, suggesting the new induction center should not become operational until the law is passed to avoid riots “which would not be good for us”.

    The leaked information simply stated, enhances and highlights the split between Degel Hatorah and the split off faction, the followers of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, and just how bad the situation has become.

    YWN-ISRAEL adds that over recent weeks all material surrounding this machlokes has been ignored, not wishing to be a vehicle to further machlokes. Hence reports on the differences between Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim have not appeared on YWN-ISRAREL.

    However, due to the magnitude of these painful new developments, we have decided to report the Chareidi WikiLeaks to the tzibur at large.


    In his interview with Kol Berama, Rabinowitz added “There was no direct or indirect connection between the home of Maran Rav Shteinman and military officials. 
    The firm opinion of Rabbi Shteinman has not changed, even for a moment, not to compromise under any circumstances and that all talmidei yeshivos without exception will continue working on their limudim.

    "not to compromise? Didn't we just read above that R' Shteinman has "adopted a pragmatic attitude?" Doesn't that mean "compromise? in plain english?)

    “These words have been put in writing countless times. The situation, the lack of law regulating the status of bnei yeshivos as a result of the disqualification of the Tal Law leaves the only body authorized to deal with the postponement of military service by bnei yeshivos is the heads of the defense and security establishment, the IDF. Therefore, Degel askanim and rabbonim will continue addressing them towards permitting bnei Torah to continue limudim.”

    Dus iz nies:
    If these "words were put in writing" then why do  you care about the secret recordings?
    Because the recordings prove that Rav Shteinman is all for non-learning bochrim to work or join the army! 
    The "writings" on the other hand, might not reflect R' Shteinman's real opinions!

    Netanyahu's response to Kerry Boycott Threats, Threats that Kerry made in Germany?

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made the following statement on Sunday morning 2 Adar I 5774 at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting relating to EU & Kerry's threats to launch an economic boycott against Israel.

    “Attempts to impose a boycott on the State of Israel are immoral and unjust. Moreover, they will not achieve their goal. First, they cause the Palestinians to adhere to their intransigent positions and thus push peace further away. Second, no pressure will cause me to concede the vital interests of the State of Israel, especially the security of Israel’s citizens. For both of these reasons, threats to boycott the State of Israel will not achieve their goal.”

    Adding to the pressure on the Government of Israel to compromise vital security interests and give away portions of Eretz Yisrael is mounting pressure from US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is now using the threatened economic boycott as leverage to broker a deal between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority),
     assuring Israel the United States will see to Israel’s security concerns and signing a deal with avert what may be a crippling boycott. 

    Speaking at a Munich Germany (Previously Nazi Territory) security conference, Kerry stating 
    “You see for Israel there’s an increasing delegitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it. There are talk of boycotts and other kinds of things. Are we all going to be better with all of that?”

    In an amazing feat, the PA (Palestinian Authority) continues to attend negotiating sessions rejecting all offers on the table, seeking more, yet Israel in a few short weeks will be expected to release the fourth wave of terrorists from prison, at the end of March 2014. 
    This is the masterful work of lead negotiator Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who appears willing to give it all away if doing so leads to agreement.
    Kerry is not expected in Israel this week but that is not to say the pressure has eased. He speaks with the prime minister and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) daily.
    Among the angry right-wing responses was that of Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, who used his Facebook page. “The nation of Israel is stronger than the threats against her. Never has a nation abandoned their land because of economic threats. We are no different.
    “Only security will ensure economic stability. Not a terrorist state next to Ben-Gurion Airport. We expect our friends around the world to stand beside us, against anti-Semitic boycott efforts targeting Israel, and not for them to be their amplifier. We have always known how to stay strong and today we will know how to remain strong.”
    Housing Minister Uri Ariel added “The PA cannot believe its good fortune having such an ‘impartial mediator’” referring of course to Secretary Kerry.

    Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon added 
    “Friends do not issue ultimatums to Israel regarding her security”.

    Palestinian Negotiator tells Livni, "We were in Israel before Yehoshua Bin Nun"

    The Chief Palestinian negotiator told Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni over the weekend that asking him to accept Israel as a Jewish state would be changing “the narrative,” and that is not possible because Palestinian occupation pre-dates the Jews by some 5,500 years.
    ISRAELHAYOM.com (http://bit.ly/1k0o0yp) reports that, in a meeting at the Munich Security Conference, negotiator Saeb Erekat told Livni that “When you say, ‘Accept Israel as a Jewish state,’ you are asking me to change my narrative.”
    Erekat went on to say that his ancestry dates back to the Canaanites, who called the area home for “5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun came and burned down my hometown, Jericho.”