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Monday, January 16, 2012

Child Rapist Boruch Erps walks because witnesses are pressured not to testify!

Molester Boruch Erps

Erps taught Alef- Bais in YSV (Yeshivah Spring Valley) for many years, and molested and raped his little victims many times. Last week I received the following e-mail from a broken mother who just found out that her son was raped by Erps. This revelation came to light when the boy who is now 17 years old spoke about his childhood experiences in group therapy. The mother told me that this child is off the derech and asked that I post the following e-mail.

I just finished talking to my son,who is almost 18 years old.

I am almost to scared to ask so I just jump in.

Did he (the pre-one A Rabbi who raped him) ever do any thing to him in the class room?

"No, in his house, when you brought me over for Aleph -Bes Lessons."(as per his wife's urging

for "free private tutoring")

I reply through choking tears " I am so sorry! Why didn't you ever tell me?"

He answers " I was scared, everyday I went to class I got chills. I was terrified of him"

I later cry to Hashem WHY!? What did I do wrong? please Help him Hashem.

I daven for him everyday.

This child is now lost, a destroyed Neshama (he says hes an atheist)

I don't judge or blame him.

I am sick inside Please Hashem guide my anger and discust over this.

Sincerely: The mother of another victim of Rabbi Boruch Erps.
After receiving the e-mail, I contacted the mother and asked if the boy would come to the DA's office and tell his story, we can still prosecute until he turns 23. We are hoping that he will.
This Shabbos we got info that not only did Erps molest this boy but he molested his cousin as well, that boy is now 10 years old. How long are we as a community going to allow this to go on? Why is Erps still davening in a shul and getting Aliyas?
We are looking for any victim of Erps to come forward so we can lock up this walking time bomb.
Note to parents: we will keep this totally in confidence, but if you don't come forward,  our society will collapse in short order. Molesters will have been given the message that they can get away with murder, and I mean murder. This guy murdered this teen's soul!
The DA informed me that Erps was actually arrested last year but they had to let him go after the two potential witnesses backed off because of community pressure!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Williamsburg Satmar Rebbi calls for worldwide demonstration to support 6 Eida Hachreidis Swindlers!

R' Amram Shapira, personal assistant to Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss, was among those who were arrested for swindling Yerushalim Tzedakah Coffers.
R" Zalen Leib Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbi
Rabbi Zalmen Leib Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbi of Williamsburg is calling for worldwide demonstrations against the Government of Israel in response to the arrests!
The Rebbi also attacked (what's new?) the Belzer Rebbi who said on Chanukah "if there are those among us who believe they will spread the light of Yiddishkeit through violence, they are mistaken." The Satmar Rebbi condemned the Belzer Rebbi in a fundraising event and proceeded to endorse violence.
Just a note to our readers, the Eida Hachreidis, the fanatical and violent group headed by Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia  Weiss, is supported by Satmar. 
Hertz Frankel writer of the weekly column in Ami Magazine called "The Principle" continues to distort the real Satmar which advocates violence going back to the pre-war days in Satmar, Romania. Satmar has not changed and is like a leopard that cannot change its spots. Satmar is behind the Eida Hachreidis that re-enacted the child in the famous Holocaust picture and comparing it to their lives in Jerusalem.

Ami Magazine drapes White House with Nazi Flags and photoshops Nazi stormtroopers in front!

Frankfurter of Ami is getting crazier and crazier 

Ami Magazine retracts story that Eida Hachareides is non violent but buries it on Page 31 in a small box!

Page 30 of Ami Magazine

Last week Ami Magazine had an "Ami Exclusive" which basically had two Rabbonim of the Eidah Hachareidis, Rav Shlomo Pappenheim and Rav Amram Shapiro say that the Eidah "is under siege by extremists." In other words they were trying to convince the "naive" readers that the Eidah does not agree with the protesters that dressed up in Concentration Outfits and is really against the violence that has been perpetrated on Yerushalyim residents and storekeepers.
 We pointed out last week that Ami Magzine and the editor Yitzchok Frankfurter are a bunch of two bit liars and they knew full well while writing the article that the Eidah was behind the protests and were backing up the bastard that damaged the book store and were absolutely behind the protesters dressing up in Concentration Camp clothing thereby mocking the 6 million kedoishim that were killed Al Kiddush Hashem.
Turns out that we the writers of DUSIZNIES were 100% correct!
Ami put the above "retraction" on page 30, but reading it you would never know that it is a retraction.
The retraction is a letter from the Eida to Ami stating that Pappenheim and Shapiro are not representing the Eida basically saying  that the Eida is definitively pro violence ...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thousands in North Korea sent to labor camps for not crying enough for dead leader.

North Korea's hardline regime is punishing those who did not cry at the death of dictator Kim Jong-il, according to reports.

Sentences of at least six months in labour camps are also apparently being given to those who didn't go to the organised mourning events, while anyone who criticised the new leader Kim Jong-un is also being punished.
Those who tried to leave the country, or even made a mobile phone call out, were also being disciplined, it has been claimed.
Daily NK says a source has claimed that 'criticism sessions' - which began after the official period of mourning - have now finished and tough sentences are being given out.

The informant from North Hamkyung Province told the website: 'The authorities are handing down at least six months in a labour-training camp to anybody who didn’t participate in the organised gatherings during the mourning period, or who did participate but didn’t cry and didn't seem genuine.'
The source claimed the criticism sessions created a 'vicious atmosphere of fear', which meant the new leader, Kim Jong-un, was being accused of preying on the people now that he has taken power.
It is unclear how many people face incarceration but the figure could be many thousands.

Along with criticism sessions, the regime is also ramping up its efforts to enforce the cult of personality of the new leader.
The source told Daily NK: 'Every day from 7am until 7pm they have vehicles for broadcast propaganda parked on busy roads full of people going to and from work, noisily working to proclaim Kim Jong-un’s greatness.'
Intensive sessions, to teach groups including the Union of Democratic Women and workers in factories and schools about the greatness of the new leader, were leaving people 'exhausted', the source added.

The regime has portrayed the young leader as the spitting image of his grandfather and has been dubbed the 'genius of geniuses' in military affairs, despite having no known military experience.
Jong-il died in December aged 69 after 17 years running the world's most reclusive state. His death was announced on December 19, although he was reported by official media to have died two days earlier on a train journey to give guidance to his subjects.
He was succeeded by his youngest son, Kim Jong-un, who became the third of his line to head the world's only hereditary totalitarian Stalinist state.

The secretive state said today it will enshrine 'eternal leader' Kim Jong-il's preserved body in the palace housing the body of his father, national founder Kim Il-sung, and labeled his February 16 birthday the 'Day of the Shining Star,' deepening its veneration of the late leader as it links his son and successor to the family legacy.
The country will also erect a Kim Jong-ilstatue and set up portraits of a smiling Kim and build 'towers to his immortality' across the country, North Korea said. 'Shining Star' is also seen as a reference to Kim Jong-il's 'military first' policy, which North Korea says his son Kim Jong-un will take up.

The North's state media have sought since Kim Jong Il's death to show Kim Jong Un as a strong, confident military leader, but outside observers are watching to see if he can impose his will over the military and government as strongly as his father did during 17 years of absolute rule.
North Korea has quickly handed Kim Jong-un a slew of his father's prominent titles and repeatedly connected him with his father and grandfather in an effort to add legitimacy to the young leader.
North Korea also has stepped up propaganda praising Kim Jong-il's works and vowed to uphold his policies in what is seen as an attempt to justify the hereditary power transfer.
Palace, where the embalmed body of Kim Il-sung has been lying since 1995, a year after he died. Kim Il-sung is still known as North Korea's 'eternal president.' It was unclear whether their bodies would be in the same room.

On Thursday, the North said Kim Jong-il's body will be displayed at Pyongyang's Kumsusan Memorial
The new name for Kim Jong-il's birthday, 'Day of the Shining Star,' is another link to Kim Il-sung, whose birthday is called the 'Day of the Sun.' 'Shining Star' also was the name given by North Korea to what it says was a satellite it launched into space in April 2009, but that the United States says was a long-range rocket test. The launch stoked regional tensions and earned North Korea international sanctions and condemnation.The new measures reflect North Korea's 'unanimous desire ... to hold the great leader Comrade Kim Jong-il in high esteem as the eternal leader of the party and the revolution,' the Political Bureau of the Workers' Party's Central Committee said, according to the official Korean Central News Agency.The North's posthumous treatment of Kim Jong-il is similar to the treatment his father received, said Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul.'The cult of personality surrounding Kim Jong-il needs to be on par with the fact that his body is treated in the same way his father's is,' Yang said.

From the Dailymail.uk

Mishpacha Magazine banned because it encourages Chareidim to actually get jobs!

Yes my dear friends you read the headline correctly, Rav Elyashav was asked to sign the ban on the Israeli Magazine Mishpacha because it encourages Yungerleit to go find a job and make a living! And guess what, he signed it! Yup! 
This was reported by TheYeshivaWorld.com. 
Galei Tzahal’s (Army Radio) Yael Dan spoke with Avishai Ben-Chaim, Channel 10 News chareidi affairs correspondent as well as with one of the Gadol HaDor’s confidants, Rabbi Chaim Cohen.
These are Ben-Chaim's words, I am not making this up.....
I will highlight in gold his pertinent words... 
"There is the classic chareidi and this stream is at war with the newcomers, those with an independent weekly publication, those who have successfully influenced readers in ways that is not favorable to the classic stream. This is what is taking place. This is what has led to the letters against the weekly publication, which influences a change, an unwanted change in the eyes of the old stream.

The opinion of the weekly has given legitimacy to change, to going out into the workplace and earning a living for example, without embarrassment. Now, the weekly is challenging the holiest of the holies, that the word of the gadol is not final and unquestionable, and this is what is going on today.

Towards achieving this goal they sent letters from the rav for graphology analysis to place a doubt in the minds of supporters, to permit questioning the validity of the letters against the weekly publication. The exam confirmed the signatures are identical, but this is how it works in the chareidi camp, using a rubber stamp or another type of device and signing when approved. The rav himself does not sign, and that is why they are identical.

This is the same with Rav Chaim Amsellem and his actions vis-à-vis Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, trying to slowly move the tzibur away from accepting his word without any question. He is placing doubt in the minds of his tzibur.

Something has happened in the chareidi camp regarding the word of the leader. In the time of Rav Shach, his word was final – no discussion."

Millionaire breaks waiter's finger because he presented him with the bill?

John Castle the finger breaker
A 76-year-old leveraged buy-out king allegedly responded to bad service in an exclusive restaurant by breaking the server's finger.

John Castle was so outraged that the waiter, Paul Kucik, 57,brought out the bill without him asking for it, that he allegedly grabbed his hand and twisted his finger until it broke.
The successful financier was with his wife Marianne at Club-Colette, a private dining club in Palm Beach, Florida when server Kucik gave him the bill - after he claims Mrs Castle had asked him too, reports the Huffington Post. 

The waiter told the police that Castle became so enraged that he yelled 'You schmuck, why did you bring the bill to the table?" before grabbing his hand, says the report. 
He allegedly began 'squeezing and twisting' his fingers 'and only stopped when Mr Kucik freed himself from the tight grip, according to a police report. Kucik said he later began to experience 'excruciating pain' in his fingers and later went to the doctor who x-rayed his hand. The results apparently showed that his left ring finger had been broken during the incident on Sunday night. Castle, is the chairman and CEO of Castle Harlan, a private equity firm, his riches have allowed him to purchase the the Kennedy family's Palm Beach compound in 1995.
Club Colette members are allowed to charge bills to their accounts without having it delivered to their tables, and a bill should not be brought to the table unless it is requested by the host.
However, Kucik claims that Mrs Castle had requested that he bring her their dinner bill and give it to her husband., reports the Post.
Palm Beach police have said they are investigating the incident but no charges have been made. Castle has declined to comment. Kucik told police that he immediately told his employer about the alleged assault, but no action was taken, says the report.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weird but very True!

Medical officials in Israel are holding a national conference on gynecology ..... but no women are invited.
Because of Orthodox law, men and women can't mingle in the convention center, so the ladies have been banned.
Women can be in the audience, but only behind a curtain, separate from the men.

Reuben Gittelman Conservative Hebrew Day School in Monsey will close due to poor enrollment! Hellowwwww!

Parents jammed the auditorium of the Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School for a special meeting called by the school’s administration on Tuesday night.  They heard something they did not want to – the Conservative Jewish day school was closing its doors after classes end in June.  Board President Virginia Feldman delivered the depressing news that dropping enrollment left the school in financial straits.
“There are simply not enough students for Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School to remain financially sustainable,” she said.  “These are difficult times for Jewish day schools.”
Enrollment fell from its high of 350 students in 2002 to 250 students two years ago and then to an enrollment of 150 girls and boys for the 2011-2012 school year.  The school experienced a 20 percent attrition rate for each of the past three years.  The dropping enrollment at Gittelman is not unique, as other Hebrew day schools across the country have shut their doors. 
Feldman told the parents the board explored every possible option to keep the school operating – downsizing, merging, fundraising. 
“We looked at merging. We looked at loans. We looked at renting half the building,” she said. “Ending 40 years of Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School was nothing any of us wanted to do.”
She said the board hopes to sell the building and with the proceeds, pay off debt and use any remaining funds to assist students who want to continue their Jewish education at other schools.
Emotions ran high during the meeting and more than a few parents wiped away tears and choked up as they took turns speaking and asking questions. 
One woman said she attended the New City school and had planned to enroll her child.
“It really makes me sad,” she said. “I really love this school.”
Other parents said they felt let down and that the board should have advised them more openly of the dire circumstances and tapped them as resources for new ideas for fundraising, enrollment, donations and endowments.  Feldman said there were meetings up to the very end and the board tried its best with capital and enrollment campaigns.
“There was no stone unturned, “said Feldman of Orange County.  “There really wasn’t.” 
Another parent said of the school, “It bred very special people. It was a very nurturing environment. “
The audience applauded when one speaker said, “Forgive the board everybody. It’s the community.  This education wasn’t a priority anymore.”
Irit Pinkus has one child who graduated from the school and another in second grade.  She felt the education her children received was well worth the trip from her Orange County home.
“(I’m) very sad, I feel like I’m at a funeral,” said Pinkus. “This school focuses not only on education, the education is superb, but on being part of the community. I think it’s a loss not only for us but for the community.  It will be very hard to find a school with the spirit this school had.”
She went along with many of the parents to the school’s multipurpose room to learn about a “new entity.”  Andrea Sherman introduced the Rockland Jewish Academy, proposed for pre-k through fifth grade students under the supervision of the Solomon Schechter School of Westchester and its headmaster, Dr. Elliott Spiegel.
The school would be housed in available unused space at the Jewish Community Campus in West Nyack.
Sherman and Spiegel presented an overview of the school and encouraged parents to attend“informational parlor meetings” next week.  On Tuesday, Jan. 17 a parlor meeting for parents of students grade two through four will be held in Montebello and a similar session on Wednesday, Jan. 18 for parents with students in pre-k (three and four year olds) through first grade will take place in Suffern.
Spiegel said they need to determine how much commitment there is to retaining a Jewish day school in Rockland and asked parents to complete an indication of interest form by February 1.  He said an anticipated enrollment of approximately 100 students would help make the school a reality. 
“It’s very important for the Rockland Jewish community to have a non-Orthodox day school,” he said. “The Rockland Jewish Academy will continue in the tradition of outstanding general studies.” 
He went on to say the school would teach the whole child and include Judaic and general studies, physical play and athletics, which he viewed as a 21st century skill that teaches kids to work together.
When asked why the academy could succeed where Gittelman had not, Spiegel said he believes it is possible for a new school to grow.
“It’s a dream location (JCC) for another school,” he said.  “I have the experience and knowledge to make it work.”
Older students in sixth through 12th will have the option of being bused to the middle school campus of the Solomon Schechter School of Westchester.
Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School was founded in 1971 as the Solomon Schechter School of Rockland County.  It began in the JCC of Spring Valley, a Conservative congregation located on Route 45 that has since closed. The school outgrew its location in 1992 and moved into the current building on New Hempstead Road.  It was renamed after Reuben Gittelman, the father of Irving and Milton Gittelman, to honor his ongoing love of learning.  Milton Gittelman still serves on the board of trustees.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Iran loves Ron Paul broadcasts his Anti-Semitic rants

The Iranian regime’s English language propaganda channel, PressTV, has discovered a new American idol: presidential contender Rep. Ron Paul.

PressTV has stepped up its coverage of Paul’s campaign to win the Republican presidential nomination in recent weeks, featuring hisanti-Israel rants, his claim that sanctions against Iran are “acts of war,” his approval of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and much more.
The Iranian government channel portrays Ron Paul as an American hero, and brings on conspiracy theorists masquerading as political “analysts” to laud him for  “challenging the American establishment” and the “corporate neo-conservative Zionist consensus,” that cabal of Jews, banksters, and Reagan Democrats who in Tehran’s eyes (and in the eyes of these Ron Paul supporters) run the world.
It’s a script taken almost word-for-word from the infamous anti-Semitic forgery,The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Headlining one montage of Ron Paul sound bites denouncing U.S. support for Israel, PressTV reveals that President Obama has issued a “Ron Paul ‘kill order.’
This dramatic claim was “revealed” in a “secret letter sent to Prime Minister Putin by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda” released to the press by the Russian Federal Security Service, better known during Cold War days for wanton fabrications and disinformation campaigns.
The purported letter “contains a warning that United States President Barack Obama has issued an executive-level ‘kill order’ against U.S. Congressman Ron Paul over fears this charismatic politician, who many believe could capture the Republican Presidential 2012 nomination, is about to expose to all Americans what can only be described as the largest mass theft in human history,” PressTV breathlessly explains.
Of course, “‘kill order’ is a metaphor for silencing down Congressman Ron Paul in the mass media as if he doesn’t exist,” the network hastens to add.
No contemporary U.S. political leader has been so in sync with Tehran as Ron Paul. Here are just a few of the recent Ron Paul sound bites on Iran and U.S. policy toward Iran prominently featured by PressTV:
“Just think of how many nuclear weapons surround Iran. The Chinese are there, the Indians are there, the Pakistanis are there, the Israelis are there, the United States is there. All these countries—China has nuclear weapons! Wouldn’t it be natural that they might want a weapon? Internationally, they’d be given more respect… They have no evidence that they are working on a weapon. “Paul blasts US policy on Iran, Aug. 12, 2011.
“I think we’re looking for trouble because we put these horrendous sanctions on Iran… Sanctions against Iran are definite steps toward a US attack.” “Iran sanctions ‘acts of war’: Ron Paul,” Dec. 31, 2011; “Ron Paul raps US hostility toward Iran,” Jan. 7, 2012.
“Iran’s leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, had never mentioned any intention of wiping Israel off the map.” Quick Facts: Ron Paul on US Foreign Policy, Dec. 24, 2011.
“Iran is not a physical threat to us. They do not have capabilities. The stories you might hear about them being on the verge of a nuclear weapon is not true by our CIA and by the United Nations. They are not on the verge of it.” Quick Facts: Ron Paul on US Foreign Policy, Dec. 24, 2011.
“Who are they [Iran] going to bomb? If they had one or two bombs, they are going to bomb Israel? Israel has 300 of them! And our submarines all around there passing and everything else.” Quick Facts: Ron Paul on US Foreign Policy, Dec. 24, 2011.
“I think they’re acting in self-defense… That is a gross distortion of this debate that they’re on the verge of a nuclear weapon.” Ron Paul defends his anti-war policies, Dec. 16, 2011
“At least our leaders and Reagan talked to the Soviets. What is so terribly bad about this? Countries you put sanctions on, you are more likely to fight them. I say a policy of peace is free trade, stay out of their internal business. Do not get involved in these wars and bring our troops home.” Ron Paul blasts US policy on Iran, Aug. 12, 2011

Haagen-Daz Ice Cream Not Kosher in Israel!

According to a recent kashrut update from the Chief Rabbinate, Häagen-Dazs is not approved by the State Rabbinical Authority, and stores and outlets with kashrut certification that continue to sell the ice cream could lose their kashrut license.
In an update sent by the rabbinate on Sunday, the kashrut department said that because Häagen-Dazs is made with unsupervised liquid milk, as opposed to milk powder, the marketing and sale of the ice cream in establishments and outlets with kashrut certification is not acceptable and constitutes “a severe infringement of kashrut procedures.”

“We request from those providing kashrut certificates not to permit the sale of this product in places with [kashrut] supervision,” the notice read. “One should not take into account the opinion of kashrut advisers in this matter who request to continue selling this product, and if the management of any chain insists on selling them it is possible that ‘kashrut [license] withdrawal’ may be enacted against them, according to the law.”

Milk produced by non-Jews without Jewish supervision was forbidden by the sages of the Talmud due to a concern that it may be adulterated with milk from a non-kosher animal.

Although arbiters of Jewish law, in particular Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (1895- 1986), have permitted the consumption of unsupervised milk if supervised milk is significantly more expensive or unavailable, it is seen as a less ideal, and the kashrut authorities in Israel do not permit kosher certificates to be issued for products using unsupervised milk.

Powdered milk from an unsupervised source is, however, permitted according to a ruling of Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank (1873–1960), a former chief rabbi of Jerusalem, who held that there is less of a suspicion that someone will go to the bother of adulterating powdered milk.

Others, however, still forbid unsupervised powdered milk.

The timing of the rabbinate’s notice is unclear. Although Rafi Yochai of the rabbinate’s kashrut division stated the notice about Häagen Dazs has been issued several times, General Mills Israel said the ice cream has always been produced with liquid milk.

“Abroad they have different considerations,” said Yochai. “There, the majority of milk is unsupervised so there’s less choice.

But here, we are living in Eretz Hakodesh [the Holy Land], the majority of the milk produced is supervised, so there’s less reason to permit these products,” he said.

“There’s enough choice here that we don’t need to rely on this leniency,” Yohai added.

Asked what Häagen-Dazs lovers should do instead, he replied, “Love God more than ice-cream.”

General Mills, which markets Häagen-Dazs in Israel, underlined that the ice cream bears kosher certification from the Orthodox Union in the US and pointed out that it is “consumed by the religious and secular communities in Israel and abroad.”

“Super-premium Häagen-Dazs ice cream is made from liquid milk, which provides for an outstanding level of quality in the texture and taste of the product,” the company added as an aside.

The OU said in response to the rabbinate notice that it continues to give a kashrut certification to Häagen-Dazs “in line with the ruling of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein for people who are not particular about consuming only supervised milk.”

From Jerusalem Post

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ami Magazine lies to its readers again, this time about the Eidah Hachreidis!

In last week's edition of Ami Magazine, the editor, the "lying" Yitzchok Frankfurter wrote that the Eidah Hachareidis of Yerusalayim are "under siege by radicals." He was trying to paint a picture like he did with Satmar that the Eidah are really moderate people, and not a bunch of radical fanatics! 
Frankfurter, Editor of Ami 
Frankfurter "quotes" a close aide to Rav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss (who signed a Kol Korah that the sexual deviant Weingarten convicted of raping his own child, was innocent) "We are under siege by a fringe group of radicals."
 Frankfurter continues "This extremist group is funded primarily by money coming from America and is holding the Eidah Hachareidis hostage to its extremist views and obominable actions. Their shameful actions have outraged the entire Jewish community, including the esteemed Beis Din of the Eida."
This is a lie fabricated by Frankfurter, see the Kol Koreh from the Eida Hachareidis supporting the Sikrikim in all their actions!
It is signed  by R’ Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss and R’ Moshe Shternbuch, and clearly states that the "Eida Chareidis came out in support of the Sikrikim, with sharp words for those who oppose segregated buses, the Israeli police and government and those who attempt to oppose the Sikrik extremists."

The Kol Koreh continues and says:
“In the past few weeks, several of the finest from both Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh have been arrested for no valid reason,” continues the statement.  “It is incumbent upon us to guard ourselves in all matters of tznius and holiness, to be extra vigilant in matters of tznius on our busses and to check the foundations of our houses to ensure that no strange influences, even those that claim to be from the chareidi community, penetrate our homes.”
The lying Frankfurter quotes from Rav Shlomo Pappenheim and Rav Avram Shapiro of the Eida saying that the "leaders of the Eida Hachareidis are calling on all Jews to oppose the extremists and to stop funding their activities"
Here see a letter from the Eida Hachareis stating unequivocally that Pappenheim and Shapiro are not part of the Eida and are not their spokesman....
We have been writing about this liar Frankfurter for the last couple of weeks. He runs an ongoing hoax called "The Principle" written by an equally lying Herz Frankel, trying to paint Satmar as a piece loving community!But the above takes the prize!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

MBD the "Jewish Rock Star" says that all not chassidish Jews are thieves!

MBD the one who copied "goyeshe" music all his life, a prime example, the song "Yiddin" (Song STOLEN from the German group, "Genghis Kahn") berates All Jews that are not chassidish saying that they copy and steal music instead of buying his CD! He added that Chassidim know the Shulchan Aruch and would never copy CDs ... 
Then the fool continues his tirade,
“The Satmar Rebbe, R’ Yoelish was correct.  He was completely right. He said there would come a time when Chareidi Jews would not be able to live in Eretz Yisroel.  
Hashem Yiracheim.”
What a sick comment! Mr. MBD.... there are more Jews learning in Eretz Yisroel then any time in Jewish History, probably going back to Matan Torah!
What would the  Rebbe say about  Frum Jews dressed in Streimlich and "Vasseh Zoken" spitting on 8 year old girls? How about destroying Jewish Book Stores in Yerushalayim? Was the Rebbi advocating violence on other Jews? 
What do you think, MBD, that Chilonim would stand with their hands folded while Charaidim destroy the very country that the Chilonim built with their own hands?
You know something MBD? I don't believe the Rebbi ever made such a stupid remark.... do you mean to tell me that the streets of Eretz Yisroel are so dangerous ....more dangerous to frum Jews than Sigat, Krula and Saint Mary (Satmar)? MBD you are a son of Polish Jews, why dont you ask some Hungarian Survivors how the streets were? Where do they feel safer? In Bnei Brak or Satmar, Romania?

Read his crazy demented comments and later see the video of the group "Genghis Khan" singing the original song that he stole from them..
From VIN news:

In an interview with Israeli radio host Menachem Toker last Motzei Shabbos, Mordechai Ben David offered his thoughts on the current situation in Israel.
Quoting the Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoel, zt’l, MBD called the continuous clashes between the Chiloni and Chareidi community very frightening.
“The Satmar Rebbe, R’ Yoelish was correct.  He was completely right. He said there would come a time when Chareidi Jews would not be able to live in Eretz Yisroel.  Hashem Yiracheim.”
Speaking about the general anti-Chareidi bias emanating from the secular community and not the recent events in Beit Shemesh, MBD attributed the conflict to the Chiloni community becoming concerned by the rising birth rate among the Chareidi community and likened it to biblical times when the Mitzrim were afraid that they would be outnumbered by Bnei Yisroel.
“There are so many Chareidi babies being born and iy’H we will grow in our simcha and in our Avodas Hashem and as we grow stronger our light will overcome the darkness,”  said MBD.

MBD also discussed his most recent album, Kissufim, and suggested that despite earlier statements that this was his final album, it is possible that there could be additional Chasidic albums in his future.
Citing excellent sales of the album, which featured exclusively Chasidic music MBD said, “this proves to me that true Chasidim don’t copy music and those who are not so Chasidic are the ones who are doing the copying.  I have my finger on the pulse of American buyers.  In the Chasidic areas, like Monsey, Monroe, Borough Park and Williamsburg, it is flying off the shelves.  Apparently true Chasidim learn Shulchan Aruch and they don’t steal.”
When asked to comment regarding the interview and his possible return to the studio MBD told VIN News, “I’m not back in music. All I said to Toker is the fact that the Kissufim album, which is Chassidish, sold better than expected, proving that the chasidishe velt doesn’t copy or steal like the others. ‘Maybe’ I would consider doing another. But honestly I don’t think that’ll happen so fast. It’s just too much work.”
To listen to the full interview here 

Now sit back and watch the video.... popcorn not necessary!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Neturei Karta wear Yellow "Jude" Star in protest in front of UN! Video

We Frum Jews laugh them off as crazy meshugaim and not doing a thing about it. In Monsey the Neturei Karta bastard "Rabbi" Beck has a shul with plenty of supporters, nobody protests in front of their Tumah Shul and we let them get away with destroying Judaism. Well the world doesn't think they are a fringe group, the world thinks that this is the frum world.
See video (notice these bastards marching with the Palestinian Flag)

Here read their disgusting propaganda!

In a press release to the secular media, Neturei Karta the ultra-orthodox extremist group, say they plan to hold a protest today in front the of Israeli consulates, in U.S.A., Canada and England, in a show of solidarity around the world to illustrate their support for the controversial demonstration that took place this past Motzei Shabbos in Kikar Shabbos where both adults and children dressed in Holocaust garb to express their frustration at what they consider to be unfair treatment of the Chareidi community. 
Neturei Karta says, the protesters will don concentration camp clothing with the reviled “yellow star” pinned on their garments

"We stand with them in solidarity."
"May we merit to see, soon in our days, the revelation of the glory of the Almighty, when all the nations will serve the Almighty in peace and harmony. Amen."
Jewish Rabbis and laymen will demonstrate in front of the Israeli consulates, TODAY: Thursday, January 5, 2012
NEW YORK CITY: 800 second Avenue [between 42 and 43] at 3:00 pm, followed by a march to the United Nations [First and 43]
LONDON: 2 Palace Green, London W8 4QB, at 2:30 pm
MONTREAL: 1 Westmount Square, Westmount, Quebec, at 2:45 pm.