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Showing posts with label Boruch Erps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boruch Erps. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2012

Child Rapist Boruch Erps walks because witnesses are pressured not to testify!

Molester Boruch Erps

Erps taught Alef- Bais in YSV (Yeshivah Spring Valley) for many years, and molested and raped his little victims many times. Last week I received the following e-mail from a broken mother who just found out that her son was raped by Erps. This revelation came to light when the boy who is now 17 years old spoke about his childhood experiences in group therapy. The mother told me that this child is off the derech and asked that I post the following e-mail.

I just finished talking to my son,who is almost 18 years old.

I am almost to scared to ask so I just jump in.

Did he (the pre-one A Rabbi who raped him) ever do any thing to him in the class room?

"No, in his house, when you brought me over for Aleph -Bes Lessons."(as per his wife's urging

for "free private tutoring")

I reply through choking tears " I am so sorry! Why didn't you ever tell me?"

He answers " I was scared, everyday I went to class I got chills. I was terrified of him"

I later cry to Hashem WHY!? What did I do wrong? please Help him Hashem.

I daven for him everyday.

This child is now lost, a destroyed Neshama (he says hes an atheist)

I don't judge or blame him.

I am sick inside Please Hashem guide my anger and discust over this.

Sincerely: The mother of another victim of Rabbi Boruch Erps.
After receiving the e-mail, I contacted the mother and asked if the boy would come to the DA's office and tell his story, we can still prosecute until he turns 23. We are hoping that he will.
This Shabbos we got info that not only did Erps molest this boy but he molested his cousin as well, that boy is now 10 years old. How long are we as a community going to allow this to go on? Why is Erps still davening in a shul and getting Aliyas?
We are looking for any victim of Erps to come forward so we can lock up this walking time bomb.
Note to parents: we will keep this totally in confidence, but if you don't come forward,  our society will collapse in short order. Molesters will have been given the message that they can get away with murder, and I mean murder. This guy murdered this teen's soul!
The DA informed me that Erps was actually arrested last year but they had to let him go after the two potential witnesses backed off because of community pressure!