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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Michelle Obama Invites Rapper, who supports a Cop Killer to the White House!

First Lady Michelle Obama

Rapper "Poet" Common
They call this "rapper" a poetand he has been a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago led by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright since his childhood. Following the controversy over one of Wright's sermons, Common criticized the American news media's coverage of the incident as having "an agenda."
In the sermons, Wright accused the U.S. government of racism and in the days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, he said "America's chickens are coming home to roost" after it dropped atomic bombs on Japan and "supported state terrorism against Palestinians and black South Africans."

Obama initially defended Wright but later cut ties with him when Wright continued to make inflammatory comments.
But Common defended Wright.
Common said during the 2008 presidential race that Wright's sermons were filled with love, not hate.
"What I picked up from the pews…was messages of love," he said. "Anything that was going on against that love he would acknowledge and expose. He's been a preacher that's helped raise one of the greatest political figures in the world, and hopefully, the next president. He's also raised one of the greatest rappers in the world."

The invitation of rapper Common to the White House this week is drawing the ire of the union representing New Jersey state police.
 Common found himself under the microscope after First Lady Michelle Obama invited him to the White House for an arts event. In question: the lyrics to "A Song for Assata," about convicted cop-killer and former Black Panther Assata Shakur.
The White House said Wednesday it stood by the decision to invite Common. Press Secretary Jay Carney said the conservative backlash distorts what Common stands for, and added that the president appreciates Common's work with children in Chicago.
FOX News and Sarah Palin condemned the decision after the Daily Caller published some of Common's lyrics, including some that criticize former President George W. Bush.
For New Jersey police, the outrage centers on "A Song for Assata" lyrics like "Your power and pride is beautiful. May God bless your soul."
This is what our First Lady is teaching our children, that's its ok to rap about a cop killer!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dus Iz Nies Will Not Erase Hillary Clinton From Any Pictures

Even though we are not Hillary Clinton fans, in fact we think that she is an Anti-Semite, see Hillary kissing Mrs. Arafat as First Lady
nevertheless we will not erase her from any pictures...see the Skverer Rebbi with Hillary

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Dee Zeitung" Yiddish Newspaper Causes Huge "Chilull Hashem"!

"This isn't kosher!"
Dee Zeitung, a yiddish newspaper based in Williamsburg and catering to the Chassidic Community, caused  huge embarrassment to the Jewish people by "photoshopping" out Hillary Clinton from an official picture distributed to news agencies. We here at Dus Iz Nies have already previously reported how this newspaper deceives and lies outright to its readership
See Here
and here

Here is the way the New York Post reported it:
A Hasidic paper in Williamsburg digitally erased Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton from the instantly iconic photo of the White House Situation Room as President Obama and his staff watched the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.
The paper, Der Zeitung, also removed Director for Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason from the photo in its Friday edition. The Jerusalem Post speculated that Der Zeitung didn't want to show women in authority positions. It also noted that the White House banned news organizations from having the pictures "manipulated."
Below see and listen to the editor of The Zeitung lie to the world and say that its "Jewish Law" not to print pictures with ladies on them....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bin Laden hunched, seated on the floor, watching television wrapped in a wool blanket and wearing a knit cap

For years, the world only saw the 54-year-old Osama bin Laden in the rare propaganda videos that trickled out, the ones portraying him as a charismatic religious figure unfazed by being the target of a worldwide manhunt.
On Saturday, the U.S. released a handful of videos, selected to show bin Laden in a much more candid, unflattering light. In the short clips, bin Laden appears hunched and tired, seated on the floor, watching television wrapped in a wool blanket and wearing a knit cap. Outtakes of his propaganda tapes show that they were heavily scripted affairs. He dyed and trimmed his beard for the cameras, then shot and reshot his remarks until the timing and lighting were just right.
The videos were among the evidence seized by Navy SEALs after a pre-dawn raid Monday that killed bin Laden in his walled Pakistani compound. The movies, along with computer disks, thumb drives and handwritten notes, reveal that bin Laden was still actively involved in planning and directing al-Qaida’s plots against the U.S., according to a senior U.S. intelligence official who briefed reporters Saturday and insisted his name not be used.
“The material found in the compound only further confirms how important it was to go after Bin Laden,” said CIA director Leon Panetta in a statement Saturday. “Since 9/11, this is what the American people have expected of us. In this critical operation, we delivered.”
The notes and computer material showed that bin Laden’s compound was a command-and-control center for al-Qaida, where the terrorist mastermind stayed in contact with al-Qaida affiliates around the world through a network of couriers, the intelligence official said. Bin Laden was eager to strike American cities again and discussed ways to attack trains, officials said, though it appeared that plan never progressed beyond early discussions.

But by selecting unflattering clips of bin Laden, the U.S. is also working to shatter the image he worked so hard to craft.
“It showed that bin Laden was not the superhero he wanted his people to think,” said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.
One video clearly shows the terror leader choosing and changing channels with a remote control, which he points at what appears to be a satellite cable box. U.S. officials have previously said there was a satellite dish for television reception but no Internet or phone lines ran to the house. Cellphones were prohibited on the compound.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

White House Revises Bin Laden's Final Moments

Who knows whats true anymore, but the White House is now telling a different story in reference to Bin Ladin's final moments. This is the 3rd version.

Killing Osama bin Laden was a big victory for the U.S., but how exactly the raid went down is another story — and another, and another.
Over two days, the White House has offered contradictory versions of events, including misidentifying which of bin Laden’s sons was killed and wrongly saying bin Laden’s wife died in gunfire, as it tries to sort through what the president’s press secretary called the “fog of combat” and produce an accurate account.

Reading from a script carefully crafted by the Defense Department,White House Press Secretary Carney clarified that bin Laden was not armed with a gun when he was killed, contrary to some reports that he fired back at U.S. military operatives. In addition, White House counterinsurgency adviser John Brennan was wrong when he suggested Monday that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed serving as a human shield for bin Laden during gunfire.
“In the room with bin Laden, a woman -- bin Laden’s wife -- rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed,” Carney said. Separately, another woman on the first floor was killed in crossfire, which may have led to Brennan's misstatement.
The White House spokesman wouldn’t say whether bin Laden had any kind of weapon when he was killed or what kind of resistance he put up. Carney said only, “There was concern that bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and indeed he resisted.”
Carney also retraced the steps by which bin Laden’s body was buried in the North Arabian Sea. The body was washed, placed in a white sheet and in a weighted bag, at which point a military officer “read prepared religious remarks” that were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. The body was then “placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, and the deceased body eased into the sea,” he said.
The White House is still mulling whether to release a picture of bin Laden killed. While releasing such a photo would confirm once and for all to naysayers that bin Laden is dead, "It's fair to say it's a gruesome photograph," Carney said.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden the "Coward" Hid Behind a Lady Before Being Killed

Abbottabad, Pakistan - It took 10 years to find him—and just 40 minutes to take him out.
Two Black Hawk helicopters—carrying 20 to 25 elite Navy SEAL commandos armed to the teeth with weapons and night-vision goggles—departed on their ultra-secret mission from the Ghazi air base in northwest Pakistan under cover of darkness at around 12:30 a.m. Monday local time in Pakistan (3:30 p.m. Sunday in New York).
It was the moment that America had been dreaming about since 9/11—finally nailing terror chief Osama bin Laden.
But the unit, SEAL Team Six, wasn’t in some wild, lawless region of Pakistan. Instead, it was about to land in leafy, suburban Abbottabad, Pakistan, just a short drive from the capital of Islamabad and less than a mile from a Pakistani military academy.
As the team reached its destination—a heavily fortified, nearly windowless, triangular compound in the area—the SEALs prepared to be dropped to the ground.
For weeks, at the Bagram air base in neighboring Afghanistan, the US military counterterrorism team had been training for the assault in an exact replica of the compound. Their mission was so top secret that they weren’t even told at first who they were training to capture.
They had planned to hover over the compound in the aircraft and then rapidly rappel down ropes, landing inside the structure’s 12- to 18-foot walls to surprise their prey—the al Qaeda founder code-named “Geronimo”—and his cohorts inside.
But in reality, the operation turned hot immediately.
Guards loyal to the terror kingpin spotted the choppers and opened fire with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.
Then, suddenly, one the MH-60 choppers—infamous for crashes, including one in 1993 in Mogadishu—apparently stalled in midair, either from mechanical failure or enemy gunfire.
Disaster loomed even before the first American boot could touch soil.
“It was probably one of the most anxiety-filled periods of time, I think, in the lives of the people who were assembled here,” said John Brennan, the White House chief terrorism adviser, who, like President Obama, monitored the assault in real time from the Situation Room in DC. Aided by a SEAL’s helmet cam, they watched in amazement as the hero US pilot at the helm of the disabled chopper refused to accept defeat.
He managed to make a rough but controlled landing, and his team and that from the other chopper leaped into action, guns blazing.
“Bullets were flying. It was very frightening,” Gul Zaman, a trader who lives about 200 yards from the bin Laden lair, told The Times of London.
The SEALs were fighting to make their way to their goal—the main, three-story building in the center of the $1 million compound surrounded by barbed wire.
Intelligence indicated that bin Laden was living on the second and third floors, which conveniently had 7-foot walls surrounding their balconies, perfect for a 6-foot-6 man like bin Laden to discreetly stand outside in the fresh air without being seen.
But while he might have been hidden to the outside world, he wasn’t out of sight of US satellite cameras. In recent months, he had been apparently photographed leaving the main house every day to spend an hour walking around the courtyard, CBS reported.
One photo eventually caught him inside the house, presumably by a window, and was rushed straight to Obama, who then started stepping up hush-hush meetings for the attack. This was around mid-March, according to The Daily Mail of London.
US authorities also said they had other proof that bin Laden was in the compound.
They said they had a voice recording of him there that had been picked up by a CIA microphone. They analyzed it with past confirmed recordings—and they were a match, the Mail said.
At the time of the assault, there were roughly 20 men, women and children—some bin Laden’s relatives—in the compound with him. The SEALs spent 30 minutes fighting their way past most of them as the forces cleared a path through the first and second floors before finally arriving to the top floor.
There—either in a room or hallway—they found bin Laden, whose lanky frame and thin, bearded face was clearly recognizable, Pentagon officials said.
One of bin Laden’s wives even identified him by calling out his name, Time said last night on its Web site.
A SEAL who spotted him yelled, “Geronimo!”
Obama and his aides were now aware bin Laden was finally moments away from annihilation.
But like the coward he was, in his final moments, bin Laden hid behind a woman.
“There was a female who was, in fact, in the line of fire that was reportedly used as a shield to shield bin Laden from the incoming fire,” Brennan said.
“Here is bin Laden, who has been calling for these [terror] attacks [against US civilians], living in this million-dollar-plus compound hiding behind women who were put in front of him as a shield.”
Bin Laden—who already killed more than 3,000 Americans in the 9/11 attacks—sought to take out another one or two US soldiers.
“He was engaged in a firefight. Whether or not he got off any rounds, I don’t know,” Brennan said. Still, the SEALs did what they were trained to do. Bin Laden, his son Khalid, 24, and the female human shield were all killed.
The Saudi-born terror mastermind was felled by a “double tap,” meaning he was killed instantly by one bullet—and then had a second one pumped into him for good measure just to make sure he was dead, National Journal reported.
The kill shot ripped just above his left eye, blowing away part of his skull. The other bullet reportedly went through his chest.
“If we had the opportunity to take him alive, we would have done that,” Brennan said.
But another US security official later said, “This was a kill operation,” noting that the United States knew bin Laden would never settle for being taken alive.
In Washington, Obama got his first indication that bin Laden had been killed when a Navy SEAL sent the simple coded message saying, “Geronimo E-KIA.”
Bin Laden had been code-named for the Apache chief who had long eluded authorities and launched attacks on white settlers in the late 1880s. The “E-KIA” stood for “enemy killed in action,” ABC reported.
His lifeless body was positively identified on the scene by one of his wives—he had at least four.
But just to be sure, members of the US force measured his height and used an advanced facial recognition technology device.
DNA tests later confirmed with 99.9 percent accuracy that it the dead man, indeed, was bin Laden. One of the DNA samples came from a bin Laden sister who passed away from cancer in Boston several years ago. At the time of her death, the CIA removed part of her brain, ABC News reported.
Photos of his corpse also were transmitted to Washington as proof of his death. After getting positive confirmation, the president exclaimed, “We got him!”
Before the US team left, it removed an intelligence treasure trove of documents and computer drives that could provide invaluable information on al Qaeda’s membership, missions and strategy. Then the SEALs—taking bin Laden’s corpse—crowded into the remaining functioning helicopter and one of the two backups on hand for the short flight to an American base in Afghanistan.
Before liftoff, the SEALs destroyed the downed helicopter with explosives.
The compound survivors were later gathered up and handed over to Pakistani authorities.
In all, four people besides bin Laden were killed: two brothers, one of whom was bin Laden’s personal courier; bin Laden’s son, Khalid, and the female human shield. Two other women were wounded. There were no American casualties. The whole mission may have lasted 40 minutes. But the planning had gotten under way much earlier.
The big break in finding bin Laden occurred about four years ago, when intelligence officials uncovered the identity of bin Laden’s personal courier from a Guantanamo detainee and eventually traced bin Laden to his home.
After months of surveillance, Obama gave the final authority to nail bin Laden at 8:20 a.m. Friday during a meeting with Brennan, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, White House Chief of Staff William Daley and deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, officials said.
He had considered bombing the hideout—but quickly ditched the idea because he wanted a body, proof of death, sources said.
The mission was supposed to go down early Saturday morning (EDT) but had to be scrubbed because of poor weather.
The next day, Sunday, around 1 p.m., the National Security team started to gather in the Situation room, and Obama arrived about an hour later. By 3:50 p.m. in Washington, Obama was given the first tentative confirmation of bin Laden’s death.
Then, at 7 p.m., he was told it was a “high probability,” and by the time the coded message came in of “Geromino’s” death, he knew the mission was accomplished.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden DEAD!

The most prominent face of terror in America and beyond, Osama Bin Laden, has been killed in Pakistan. He was killed  in a firefight with US forces in Pakistan, President Obama announced Sunday.
Bin Laden was the leader of al Qaeda, the terrorist network behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. U.S. officials said that their forces have the body of bin Laden

 It started with a courier’s name.

Senior White House officials said early Monday that the trail that led to Osama bin Laden began before 9/11, before the terror attacks that brought bin Laden to prominence. The trail warmed up last fall, when it discovered an elaborate compound in Pakistan.
“From the time that we first recognized bin Laden as a threat, the U.S. gathered information on people in bin Laden’s circle, including his personal couriers,” a senior official in the Obama administration said in a background briefing from the White House.
After the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, “detainees gave us information on couriers. One courier in particular had our constant attention. Detainees gave us his nom de guerre, his pseudonym, and also identified this man as one of the few couriers trusted by bin Laden.”
In 2007, the U.S. learned the man’s name.
In 2009, “we identified areas in Pakistan where the courier and his brother operated. They were very careful, reinforcing belief we were on the right track.”
In August 2010, “we found their home in Abbottabad,” in an isolated area.
“When we saw the compound, we were shocked by what we saw: an extraordinarily unique compound.”
The plot of land was roughly eight times larger than the other homes in the area. It was built in 2005 on the outskirts of town, but now some other homes are nearby.
“Physical security is extraordinary: 12 to 16 foot walls, walled areas, restricted access by two security gates.” The residents burn their trash, unlike their neighbors. There are no windows facing the road. One part of the compound has its own seven-foot privacy wall.
And unusual for a multi-million-dollar home: It has no telephone or Internet service.
This home, U.S. intelligence analysts concluded, was “custom built to hide someone of significance.”
Besides the two brothers, the U.S. “soon learned that a third family lived there, whose size and makeup of family we believed to match those we believed would be with bin Laden. Our best information was that bin Laden was there with his youngest wife.”
There was no proof, but everything seemed to fit: the security, the background of the couriers, the design of the compound.
“Our analysts looked at this from every angle. No other candidate fit the bill as well as bin Laden did,” an official said.
“The bottom line of our collection and analysis was that we had high confidence that the compound held a high-value terrorist target. There was a strong probability that it was bin Laden.”
This information was shared “with no other country,” an official said. “Only a very small group of people inside our own government knew of this operation in advance.”
The raid
The operation went smoothly except for a mechanical problem with a U.S. helicopter, which was lost, the senior officials said. No U.S. personnel died. All were able to leave on other helicopters. the officials would not name the type of helicopter or say how many U.S. personnel were involved.
“Ths operation was a surgical raid by a small team designed to minimize collateral damage. Our team was on the compound for under 40 minutes and did not encounter any local authorities.”
Bin Laden himself participated in the firefight, the officials suggested.
“Bin laden was killed in a firefight as our operators came onto the compound,” an official said.
Did he fire, a reporter asked.
“He did resist the assault force, and he was killed in a firefight,” an official said.
Four adult males were killed: bin Laden, his son, and the two couriers.
“One woman killed when used as a shield,” and other women were injured, the officials said. The women’s names were not given; it’s not clear whether bin Laden’s wife was among them.
Handling bin Laden’s body
Officials said they will take care with bin Laden’s body.
“We are assuring it is handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition,” an official said. “We take this very seriously. This is being handled in an appropriate manner.”
The officials also said they expect attacks from bin Laden’s loyalists who may step up the timing of attacks.
“In the wake of this operation, there may be a heightened threat to the U.S. homeland. The U.S. is taking every possible precaution.” The State Department has sent advisories to embassies worldwide and has issued a travel ban for Pakistan.
“Although al-Qaeda will not fragment immediately,” an official said, “the death of bin Laden puts al-Qaida on a path of decline that will be difficult to reverse.”

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Old Dog, Jimmy Carter, Praises Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation

The Carter Center issued a statement on Friday, hailing the reconciliation of once rivals Hamas and Fatah Wednesday evening in Cairo.
The center, founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn, commended members of Hamas and Fatah for " having the vision to begin the process of reunifying the Palestinian people", saying that the Egyptian brokered deal provides a framework to resolve many of the longstanding issues faced by the Palestinian people in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Representatives from Hamas and Fatah announced in Cairo on Wednesday night their intention to reconcile, after a four-year-long bitter and at times violent rift, which saw Hamas administering the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under the control of the Fatah dominated Palestinian Authority.
Israel has rejected the Hamas-Fatah unity agreement, with Netanyahu saying shortly after it was announced that "the Palestinian Authority must choose either peace with Israel or peace with Hamas. There is no possibility for peace with both. Hamas aspires to destroy Israel and fires rockets at our cities ... at our children."
Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel, and Israel and the Gaza Strip-based group exchanged heavy fire earlier this month. Hamas hit school bus with an anti-tank missile, mortally wounding an Israeli child who later died.
Read More:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Question on Passport Application: Did you have a bris?

Were you baptized or circumcised? Who was present when you were born? Where did your mother work? These are sample questions that applicants may be asked to answer on theproposed biographical questionnaire for a U.S. passport. But thats only if you don't have a birth certificate.
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Freed Sudan Slaves Celebrate Passover in 2011

Yes! Its the year 2011, and the Muslims still own slaves. Here watch  raw footage just  moments after their liberation. Watch Sudanese slaves sing Dayenu with Boston Rabbi Joseph Polak.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Will book to be released May 17 put an end to Obama's Career?

We have millions of video clips of President Hussein Obama, but we know nothing about him.
On May 17 a book called "Where's the BIRTH Certificate," by author Jerome Corsi, a two-time New York Times best-selling author, will hopefully have some information about our Commander in Chief.

According to the The Drudge Report, "The street date is a LONG month away, and author Jerome Corsi, the man who torpedoed John Kerry's presidential dreams with SWIFT BOAT, has gone underground and is holding his new findings thisclose." The "thisclose" was used to emphasize the secrecy.
"'It's utterly devastating,' reveals a source close to the publisher. 'Obama may learn things he didn't even know about himself!'" Drudge said.

Read more:Breitbart: Obama story has 'Swiss cheese holes'http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=289857#ixzz1KTDDikyA

Archaeologist: We found "footprints" of first Jewish Settlement in Caanan

A Haifa University archaeologist on Monday said he has unearthed structures in the shape of human feet believed to have been erected by the Israelites upon their initial entry to the Land of Canaan.

"The 'foot' structures that we found in the Jordan valley are the first sites that the People of Israel built upon entering Canaan and they testify to the biblical concept of ownership of the land with the foot," said archaeologist Prof. Adam Zertal of the University of Haifa, who headed the excavating team that exposed five compounds in the shape of an enormous "foot", that it were likely to have been used at that time to mark ownership of territory.

Read more:


NY Taxpayers will pay 800,000.00 for rapist's heart transplant

Kenneth Pike
Taxpayers may pay $800,000 to give a life-saving heart transplant to an upstate rapist whose crime of incest was so "grotesquely criminal" that a prosecutor said he should "rot in prison."

If doctors give the OK, Kenneth Pike, 55, would be the first New York prisoner to get a heart transplant. Pike was flown Monday from the state prison in Coxsackie to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, where 49 patients are awaiting donor hearts.
Pike is serving an 18-to-40-year sentence for sexually assaulting a teenage relative in Auburn. He's eligible for parole in 2013.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/now_ny_is_buying_him_new_heart_7rC8vMnPw6BggD3B8UcwZI#ixzz1KOmtRjw3

Friday, April 22, 2011

Soros on a Campaign to Destroy US Economy

Photo credit:realnewsreporter.com
The billionaire, George Soros, who once crushed the British pound through currency trading openly declared his plans to “reform the currency system.” In the Machiavellian mind of Soros, the dollar needed to take a back seat and end its stint as the world reserve currency. “The dollar no longer enjoys the trust and confidence that it once did, yet no other currency can take its place,” he wrote in late 2009

It is now 2011 and he is already pushing aside the dollar. “The big question is whether the U.S. dollar should be the reserve currency; and, in fact, it no longer is,” Soros told Bloomberg. He’s not the only one. Nobel Prize winning economist and Soros buddy Joseph Stiglitz said he is arguing for “a global reserve currency.” Stiglitz, who also chairs the U.N. General Assembly on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System, called for a new “global system,” saying the current one is “fundamentally unfair because it means that poor countries are lending to the U.S. at close to zero interest rates.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/04/21/soros-bretton-woods-conference-accelerates-push-new-global-economy/#ixzz1KHWXTwxo

The Sinking Dollar
Meanwhile Soros' plan is working: The dollar is hitting a record low against foreign currencies and Gold is hitting record highs
Read More:

Crazy Israeli "Leftists" Visit and Hug Mother of Fogel Murderer

Raya Yaron (The Meshuganer) comforting Nuf Awad the mother of Fogels'  murderer

A photograph from the visit which can be viewed here, posted by one of the activists on her Internet blog, shows Raya Yaron, spokeswoman of Machsom Watch, comforting a woman described as being 37 years old and "in a deep depression." The blogger explained in her post that the woman fainted during the leftist women's visit and was distraught over the arrest of her husband, her two sons and a daughter.
The woman is easily recognizable as Nuf Awad, mother of Hakem Awad, whose photograph was featured on the front page of Arab newspaper al-Hayat al-JadidaMonday.