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Showing posts sorted by date for query nadler. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fat Nadler Mocked & Criticized For "Chapping a Shluff" While Witness Describes How Her 12-Year-old Daughter Was Raped & Murdered by Illegal

 He was resting his case.

Longtime Manhattan Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) was mocked and criticized after he appeared to shut his eyes and rested his head during an emotional House Judiciary Committee hearing on the border crisis Tuesday.

Lawmakers were hearing from family members of victims who had suffered at the hands of violent illegal immigrants, including the mother of murdered Texas 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Two Republicans on the Judiciary Committee quickly blasted Nadler — the panel’s top Democrat — claiming he wasn’t taking the testimony seriously.

“From frustrated families in the audience⁦ @JudiciaryGOP hearing listening to witnesses who lost loved ones to violent illegal aliens. Hardly any Dems present – those who are…….,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) wrote on X alongside an image of the sleepy-looking Nadler.

“In Judiciary Committee, we’re hearing from moms of girls and women beaten, raped, strangled, discarded and a boy poisoned to death by fentanyl. Democrats:” Rep Dan Bishop (R-NC) also swiped alongside a photo of Nadler.

During his opening remarks, Nadler expressed sympathy to those who lost loved ones, but also accused Republicans of excessive partisanship.

“I would like to take a moment and express my sincerest condolences to all of our witnesses who have lost loved ones, and to all of their families.  I cannot imagine how difficult this loss has been for you, and I appreciate your being here to share their stories. May their memories be a blessing,” Nadler said.

“Instead of working in a bipartisan fashion to find meaningful solutions to our broken immigration system, we are sitting in yet one more partisan hearing designed to divide us and to score political points before an election,” he added.

The panel heard testimony from eight witnesses during the hearing.

Among them was Alexis Nungaray, who retold how her 12-year-old daughter was allegedly stripped naked and strangled to death by two illegal immigrants from Venezuela.

Sitting next to Nungaray was Patty Morin, whose daughter Rachel was allegedly raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant after going for a run not far from her home.

“One of the ladies that came with me, she took a picture of the Democrats on the other side as we were speaking and telling our stories, us, the mothers, mothers crying, telling our stories – and one of them is sleeping, and the other one’s on his phone,” Morin told Fox News.

“It was so disheartening.”

That friend who took the photo, Cathie Groenewold, lambasted the New York congressman.

“I was astounded at the careless attitude of Jerry Nadler,” she told the outlet. “They are pouring out their hearts, these women, who have lost their children to fentanyl and the most gruesome murders you could imagine, and they don’t have the common decency to sit up and give them their undivided attention.”

The Post contacted Nadler’s office for comment.

Nadler been caught nodding off during official business before, including during a 2021 hearing featuring Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fat-Crap Nadler Calls Netanyahu “Worst Leader In Jewish History

 In a scathing statement, senior Jewish Democratic lawmaker Jerrold Nadler denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “the worst leader in Jewish history” since the Maccabean king (Aristobulus) who invited the Romans into Yerushalayim over 2100 years ago. In his statement, Nadler listed a whole list of grievances he has against Netanyahu.

“The Prime Minister is putting the security of Israel, the lives of the hostages, the stability of the region, and longstanding Israeli democratic norms in perilous jeopardy, simply to maintain the stability of his far-right coalition and absolve him of his own legal troubles,” Nadler wrote on X. “Tomorrow’s address is the next step in a long line of manipulative bad-faith efforts by Republicans to further politicize the U.S.-Israel relationship for partisan gain and is a cynical stunt by Netanyahu aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home. There is no question in my mind it should not be happening. Still, I have not given up on the dream of an Israel that can live in peace with its neighbors, including with Palestinians, through a negotiated two-state solution.”

Despite his harsh words, Nadler announced that he will still attend Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress, saying, “I feel my voice is more impactful in the room, holding the Prime Minister accountable.”

Friday, May 31, 2024

International Criminal Court runs wild, threatening Israel and anyone who criticizes the Court


by Douglas Murray

Back in April, I revealed here that the so-called International Criminal Court was aiming to prosecute an American ally. 

Sure enough, last month the absurd international body announced that it was prosecuting Benjamin Netanyahu, the democratically elected prime minister of Israel.

It was an obscene overreach by the court.  

The court has carried out no investigation and gathered no evidence. 

It has announced that it is seeking the arrest of Netanyahu because of things it thinks he might have done.

Back then, I said the “court” would come to regret it.  

America is not a signatory to the body. Thank goodness. 

And neither is Israel. 

Some more foolish allies — particularly in Europe — are. Some Democrats would love for America to join the court.  

But as the court´s opponents have always warned, the court is a corrupt and sectarian political organization that will in time come for Americans. 

Anyone who wants a Belgian or Congolese judge standing as judge and jury over American soldiers and politicians should love the institution.

Fortunately, the ICC´s recent overreach got a stern response from 12 US senators. 

They said they saw the warrant for the arrest of the Israeli leadership as “not only a threat to Israel´s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.” 

The senators’ letter went on, “The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you.”  

The letter spelled out that “targeting” would include ending all American support for the ICC plus the sanctioning and barring of ICC officials, employees, associates and their families from the United States.

Seems fair enough. 

And to anyone who doubts that the ICC is politicized, you might note that just last week, the court´s former chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, praised the ICC warrants against Israel. 

He also described the leadership of Hamas — including those who organized the October 7 massacres — as “victims.” Charming.

This week, the court answered the US senators and the response is breathtaking.  

The prosecutor´s office replied to the senators in part,

“When individuals threaten to retaliate against the Court or Court personnel … such threats, even when not acted upon, may also constitute an offense against the administration of justice under Art. 70 of the Rome Statute.”

That’s what they call some cojones. 

The ICC is not just threatening US senators. It is saying they are already criminals in the eyes of the ICC prosecutor. Making the ICC effectively impossible to criticize. 

An almost divine institution. 

Criticize the ICC and you become a war criminal-in-waiting too, apparently.

Well, the puffed-up prosecutor might note several things. 

Not least that the USA is not a signatory to the Rome Statute. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Schumer Nadler & Goldman Against Israel and are Stooges for Hamas "They Have Blood on their Hands!"


Lenin called those who work against their own people’s best interests in support of their enemies “helpful idiots.” In a time when Israel faces a battle for survival, and Diaspora Jews are under attack like never before spineless Jewish politicians continue to harm Israel.

This is a war, and Jews are dying. This is not a test run. Jewish elected officials must stand up for their people. Some are failing miserably, choosing political convenience over their Jewish identity. The worst of course is Bernie Sanders, although Anthony Blinken isn’t far behind.

Recently, Jews in New York rallied outside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office calling him a traitor, and urging him to resign for “backstabbing” Israel and staying silent as antisemitism rages across college campuses. This after Schumer praised President Biden’s decision to withhold weapons for Israel’s invasion of Rafah.

Similarly, Congressman Dan Goldman and his family have repeatedly been verbally attacked – rightfully so – in discussion even now for refusing to urge President Biden to arm Israel. Goldman – who criticized Israeli “settler violence” – in November, only a few weeks into the war and called for a ceasefire repeatedly is no friend of Israel.

Schumer, Nadler, Goldman these are no friends of Israel and should be treated as such. Each has uniformly been silent on Anti-Semitic issues at major universities In New York, including Syracuse University and Cooper Union, and in the streets of NYC where violence against Jews is daily, they are silent. It’s unacceptable.

Jews are scared and these politicians don’t stand up for them.

It must be said clearly that they have blood on their hands.

Blinken, Schumer, Goldman, Nadler shouldn’t be permitted in Zionist institutions or be regarded as friends of the Jewish people. They are traitors during a time of war. It must be said and must be said clearly. Even if it is not popular or easy.

Throughout history there has never been a shortage of Jews who are harmful to our community. This is not a new phenomenon and isn’t a function of being a Republican or Democrat as there is good in both parties.

From Nicholas Donin, who in 1240 helped establish a decree to publicly burn all available copies of the Talmud, to Karl Marx. Theodor Lessing authored the 1930 book Der Jüdische Selbsthass (“Jewish Self-hatred”), and Labor Zionist leader Berl Katznelson asked, “Is there another People on Earth so emotionally twisted that they consider everything their nation does despicable and hateful, while every murder, rape, robbery committed by their enemies fill their hearts with admiration and awe?”

One must ask these left-wing Jews at what point they take stock of what they have created. When do they say they bear some responsibility for the danger Jews are in in NYC? Their offspring and their ilk are on the streets with disproportionately loud critics of Israel and in the Hamas encampments on campus.

It must be said that Jews who sympathize with our enemies represent a tiny portion of world Jewry – but the prominence they command in public discourse creates a tyranny of the minority. There is no shortage of Anti-Israel books, but media coverage of them soars when Jews are the authors.

Journalist Uzi Silber coined the term “Jew Flu,” saying, “those infected with the virus wildly inflate Israeli sins real or imagined, while excusing or rationalizing Palestinian anti-Semitism and outrages against Jews.”

Kenneth Levin, a Harvard psychiatrist, says that Jewish self-hatred is in part a result of Stockholm syndrome, where “population segments under chronic siege commonly embrace the indictments of their besiegers however bigoted and outrageous.”

This was epitomized by Rosa Luxemburg, a prominent Bolshevik who said, “I have no room in my heart for Jewish suffering – Why do you pester me with Jewish troubles?”

Throughout history, Jewish self-haters have been influenced by a perversion of Judaism which says that universal social justice is the core Jewish mission. It’s simply not true that this is the central point of Judaism – and one wonders why these people ignore all of the other Jewish commandments. They seem to miss the point that if they and other Jewish enemies succeed in their collaboration, Israel won’t be a nation – and can’t be a “light unto the nations”.

In the year 2024, we must heed the words of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, “We were not created in order to teach morals and manners to our enemies.”

These “helpful idiots” continue writing and issuing statements while there are no Arabs speaking up for Jewish causes. These liberal Jews speak out for the whole world – Tibet, Sudan – and of national rights for all people – except the Jews. They speak of a “humanity” that will divest the Jewish people of their humanity.

Harvard professor Ruth Wisse says, “the rapid demoralization of Jews in the face of anti-Zionism… shows the depth of the influence of the past, for many have yet to achieve the simple self-respect that has been eluding the Jews collectively since the dawn of modernity.”

As it says in the Talmud “Israel are the sons and daughters of Kings,” – We, the Jewish people, are sons and daughters of the first king and queen, Abraham and Sarah. These self-hating Jews have forgotten that Jews are the chosen people and descend from royalty – and we will continue to pray and work for the State of Israel and Jewish people.

Ronn Torossian is Founder and CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR Firm in New York and one of the 20 largest independently owned agencies in the United States. Ronn is an active Jewish philanthropist through his charity organization, the Ronn Torossian Foundation.

Sunday, March 31, 2024



In this passionate monologue, Savage expresses concern over the actions of politicians Schumer, Sanders, and Nadler, who have taken a stance against Israel in supporting Hamas, a group similar to Nazis.

 He criticizes their timing during sacred holidays for Christians and Jews and expresses doubt about their moral character. 

He also shares personal stories of his experiences with the supernatural, including encounters with a Fijian card reader, surviving a car accident, and a heart attack while praying in Hebrew. He emphasizes the spiritual aspect of medicine and the interconnectedness of different worlds and religions. 

Additionally, he criticizes the Biden Administration for its call for a ceasefire. He offers prayers for the souls of Schumer, Sanders, and Nadler and encourages true Christians and Jews to understand the concept of many worlds.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ezra "kapo" Friedlander's Favorite Senator Kaine, Barks "Don’t Send Israel Weapons ‘Likely to Be Used in Offensive Military Action"


Tim Kaine with Ezra Friedlander

Question: Is Ezra Friedlander a self-hating Jew? 

It sure seems that way! He promotes Qatar, the country that spreads more antisemitism throughout the world than Syria, Lebanon, and even Hamas!  He promoted the Obama Iran Deal (See side bar) he is on the payroll and chummy with Fat Nadler the sick perverted self hating Jew.And put the antisemite Kaine on his panel on " International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024"

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a former failed U.S. vice presidential candidate and former Virginia governor, is urging the White House to provide Israel only with “defensive” weapons and not those that could be used on what he called an “offensive” attack on Rafah.

“I understand from public reports that your administration plans to submit to Congress a notice for another major transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel for use in the war in Gaza,” the senator wrote to U.S. President Joe Biden. “I appreciate the administration’s intent to follow traditional Congressional notification procedures for this transfer; these provisions should be applied equally to all nations.”

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Fat Nadler with other Jew DemonRats condemn Netanyahu for rejecting two-state solution


Jewish Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives hit back on Friday over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments that seemed to rule out the creation of a future Palestinian state.

“We strongly disagree with the prime minister,” 15 members of Congress said in a brief statement. “A two-state solution is the path forward.”

Signatories included Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.), Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)

Netanyahu has faced criticism in Congress and from the Biden administration after he said in a televised address on Thursday that “Israel must have security control over all the territory west of the Jordan,” as the New York Times translated it.

Some media outlets and activist groups also promoted an incorrect live translation of the same statement made by an Israeli news channel that Netanyahu had said Israel had to control all territory “from the river to the sea.”

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), one of the signatories of Friday’s statement who is widely regarded as one of the most vocally pro-Israel Democrats in Congress, was even more forcefully critical of Netanyahu in his comments.

Non-Jewish supporters of Israel on Capitol Hill have also voiced support for a two-state solution in the wake of Netanyahu’s comments.

“I am under no illusion that a two-state solution will happen in the immediate future but to assert that it should never happen—that either Jews or Palestinians should never have self-determination—is morally wrong,” wrote Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.)

The Biden administration also reiterated its disagreement on Thursday with Netanyahu over a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Der Goy.... the Satmar Yiddish Weekly, Boasts and Quotes Fat Nadler's Sick & Perverted Speech in Congress That Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism

Jewish husbands and children in uniform are dying daily, but what does "Der Goy" put on its Front page? 
Fat Nadler's sick speech to a bunch of Goyim that it is ok to hate Zionists and support the Palestinian cause because to express hateful words against Zionism isn't being antisemitic! 

I dare the fatso to find me a solitary goy that hates a Zionist but loves a Jew! I dare this chunk of lard to show me one single goy that can distinguish between a Satmar Shvantz and a Chilonie?

Do you think that Hamas wants to rape and mutilate only non-tzneesdik chiloinie girls? I'll bet they would have taken the Hebrew-speaking Satmar rebbetzin just the same. 

Satmar savages in this time of war are proud that their bizarre outdated Romanian SHIT'ah is being spread across the USA and in Congress!

Will this bring "Ahavas Yisrael?," or will this bring hate? 

Is there one member in Congress who is going to now love Jews because of this vile explanation by a sick piece of scum who votes against every single Torah value in Congress? 

This is the guy who Satmar is proud of!

I keep telling you guys that Satmar and the Neturei Karta are one of the same, they are both on the same page and have the exact same ideology.
Satmar keeps saying "Oh we have distanced ourselves from them, the Rebbe z"l threw them out." 

Oh ye? Tell me again of which Satmar institution were they thrown out of? Of which shul were they thrown out of? Did Satmar refuse to inter-marry with these sickos? 
Who is funding them? Can someone tell me who funds them? Not one of them works! Not one! 
The answer is simple.. Satmar Chassidim fund them, big time! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Fat Nadler Officially A Satmar Chusid and Quotes the SHIT'eh The only question now is will Nadler's Wife Shave Her Head?


So the obese fatso Nadler, who voted for the Iran Deal that vowed to wipe Israel off the map, has made it official that being "anti-Zionist is not being an antisemite, and to support this ludicrous assertion he says that the proof is Satmar! 

Well, first of all there isn't a goy out there who loves Jews and hates Zionists.  Every single goy who is an anti-Zionist is a bona-fide antisemite! No one would argue with that .,

Second of all who says that Samar anti-Zionists love Jews??

 Yes! they wait till some Jew is dying in the hospital to bring him some heimishe chicken soup, but that's where it starts and that's where it ends! They love Jews that are sick, but healthy Jews that support Israel, they hate, and in fact, curse them three times a day in the Shemona Esra when they say "veLamanshim" 

Satmar supports this fat vile "nevilah" even though he is in favor of every single legislation that goes against Torah Values, because Nadler brings in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

See this from Satmar 

Representatives Jerry Nadler, Daniel Goldman, and Jamie Raskin on Monday introduced a resolution in response to the alarming rise of antisemitism in the United States – but Nadler made some stunning remarks while speaking on the House floor about the resolution.

The resolution calls for bipartisan collaboration and a comprehensive, all-of-government response to combat antisemitism in the United States, including, for example, increasing funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Additionally, it calls on Congress to provide robust funding for the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to help enforce Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and help protect Jewish students from antisemitism.

But Nadler, pants firmly around his shoulders, also went on a rambling rant on the House floor about how not all anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, pointing to the Satmar chassidus to prove his point. Ironically, Nadler’s comments came on Kuf Alef Kislev, the day Satmar chasidim celebrate the Rebbe having been spared from the Nazis… via the Zionists.

Watch the jaw-dropping video below.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Rep Dan Goldman the Squad Tuchislekker Who Condemns ‘Settler Violence’ but Pro-Palestinians deface his office anyway


Congressman Dan Goldman (D-NY), representing Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights, on Thursday joined Senator Cory Booker (D- NJ) in a letter the two sent to President Joe Biden about the urgent need “to address Israeli settler violence in the West Bank.”

Which is so sick and perverted!

On Friday, Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and several other Democrats sent out a press release saying, “We stand together to condemn the vandalism discovered this morning targeting Representative Dan Goldman’s district office. While everyone has a First Amendment right to peacefully protest and make their voice heard, that must not extend to intimidating staff or outright criminal behavior. This is a deeply personal and emotional issue for all who care about a future of peace for both the Israeli and Palestinian people, but we cannot let our disagreements turn us against each other and inflame violence here at home.”

The vandals graffitied in red and white paint: “Blood on your hands,” “Free Palestine,” and “Let Gaza live” on the front of the office and the sidewalk on 9th Street in Park Slope.

Who says there’s no poetic justice in God’s great universe?

Monday, July 31, 2023

DemonRats advancing official congressional resolution in support of Israel's protest movement against judicial reform.


A group of Demonrat lawmakers are advancing an official congressional resolution in support of Israel's protest movement against the judicial reform, Haaretz reported.

The resolution, which would not be binding for the US government, would reflect if accepted the public opinion among Democratic Party voters, and may encourage the demented President Joe Biden to continue his opposition to the judicial overhaul.

This declaration of support was initiated by Jewish congresswomen Jan Schakowsky, who has been joined by a number of prominent party lawmakers, including the official kocker Jerry Nadler, former chairman of the Constitution Committee in the House of Representatives, and Jamie Raskin, who led the investigation into the January 6th insurrection in Washington, according to Haaretz.

Schakowsky mumbled that the resolution in support of the protesters is intended to strengthen the public in Israel who are fighting for the shared values of Israel and the US.

Friday, July 7, 2023

New York Times & Ezra Friedlander's Nadler Upset about Eric Adams’ Jewish Council Being Too Frum!

  The New York Times has again shown its disdain for Orthodox Jews, and is suffering heavy backlash.

A week after Mayor Eric Adams introduced a Jewish Advisory Council, the anti-Jewish newspaper is whining about its lack of “diversity”, claiming that there are too many orthodox Jews.

The bizarre piece, entitled “Orthodox Men Dominate Mayor Adams’s New Jewish Advisory Council”, begins:

“If there is an archetypical Jewish New Yorker, that person might be found on the Upper West Side, somewhere between Zabar’s and Barney Greengrass. But when Mayor Eric Adams recently announced the creation of New York City’s first-ever Jewish Advisory Council, that type of Jewish New Yorker was in short supply. Instead, at least 23 members of the 37-member council are Orthodox, and only nine are women — a makeup that has drawn criticism from a number of prominent Jewish leaders and groups.”

The piece quotes leftist Jewish Congressman Jerry Nadler as saying the board failed to “adequately represent the demographic diversity of Jewish New Yorkers.”

In response, multiple Twitter users observed that the predominance of antisemitic attacks are targeted at Orthodox Jews. It’s interesting that the Times does not complain when Jew-haters attack mostly religious Jews, and don’t choose a “more diverse” group of Jews that represents secular and “archetypical” New York Jews.

NCSY leader Dovid Bashevkin tweeted: “Orthodox Jews are usually a minority. Yet in NY they’re disproportionately the target of antisemitism. So if Orthodox Jews are “over-represented” to help regain control of their image it’s because for far too long their over-representation was in instances of antisemitism.”

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Ezra Friedlander's Girlfriends AOC, Omar and Tlaib Vote against Resolution Honoring US-Israel Ties That Passed With 401 For 19 Against


Ezra "the kapo" Friedlisker's shenanigans backfired when his girlfriends AOC, Ilahan Omar, and Tlaib "smacked him in the face" when they voted against the resolution honoring US-Israel ties. They were part of only 19 DemonRats that voted against, 401 voted for. Tuchislekking the 3 stooges who hate Jews apparently didn't do anything for Ezra's brothers and sisters. 

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and 18 House Democrats on Tuesday voted against a resolution that honored the U.S.-Israeli relationship on Israel’s 75th Independence Day and expressed support for expanding and strengthening the Abraham Accords — the 2020 agreement establishing diplomatic ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, as was reported by TheHill.com.

Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), the lead sponsor of the resolution, said in a statement following the vote that the “bipartisan passage of this resolution reaffirms our commitment to the people of Israel and promotes vital security assistance so they can defend themselves in the face of an increasingly aggressive Iran,” JewishInsider.com reported.

Reps. Kathy Manning (D-NC), Mike McCaul (R-TX) and Brad Schneider (D-IL) were original co-sponsors of the legislation.

The resolution — which had bipartisan sponsorship — cleared the chamber in a 401-19 vote, the Hill reported. Massie, who frequently votes against legislation pertaining to international matters, was the only Republican to oppose the measure.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How Callous and Heartless is Fat Nadler & Daniel Goldman? Get Public Tongue Lashing From Crime Victims!


A confession: When House Republicans announced plans for a New York hearing to showcase rampant crime, I didn’t need to curb my ­enthusiasm. 

I assumed the worst, that the hearing would bring New Yorkers bad news they already know and that Democrats and their media shills would dismiss the event as theater designed to embarrass Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg

I was right.

The hearing, partly because of its timing, smelled like payback for Bragg’s flimsy indictment of Donald Trump, giving Dems and the media the ammunition to repeatedly ridicule it as a partisan dog-and-pony show. 

But I was also wrong in a major way: I underestimated how clueless and heartless Democrats could be about the sufferings of actual crime victims. 

My big takeaway was that they ­really don’t give a damn. 

Nadler’s unforced error 

Manhattan Rep. Jerry Nadler, for example, made the brain-dead mistake of citing declining homicide rates and decreased shootings in New York as proof that Judiciary Committee Republicans were using crime as a “pretext” to “bully the district attorney.” 

Telling grieving families that statistics say crime really isn’t so bad in New York and it’s worse elsewhere is tone-deaf.

That’s what 30 years in Washington will do to you. 

The indifference of Nadler and his fellow travelers to the witnesses’ pain and demands for justice made the hearing instructive.

As a result, the Dems snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and the hearing was more than worthwhile. 

The deniers were ice cold when warmth and compassion were called for, with Rep. Daniel Goldman offering another example of callousness.

His attempt to label the day a waste of time earned him a much-deserved scolding from the angry mother of a murder victim. 

“Don’t insult my intelligence,” Madeline Brame snapped at Goldman, an heir to the Levi Strauss fortune and a prolific stock trader whose district includes lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn. 

“You’re trying to insult me like I’m not aware of what’s going on here,” Brame said. 

She testified that Bragg’s office downgraded and dismissed charges against two offenders who — along with two others — brutally beat and stabbed her son, Army vet Hason Correa, to death in Harlem. 

“When Alvin Bragg came into office, he was handed a strong, trial-ready murder case,” Brame said. 

“He dismissed — completely dismissed — gang-assault and murder indictments against two of the defendants clearly on video participating in the brutal, savage slaughter of my son. Hason was kicked, punched, stomped and stabbed nine times by four individuals whom he did not know, nor had he done them any harm.” 

The only decent thing Goldman could have done was express his sorrow at her loss and promise to look into her complaint that Bragg was coddling killers. 

Lecturing her about Washington gotcha games and cutting her off midsentence was not an option, yet that’s what he did. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Lapid Meets Fat Nadler to Discuss Opposition to Israel's Judicial Reform Despite the Fatso's proposal FOR Judicial Reform in the USA


Breitbart News criticized opposition leader Yair Lapid after he flew to the US on Monday to meet with Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), who has proposed the most radical reforms in US history, despite Lapid’s own criticism of the judicial reforms proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak pointed out in an article published on Monday that, almost exactly two years ago, Nadler, who was then the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, unveiled a legislative proposal to “pack” the US Supreme Court — and give it a left-wing majority — by adding four new justices, whose seats would be filled by President Joe Biden.

Nadler did that despite the fact that President Biden had appointed a commission to study the idea first and which later warned that court-packing had “uncertain” benefits, Pollak noted.

“Not only did Nadler propose expanding the Court from nine seats — which it has had for over 150 years — to 13 seats, but he also demanded the Senate abolish the filibuster, a key minority protection, to do it,” wrote Pollak, adding a quote from Nadler who said at the time, “The American people have had enough. To restore power to the people, we must expand the Supreme Court.”

“Earlier this year, without a hint of irony,” Pollak noted, “Nadler led Jewish Democrats in Congress in opposing judicial reform in Israel, warning that it ‘could undermine Israeli democracy and … civil rights and religious freedoms.’”

Nadler was one of more than a dozen Jewish House Democrats who recently called on the Israeli government to suspend its plans to pass the judicial reform, in an extraordinary expression of concern by US government officials over a foreign, domestic political matter.

Pollak also noted that “Lapid has used similar terminology, claiming that judicial reforms — which largely parallel existing US law — would destroy Israel’s democracy, even though they would make the courts more accountable to the legislature.”

Breitbart News speculated that Lapid’s trip could be an effort to use pressure from outside Israel to affect negotiations between the government and the opposition over the judicial reform, which Netanyahu has paused to allow for talks.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Fat Nadler appoints ‘so-called’ member of Congress a "klavta" to sabotage hearings, trash whistleblowers


Klavta Stacy Plaskett

Now that Democrats are in the minority in the House and unable to abuse their power as easily as they have done the last two years, they are resorting to shameless lies to sabotage oversight hearings and trash whistleblowers and other inconvenient witnesses. 

They have anointed as queen of this disinformation operation, a little-known Democrat named Stacey Plaskett, who is not even a full-fledged member of Congress. 

Plaskett’s favorite adjective is “so-called,” which is ironic since she is a so-called member of Congress.

She does not have voting rights as the “at-large” delegate for the US Virgin Islands.

Yet she is a ranking member of the Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government, the first time a nonvoting delegate has occupied such a lofty post. 

Fresh from besmirching two independent journalists, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, as “so-called journalists” who endangered people’s lives by exposing Twitter’s censorship regime, Plaskett and her colleague in dirty work, New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, are attacking FBI whistleblowers. 

In a 316-page unauthorized report full of falsehoods and deceptively edited quotes from his confidential testimony to the committee last month, Plaskett and Nadler derided hero FBI Agent Steve Friend as a “so-called” whistleblower.