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Showing posts with label yeshiva protest idf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yeshiva protest idf. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Litvish Yeshiva Guys Have nothing to do Bein Hazmanim so they protest the IDF that was protecting them!

When the missiles were raining down on  Ashdod and Askelon, the Yeshivas closed and the boys and Yungeleit ran like cockroaches to the north. Now, that Bein Hazmanim has kicked in, they are out like rats in the night fighting those who protect them....
Shame on those cowards! 
This is Torah????
This guy on the left looks like a rich American ..

Hundreds of Charedi men and youths associated with the Jerusalem Faction, a hardline grouping of the non-hassidic haredi community, staged violent demonstrations Sunday evening in several locations across the country, in protest at the arrest of a Charedi yeshiva student who has refused to present himself at IDF enlistment offices when called to do so.

Protests took place in Jerusalem, as well as on major traffic arteries including road junctions close to Bnei Brak, Modiin Illit, Beit Shemesh, Ashdod, and several other locations.
At least four haredi protestors were arrested by police for trying to block major roads and thoroughfares

The yeshiva student in question, Eliyahu Cohen, attends the Orhot David yeshiva in Jerusalem which is associated with the Jerusalem Faction, a breakaway group from the mainstream non-Chassidic haredi Degel Hatorah political movement.

In accordance with the instructions of the movement and its spiritual leader Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, 83, Cohen has repeatedly refused to present himself at IDF enlistment offices after receiving conscription orders and was originally arrested in March 2014 for failing to report, which prompted mass demonstrations around the country.

Cohen is currently being held in the IDF military’s Prison Six facility near Haifa and has reportedly begun a hunger strike.
According to the Committee to Save the Torah World, a body associated with the Jerusalem Faction, Cohen received another enlistment order last month, and upon refusing to enlist was imprisoned for 20 days. He was subsequently released and then asked once again to report to the recruitment office to enlist and again refused and has now been arrested once again.

A request by The Jerusalem Post to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit to confirm the sequence of events was not answered by time of press.

The Jerusalem Faction, headed by Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, 83, broke away from Degel Hatorah less than two years ago after Auerbach lost a power struggle with Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, who is the spiritual leader of the Degel movement, and set up the Bnei Torah political party.

Auerbach, who is more isolationist and hardline than Shteinman, has instructed yeshiva students associated with its movement not to present themselves to IDF enlistment offices when called to do so, unlike the Degel movement which instructs yeshiva students to report to IDF offices in order to complete preliminary processing.

The charedi daily newspaper Hapeles, the mouthpiece of Bnei Torah, reported on Sunday that Auerbach had called for protests against the arrest of Cohen.
“According to the instructions the revered Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, masses of people will go out to demonstrations and protest rallies until the terrible decree is cancelled,” an article in the paper reported.

The terms of the law for haredi conscription passed in March mean that enlistment to the IDF for any haredi man who was 18 and over on the day the law was passed is voluntary, while anyone under this age is obligated to serve but may delay his service for a maximum of three years, meaning that men in this category will only be obligated to enlist starting June 2017.