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Showing posts with label yehuda rubin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yehuda rubin. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Another Young Teenager Dies in Monsey

A 19-year-old Charedi, Yehuda Chaim Rubin, died tragically on Tuesday in Monsey, New York.

According to the Behadrey Haredim news website, Rubin was found dead in his apartment by friends. The friends called an ambulance, but the paramedics had no choice but to pronounce him dead.

The police took the body for an autopsy, the report said, and thanks to the work of the Misaskim organization, which safeguards the dignity of the deceased, the body was released, and Rubin’s funeral was held on Wednesday at the cemetery in Monsey. Jewish law prohibits autopsies, considered an affront to the dead, unless a rabbinic decisor rules otherwise, such as in the case of public danger from an undiagnosed and possibly contagious disease.

A friend of Yehuda Chaim told Behadrey Haredim, “I know him so well, what an incredible pain…my friends and I are simply shocked. He was such a good person, he always helped everyone in the store where he worked. After we did not hear from him for half a day, we tried to contact him, but without success. One of the friends called the rescue forces to the apartment where he lived, and unfortunately there was nothing they could do to save him.

Behadrey Haredim reported that Rubin’s family had lived in Israel in the past before moving to the United States several years ago.