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Showing posts with label vishnitzer rebbe lubavitcher rebbe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vishnitzer rebbe lubavitcher rebbe. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Vishnitzer Rebbe: There is Yiddishkheit Around the World In The Zechus Of The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Speaking to thousands of chassidim on Shabbos Parshas Korach, the Vishnitzer Rebbe discussed his relationship with the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L. 

“In his merit there is Yiddishkheit around the world” stated the rebbe. 

The Chabad kehilla and Jews around the world on Shabbos marked the 21st yahrzeit of the rebbe, 3 Tammuz. Tens of thousands of mispallalim have already visited the ohel.

During his divrei torah on the Friday night tisch, the rebbe spoke of the uniqueness of the late rebbe, sharing details of his first visit with the rebbe in Teves 5744, 31 years ago. 

The late rebbe spoke with the Vishnitzer and his entourage for 20 minutes and then the two rebbe met alone for over an hour.

He explained that the Lubavitcher Rebbe asked him to deliver a message to his father, the Yeshuos Moshe of Vishnitz ZT”L, who at the time was among the leaders of the Moetzas Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael. He did not detail the message.

He spoke of the Rebbe’s koach and how he literally brought Yiddishkheit to all corners of the world, bringing countless numbers of Yidden back to a live of Torah observance.

The Vishnitzer Rebbe also highlighted the simplicity of the rebbe and his lifestyle and the modesty in which he lived and conducted himself, sacrificing everything for the Klall.