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Showing posts with label tzedaka collector molests lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tzedaka collector molests lady. Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tzedaka Collector molests housewife in Boro Park

Police and Shomrim in Brooklyn’s 66th precinct are, canvassing streets in the heart of Borough Park after a local woman says she was sexually abused by a charity collector.

“This happened just a short time ago,” Assemblyman Dov Hikind told VIN News. 
 “A woman opened the door to someone collecting tzedaka and the woman claims the man grabbed her breasts.” 

 According to Hikind, the incident took place in the 13th Avenue area, in the vicinity of 50’s Street. 

 The man was described to be Israeli, Hebrew speaking and in his 60’s. No further details were forthcoming about the incident and detectives at the 66th precinct declined to comment on the incident.

 “Tzedaka is fundamental and we don’t want anyone to stop giving, but you have to be careful,” warned Hikind. “This is scary stuff. Just because someone looks okay doesn’t mean he is. Please give, but be careful.”