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Showing posts with label nachal Chareidi soldiers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nachal Chareidi soldiers. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Chareidi Soldiers arrest Dozens of Hamas Terrorists

In a joint operation of IDF, Shabak and the Israeli police, dozens of Hamas terrorists were arrested in the region of Shechem. 
During the night, tens of Chareidi soldiers were flown and marched to Nablus to participate in this special operation.
In recent months Hamas has been trying to establish terror infrastructure in northern Samaria, say Israeli Security sources.
29 Palestinians were arrested in the complicated joint operation, after which they were transferred into interrogation. Among the detained were high officials of Hamas and ex-cons who were involved in Hamas terror in the past. These detainees acted with the financing and under the direction of Hamas headquarters in Gaza and Turkey, as was exposed in recent months by Israeli intelligence when Hamas attempted to establish terror infrastructures in Northern Samaria.
Tens of Nachal Chareidi soldiers were rushed to this nocturnal incursion, and were brought to Nablus and the Balata refugee camp by helicopters and on foot. Hunderds of combatants of the Golani Brigade and the Duvdevan Unit joined them.
Sources in Nablus disclose that more than 50 military vehicles raided the city around 2 a.m. simultaneously from various entrances. In one of the houses of the detainees, 40 thousand shekels were confiscated, along with computers and cellphones.
“At the same time these warriors were conducting these successful and vital arrests,” Retired Col. Yonatan Branski, Director of the Nachal Chareidi Foundation and former commander of the Nachal Charedi battalion, told Matzav.com Israel, “the rest of the Chareidi Nachal Battalion was still keeping its routine positions in its new military zone of Binyamin, north of Yerushalayim.”