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Showing posts with label kerry israel settlements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kerry israel settlements. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kerry coming to meet Netanyahu to demand a halt in settlement construction by Israel.

What this horse face refuses to understand is  that Arab violence has nothing to do with settlements,they just want to murder Jews!
The secretary of state ‎seems to believe that when Palestinians stab Israelis, the real culprits are people ‎who build new housing units.
Settlements are part of Israel ...
This is the same stupid bastard that pushed the disastrous Iran deal! 

Secretary of State John Kerry is reportedly pushing to convene a summit in Jordan with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in a bid to calm violence wracking Israel and the Palestinian territories in recent weeks

According to a Channel 10 report Wednesday, the Jordanians have apparently already agreed to host the gathering, in which Abbas and Netanyahu would each meet with the American diplomat separately. 

There was no indication of when the meeting would take place.
The White House and State Department said Wednesday that Kerry would head to the region “soon” but that details were not yet determined. Officials familiar with the planning said Kerry would like to meet Netanyahu and Abbas separately in the Jordanian capital of Amman. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the planning publicly.
The push by the American government came as violence between Israel and the Palestinians has spiked, with terrorist attacks, shootings and violent riots taking place daily in the past two weeks.
The Channel 10 report said that Washington was considering demanding a halt in settlement construction by Israel.
Sources close to Kerry claimed that he will tell Netanyahu that if he’s interested in renewing peace talks with the Palestinians — as he expressed in his UN General Assembly speech last month — that it would be a welcome move.
Peace talks broke down in March 2014 amid mutual recriminations by Israeli and Palestinian officials over failure to abide by commitments to the negotiations.
The Prime Minister’s Office wasn’t immediately available for comment. Sources in Jerusalem said they were unaware of the plan for the summit, but indicated a general willingness.
Earlier in the day, Netanyahu expressed willingness to return to talks with the Palestinians immediately.
“Israel wants peace. I want peace. I want to resume negotiations immediately and without any preconditions,” Netanyahu said at a special Knesset session.
State Department spokesman John Kirby could not confirm the timetable nor the venue of any talks — and played down the possibility of a revived peace process — but said Kerry hoped to talk to local leaders.
“He has every intention of traveling to the region soon and I don’t have anything to announce today with respect to travels,” Kirby said. “Travel to the region is as specific as it can be right now.”
Asked about media reports that Kerry hopes to host talks in Jordan, Kirby said he had “nothing to report on the press reports you have seen with respect to that.”
“He does remain deeply concerned by continued escalating violence. It’s something he has been focused on for a while now and he intends to travel to the region to continue those kind of discussions,” he said.
On Tuesday, Kerry linked the ongoing violence to settlement construction during a talk in Boston.
“There’s been a massive increase in settlements over the course of the last years,” Kerry said during a question-and-answer session, “and there’s an increase in the violence because there’s this frustration that’s growing.”