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Showing posts with label internet asifah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet asifah. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2015

Thousands Of Yeshiva Bochrim Gather At Boulder Baseball Park In Pomona For Internet Asifa

I don't get it! Hezballah has 100,000 missiles poised at 6 million Jews and the organizers and askanim  couldn't care less...
Instead the askanim are busy with narishkeiten and got all yeshivas to stop learning Torah and talk about an issue that will stay with us until Moshiach comes.... 
Helllllllllowwwwww! The Internet is here to stay.... 
in a few years you won't be able to bank if you are not on the Internet! Get used to it...

Don't you think that it would have been a huge "KIDDUSH HASHEM" and would have given tremendous chizuk to the ones living in Eretz Yisroel if they would have gathered to say a kapittal tehillim?

And get this....they have the seats set up according to Chassidus? How sick and crazy is this?
Now a  Bobover can't mix with a Viznitzer!
Notice that the bathrooms are behind Viznitz & Krasna.
Was this the set up at Har Sinai?
Girls and women were not invited... because girls presumably can go on the Internet! 
Or maybe they weren't invited because the Askanim will give the boys and men permission to chop the hands off the females if they catch them watching the 3 stooges!

Also they couldn't bring themselves to  even call it by the real name "Boulder Stadium" instead they call it "Provident Bank Park" a name that that no taxi driver ever heard of ...
Good luck....and bring a water bottle! It's very hot out there!