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Showing posts with label caroline Glick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caroline Glick. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Longtime Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick is running on Hayamin Hehadash’s list in the April 2019 elections, she announced Wednesday. 
Hayamin Hehadash was founded by Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked this week, breaking of from Bayit Yehudi. The party is meant to be solidly right-wing, with a mix of religious, secular and traditional candidates.

Glick has been a columnist for The Jerusalem Post since 2002, and in recent years began writing for Maariv and American far-right website Breitbart

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considered Glick as one of his appointees to the Likud list in 2015, but decided against it because, Likud sources say, she harshly criticized him in some of her columns.

In her book The Israeli Solution: A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, Glick endorses annexation of the whole West Bank and granting Israeli citizenship for Palestinians. This differs from Bennett’s diplomatic plan, which calls for the annexation of Area C and citizenship for the Palestinians living there, and “autonomy on steroids,” but not a state or Israeli citizenship, for Palestinians in Areas A and B. 

Glick was previously Assistant Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1997-1998. 

In 2008, Glick launched a satirical media criticism website called Latma, which was briefly turned into a sketch comedy show on Channel 1.