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Showing posts with label Zach Friedman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zach Friedman. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Rabbi Zach Fredman "Rules Halachically" That it's OK to Pray for Tump's Death!

 Rabbi Zach Fredman, formerly of The New Shul in New York City

This is what happens when a leftist progressive liberal Jew goes off the deep end. Fredman a vile sewer rat, a "reform rabbi" who has a band called "Epichorus ( a play on the Hebrew word apikoiras, meaning heretic) has the gall to quote a "midrash" ..... 

How about quoting the Torah that talks about keeping the Shabbat? ... 

The naive, cruel and ungrateful Fredman doesn't realize that the leftists mobs that he so adors will turn on him soon enough and feed him to the ovens ... he has learned nothing from Jewish history ....he will learn very soon that the leftists that he brown-noses, hate him just like they hate Trump!

Fredman who always has an anti-Jewish agenda joined Jstreet and T'ruah, two vile self-hating Jewish organizations to sign a joint letter opposing federal and local legislative efforts to outlaw BDS.

This sickie when visiting Yerushalayim hung out with arabs and wrote a song called "song of the buffalo" which "honors a Native American woman that marries a buffalo"

Fredman a disturbed creature dressed in a talit, like a pig that displays its kosher hoofs,  to showcase its fake piety, mentions Hitler, Haman and Trump in one paragraph! 

Yes he compares Trump a man who just made peace between an Arab country and the State of Israel to Hitler that exterminated 3/4 of the Jewish people. 

He cruelly compares Trump who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem to Haman who wanted to exterminate the entire Jewish world!

He wishes the best friend that the Jews ever had in the White House, that has a Jewish child and Jewish grandchildren..   that "the disease works strongly on him, kills him even.."

How much hate does Fredman possess in his diseased heart that he wishes death and sickness to another human being ...someone created in the image of God and to the President of the USA no less..how low can one sink? 

Hey Fredman ... you useful idiot to anarchists, take you cursed guitar, shove it up where the sun don't shine  and go to hell ... 

This piece was lightly adapted from Fredman’s email newsletter.

"With the news that Trump had tested positive for COVID, I couldn’t stop myself from wishing that the disease works strongly upon him, kills him even. … But is it OK to pray for the death of an evil person? Not just to think about it, but to actively enter a prayerful state and yearn for the disease to end his life in this body, that good may come to so many lives who have suffered on his account?

“Discussing that question with a friend, I was reminded of a midrash that appears in the commentaries on the Book of Esther, where Haman, the fascist villain, is the archetype of pure evil in the Judaic tradition.

“Two variants of the commentary appear. In one, all the trees of the world — the apple tree and the oak, the willow, the cedar, the olive and the palm — come before God and beg to be the vehicle for Haman’s death. They want to be the tree that Haman will hang from. In the other variant of the story, all the trees come before God, the same trees, and none wishes to be the tree upon which Haman will be hung. They don’t want to be proximate to evil, they don’t want to be contaminated by his vileness. In the end of both stories, the thorn bush is chosen to be the tree upon which Haman hangs.

“There are two instincts regarding evil — the desire to destroy it, and the inclination to flee its reign. Both live in us, and both yearnings have their place. If no one comes to fight Hitler, to protest Trump and the Proud Boys, evil thrives. If we come at him untethered to the wisdom that fighting evil carries the risk of being tainted by it, we are already undone. The line between these two yearnings is flimsy as a thorn. And living one without the other does not leave us whole.

“So yes, you can pray for his demise, but you will be changed by that prayer, and maybe not for the better.”