"In the Agudah convention last week, Rabbi Uri Deutsch addresses the topic of how Torah Jews in America should feel at this stage in the war. He says that they should not feel too upset, and they should follow the example of charedim in Israel, for whom life is essentially back to normal (I would personally like to point out that for charedim in Israel, the war never really changed their lives to begin with). At minute 45 - I had to listen to it twice to ensure my ears weren’t deceiving me - Rabbi Deutsch says that the Gedolim have told us that the most acute gezerah that the residents of Israel are facing is the need to raise money for the yeshivos and struggle against the draft.
Of course the idea that life is essentially back to normal would come as a surprise to members of my shul, who just went to the funeral and shiva of a young man from our shul who lost his life defending Israel. It would also come as a surprise to the hundreds of thousands of people in Israel for whom the last few months have been anything but normal, with family members being away from their jobs and family lives and risking life and limb in Gaza and Lebanon. And the notion that the gravest problem is the financial cutbacks for charedim, and the threat that they might have to help reduce the burden on reservists, would strike everyone outside of the charedi community as, frankly, evil.
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, who was sitting in the same panel, was clearly uncomfortable with what Rabbi Deutsch said. He responds that “without contradicting anything Rav Deutsch said” he feels that it’s important on a personal level for people to feel more of the pain that thousands of families in Israel are undergoing, and not just to mumble Tehillim at the end of davening, but to perhaps take on some sort of personal kabbalah (spiritual effort)."
DIN: I live in Beit Shemesh and in the last two weeks I went to the shivah of three different families who live a block away from me whose sons were murdered in the war! Not that it makes any difference, but these families are all Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois!
For a Rabbi in the USA talking at a Thanksgiving Dinner surrounded by "Yes" men in a luxurious hotel, having eaten from the finest foods and lecturing our Children in Uniform who are at war, who go without sleep for days and whose food rations consist of tuna from a can, is the ultimate chutzpah, and shows the total disconnect that Chareide Leaders have to the rest of Klall Yisrael, and I'm taking about the Klall Yisrael that are frum!
There are Husbands at war who had babies that they haven't seen yet! There are husbands who just got married and had to leave to the front during Sheva Brachos!
It is mind-boggling to listen to these lectures from sanctimonious Rabbanim and askanim whose entire agenda at this fress-weekend was to attack the Israeli Government!
To say that the "most acute gezerah that the residents of Israel are facing is the need to raise money for the yeshivos and struggle against the draft" is insane and sick! Very sick!
Which brings me to the topic that the Agudah Convention totally avoided and was the BIG Elephant in the room! A topic that the askanim of the Agudah are very well aware of!
I have posted on this blog about the thousands of teenagers from Boro-Park, Monsey, Flatbush, Williamsburg Monroe and New Square that are going off the derech faster than you can say the word "Israeli Draft" !
These teenagers have no connection to Israel and will all probably marry shiksas and disappear from Judaism in one generation! There is nothing stopping this trend and the few organizations that are trying to do something are left disappointed and frustrated! It's over!
Did the Convention address this???? Not one word!
They were busy talking about Yeshiva Boys in Israel, living 6,000 miles away that if they chose to G-D Forbid, enlist, would go off the derech! But the chances of them marrying another Jew are close to 95%! And they can choose to join the Charedie Brigade that keeps to all Halachos!
But that was not the "elephant in the room" that I was referring to!
I am referring to a recent trend of Yeshivisha Married Men or Women who believe in nothing!
They dress the part, with the tzizis out of the pants , their wives cover their hair, their children are all in Yeshivois and they don't believe in Torah Me'Sinai!!
These are not "yechidim" but unfortunately numbers in the hundreds. They live primarily in Lakewood and Monsey and communicate with each other by Wattsapp!
I have been shown thousands of these communications, thousands!!!!
One of them claims to be a Rav in a kehillah, and who says that he doesn't know how much longer he can keep up with this charade!
Some of them say that their wives don't know but are starting to get the feeling" that something is off"
Some wives on this chat claim that they stopped going to the mikvah and are faking their entire spiritual existence, but want to keep it together because "they have too much to lose"
This is a pandemic that is going to balloon faster than Covid!
I know for a fact that the Agudah Askanim know about this! But decided to shove this issue under the rug and talk about the Israeli Draft instead!
Not only do the Askanim know about this but so do at least 22 Rabbanim that sat on dais listening to a bunch of dribble and nonsense!
We are losing respect for our leaders fast....very fast!
×¤× ×™ הדור ×›×¤× ×™ הכלב
Hey R' Uri ...Look at the photo below and feel for a fellow Jew that doesn't wear a white shirt and a black hat!
Ari Shpitz, was critically injured in Gaza and was a month and a half sedated and breathing,