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Showing posts with label Rabbi Belsky with the kosher switch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Belsky with the kosher switch. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2015

Rabbi Belsky says someone using the new "Kosher Switch" on Shabbos deserves the Death Penalty

Without going in the Halachic aspects of the "Kosher Switch"  because I haven't actually examined the pertinent facts of the device, and am not an expert in the sugyeh of gramma
... I can say for sure, though, that the statement of Rav Belsky is misleading.

He writes in the attached letter:
"this concept has no place in Halacha. If the Sanhedrin were empowered, that act would be punishable by meesas Bais Din!"

Well, any child over 7 years old that learned Parshas Ve'Yakheil, knows that, that statement is false.

Rashi  questions why the Torah singled out the prohibition of lighting a fire on Shabbos in this Parsha .. there are 39 melachos,  why single out this particular melacha.

So Rashi answers:
The Torah writes "Lo Sevaaru Eish (you shouldn't start a fire on Shabbos)"   because, as Rashi puts it ...
"Yesh Merabuseinu Omrim ... Havaarah le'lav Yoitzeis" ...Rashi quotes the Gemarrah in Shabbos, that quotes Reb Yoisi that the prohibition of starting a fire receives  NO death penalty and that's why the Torah singled out the prohibition of lighting fire on Shabbos as opposed to the other 39 Melachos!
So to say that one who would operate the Kosher Switch on Shabbos gets the death penalty, is false!

But, I have another question to the "Great" Rav Belsky... 
"Why are you bent out of shape about this gadget that according to a Tanna in Mesachtas Shabbos is a Lav that is prohibited but doesn't have a death penalty for violating it..
Yet when your buddy, Yehuda Kolko, molested and destroyed the lives of hundreds of children, you the "great" Belsky supported him?