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Showing posts with label Pamela Geller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pamela Geller. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Muslim Shot in Boston Planned to Kill Jewish Blogger

A Muslim who was fatally shot on Tuesday after waving a military knife at law enforcement officers in Boston was originally plotting to behead Jewish blogger Pamela Geller, law enforcement sources told CNN on Wednesday.

Pamela Geller
However, Usaamah Rahim, a 26-year-old security guard who officials believe was radicalized by ISIS and other extremists, decided instead to target the "boys in blue," a reference to police, according to court documents.
"I can't wait that long," he said of the original beheading plan, according to an FBI affidavit filed in federal court in Boston on Wednesday.

Gelller, the founder and president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), is known for her campaign against extremist Muslims, which has featured among other things prominent bus ads criticizing Muslim anti-Semitism.
Geller drew national attention last month after an off-duty police officer thwarted an attack at her organization's contest for Prophet Mohammed drawings in Garland, Texas.
"They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily," Geller told CNN's Erin Burnett at the time.

"This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?" added Geller, who said that she's had an "army of security" since last month's thwarted attack.
"This is what is required just to show a cartoon in America, 2015," she said. "It's striking. It's devastating, and people need to understand what's at stake. I mean, if we surrender on this point, what will we surrender next?"

According to CNN, about two hours before Rahim's confrontation Tuesday with officers on a Boston street, he allegedly told an associate he was "going to ... go after them, those boys in blue. 'Cause ... it's the easiest target," the documents say.

Rahim's alleged associate, David Wright, 25, appeared in a 
Boston court on Wednesday to face a charge of obstructing a federal investigation by destroying electronic evidence on Rahim's smartphone.

A detention hearing was scheduled for June 19 after prosecutors said he was a flight risk, the report said.
Wright allegedly attempted to destroy co-conspirator Rahim's cell phone and conceal evidence of their plans, according to the documents. He faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison if convicted.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


isis flag
ISIS released a new online threat today on JustPasteIt.
The terrorist group says they will murder Pamela Geller and kill anyone who shields her.
Pamela Geller 

The terrorists also say they have 71 fighters in 15 different states and they 23 have signed up already for missions like the failed Sunday attack in Garland, Texas.
Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
“The New Era”
To our brothers and sisters fighting for the Sake of Allah, we make dua for you and ask Allah to guide your bullets, terrify your enemies, and establish you in the Land. As our noble brother in the Phillipines said in his bayah, “This is the Golden Era, everyone who believes… is running for Shaheed”.
The attack by the Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a wiliyah in the heart of our enemy. Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter. This will heal the hearts of our brothers and disperse the ones behind her. To those who protect her: this will be your only warning of housing this woman and her circus show. Everyone who houses her events, gives her a platform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. We have been watching closely who was present at this event and the shooter of our brothers. We knew that the target was protected. Our intention was to show how easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah.
We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in number bithnillah. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan. The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching.
The next six months will be interesting, To our Amir Al Mu’mineen make dua for us and continue your reign, May Allah enoble your face.
May Allah send His peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhummad and all those who follow until the last Day.

Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pamela Geller Battles CNN Host on Cartoon Event, VIDEO "'We're Giving Up Our Freedoms so as Not to Offend Savages"

Pamela Geller, the outspoken head of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, has spoken out after her group's Mohammed Cartoon event was targeted in a shooting attack by Muslim terrorists on Sunday night..

 In an interview with CNN, Geller lashed out at the media "elites" for criticizing her group - the attackers' intended victims - as opposed to radical Islamists responsible for such violent attacks. 

The event had offered a $10,000 award for the best cartoon depicting the founder of Islam, Mohammed, and featured a speech by Dutch MP Geert Wilders, among other prominent critics of Islam. Depictions of Mohammed are forbidden by Islam, and many Muslim extremists have attempted to enforce those blasphemy laws globally - most notably culminating in the slaughter of the staff of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo earlier this year. 

 The prize was won by an ex-Muslim, Geller noted, as she responded to a grilling by her interviewer, who asked whether she realized "just how dangerous an event like this could be?" 

 "It's dangerous because increasingly we are abridging our freedoms so as not to offend savages," Geller shot back.

 "The very idea that if something offends me or if I'm insulted by something, I'll kill you, and that way I can get my way - and somehow this is OK with members of the elite media and academia - is outrageous."

Geller insisted that the event was an attempt to push back against such attacks on freedom of expression. 
"We have to have this conversation, and the fact that we have to spend upwards of $50,000 dollars in security speaks to how dangerous and how in trouble freedom of speech is in this country," she said, before taking a direct swipe at the media itself.

"And then we have to get on these news shows and somehow we - those who are targeted, those who were going to be slaughtered - are the ones who get attacked, speaks to how morally inverted this conversation is.

"I'm not concerned with Muslims, especially peaceful Muslims. I am concerned with the 25% which support Sharia; I am concerned with the amputations and the female genital mutilation and the honor violence; I am concerned that the media whitewashes and scrubs this. I am concerned for the victims."

Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in particular, some western media outlets were accused of "betrayal" after self-censoring in order not to "offend" Muslims, by refusing to show the front cover of the paper's post-massacre issue, which featured a picture of Mohammed.
Free speech advocates argue that by doing so media outlets are essentially granting  victory to Islamist terrorism, and betraying their raison-detre of upholding freedom of speech and expression.