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Showing posts with label Nesama Carlebach The Times of Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nesama Carlebach The Times of Israel. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Neshama Carlebach Kickes Her Father to Curb to Save Her Dying Career

Neshama Carlebach will do anything to sing in public even if it means destroying her father's legacy! 

In 2012, Neshama recorded Hatikvah ... changing the lyrics to include Arabs ..... yes Arabs ..... the same guys that are killing our brothers & sisters! 

In 2013, after losing her frum audience because of "Kol Isha" she decided to join the Reform Movement to save her crappy career.

In 2014, she asked a bunch of Black Baptists to join her on Parshas Zachor in singing "Essah Einah"  in a reform shul!

In 2016, she  auctioned off his guitar ....

It didn't take long before the Reform Leftists banned her and cancelled all her concerts and kicked her out of their "shuls" because of accusations that her father, Shlomo Carlebach z"l had a bad reputation.

Now .... in a post in the  The Times of Israel Blog ...she grovels to her tiny audience like a little pathetic loser ..... 

If it wasn't for her father, she would have been a nobody..... her whole career was singing her father's songs ....

But now because of  the "Metoo" movement the name Carlebach in her reform leftists community is a nono! 

She had to scramble to do something to keep from starving!

So to save her career she decided to  bury her father all over again!

She no longer has a neshamah !

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