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Showing posts with label Elazar Abuchatzeira dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elazar Abuchatzeira dead. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Rav Elazar Abuchatzeira , "Kabbalist" Stabbed To Death

Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira, the grandson of Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira (also known as the “Baba Sali”), was stabbed to death in Be’er Sheva late Thursday night.
According to reports, the rabbi, who was known as the “Baba Elazar,” was stabbed in a yeshiva in the city. He was critically wounded and was taken by Magen David Adom paramedics to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva, where he died shortly after arrival.
The Baba Elazar was 70 years old.
Channel 10 News reported that the police have arrested a suspect in connection with the stabbing. Though investigations are still under way, police reportedly believe the motive for the murder is criminal.
Two years ago, a man was arrested on suspicion of planning to stab the rabbi. At the time, the rabbi refused to file a complaint with the police, but his associates filed a complaint in his name.
Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira’s grandfather, the Baba Sali, was a Jewish Moroccan rabbi who was revered to have mystic healing powers.
The Baba Sali lived a spartan life devoid of material interests, often fasting and praying throughout the day. He was also one of the main leaders of the immigration to Israel and helped bring nearly the entire Jewish community from Morocco to live in the Holy Land.
His home in Netivot was a site for pilgrimages of people seeking his blessing and advice during his lifetime and more than 100,000 people attended his funeral in 1984; since that time, his tomb has become a shrine for pilgrims and petitioners who come often to pray for assistance and intervention in their daily troubles. Many bring their three-year-old sons to his tomb for the traditional "chalaka", i.e. first hair-cutting.

Updated 7:18 PM
According to Israeli media reports the man who stabbed the rabbi has been identified as Asher Dahan from Elad, and is under arrest.

From an eyewitness account, loose translation from hebrew

In recent months, a driver named Asher Dahan, a resident of Elad, would visit the home of Rabbi Elazar Abohtzira z"l. And so it happened tonight. He arrived around ten to Beersheba, and shortly after midnight went in to the rabbi. He was there for about four minutes and ran out.
When the Rabbis aides entered the rabbi's room , they were shocked and panic stricken. They knew Daha, his  face was familiar, and they immediately notified  police and was soon arrested.
Dahan has a criminal past and spent four years in prison.
 He worked as an educator in the Talmud Torah , and previously also served as Chairman of the welfare department for religious purposes in the Negev Histadrut.
He grew up in Dimona, and later lived in Pardes Katz, and during this period he became a Baal Tsuvah  he then moved to Elad.
The Murderer Asher Dahan