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Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Worst Enemy Of Israel are American Jews!



Anonymous said...

Anyone else besides Soros?

Dusiznies said...

Reform and Conservative Rabbis!

Anonymous said...

Some Reform Rabbis not the vast majority do definitely support Israel

Garnel Ironheart said...

I love this guy. When I clicked, I thought he was going to rant against Israel. What a pleasant surprise

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

To 9:49 PM
Evil Soros does it with his own billions. Meanwhile there are quite a few american "jewish-left" left vilda chayos who do more or less the same but thru politics and tax-payer money.

Tranny Tuna Beigel said...

Freak Abby Stein is on the list of Kapos

Anonymous said...

This is Steve Bannon