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Monday, February 24, 2025

Just like in the times of "Yerovom ben Navot" Security forces recommend restricting access to Har Habyit


After the demise of Shlomo Hamelech, there was a civil war in Klall Yisrael and the nation split, Rechavim, son of Shlomo Hamelech reigned over two and half shevatim and the Aseres Hashvatim were under the leadership of Yeravam ben Navot! Yeravom at first was a nice guy, in fact, the gemmarah calls him an "Adom Gadol", the gemmarah in Sanhedrin 102 states:

תורתו של ירבעם לא היה בה שום דופי    "The Torah from Yerovom had no defect!"

Can you imagine? ....very difficult to digest this, but what was his biggest sin? 

He stopped his citizens from going up to be "Oleh Regel" I know that there are Gedoilim that prohibit Jews from going up to the Har Habayis, but there are many Gedoilim that say that it is a mitzvah in the here and now! 

I don't want to really get into this now but there was a Chashiver Rav, also an Adom Gadol, in the States, that didn't even let his followers go to the Kotel! 

If there are Jews that have a Rav that permits them to go up to the Har Habayit then כל הכבוד ! 

 I know I'm going to get a million e-mails bringing me proof from Rabbanim, even the Psak of Harav Kook z"l that prohibited it, and I have explanations to all of that, but now is not the place to discuss it. But I find it interesting, that suddenly those who mamash curse Rav Kook z"l, suddenly bring him as proof if it follows their agenda!

Just last week Rav Landau in a rant dismissed Rav Kook, as if he was a piece of garbage רחמנה לצלן ! I plan to dedicate a post on what he said! 

Ironically the Chareidim against going up to the Har Habayis are now on the same page as the Zionist Government and the Arabs!

Security agencies will recommend that the government limit the number of worshipers who are permitted to visit the Temple Mount during the month of Ramadan, Channel 12 News reported on Sunday evening.

According to the report, the restriction will apply to men over the age of 55, women over the age of 50, and children under the age of 12.

In recent days, Defense Ministry, Israel Police, Shin Bet, IDF, and Prison Services have held discussions and formulated recommendations regarding the policy for visiting the Temple Mount during the month of Ramadan.

It was reported that the goal is to allow Muslim worshipers freedom of worship, in accordance with security restrictions.

This involves a slight change from last year's policy, but a significant change from the situation in previous years, which included a reduction in the ages of those permitted to visit the Temple Mount.

Israeli officials told Channel 12 News that "the explosiveness of the Ramadan holiday will depend mainly on the situation that develops in the Gaza Strip. If there is a ceasefire, they estimate that the situation will calm down, and if not, they will prepare with much larger forces for fear of escalation."


Ziggy said...

Wow wow wow! DIN finally seeing the light - Tzionim zeinen vee Yeruvum Ben Nuvat!

Yosef said...

Bad enough the Zionists defile Eretz Yisrael and Yerushalayim. Do they need to defile the Makom Hamikdash? Hashem did us a favor giving it to the Arabs and preventing Chayvei Krisos.
By the way the people who go to Har Habayis aren't the biggest tzadikim. Ben-Gvir and his ilk. And is it worth antagonizing the Arabs? They will kill Jews for this.

Dusiznies said...
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Dusiznies said...

Yosef der Rasha
It's the Peleg dreks and Meah Shearim "palistinians" that defile Eretz Yisrael, it's your rebbe and Yeravom who were the only two leaders that didn't allow Jews to go to the Kotel! Let that sink in!
Belzer Chassidim like Elbaum and "their ilk" are up there every single day. and BTW so did the Rambam! The Rambam made a Yom Tov every year on the day that he went up to the Har Habyit!

"antagonizing the Arab" this is the farshinkineh Satmar propaganda! Did Hitler kill 6 million Jews because Jews went up to the Har Habayis? Arabs kill Jews because they hate them, they hate you too, they would cut your throat together with the throat of a Zionist, unlike you, they don't distinguish between Jews! Oct 7 happened because Jews went up to Har Habayis,you upgerissiner naar?