Outrage in Israel at the Yated that wouldn't G-d forbid mention that Rabbi Kogen was a Chbad Shliach!
The hate that the Litvaks have against Chabad cannot be measured or expressed in words !
The guy was murdered doing Chabad Shlichos and that fact was mentioned in every secular paper,but another frum Jew writing in the Yated won't "fargin" him that he was a Lubavitcher Chasid!
This hate goes back to Harav Shach z"l who hated chassidim with a passion and had it in especially for the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Unfortunately Rav Chaim Kanievski went with that derech as well!
See a post from an Israeli Blogger
שנאה זו נובעת מהחזרת המלחמה בחסידים על ידי הרב שך בשעתו ומאוחר יותר על ידי הרב חיים קנייבסקי שאישר כי החרם על חסידים קיים גם היום (ראה ספר 'הגאון', שם הוא מביא את הסכמת ר' חיים קנייבסקי כי החרם ממשיך לחול גם בזמנינו, וכתב כי הדברים היו לנגד עיניו ואישר את הדברים) ולמרות שהרבה מגדולי ישראל ביקשו ממנו שיחזור בו שיכתוב כי לא הבינו אותו וחלילה לומר כך, הוא לא הסכים. האדמו"ר מנובומינסק זצ"ל הגיע במיוחד מארצות הברית לשבת עמו לבקש שיתקן והלך לעולמו מבלי שתיקן זאת
Translated loosely
This hatred stems from the war against the Chassidim by Rabbi Shach at the time and later by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who confirmed that the boycott (cheirum) of the Chassidim still exists today (see the sefercalled HaGaon, where he cites the agreement of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky that the Cheirim against chassidim continues to apply in our time, and the authot wrote this was before his(R'Chaim's) eyes and confirmed it),
Despite the fact that many of the Gedolim of Klall Yisrael begged him to retract his decision and write that he retracts because people might understand this ,God forbid to even say something like this , He refused to retract.
The Novominsk Rebbe, zt"l, came especially from the United States to sit with him to ask him to make amends but passed away without the author correcting it,
Come on, DIN, full disclosure please! In your own newfound passion against the Litvishe velt (to sock it to them for being less than Zionist), you conveniently omit that Rav Shteinman ztl made the Yated stop attacking Chabad (a rather significant accomplishment) & he even learned the Rebbe's seforim that were brought to him in regular visits by a Chabadsker entourage led by the Choizer Lubavitch, Rav Yoel Kahn.
Ahhh, a blogger wrote it, so it must be 100% accurate, lol! R' Chaim is a Rebbishe eynikel of the Hornosteipler in case you didn't know. And it don't get more Yeshivish than Brisk. Mosey on up to Yerusholayim where R' Avrohom Yehoshua is hobnobbing & having a great relationship with many Rebbes who are into lernen!
Did Yated mention that he was a dual Sabra-Moldavian citizen? That's where the REAL outrage would be!
And just who is the "blogger"? Did you not name him because it's Shaulson of 'Vochenschmutz" infamy, a muchzakdik LIAR & "scandal" monger?
OK, let's be clear. The citation is from the book called "Hagoan ",authored by some Rabbi Eliyach, a renowned hater of Chasidim. The first two volumes of the book are pretty much neutral, but the 3rd volume is over the top anti-semitic. Whenever an event is ambiguous, Eliach never fails to interpret it negatively against Chasidim. Although Rav Shach was vehemently anti Chabad, he did not extend this opposition to all Chasidim. As a matter of fact, allow me to relate the following story that was told to me by Rabbi Chaim B. Halberstam, the son-in-law of the Bobov 45 Rebbe:
When he, Rabbi Chaim B., was studying in Eretz Yisroel 30 years ago, he became engaged to marry the great granddaughter of the Bobover Rebbe R' Shloime, Zt"l. He went to Rav Shach to receive a Brocha from him. When Rav Shach was informed that the grandson of the Bobover was waiting to see him, he said, "Der Bobover Rebbens einkel iz do? Ich vell mich ontun dem rok." (The Bobover Rebbe's grandson is here? Let me don my jacket.) Hard to believe that Rav Shach felt that the Cherem against Chasidim applies today.
As far as Rav Kanievsky is concerned, it is well known that his father, the "Steiper", considered himself a Hornosteipoler Chosid. The Steipler made a point of wearing a "Shtreimel" to his Pesach Seder. It is also known that Rav Chaim Kanievsky himself would wear that heirloom shtreimel at his own Pesach Seder.
Although Rav Kanievky could not be considered a Chosid by any stretch of the imagination, it is inconceivable that he would think his own father to be under the Vilna Gaon's Cherem.
This hatred stems from the renewal of the war against the Hasidim by Rabbi Shach in his time and later by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who confirmed that the ban (cherem) on Hasidim still applies today. (See the book HaGaon, where it cites Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s agreement that the ban continues to be in effect in our times, and it is written that he reviewed and confirmed these statements.) Despite many great Torah scholars requesting that he retract this and write that they misunderstood him—God forbid to say such things—he refused. The Rebbe of Novominsk, of blessed memory, even traveled specially from the United States to sit with him and ask that he correct this, but he passed away without having made the correction.
You really get bent out of shape over the dumbest things
From what I read, the victim came from a non-Chabad family, and later converted to the Chabad faith. So maybe the Yated doesn't wasn't to embarrass the family by publicizing that their son nebech went OTD and joined the Habad cult,.
What Habad shlichus was he doing? Running a supermarket? Importing kosher food? If a Satmar Chusid runs a kosher supermarket is he doing Satmar shlichus? A Gerrer Chusid running a supermarket is a Gerrer shliach?
Rav Schach זצוקלה"ה had/has many Chasidic followers and talmidim. He came out specifically against the dangerous Chabad Lubavitch cult, as opposed to Chasidim in general. Lubavitch, however, instead of addressing the problems with them that brought Rav Schach and others out in opposition, tries to confuse people and portray it as a repetition of a dispute centuries earlier. However, that is not correct. Times have changed and different issues have arisen since.
Wasn't this reposted straight from a chabad site?
R' CHaim Kreisworth z"l -of chassidish vintage-stated he had a tradition the original cherem against chassidim would still apply to chabad
Yused is having rachmunes on the nifter, not writing bad about him that he left the way he was raised and joined HaBAD. The question is on the other media outlets that were mefarsem that genai. Pinkt farkert fin DIN.
Running a supermarket in Dubai is most definitely 100% shelichos so that visitors from all over the world can enjoy fresh kosher food!
As far as "FYI 12:18" is concerned you make no sense whatsoever, "he later converted to Chabad"? so that doesn't make him Chabad? What a ridiculous statement, so the Sanzer Rebbe R' Chaim Halberstam z"l who was a misnaggid and then "converted" to chassidus remains a misnaggid?? Rabbi Weinberger from Aish Kodesh is not a chusid now because he "converted" from being a YU graduate? Totally off the wall!
This is a blog!
oh wow! R' Kreisworth had a tradition! I have a tradition to eat Gala with eyer mit zvibbel
No wonder why this topic is out of whack! DIN was just moydeh that he likes gala! That stuff is so atrocious that R’ Mordechai Becher warns that it’ll kill a hundt!
DIN, an apologist in order. We all know how crazy the Yated is. But the wacko assertions about Cherems and the Kanievsky’s aren’t true.
Technicolor gartel: "R' Chaim is a Rebbishe eynikel of the Hornosteipler in case you didn't know."
Incorrect. His paternal zeide was a Hasid, but not a Rebbe.
In response to post of Cyrano - Rav Dov Eliach shlit"a is a great, renowned mechaber of many seforim. He wrote a work in which he explained a controversy that went back over two centuries. If some people don't like it now is not the issue. He let people understand what the issues were in a clear way. P.S. By the way, he is of Hasidic descent himself.
Shaulson is a Chabadsker! And he’s only alive & still able to mouth off all his moitzee shem ra because the Satmar goons who came for him in 1995 instead grabbed a visiting ac repairman by mistake & broke just about every bone in the poor guy’s body!
You'd think the Shoah would've put an end to this nonsense. What is the attitude here? Even though they put us all in the same camps and killed us in the same gas chambers, we're going to show them they didn't defeat us by continuing to hate each other!
Punim Chalushos
You can spin this anyway you see fit, but the facts are that even in death the Yated would never say that Kogen z"l was a Chabdniker, because G-d Forbid someone in the Litvishe Camp may have sympathy for another Jew who happens to belong to Chabad
מי כעמך ישראל
Are you in the same league-with his toenails?
Some Rabbi Eliach" whose wife Yaffa's claim to fame, was as author of the noted Chassidic Tales of the Holocaust
Amazing how every Johnny-come-lately can get away spewing an opinion
The Yated saved Rubashkin.But Gratitude? Never
Comparably worse are your choice alternatives
Mistake. Yaffa wasn't his wife,although there is a family relationship
The Yated in this post is the Hebrew Yated no relation to the Yated in the US!
Did you actually read "HaGaon" or are you basing your comment on the "Chazukah" that Rabbi Eliach is a "great renowned mechaber of many seforim"? Because although I am most definitely not a Chabad Chosid, I do recognize that the late Lubavitcher Rebbe was a "great renowned mechaber of many seforim". You may not concur with the content of some of the Rebbe's work, if you are honest, you must admit that the Rebbe was at least a prolific an author as Rabbi Eliach. If you feel that the quantity of the Rebbe's output doesn't attest to the validity of his views, neither does the argument that the volume of Rabbi Eliach's work validates his opinions.
And opinions are what they are, not fact. Although some of the theories expressed in volume 3 of "HaGoan" may have some merit, such as where he quotes, I believe the Brisker Ruv, that the reason why the Vilna Gaon refused to meet with the Baal Hatanye was because it was in his view, a lose-lose proposition. There was no way that the Gaon would be able to convince the Baal Hatanye to retract, and the expected outcome of such a meeting would be that Chabad Chasidim would claim that the Vilna Gaon conceded defeat, regardless of what the truth was. From knowing Chabad Chassidim today, such an interpretation is not unreasonable.
But the rest of Volume 3, is full of innuendo, quotes taken out of context, and citations of dubious authenticity. It should not be taken seriously.
I read the great sefer Hagaon myself. Rav Eliach is a writer on a high level, in general, but yes, sometimes one work of an author is better than another. In this case he did a great job with sefer HaGaon. Why do you think it so bothered those who didn't like it, and made them feel so threatened?
Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l gave it his backing, that is a good enough hechsher for me.
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