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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Listen to this Chareidie "Alter Kacker" Say "It's Your Medina, you go to war, We never wanted the Medina so we will not go to IDF"


?האחיכם יבואו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה 

This is so sick that I don't know where to begin! Jewish boys are dying every day to protect this ugly guy's fat ass! 

The reason he can stand there, is because he is being protected by the Zionist Police, if there wasn't a State, the Arabs would have murdered him and then mutilated his fat stomach! 

The history of Arabs and Jews was never pretty despite the lies and propaganda from Chareide media, to justify their absurd bizarre opposition to the State! 

Nazis murdered 6 million Jews before the State was established! The British stood by while Arabs chopped off limbs of Jewish men and women in Chevron in 1929 !

At least now we have an army and we can take those bastards with us! 

 צפו בדבריו של אחד מאנשי מחאת הרב פ


Garnel Ironheart said...

Back in Europe, folks like him told people to stay put and not try to escape to Israel before the war, remember?

Big Boych said...

Ok, you don't have to get so graphic

Ferd said...

Forget about all these boring guys who UOJ hillariously refers to these kinds of soapboxes as "Putz in the street interviews". We want to hear from the Bnei Brak alter kacker with the foul mouth who waves the stick of lumber around in threatening fashion!

Anonymous said...

The Arabs will be happy to kill the chareidim whether they want the Medina or not.

Anonymous said...

Does DIN have any family that serves/d ? Did Mr.DIN serve?

Dusiznies said...

My children served with distinction B"H

jack said...

Deport this filthy TREASONOUS RAT to Gaza immediately

Anonymous said...

Pardon?! He was here before you blokes showed up & stepped onto his turf! Deport yourself

Brisker Payois said...

"His Turf?" What made it "his turf?" You can say that about the Cannaim , it was there turf before we took it! What a stupid remark!

Anonymous said...

If that toots your sideburns' boat show cana'anim deference too
Unless in spite your ignorance your basis for being here is observing something given on a mountain

Anonymous said...

Holler & froth as much you like ,since you suspect he may well be on to something.
Charedim are willing to give a chance to make up with the arabs.
Either offer them the state or at least accept it's a problem of your own sector

Brisker Payois said...

Why didn't Moshe Rabbeinu make up with Amaleik? Why didn't he offer them a state? Or "at least accept them"?

Dusiznies said...

Arabs kill Chareidim too? Hey do you live in Israel? Why don't you give the Arabs your home?
Oh! You want others to give them a home, but not YOUR HOME!
Arabs don't want a state they have 22 others, they want to kill Jews! Arabs don't want any land, Gaza launched over 100,000 missiles at Jews without one single Jew living there! Interesting that when Jews did live in Gaza not one missile was launched!

שרה ליין said...

You are a very sick person! No Jew has a right to give any part of Israel to Goyim!

Anonymous said...

Since they were fighting HEAVEN
Akin to your secularist buddies
Show a single *authentic source that Arabs are Amalek
* Authentic-rather than flashpan pontificators

Anonymous said...

R Ovadia Yosef, just about everybody else disagrees
Besides, put in relevance when you respond
ahh When caught on a empty ,make a racket

Cohen said...

How about it?Give the charedim the opportunity.Will it destroy the subrosa raison d'êtat

Dusiznies said...

In 1980, Harav Hagoen Yisroel Hess z'l published an article in the Bar Ilan University student newspaper, arguing that the Arabs of today are both spiritually and genetically Amalekites

Dusiznies said...

I am sick and tired of the "cohens' 1:09"
Interesting how the sheltered ignorant Chareidim teamed up with far-leftists anarchists to promote the crazed idea that you can make peace with Arabs!
Why don't you ask the Arab loving Leftists of Kibbutz Beiri whose limbs were chopped off while they were alive whose live babies were thrown in ovens, ask them if they still believe that you can make peace with Arabs !They believed it on Oct 6!
Ask the families of those murdered in Har Nof with their Tallis and Tefillin on if you can make peace with Arabs!
This Stupid Charieide on the video is a dumb fool who would be the first to run to a Zionist cop if an Arab would beat the crap out of him!

Cohen Y said...

a.as R yisroel z"l was my relative
b.How was the original DNA taken from an amalekite for comparison
Good man, nonetheless with a predisposed bias

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

Y Cohen
"DNA" ? On a concept? Even Chazal weren't sure who Ameleik is , but today we know as Arabs fit in perfectly to all the categories of what Ameiliek should and is!

Cohen said...

All categories- False, at minimum partially.
cf.R Henoch Leibowitz

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

Your crazed answers are stupid! We Jews have a principal
הבא להורגו השקם להרגו
You and that Chareidei idiot should move to Ramallah, that is also Eretz Yisrael!

Cohen said...

Forever moving the foul lines,typical?