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Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Letter that Theodor Herzl Wrote in 1897 ... as if he wrote it yesterday!


Herzl, in 1897

"We have sincerely tried everywhere to merge with the national communities in which we live, seeking only to preserve the faith of our fathers. It is not permitted.

 In vain are we loyal patriots, sometimes super loyal; in vain do we make the same sacrifices of life and property as our fellow citizens; in vain do we strive to enhance the fame of our native lands in the arts and sciences, or her wealth by trade and commerce.

 In our native lands where we have lived for centuries, we are still decried as aliens, often by men whose ancestors had not yet come at a time when Jewish sighs had long been heard in the country...If we were only left in peace...But I think we shall not be left in peace."

I know that with the above Herzl quote, all the haters will come out like roaches when lights come on! 

The truth is that both Satmar and Skver owe Herzl, a huge hakoras ha'toiv, but they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the good that he did for them! 

In 1903 Theodor Herzl presented the Sixth World Zionist Congress in Basil with the infamous "Uganda Scheme!" 

Herzl presented this idea as a temporary refuge for Jews to escape the rising antisemitism in Europe.

This "Uganda" business was not his idea it was the brainchild of the British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain who wanted to create a Jewish Homeland in Uganda, Herzl was initially against the scheme as his focus was primarily on Palestine, however, everything changed after the Kishnev Pogrom and at that point, he went all out to a secure a Jewish Homeland even if it was Uganda; the scheme crashed and failed as the Zionist were against it; they wanted Eretz Yisrael exclusively! 

The proof that he initially wanted Palestine is in the letter above that was printed in 1897, six years BEFORE he presented the "Uganda Scheme" to the Zionist Congress. In the letter, he laments and expresses his sorrow that Jews "will never be left in peace" in the diaspora. There are of course many other documents that prove this as well!

So what does this have to do with Satmar? 

A couple of weeks ago both Der Goy and Der Bloteh, Satmar newspapers, denigrated Herzl  falsely claiming that Herzl "really had no connection to Eretz Yisrael since he proposed "Uganda" as a Homeland for the Jewish people"

We all know, especially history buffs, that this is a bald-faced fabricated lie! 

What is fascinating is what they didn't write! 

What they didn't have the cajónes to write was that Satmar and Skver actually implemented the "Uganda Scheme" in their own communities! 

Kiryas "Uganda" Yoel in Monroe and New "Uganda" Skver in Spring Valley! 

Both of these communities in Chutz Le'aaretz is precisely the plan that Herzl presented to the Sixth Zionist Congress, having a Jewish State exclusively for Jews outside of Eretz Yisrael! 

Not only aren't they thanking him for this "brilliant" idea but they denigrate him for exactly wanting what they actually did! Herzl never succeeded in this initial "scheme" but Satmar did succeed,. 

Not only that, but Satmar is constantly fighting with their goyishe neighbors because they are seeking to expand Kiryas "uganda" Yoel buying land and expelling the goyim to expand. They are constantly in the courts! Their rallying cry against Jewish Settlers in Eretz Yisrael "Hisgaaras Be'umois" is suddenly silent when it comes to themselves! 

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Black South African politician Tells Off White Anti-Semite


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Guys ...Never tell your date that you will call her back without having any intentions of calling her back


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Hear Rav Shteinman z"l say that those Rabbanim flying to the US to Collect Money have "absolutely no amunah"


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Sweden to Arab Immigrants: "Go Back to Where You Came From Will Give $34,000 Just Go Home!


 Johan Forssell, who will turn 45 this December, was appointed Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy in the cabinet of Conservative Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on Tuesday, and already we’re hearing groundbreaking news from him, namely, that Sweden is willing to pay Arab immigrants as much as $34,000 to please, please, go back to where they came from.

At one point, American liberals regarded Sweden as a model of the Scandinavian welfare state, viewing it as a source of inspiration. But alas, today’s Sweden holds the unfortunate title of having the highest incidence of gang-related homicides in Europe.

Sweden has taken in a large number of migrants since the 1990s, mostly from the former Yugoslavia, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, and Iraq.

After a quarter century with a heavy flow of asylum seekers, Sweden also has the lowest average age among serious offenders, with minors as young as thirteen being apprehended for murder. A growing number of suburban areas are designated as “particularly vulnerable zones,” where police operations are described as “difficult, nearly unfeasible.” In simpler terms, these regions are considered no-go areas, dominated by local gangs, and first responders are reluctant to enter without protective gear and police accompaniment.

It’s like Gaza with snow.

As gang-related violence transcends national borders, neighboring Scandinavian countries are increasingly apprehensive about potentially facing what is referred to in Denmark as the “Swedish condition.” In a departure from a longstanding taboo, the Swedish government has sought military support to aid the police. The situation has escalated to the extent that Erik Thedeen, the governor of the Bank of Sweden, declared that the escalating incidents of shootings and bombings pose a significant threat to the nation’s long-term economic stability.

This is when Minister Johan Forssell decided – or at least is the most recent Swedish leader to decide – on a blessed merging of the Bank of Sweden and the Asylum program of Sweden.

Sweden plans to pay up to $34,000 to immigrants who leave.

I hear Gaza is nice this time of the year. Ask about the slopes.

Starting in 2026, immigrants who voluntarily return to their countries of origin would be eligible to receive up to 350,000 Swedish kronor ($34,000). “We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy,” Minister Forssell told reporters.

Forssell is a member of the liberal-conservative Moderate Party, supporting tax cuts, the free market, civil liberties, and economic liberalism. Globally, it is a full member of the International Democracy Union and the European People’s Party.

Earlier this month, PM Kristersson reshuffled his cabinet, and Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard was made the new Foreign Minister. Forssell replaced her as Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy. He stated that he intended to keep with Stenergard’s policies and maintain Sweden’s lowest immigration numbers of the 21st century that had been reached on her shift.

Surface-to-Surface Missile from Yemen Hits Central Israel

 Rocket alerts went off in central Israel at 6:32 AM Sunday morning.

According to the IDF, a surface-to-surface missile was launched from Yemen at Israel. The IDF says the missile landed in an open area. A loud explosion was heard, followed by smaller explosions, presumably from interception attempts.

A fire has broken out in the area where the rocket landed. No casualties are reported.

Part of an interceptor rocket fell in Modi’in.

This was the first missile launched by the Houthis at Israel in two months. On July 20, Israel struck and devastated the Yemeni port of Al Hudaydah, retaliating for a Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv that killed one Israeli and wounded seven people.

Since October 2023, the Houthis have launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel.

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USA Citizens Living Overseas Can Vote Online in USA Election

Reminder to all USA citizens who have not yet requested an absentee ballot, now is the time to do so. The OU makes it easy. Visit 

Teach Coalition - Mobilizing the Jewish Vote: Overseas Voting Info - Teach Coalition

to request your absentee ballot

 Teach Coalition - Mobilizing the Jewish Vote: Overseas Voting Info - Teach Coalition

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Watch out! This is not a Chareide this is a Palestinian!

Traffic police operating in Ramat Gan on Friday morning spotted a man riding an electric bike without a helmet properly secured on his head.

They stopped the man and after asking him for his ID, he tried to flee. The officer responded swiftly, arresting the suspect and transferring him for questioning at the Bnei Brak police station.

During the interrogation, the police discovered that the “Chareidi” man was an illegal Palestinian, 49, from the Shomron.

A search of the suspect and his belongings revealed a stolen identification card showing him to be a Chareidi man from Bnei Brak, four mobile phones, an IDF combat soldier identification card, pepper spray, and a large sum of cash.

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Charedim and Netanyahu Agree to Draft Exemption Law


On Wednesday, Charedi Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf, the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) chairman, came to an agreement with Prime Minister Netanyahu over the draft law, according to Israel’s Hamodia newspaper.

According to the report, the law exempting Charedim from the draft will be passed before Rosh Hashanah, in return for his party’s much-needed support for Netanyahu’s 2025 budget.

The Hamodia newspaper is affiliated with the Agudas Yisrael faction of UTJ. It reported that the draft law “will recognize the importance of Torah study and of Torah students and will thwart the harm being done to yeshiva students.”

Goldknopf reportedly stipulated to Netanyahu that the law must pass three readings in the Knesset before Rosh Hashanah. According to the report, there will be a follow-up meeting between the sides this week, to monitor the progress of the preparation of the law.

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Taylor Swift’s Endorsement Harming Kamala Harris ..Poll Finds


Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris may not be as influential as expected. A YouGov poll shows only 8% of voters are more likely to support Harris due to Swift’s backing, while 20% are less likely. The majority, 66%, said Swift’s endorsement made no difference in their vote.

Swift praised Harris as a “steady-handed, gifted leader” in an Instagram post to her 283 million followers. Despite this, 41% of respondents think Swift should avoid discussing politics, though 38% support her public endorsements.

Her post did lead to 337,826 visitors to the voter registration site vote.gov. However, while 46% thought Harris won the recent debate, only 6% reconsidered their vote based on it.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Major Left Wing Media Outlet asks About ABC Moderators "With fact-checks like these, how does truth stand a chance?"


The article below appeared on the left-wing media outlet "The Hill" is the left turning on Kamala?

“You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”

That famous line from Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) remains a virtual mantra for politicians and pundits. Yet, judging from the presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, we have officially entered the post-truth political era.

ABC News has been widely criticized for the bias of the two moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir. Even liberal outlets acknowledged that the two journalists seemed inclined to “fact check” only Trump. In the meantime, they allowed clearly false statements from Harris go unchallenged.

Three of the unchecked claims are being widely disseminated by supporters, including some in the media. Here are three legal “facts” that are being repeated despite being clearly untrue.

Crime is down under the Biden-Harris administration.

One of the most notable slap downs by ABC followed Trump commenting that crime rates have drastically risen during the Biden-Harris administration. Muir immediately balked and declared: “As you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”

Harris and her allies have been repeating the claim by ABC. But the actual statistics show that Trump was right. The Justice Department’s released survey found that, under the Biden administration, there has been a significant increase in crime. Violent crime was up 37 percent from 2020 to 2023, rape is up 42 percent, robbery is up 63 percent and stranger violence is up 61 percent. Other reports had shown startling increases such as a doubling of carjackings in D.C. in 2023

Kamala's First Solo Interview after Debate with Local Pennsylvania Reporter Turns into Disaster ...Word Salad after Word Salad


Kamala Harris, during her second interview on Friday since joining the race, undermined her record in the Biden-Harris administration by stating the administration’s policies are not fit for the “twenty-first century.”

Harris faces a conundrum: She cannot campaign on policies to fix crime, inflation, and border security without undermining the Biden-Harris administration’s policies, but she must tout the administration’s policies to validate her record and candidacy.

Speaking with Brian Taff of Philadelphia’s Action News 6 ABC, as the Harris campaign promised she would Thursday after she was slammed for failing to answer questions during Tuesday’s debate, Harris suggested she has a fresh “approach” with “new ideas” for the “current moment.”

“I wonder if there are one or two spots, policy areas or approaches where you would say I’m a different person [than Joe Biden]?” asked Taff.

“My approach is about new ideas, new policies that are directed at the current moment. And also, to be very honest with you, my focus is very much in what we need to do over the next ten twenty years to catch up to the twenty first century,” Harris replied.

“I’m obviously not Joe Biden, and you know, I offer a new generation of leadership,” she said, providing examples that the Biden-Harris administration failed to achieve, such as helping citizens achieve the American dream:

And so, for example, thinking about developing and creating an opportunity economy where it’s about investing in areas that really need a lot of work, and maybe focusing on again, the aspirations and the dreams, but also just recognizing that at this moment in time, some of the stuff we could take for granted years ago, we can’t take for granted anymore. For example, another plan that I have that is a new approach is to expand the child tax credit to $6,000 for young families for the first year of their child’s life, because that is obviously a very critical stage of development of a child, and a lot of young parents need the help to buy a car seat or a crib or clothes for their kids.

Taff also asked Harris how she would go about bringing “down prices and making life more affordable for people.”

Harris responded with the same rehearsed answer she used in the debate. “I grew up a middle class kid,” Harris replied, again ignoring the question. As Breitbart News reported, Harris’s claim is “mostly false.” Harris grew up with an affluent Canadian upbringing, growing up in Westmount.

When asked what she understands former President Donald Trump’s “appeal to be and how do you speak to his voters [about it],” Harris delivered a word salad and did not answer the question directly.

“I, based on experience and and a lived experience, know in my heart, I know in my soul, I know that the vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us,” she rambled. “And I also believe that I am accurate in knowing that most Americans want a leader who brings us together as Americans, and not someone who professes to be a leader who is trying to have us point our fingers at each other.”

“Let’s bring everybody together,” she said. 

Harris lastly said she wants to ban guns. “I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the second amendment and your right to own a gun to say that we need an assault weapons ban,” she said. “They’re literally tools of war.”

“We’re not taking anybody’s guns away,” she added in the same breath.

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Pro-Hamas Bastards Threatening the Life of Plastic Surgeon Treating Oct 7 Victims for Free!

David Fighting for Jews
David with Dr Savetsky 

A New York City plastic surgeon who has been treating victims of Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre for free said he and his practice have been inundated with violent threats for almost a year because of his outspoken philanthropy.

Dr. Ira Savetsky says he is now in regular contact with the NYPD, FBI and the mayor’s office over the cascade of hate — which at times takes the form of hundreds of harassing calls and messages to his medical practice every day.

“I would say there was an initial wave within a few weeks after October 7 and then I had a huge uptick of threats and attacks in January,” Savetsky, 39, said. “I’ve definitely increased the security of my office and even our home.”

“They got, got a hold of my wife’s WhatsApp and they were sending her pictures of her parents house in Texas, saying, like, we’re coming for your family,” Savetsky recalled.

In one phone call to his Park Avenue practice, an unhinged caller warned “I am going to come to your office and beat the s— out of you, Monday morning 9am get ready.” Another caller said “I hope you commit suicide, please kill yourself in front of your kids.”

Both voicemails — and many others — were forwarded to the FBI.

“F— YOU YOU DISGUSTING JEW BAG CRIMINAL,” Savetsky received in an Instagram message. “Hopefully somebody will kill u … you are the vermin and scum of this planet.”

Savetsky and his wife — former Real Housewife star Lizzy Savetsky — have long been known for their outspoken support of the state of Israel — efforts which they redoubled after Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 terrorist attack.

Over the last year, Ira Savetsky has been offering free reconstructive procedures for American victims of antisemitic violence — as well as Oct. 7 survivors.

In June he operated on an IDF soldier named David who suffered injuries to his face during the attack. Savetsky later met up with him in Israel, where he was recovering through the services of the nonprofit BelevEchad — which provides rehabilitative services wounded Israeli soldiers.

“They got ambushed by about 400 terrorists. And David was there fighting. He unfortunately lost several people in his unit, and he got injured while fighting and also while actually saving a few people,” Savetsky said.

Savetsky said he’s filed at least five police reports since Oct. 7 — but so far there have been no arrests.

“I have great respect for law enforcement and believe they are working hard to protect us, taking these threats very seriously,” he said but added that “I wish there was more decisive action taken against those who have threatened us.”

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Egypt is snubbing the US — so why has Biden come to its rescue?


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi made a fool of the United States — and the Biden-Harris administration rewarded him for his ridicule. 

Last Sunday, the National Interest reported that Egypt is ditching US F-16 fighter jets for their Chinese competitor, the J-10C. The US had offered to upgrade Egypt’s aging fleet of F-16s. Sisi said no, and chose China instead.

On the face of things, Egypt’s betrayal makes no sense. A year ago, Egypt was on the brink of insolvency. Its external debt made up 46% of its GDP.

Its local currency was a joke and inflation rates of 35% (70% for foodstuffs) was making it impossible for the Egyptian middle class to make it through the month.

Thanks in large part to the Biden-Harris administration, Egypt’s financial woes are now a thing of the past. In March, at Washington’s urging, the International Monetary Fund approved a long delayed $8 billion loan to Egypt.

That loan persuaded the EU to provide Egypt with loans and grants totaling another $8 billion shortly thereafter.

Had the US not been involved, given the Sisi regime’s failed economic leadership, none of that cash would have found its way to Egypt.

In the past, the US could have been expected to respond to Egypt’s slap in the face by suspending its annual $1.3 billion military aid package.

If the Egyptians prefer the Chinese, then the Chinese can give them handouts.

Instead, Wednesday the State Department announced that for the first time in three years, it is going to hand over the entire sum with no strings attached.

Between 2021-2023, the US withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Cairo due to the Sisi regime’s lousy human rights record.

But mere days after Cairo opted to go with Washington’s chief superpower rival to modernize its air force, the State Department announced that it is rewarding Egypt for its treachery.

“This decision is important to advancing regional peace and Egypt’s specific and ongoing contributions to US national security priorities, particularly to finalize a cease-fire agreement for Gaza, bring the hostages home, surge humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in need, and help bring an enduring end to the Israel-Hamas conflict.”

This State Department announcement holds the key to understanding why Egypt isn’t worried about double-crossing Washington.

Far from rewarding Egypt for its actions since Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, the US should have sanctioned it.

Without Egypt, Hamas would never have been able to build up the massive arsenal of missiles and weapons that it used to invade Israel on Oct. 7, and to wage war against Israel until today. 

Since Israel seized control over the Gaza side of the Gaza-Egypt border in May, its forces have discovered more than 50 subterranean tunnels that cross into Egypt.

One such tunnel was 10 feet tall and wide enough for a truck to drive through. 

The Egyptian side of the border is controlled by a consortium called the al-Organi Group. Egyptian President Sisi’s son, General Mahmoud Sisi, is a silent partner in Organi’s operations.

These include getting paid tens of millions of dollars for all goods and people traversing the border with Gaza.

Hamas is the official Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sisi rose to power in 2013 by ousting the Muslim Brotherhood regime from power and they remain mortal enemies.

Given this, the Egyptian president could have been expected to stand with Israel against Hamas. But the opposite has been the case.

Since the outset of the war, Sisi and his senior officials have repeatedly threatened to abrogate Egypt’s 1979 peace treaty with Israel if Israel fails to relent in its war effort. 

America’s relationship with Egypt is rooted in that peace treaty. Washington brokered it. The Biden-Harris team could have been expected to react with fury to Sisi’s threats.

But just as was the case with the F-16 snub, so here, the opposite happened.

The administration responded to Sisi’s open animosity and constant threats to Israel by rewarding and praising him as its key partner. 

Sisi moved from siding with Hamas against Israel to standing with China against the US.

And the administration responded by giving him $1.3 billion in unconditional military assistance (while maintaining its unofficial embargo of offensive ordnance against Israel). 

The message he got and acted on is obvious: Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, standing with America is for suckers.  

by Carolyn Glick 

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