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Monday, July 1, 2024

Protestors against the Draft Nearly Kill the Gerer MK Goldknopf but not before the Big Tzaddik R' Moshe Sternbuch Provokes the Crowd into a Frenzy

 Chareidim eating their own like the fish in the sea! It seems that Goldknopf is not extreme enough for them, so they nearly lynched him!

I think that Ger will not stand idly by while one of their own is being beaten, they will soon mobilize and beat the crap out of Peleg, just you watch! 

All this while other gedoilim were standing nearby! 

Among those participating in the demonstration, were senior members of the Eda Charedis, in addition to the Peleg Yerushalayim group. Based on videos and pictures, it appeared that thousands of participants joined the rally.

Shortly before the demonstration, the leaders of the BaDaTZ Eda Haredis, led by HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch shlit’a, addressed the demonstrators.

Protesters carried signs saying “We will not join the enemy army” and “We will die and not enlist.” Photos show clashes between demonstrators and police, as well as dumpster fires and police shooting and spraying protesters with hoses and water cannons. Protesters marched through the streets to various sections of the neighboring areas.
According to reports, some Roshei Yeshiva even called on yeshiva students to leave seder to join the demonstration, a signal of the critical nature of the draft threat.


Anonymous said...

If you’re gonna attack Dayan Sternbuch, why not post what he said so we can decide for ourselves?

Garnel Ironheart said...

If Torah study protects, shouldn't they have been in their yeshivos learning twice as hard?

Anonymous said...

They want you to be aware so they can protect you too